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10 Best place to visit in Khomeynī Shahr Iran


Iran 3rd Matthiola incana flowers festival, Khomeini-Shahr city سومين جشنواره گلهاي شب بو خميني شهر

March 10, 2018 (Persian calendar 1396/12/19)

Isfahan province (استان اصفهان)

Khomeini-Shahr city (خميني شهر)

Iran 3rd Matthiola incana flowers festival, Khomeini-Shahr city
سومين جشنواره گلهاي شب بو خميني شهر ايران

#Iran Travellers, #Arbaeen Walk(پیاده روی #اربعین), #Isfahan, 4K, Sep-2022, #ایران#اصفهان

#Arbaeen (Safar 20th) is a holiday in the Hijri calendar. It is the fortieth day after #Ashoora (Moharram 10th), when #Imamhussain and his small group were killed and beheaded in the battle of #Karbala.
Many mourners from Iraq, #Iran and other countries pilgrim on this day and some days before it to Karbala.
The #Arbaeen_Walk or in other word, pilgrimage to Karbala has become popular among Iranians since some years ago. The left-behinds' walk is an alternative event on Arbaeen for everyone who misses the main Walk.
This year we joined the Left-behinds' Walk of the city of Khomeyni Shahr, which is located northwest of Isfahan. Here, people pilgrim from a few routes to the holy shrine of Seyyed Mohammad, who is believed to be the grandson of Imam Sajjad.



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