Sergijev Posad (Russia) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about the destination Sergijev Posad in Russia.
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If you are interested in visiting cities around Moscow to explore Russian culture, I will tell you about the another city.
Sergiev Posad is one of the cities of Golden Ring of Russia.
Golden Ring is a touristic route which include ancient towns and unique monuments.
The population of the town is more than 103 444.
1)The Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra
Свято Троицкая Сергиева лавра
In 1993, the Trinity Lavra was inscribed on the UN World Heritage List.
This is the most popular place in Sergiev Posad.
The Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius is the most important Russian monastery and the spiritual centre of the Russian Orthodox Church. The monastery was founded in 1337 by one of the Russian saints, we saw his monument in the beginning, Sergius of Radonezh.
In 17 th century the Lavra was attacked by Poles and Lithuanian, by Germans and even by Russians in Soviet time
2) The central building is The Trinity Cathedral Троицкий собор
The interior walls were painted by Andrei Rublev. There are relics of Sergius of Radonezh.
3)Dormition Cathedral - Успенский собор появился через сто пятьдесят лет - в 1585-м. Он был построен по велению Ивана Грозного.
4) White pond- Белый пруд
5) Museum complex “Konniy dvor”- Музейный комплекс «Конный двор»
( Каравай – Хлеб (here you can buy monastery bread)
ул. 1й Ударной Армии, Sergiev Posad)
6) Kelarskiy Pond -Келарский пруд
7) Blinnaya Hill -Observation Deck -Смотровая площадка «Блинная гора»
8) Gethsemane Chernigovsky skete – Гефсиманский Черниговский скит
9) Holy water
Orthodox people have a tradition to fill their bottles with holy water and drink it. You can also try it
10) Gremyachiy Waterfall- Гремячий водопад
The other holy place near this town is Gremyachiy Waterfall- Гремячий водопад and here you can also drink the holy water and plunge into the font.
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Sergijev Posad (Russia) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Sergijev Posad in Russia.
Around seventy kilometres north of Moscow is Sergijev Posad, a monastery city named after its founder, Sergij Radoneschkij. During the fourteenth century one of the main centres of the Russian Orthodox Church was established there. The complex resembles a fortress. Eight fortified towers and a high wall assured protection against attack by the Tartars, Lithuanians, Swedes and Poles. In the centre of the monastery town is Uspenskij Sobor Cathedral that was built under the command of Ivan The Fourth, also known as “the Terrible”, in 1554. The monastery’s Holy Spring was said to possess healing powers. The Zirborium was built in the seventeenth century above the spring. It is very colourful, rich in decoration and has a playful kind of splendour. Alexander Pushkin once said: We owe our history to the monks and consequently we also have our culture.” Indeed, although the monastery city of Sergijev Posad features an array of fascinating Russian architecture of bygone times, it is more than just a monument. It is a lively sanctuary of the Russian Orthodox Church.
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Сергиев Посад (Загорск) ЛАВРА -10 Русские города Sergiev Posad LAVRA Russian cities 俄羅斯城市 रूसी शहर
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#СергиевПосад #SergievPosad #Лавра #Русскиегорода #Russiancity #LAVRA #謝爾蓋耶夫鎮 #セルギエフポサド #सर्गिएवपोसाद #俄羅斯城市 #ロシアの都市 #RussischeStädte #Villesrusses #Ciudadesrusas
Сергиев Посад (в 1930—1991 гг. — Загорск) — город в Московской области России. Административный центр. Сергиево-Посадского городского округа Московской области. В городе находится ставропигиальный мужской монастырь Русской православной церкви, объект Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО — Троице-Сергиева лавра. Входит в туристический маршрут «Золотое кольцо России».
Sergiev Posad (in 1930-1991 - Zagorsk) is a city in the Moscow region of Russia. Administrative center. Sergiev Posad urban district of the Moscow region. The city is home to the stauropegial monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church, a UNESCO World Heritage Site - the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Included in the tourist route Golden Ring of Russia.
謝爾蓋耶夫鎮(1930-1991 - 扎戈爾斯克)是俄羅斯莫斯科地區的一座城市。 行政中心。 莫斯科地區的Sergiev Posad市區。 這座城市是俄羅斯東正教教堂的 stauropegial 修道院的所在地,該修道院被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產 - 三一謝爾蓋修道院。 包括在“俄羅斯金環”旅遊線路中。
Sergiev Posad (1930-1991 में - Zagorsk) रूस के मास्को क्षेत्र का एक शहर है। प्रशासनिक केंद्र। मॉस्को क्षेत्र का सर्गिएव पोसाद शहरी जिला। यह शहर रूसी ऑर्थोडॉक्स चर्च, यूनेस्को की विश्व धरोहर स्थल - ट्रिनिटी-सर्जियस लावरा के स्टॉरोपेगियल मठ का घर है। पर्यटक मार्ग रूस की गोल्डन रिंग में शामिल है।
Sergiev Posad (1930-1991 - Zagorsk) は、ロシアのモスクワ地方の都市です。 行政センター。 モスクワ地方のセルギエフ・ポサド市街地。 この街には、ユネスコの世界遺産に登録されているロシア正教会のスタウロペジアル修道院、トリニティ セルギイ大修道院があります。 観光ルート「ロシアのゴールデンリング」に含まれています。
Sergiev Posad (1930-1991 - Zagorsk)는 러시아 모스크바 지역의 도시입니다. 관리 센터. 모스크바 지역의 Sergiev Posad 도시 지구. 이 도시는 유네스코 세계 문화유산으로 지정된 러시아 정교회 수도원인 트리니티-세르지오 라브라(Trinity-Sergius Lavra)가 있는 곳입니다. 관광 루트 러시아의 황금 고리에 포함됩니다.
سيرجيف بوساد (1930-1991 - زاغورسك) هي مدينة في منطقة موسكو في روسيا. المركز الإداري. منطقة سيرجيف بوساد الحضرية في منطقة موسكو. المدينة هي موطن لدير stauropegial للكنيسة الروسية الأرثوذكسية ، أحد مواقع التراث العالمي لليونسكو - Trinity-Sergius Lavra. المدرجة في الطريق السياحي الحلقة الذهبية لروسيا.
Sergiev Posad (1930-1991 - Zagorsk) ist eine Stadt in der Region Moskau in Russland. Verwaltungszentrum. Stadtbezirk Sergiev Posad in der Region Moskau. Die Stadt beherbergt das Stauropegial-Kloster der russisch-orthodoxen Kirche, das zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe gehört - das Dreifaltigkeits-Sergius-Kloster. In der touristischen Route Goldener Ring Russlands enthalten.
Sergiev Posad (en 1930-1991 - Zagorsk) est une ville de la région de Moscou en Russie. Centre administratif. District urbain de Sergiev Posad de la région de Moscou. La ville abrite le monastère stauropégial de l'Église orthodoxe russe, un site du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO - la laure de la Trinité-Sergius. Inclus dans la route touristique Anneau d'or de la Russie.
Sergiev Posad (en 1930-1991 - Zagorsk) es una ciudad en la región de Moscú de Rusia. Centro administrativo. Distrito urbano de Sergiev Posad de la región de Moscú. La ciudad alberga el monasterio estauropegio de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa, declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO: la Trinidad-Sergius Lavra. Incluido en la ruta turística Anillo de Oro de Rusia.
Sergiev Posad (em 1930-1991 - Zagorsk) é uma cidade na região de Moscou, na Rússia. Centro administrativo. Distrito urbano de Sergiev Posad da região de Moscou. A cidade abriga o mosteiro estauropégico da Igreja Ortodoxa Russa, um Patrimônio Mundial da UNESCO - o Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Incluído na rota turística Anel de Ouro da Rússia.
Sergiev Posad (nel 1930-1991 - Zagorsk) è una città nella regione russa di Mosca. Centro amministrativo. Distretto urbano di Sergiev Posad della regione di Mosca. La città ospita il monastero stauropegiale della Chiesa ortodossa russa, patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO: la Trinità-Sergio Lavra. Incluso nel percorso turistico Anello d'oro della Russia.
Sergiev Posad (tahun 1930-1991 - Zagorsk) adalah sebuah kota di wilayah Moskow Rusia. Pusat administrasi. Distrik kota Sergiev Posad di wilayah Moskow. Kota ini adalah rumah bagi biara stauropegial Gereja Ortodoks Rusia, Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO - Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Termasuk dalam rute wisata Golden Ring of Russia.
סרגייב פוסאד (בשנים 1930-1991 - זגורסק) היא עיר במחוז מוסקבה ברוסיה. מרכז אדמיניסטרטיבי. מחוז עירוני סרגייב פוסאד של אזור מוסקבה. העיר היא ביתו של המנזר הסטארופגיאלי של הכנסייה הרוסית האורתודוקסית, אתר מורשת עולמית של אונסקו - השילוש-סרגיוס לאברה. כלול במסלול התיירות טבעת הזהב של רוסיה.
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Zagorsk, Russia
Recorded August 30, 2013
Zagorsk (Sergiyev Posad) grew in the 15th century around one of the greatest of Russian monasteries, the Trinity Lavra established by St. Sergius of Radonezh. Unfortunately during the time of my visit massive restorations were going on and a lot of the buildings were covered in scaffolding.
Watch my complete Russia video @
Sergiev Posad
Sergiev Posad is a city in Russia, northeast of Moscow. It's part of the Golden Ring cluster of ancient towns and known for the 14th-century Trinity Lavra St. Sergius monastery complex. The complex’s Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles (or Assumption) has blue and gold onion domes and interior frescoes. The Trinity Cathedral houses the tomb of St. Sergius. Bells ring from a towering blue-and-white belfry.
Founded in 1347
Sergiyev Posad a small City outside Moscow 🇷🇺 #travel
#travel #vlog #russia
Sergiev Posad is a city in Russia, northeast of Moscow. It's part of the Golden Ring cluster of ancient towns and is known for the 14th-century Trinity Lavra St. Sergius monastery complex. The complex’s Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles (or Assumption) has blue and gold onion domes and interior frescoes. The Trinity Cathedral houses the tomb of St. Sergius. Bells ring from a towering blue-and-white belfry.
Nature and landscape around the city.
What's in Sergiev Posad - Golden Ring Russia (Золотое кольцо России)
What's in Sergiev Posad - Golden Ring Russia (Золото́е кольцо́ Росси́и)
Sergiev Posad is a very interesting city and nearest to Moscow. It has one of the largest Cathedrals on the Golden Ring of Russia
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Sergiev Posad LAVRA -10 #shorts Russian cities Сергиев Посад (Загорск) ЛАВРА Русские города 俄羅斯 रूस
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#СергиевПосад #SergievPosad #Лавра #Русскиегорода #Russiancity #LAVRA #謝爾蓋耶夫鎮 #セルギエフポサド #सर्गिएवपोसाद #俄羅斯城市 #ロシアの都市 #RussischeStädte #Villesrusses #Ciudadesrusas
Sergiev Posad (in 1930-1991 - Zagorsk) is a city in the Moscow region of Russia. Administrative center. Sergiev Posad urban district of the Moscow region. The city is home to the stauropegial monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church, a UNESCO World Heritage Site - the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Included in the tourist route Golden Ring of Russia.
Сергиев Посад (в 1930—1991 гг. — Загорск) — город в Московской области России. Административный центр. Сергиево-Посадского городского округа Московской области. В городе находится ставропигиальный мужской монастырь Русской православной церкви, объект Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО — Троице-Сергиева лавра. Входит в туристический маршрут «Золотое кольцо России».
謝爾蓋耶夫鎮(1930-1991 - 扎戈爾斯克)是俄羅斯莫斯科地區的一座城市。 行政中心。 莫斯科地區的Sergiev Posad市區。 這座城市是俄羅斯東正教教堂的 stauropegial 修道院的所在地,該修道院被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產 - 三一謝爾蓋修道院。 包括在“俄羅斯金環”旅遊線路中。
Sergiev Posad (1930-1991 में - Zagorsk) रूस के मास्को क्षेत्र का एक शहर है। प्रशासनिक केंद्र। मॉस्को क्षेत्र का सर्गिएव पोसाद शहरी जिला। यह शहर रूसी ऑर्थोडॉक्स चर्च, यूनेस्को की विश्व धरोहर स्थल - ट्रिनिटी-सर्जियस लावरा के स्टॉरोपेगियल मठ का घर है। पर्यटक मार्ग रूस की गोल्डन रिंग में शामिल है।
Sergiev Posad (1930-1991 - Zagorsk) は、ロシアのモスクワ地方の都市です。 行政センター。 モスクワ地方のセルギエフ・ポサド市街地。 この街には、ユネスコの世界遺産に登録されているロシア正教会のスタウロペジアル修道院、トリニティ セルギイ大修道院があります。 観光ルート「ロシアのゴールデンリング」に含まれています。
Sergiev Posad (1930-1991 - Zagorsk)는 러시아 모스크바 지역의 도시입니다. 관리 센터. 모스크바 지역의 Sergiev Posad 도시 지구. 이 도시는 유네스코 세계 문화유산으로 지정된 러시아 정교회 수도원인 트리니티-세르지오 라브라(Trinity-Sergius Lavra)가 있는 곳입니다. 관광 루트 러시아의 황금 고리에 포함됩니다.
سيرجيف بوساد (1930-1991 - زاغورسك) هي مدينة في منطقة موسكو في روسيا. المركز الإداري. منطقة سيرجيف بوساد الحضرية في منطقة موسكو. المدينة هي موطن لدير stauropegial للكنيسة الروسية الأرثوذكسية ، أحد مواقع التراث العالمي لليونسكو - Trinity-Sergius Lavra. المدرجة في الطريق السياحي الحلقة الذهبية لروسيا.
Sergiev Posad (1930-1991 - Zagorsk) ist eine Stadt in der Region Moskau in Russland. Verwaltungszentrum. Stadtbezirk Sergiev Posad in der Region Moskau. Die Stadt beherbergt das Stauropegial-Kloster der russisch-orthodoxen Kirche, das zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe gehört - das Dreifaltigkeits-Sergius-Kloster. In der touristischen Route Goldener Ring Russlands enthalten.
Sergiev Posad (en 1930-1991 - Zagorsk) est une ville de la région de Moscou en Russie. Centre administratif. District urbain de Sergiev Posad de la région de Moscou. La ville abrite le monastère stauropégial de l'Église orthodoxe russe, un site du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO - la laure de la Trinité-Sergius. Inclus dans la route touristique Anneau d'or de la Russie.
Sergiev Posad (en 1930-1991 - Zagorsk) es una ciudad en la región de Moscú de Rusia. Centro administrativo. Distrito urbano de Sergiev Posad de la región de Moscú. La ciudad alberga el monasterio estauropegio de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa, declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO: la Trinidad-Sergius Lavra. Incluido en la ruta turística Anillo de Oro de Rusia.
Sergiev Posad (em 1930-1991 - Zagorsk) é uma cidade na região de Moscou, na Rússia. Centro administrativo. Distrito urbano de Sergiev Posad da região de Moscou. A cidade abriga o mosteiro estauropégico da Igreja Ortodoxa Russa, um Patrimônio Mundial da UNESCO - o Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Incluído na rota turística Anel de Ouro da Rússia.
Sergiev Posad (nel 1930-1991 - Zagorsk) è una città nella regione russa di Mosca. Centro amministrativo. Distretto urbano di Sergiev Posad della regione di Mosca. La città ospita il monastero stauropegiale della Chiesa ortodossa russa, patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO: la Trinità-Sergio Lavra. Incluso nel percorso turistico Anello d'oro della Russia.
Sergiev Posad (tahun 1930-1991 - Zagorsk) adalah sebuah kota di wilayah Moskow Rusia. Pusat administrasi. Distrik kota Sergiev Posad di wilayah Moskow. Kota ini adalah rumah bagi biara stauropegial Gereja Ortodoks Rusia, Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO - Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Termasuk dalam rute wisata Golden Ring of Russia.
סרגייב פוסאד (בשנים 1930-1991 - זגורסק) היא עיר במחוז מוסקבה ברוסיה. מרכז אדמיניסטרטיבי. מחוז עירוני סרגייב פוסאד של אזור מוסקבה. העיר היא ביתו של המנזר הסטארופגיאלי של הכנסייה הרוסית האורתודוקסית, אתר מורשת עולמית של אונסקו - השילוש-סרגיוס לאברה. כלול במסלול התיירות טבעת הזהב של רוסיה.
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Sergiev-Posad || Visit&Explore Russia
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Russia - Sergiev Posad
The Architectural Ensemble of the Trinity Sergius Lavra in Sergiev Posad is no. 657 on UNESCO's World Heritage List. This video is from a visit to the centre of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Audio: Russian Orthodox Church Music. Voskliknite Gospodevi 2 (Praise The Lord). Performed by Chorovaya Akademia.
See the full story here:
Sergiev Posad Russia feat by Unseen Life Beauty
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This Video was narrated by a citizen of Sergiev Posad
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Sergiev Posad is a city in North Moscow Oblast,
which is famous for its Troitse-Sergiev Monastery,
the spiritual home of the Russian Orthodox Church.
It is often visited as a part of the Golden Ring around Moscow.
Trains leave every 30 minutes between Sergiev Posad and Moscow's Yaroslavsky train station.
The station is located at Komsomolskaya metro station (red line). A one-way ticket to Sergiev Posad costs 176 rubles
(1.5 h, prices in July, 2018) and 181 rubles(2014) on express (5-6 times a day, 1 h). It is an easy day trip from Moscow.
Bus 388 is available at VDNKh (VVTs) for 145 rubles every 15 minutes. However,
be aware of jams about from MKAD to Pushkino almost always in rather extended rush hours.
To get to the town by car take Yaroslavskoe highvay from Rizhski Vokzal (Rizhski train station) or VVTs (VDNKh) -
it takes approximately 2 hours to get to Posad: distance is 70km (40 miles), however see above about jams.
Construction of new intersection between Korolyov and Mytishchi simplified things with the jam a little,
but parts of M8 highway before and after intersection are still crowded because of bottlenecks closer to MKAD and in Klyaz'ma village.
The main tourist spot is the monastery. It can be seen from station and can be reached by foot in about 10 minutes.
The reason why one should see the city is the monastery. The monastery of Sergiev Posad is one of the most beautiful monasteries
in Russia and one of the principal spiritual centers of the Russian Church.
It is a combination of a fortress and a monastery. The seminary of the Russian Orthodox Church is located in the buildings of the complex.
There are several churches to see, a holy source and in general the whole complex with its massive walls and gates is very picturesque.
There are no admission price to pay except for the museum, which shows old religious objects and woven pictures of saints.
At the weekend the monastery can get very crowded, as it hosts some very important icons (at least copies of them).
In return it can be very interesting to observe the believers kissing the icons and praying for hours.
The grave of Boris Godunov (of Pushkin's play and Russian history) and some family members is also located here.
There is a restaurant called Rusky Dvorik (Russian courtier) which is quite good,
but also expensive taking into consideration the general price level of Russian province.
It is located just in front of the entry of the monastery.
Inside the monastery (entering through the main gate and going to the left) there is a really good bakery-pastry,
with local products that seem to be very popular among Russian visitors.
There is also a McDonald's restaurant on the modern part of the town.
Kvas - the traditional cold drink with specific taste: it was prepared based on bread. Some people say it is a bit similar with dark beer.
Mors - berry drink, may be made from any red barries, usually cranberry
Medovukha - low-alcohol drink based on honey
Moscow — about 2 h by train or 2-3 by bus 388, which arrives to VVTs (VDNKh)for around 145 rubles, as of 12 June 2011.
Pushkino — 1 h by train or bus (halfway to Moscow)
Mytishchi and Korolyov — 1.5 h (between Pushkino and Moscow)
Alexandrov is further 50 min by elektrichka and 40 min by express trains (about 5 a day).
Torbeevo Lake - a picturesque recreation place on crossing M8 with A108 (second betonka) not far from the town.
Not much in sense of infrastructure there, and there may be a lot of people in a good day, including those passing by the highway,
but the views may be nice. Took local buses in direction to Bereznyaki
(?? 28,81,120, 15 minutes walk from Bereznyaki, or if you're lucky - even closer from the next stop).
Pereslavl Zalessky can be reached by bus (about 10 a day, some of them running rather late at night.
Most of them are bound further to Yaroslavl, Kostroma or Rybinsk or by hitchhike - for hitchhike start either with local buses ?26 to Krasnozavodsk up
to the turn from the highway, every 10-15 min, or to Torbeevo lake,
than to M8, or by train to Buzhaninovo station
Сергиев Посад за 15 минут – Лавра и другие достопримечательности / Золотое кольцо России #4
Гуляем по Сергиеву Посаду, окунаемся в его самобытную атмосферу, рассказываем о главных городских достопримечательностях и развеиваем миф о том, что Сергиев Посад — это город одной-единственной достопримечательности.
В видео показаны:
01:17 - Блинная гора
02:05 - ЖД Вокзал
02:49 - Церковь Петра и Павла
03:37 - Музей игрушки
04:56 - Келарский пруд
05:15 - Улица Карла Маркса
06:25 - Конный двор
08:11 - Троице-сергиева Лавра
11:49 - Троицкий собор
12:30 - Колокольня Троице-Сергиевой Лавры
12:59 - Успенский собор
13:28 - Царские чертоги
В видео использованы следующие музыкальные композиции:
Track: Run In Dance — Airixis [Audio Library Release]
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Track: Leonell Cassio — Keeping Secrets [Audio Library Release]
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Track: SORRY — VOLTE/FACE [Audio Library Release]
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Track: Patience — Jay Someday [Audio Library Release]
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Track: Firework — Vendredi [Audio Library Release]
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Track: Want You — Vendredi & Sterkøl [Audio Library Release]
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#Cергиев_Посад #Sergiyev_Posad #Лавра
Sergiev Posad: A historic town located just northeast of Moscow, Sergiev Posad is renowned for the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, a spiritual and cultural center of Russian Orthodoxy. The lavra's stunning golden-domed cathedrals and intricate frescoes make it a significant pilgrimage site and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Lake Baikal: Nestled in Siberia, Lake Baikal is the world's oldest, deepest, and most voluminous freshwater lake. Its crystal-clear waters, surrounded by pristine landscapes, showcase a unique ecosystem with diverse flora and fauna. Baikal's natural beauty and importance earned it UNESCO World Heritage status.
Suzdal: One of the Golden Ring cities, Suzdal is a charming and well-preserved historical town known for its picturesque wooden architecture and tranquil countryside setting. The town's numerous churches, bell towers, and monasteries reflect its rich cultural and architectural heritage.
Kazan: Situated on the confluence of the Volga and Kazanka rivers, Kazan is a dynamic city where East meets West. It's celebrated for its iconic Kazan Kremlin, a blend of Tatar and Russian architectural styles, and as a cultural hub with a diverse population, blending Tatar and Russian traditions.
Golden Ring: The Golden Ring is a group of ancient towns encircling Moscow, each offering a glimpse into Russia's past. These towns, characterized by charming wooden architecture and historic churches, provide a unique insight into traditional Russian life and culture.
Kizhi Island: Found in Lake Onega, Kizhi Island is renowned for the Kizhi Pogost, a UNESCO-listed site with a collection of wooden churches and structures that showcase traditional Russian carpentry techniques. The island provides an immersive experience into Russia's rural architectural heritage.
Kamchatka Peninsula: Located in the Russian Far East, Kamchatka is a land of stunnifor nature enthusiasts and adventurers.
Golden Ring: The Golden Ring is a group of ancient towns encircling Moscow, each offering a glimpse into Russia's past. These towns, characterized by charming wooden architecture and historic churches, provide a unique insight into traditional Russian life and culture.
Kizhi Island: Found in Lake Onega, Kizhi Island is renowned for the Kizhi Pogost, a UNESCO-listed site with a collection of wooden churches and structures that showcase traditional Russian carpentry techniques. The island provides an immersive experience into Russia's rural architectural heritage.
Kamchatka Peninsula: Located in the Russian Far East, Kamchatka is a land of stunning natural wonders. It's home to numerous volcanoes, geysers, hot springs, and breathtaking landscapes. The peninsula's untouched wilderness and unique geothermal features make it a paradise for nature enthusiasts and adventurers.
Peterhof Palace: Often referred to as the Russian Versailles, the Peterhof Palace complex near St. Petersburg is renowned for its lavish architecture, stunning gardens, and intricate fountains. The palace showcases the grandeur of imperial Russia and offers visitors a glimpse into its opulent history.
St. Petersburg: Known as the Venice of the North, St. Petersburg is a cultural gem, characterized by its elegant architecture, grand palaces, and world-class museums. From the Hermitage Museum to the iconic canals and the historic Winter Palace, the city is a testament to Russia's imperial past.
Sochi: Nestled between the Black Sea and the Caucasus Mountains, Sochi is a renowned resort city famous for its subtropical climate, beautiful beaches, and vibrant atmosphere. It gained international recognition as the host of the 2014 Winter Olympics.
Trans-Siberian Railway: Stretching across Russia from Moscow to Vladivostok, the Trans-Siberian Railway is one of the longest train journeys in the world. It offers travelers an epic voyage through diverse landscapes, cultures, and time zones, showcasing the vastness and diversity of Russia.
Veliky Novgorod: An ancient city with a rich history, Veliky Novgorod is known for its well-preserved medieval architecture and historic sites. The St. Sophia Cathedral and the Detinets fortress are among its notable attractions, providing insights into Russia's early history.
The Kremlin: Situated in Moscow, the Kremlin is a historic fortified complex that has served as the center of Russian political power for centuries. It houses government offices, museums, cathedrals, and monuments, making it a symbol of Russia's historical and political importance.
The Hermitage: Located in St. Petersburg, the Hermitage Museum is one of the world's largest and most prestigious art museums. Its vast collection spans diverse cultures and eras, featuring art, artifacts, and historical treasures from around the globe.
Город Сергиев Посад за 10 лет 😳 #Shorts
#shorts #россия #сергиевпосад
Сергиев Посад (Загорск) ЛАВРА -11 Русские города Sergiev Posad LAVRA Russian cities 俄羅斯城市 रूसी शहर
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#СергиевПосад #SergievPosad #Лавра #Русскиегорода #Russiancity #LAVRA #謝爾蓋耶夫鎮 #セルギエフポサド #सर्गिएवपोसाद #俄羅斯城市 #ロシアの都市 #RussischeStädte #Villesrusses #Ciudadesrusas
Сергиев Посад (в 1930—1991 гг. — Загорск) — город в Московской области России. Административный центр. Сергиево-Посадского городского округа Московской области. В городе находится ставропигиальный мужской монастырь Русской православной церкви, объект Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО — Троице-Сергиева лавра. Входит в туристический маршрут «Золотое кольцо России».
Sergiev Posad (in 1930-1991 - Zagorsk) is a city in the Moscow region of Russia. Administrative center. Sergiev Posad urban district of the Moscow region. The city is home to the stauropegial monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church, a UNESCO World Heritage Site - the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Included in the tourist route Golden Ring of Russia.
謝爾蓋耶夫鎮(1930-1991 - 扎戈爾斯克)是俄羅斯莫斯科地區的一座城市。 行政中心。 莫斯科地區的Sergiev Posad市區。 這座城市是俄羅斯東正教教堂的 stauropegial 修道院的所在地,該修道院被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產 - 三一謝爾蓋修道院。 包括在“俄羅斯金環”旅遊線路中。
Sergiev Posad (1930-1991 में - Zagorsk) रूस के मास्को क्षेत्र का एक शहर है। प्रशासनिक केंद्र। मॉस्को क्षेत्र का सर्गिएव पोसाद शहरी जिला। यह शहर रूसी ऑर्थोडॉक्स चर्च, यूनेस्को की विश्व धरोहर स्थल - ट्रिनिटी-सर्जियस लावरा के स्टॉरोपेगियल मठ का घर है। पर्यटक मार्ग रूस की गोल्डन रिंग में शामिल है।
Sergiev Posad (1930-1991 - Zagorsk) は、ロシアのモスクワ地方の都市です。 行政センター。 モスクワ地方のセルギエフ・ポサド市街地。 この街には、ユネスコの世界遺産に登録されているロシア正教会のスタウロペジアル修道院、トリニティ セルギイ大修道院があります。 観光ルート「ロシアのゴールデンリング」に含まれています。
Sergiev Posad (1930-1991 - Zagorsk)는 러시아 모스크바 지역의 도시입니다. 관리 센터. 모스크바 지역의 Sergiev Posad 도시 지구. 이 도시는 유네스코 세계 문화유산으로 지정된 러시아 정교회 수도원인 트리니티-세르지오 라브라(Trinity-Sergius Lavra)가 있는 곳입니다. 관광 루트 러시아의 황금 고리에 포함됩니다.
سيرجيف بوساد (1930-1991 - زاغورسك) هي مدينة في منطقة موسكو في روسيا. المركز الإداري. منطقة سيرجيف بوساد الحضرية في منطقة موسكو. المدينة هي موطن لدير stauropegial للكنيسة الروسية الأرثوذكسية ، أحد مواقع التراث العالمي لليونسكو - Trinity-Sergius Lavra. المدرجة في الطريق السياحي الحلقة الذهبية لروسيا.
Sergiev Posad (1930-1991 - Zagorsk) ist eine Stadt in der Region Moskau in Russland. Verwaltungszentrum. Stadtbezirk Sergiev Posad in der Region Moskau. Die Stadt beherbergt das Stauropegial-Kloster der russisch-orthodoxen Kirche, das zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe gehört - das Dreifaltigkeits-Sergius-Kloster. In der touristischen Route Goldener Ring Russlands enthalten.
Sergiev Posad (en 1930-1991 - Zagorsk) est une ville de la région de Moscou en Russie. Centre administratif. District urbain de Sergiev Posad de la région de Moscou. La ville abrite le monastère stauropégial de l'Église orthodoxe russe, un site du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO - la laure de la Trinité-Sergius. Inclus dans la route touristique Anneau d'or de la Russie.
Sergiev Posad (en 1930-1991 - Zagorsk) es una ciudad en la región de Moscú de Rusia. Centro administrativo. Distrito urbano de Sergiev Posad de la región de Moscú. La ciudad alberga el monasterio estauropegio de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa, declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO: la Trinidad-Sergius Lavra. Incluido en la ruta turística Anillo de Oro de Rusia.
Sergiev Posad (em 1930-1991 - Zagorsk) é uma cidade na região de Moscou, na Rússia. Centro administrativo. Distrito urbano de Sergiev Posad da região de Moscou. A cidade abriga o mosteiro estauropégico da Igreja Ortodoxa Russa, um Patrimônio Mundial da UNESCO - o Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Incluído na rota turística Anel de Ouro da Rússia.
Sergiev Posad (nel 1930-1991 - Zagorsk) è una città nella regione russa di Mosca. Centro amministrativo. Distretto urbano di Sergiev Posad della regione di Mosca. La città ospita il monastero stauropegiale della Chiesa ortodossa russa, patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO: la Trinità-Sergio Lavra. Incluso nel percorso turistico Anello d'oro della Russia.
Sergiev Posad (tahun 1930-1991 - Zagorsk) adalah sebuah kota di wilayah Moskow Rusia. Pusat administrasi. Distrik kota Sergiev Posad di wilayah Moskow. Kota ini adalah rumah bagi biara stauropegial Gereja Ortodoks Rusia, Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO - Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Termasuk dalam rute wisata Golden Ring of Russia.
סרגייב פוסאד (בשנים 1930-1991 - זגורסק) היא עיר במחוז מוסקבה ברוסיה. מרכז אדמיניסטרטיבי. מחוז עירוני סרגייב פוסאד של אזור מוסקבה. העיר היא ביתו של המנזר הסטארופגיאלי של הכנסייה הרוסית האורתודוקסית, אתר מורשת עולמית של אונסקו - השילוש-סרגיוס לאברה. כלול במסלול התיירות טבעת הזהב של רוסיה.
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破除戰鬥民族迷思🇷🇺六天五夜玩透莫斯科Moscow&聖彼得堡 St.Peterburg&金環古都Sergiev Posad | Russia Travel Vlog
#moscow #stpeterburg #russia
Don't click this-
⛪ Churches and Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius in Sergiev Posad 🇷🇺 Churches in Russia #travel #russia
I Went to Russia's Vatican City and it's... actually really sick.
Sergiev Posad possess a wealth of history and spirit in such an unexpected package. This little town two hours north of Moscow is certainly old, with it's main monastery, the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius tracing its roots back to the 12th century. But it also contains a living faith that just explodes on film.
I was lucky enough to take a day trip to Sergiev Posad and we got to see so much. The Gremyaichii Waterfalls, the largest waterfalls in the entire Moscow region, the Trinity Cathedral, the original Andre Rublev Trinity Icons, the largest seminary of Russian Orthodoxy and so, so much more.
This was my experience.
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Don't mind me, I be taggin/:
chad,zimmerman,chadzimmerman,chad zimmerman,russia,sergiev posad,sergiev posad monastery,sergiev posad russia,trinity lavra,st sergius,Sergius of Radonezh,Се́ргий Ра́донежский,Тро́ице-Се́ргиева ла́вра,Троицкий собор Троице-Сергиевой лавры,Се́ргиев Поса́д,2022,Gremyaichii,Waterfall Gremiachy,Gremiachy,waterfalls
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🎵 Music : Green Blossom - vio.dio
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Winter activities in sergiev posad town.
Have a chance to visit the local activities in sergiev posad town in Russia during Christmas festival. Such a joy and lovely people there.
December 2016