看見福建 :南平建甌 Seeing Fujian: Jian'ou Nanping | 航拍风景 Aerial Landscape | 4K
#看見福建 :南平建甌 這裏是福建的“建”| 從建州重鎮到恬靜小城,建甌走過了1800年,他的山川風物,不突兀在外,卻優美豐盈。如今,他揮去一身風塵,隱謐在群山掩映間,撐一杆竹泛於溪上,煮一片葉溢出茶香,舉一杯酒邀月共飲。幸福,是“建”出來的,無論你是不是福建人,這座城市都值得你駐足。
Jian'ou is a county-level city in Nanping in northern Fujian province, China. Under the name Jianning, it was formerly the seat of its own prefecture and was the namesake of its province.
Jian'ou is known for some of its popular attractions, which include:
Jian'ou Temple
Dongyue Temple of Jian'ou
Guangxiao Temple
Seeing Fujian is a series of aerial videos.
Let us follow the camera, travel around Fujian together.
#中國 #福建 #旅遊 #风景 #南平 #建甌
#china #travel #fujian #quanzhou #xiamen #fuzhou #hokkien #travel #hifujian #putian
南平建陽Jianyang Nanping:在崇陽溪畔聽長者講朱子宋慈 | 航拍风景 Aerial Landscape | 看見福建 Seeing Fujian
#看見福建 :南平建陽 | 風靡全國的書坊,七賢過化的文明,宛若星辰的建盞,這裡是南方小城建陽。建陽之美,美在匠心古樸的人文,美在芬芳靈動的茶香,美在變幻萬彩的瓷色。在崇陽溪畔,掬一捧月光如水,飲一盞新茶微醉,聽長者講朱子宋慈,輕嗅千年書香餘味。
Jianyang is located in the northern part of Fujian Province and belongs to Nanping City, Fujian Province.
Jianyang is known for some of its popular attractions, which include:
Wuyi Flower World Scenic Area
Yuan Dynasty Kiln Ruins
Zhu Xi's Tomb
Song Ci's Tomb
West Street
Seeing Fujian is a series of aerial videos.
Let us follow the camera, travel around Fujian together.
#中國 #福建 #旅遊 #风景 #南平
#china #travel #fujian #quanzhou #xiamen #fuzhou #hokkien #travel #hifujian
看見福建 :南平邵武 Seeing Fujian: Shaowu Nanping | 航拍风景 Aerial Landscape | 4K
Shaowu, historically known as Nanwuyi and Tiecheng, is a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Nanping City, Fujian Province. It is located in the northwest of Fujian Province.
Shaowu is known for some of its popular attractions, which include:
Tiancheng Rock (Tianchengqixia Scenic Area)
Heping Ancient City
Yunling Mountain
Waterfall Forest Ecotourism Scenic Area
Zhuyuan Village
Seeing Fujian is a series of aerial videos.
Let us follow the camera, travel around Fujian together.
#中國 #福建 #旅遊 #风景 #南平
#china #travel #fujian #quanzhou #xiamen #fuzhou #hokkien #travel #hifujian #putian
南平,这里是你的老家吗?Nanping, is it your hometown?
4k China Street View-Driving Tour of Nanping - the poorest mountain city in Fujian Province, China
4k China Street View-Driving Tour of Nanping - the poorest mountain city in Fujian Province, China
Nanping, a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Fujian Province, is located in northern Fujian, on the southeastern side of the northern section of Wuyi Mountains, at the junction of Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces, commonly known as North Fujian, northeast and Zhejiang Province Jiangshan, Longquan, Qingyuan and other counties ( City) adjacent to it, bordering Zixi, Qianshan, Guangfeng and other counties in Jiangxi Province in the northwest, bordering Gutian and Pingnan County in Ningde City in the southeast, and Taining, Jiangle, Shaxian and You in Sanming City in the southwest. Xi and other counties are adjacent to each other, covering an area of 26,300 square kilometers, accounting for one-fifth of Fujian Province. Nanping City governs 2 municipal districts, 5 counties, and manages 3 county-level cities.
In Nanping, there are towering peaks, wide distribution of low mountains, valleys and small basins in the mountains. Nanping has He-Fu High-speed Railway, Ying-Xia Railway, Wai-Fu Railway, Heng-Nan Railway, National Highway 205, National Highway 316 transit; there are also Wuyishan Airport, the main stream of Minjiang River, Jianxi, Futunxi and other routes and waterways.
Nanping is one of the earliest developed areas in Fujian; during the Eastern Han Dynasty, Nanping, Jian'ou, Pucheng and other counties were established; the name of Fujian comes from Fuzhou and Jianzhou (now Jian'ou City). Nanping is the birthplace of Minyue culture, Zhuzi culture, Wuyi tea ceremony culture, Qitian Dasheng culture and Taiji culture. Prime Minister; with more than 180 first- to third-level tourism resource entities, Wuyi Mountain is one of only four world natural and cultural heritage sites in the country.
At the end of 2021, the resident population of Nanping was 2.67 million, a decrease of 10,000 from the end of the previous year. The resident population ranked eighth in Fujian Province. In 2021, Nanping's GDP will reach 218 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.5%.
Aliases: Jianjin, Jianzhou, Nanjianzhou
Administrative division code: 350700
Administrative division category: prefecture-level city
Location: Fujian Province, China
Location: East China, northern Fujian
Area: 26300 km²
Subordinate areas: 2 municipal districts, 5 counties, 3 county-level cities
Telephone area code: 0599
Postal Code: 354200
Climate conditions: Subtropical monsoon climate
Population: 2.6806 million (2021)
Famous attractions: Wuyi Mountain, Jiufeng Mountain, Xiyuan Temple, Heping Ancient Town, Mangdang Mountain, Huanggang Mountain
Airport: Wuyishan Airport
Railway Station: Nanping City Station, Yanping Station, Yanping East Station, Wuyishan North Station, Yanping West Station
License plate code: Min H
GDP: 218 billion yuan (2021)
#China #Fujian #Nanping
Jingshan, Jingmen, Hubei, China
Jingshan, a county-level city under the administration of Hubei Province and under the administration of Jingmen City, and an observer of Wuhan City Circle, is known as the Emerald of Central Hubei Province, located in the central part of Hubei Province, at the southern foot of Dahongshan Mountain and the northern end of Jianghan Plain, with Anlu and Yingcheng City to the east, Tianmen City to the south, Zhongxiang City to the west and Suizhou City to the north, between 112°43´-113°29´ in the east and 30°42´-31°27´ in the north. It is the only important node city covered by the Yangtze River Economic Belt, Han River Ecological Economic Belt, Wuhan City Circle, West Hubei Ecological and Cultural Tourism Circle and China Agricultural Valley at the same time.
The total area of Jingshan is 3,520 square kilometers, with 3 streets and 12 towns under its jurisdiction. in 2019, the regional GDP of Jingshan was 43.03 billion yuan. Jingshan is located in the transition zone from the hills of central Hubei to the Jianghan Plain, with the terrain sloping from northwest to southeast and four main types of landforms: low mountains, hills, hills and plains; it belongs to the north subtropical monsoon climate zone, with four distinct seasons, abundant light and heat; the forest coverage rate reaches 45.39%.
Jingshan is one of the birthplaces of Chinese farming culture, and the Qujialing Culture was born in the Neolithic Age. Since the beginning of Han Dynasty, Yun Du County has been established for more than 2200 years. The Green Forest Uprising originated here at the end of Xinmang. It was named after the hot springs in Tang Dynasty and early Wei Dynasty. It was named Jingshan in the third year of the Sui Dynasty (607), after the Jinyuan Mountain east of the city.
Jingshan is a national ecological city, a national garden city, the hometown of tennis in China, the hometown of bird watching in China, a famous city of light machinery in China, a natural oxygen bar in China, and one of the top ten ecological civilization cities and top ten ecological leisure tourism cities in China, as well as one of the best places for human habitation by UNESCO. There are six national parks and tourist attractions represented by Yuanyang Creek, Greenwood Cottage, Beauty Valley and Hollow Hill Cave, as well as the rare double material (fluorine and radon containing) hot springs in China.
In 2019, Jingshan City was elected as one of the top 100 counties (cities) in central China, ranking 35th in central China and 8th in Hubei Province.
🏯JIAN´OU 🇨🇳 China | La ciudad del bambú
Viajamos a Jian´ou la ciudad del bambú, en la provincia de Fujian.
游遍国家5A级旅游景区,截至到2017年 9月2号 中国一共有249家5A级旅游风景区。一个人在路上 衣食住行都要从简,我会尽量为大家做出优质的视频和攻略,我一直在路上也一直在学习。
看見福建 :三明大田 Seeing Fujian: Datian Sanming | 航拍风景 Aerial Landscape | 4K
#看見福建 :三明大田 | 美人茶深居高山,造就天香獨蘊;土堡群散落鄉間,圍得一方天地。千百年來,勤勞勇敢的鄉人從這裡出發,遇著歹路笑笑走,走過山來走過海,走得天下滿寬寬。他們心中的家園,正是這一山一水、一街一巷、一橋一亭都美不可言的閩中大田。
Datian is a county of central Fujian province, China. It is placed under the jurisdiction of the Sanming City.
Datian is known for some of its popular attractions, which include:
Baiyan Park
Kongdong Mountain
Dagu Mountain
Fanglian Bao
Huangyan Cave
Seeing Fujian is a series of aerial videos.
Let us follow the camera, travel around Fujian together.
#中國 #福建 #旅遊 #风景 #航拍中國
#china #travel #fujian #quanzhou #xiamen #fuzhou #hokkien #travel #hifujian
【建甌行1】曾為一國之都千年古縣“八閩首府”|高速遭遇大暴雨|武夷山老枞水仙岩茶 福建古村落rural china life | ancient history chinese culture
【旅行見聞】建甌行-1曾為一國之都|千年古縣“八閩首府”|高速遭遇大暴雨|疫情什么时候结束rural china life | ancient history chinese culture
【建甌行2.Jian ou Travel】酒 (Liquid) 视频链接
【建甌行3.Jian ou Travel】食(Food) 视频链接
【建甌行4.Jian ou Travel】古村落(village) 视频链接
福建 , 福建 ,福字来自 福州 ,而建字就来自建州。
建瓯为历代政治、经济、文化中心,是福建省陆地面积最大、闽北人口最多的县级市。出过 1154 名进士、 6 名状元、 10 名宰辅大臣,是中国历史上出千名进士的十八县之一。宋代理学家朱熹成长于建瓯,史称“三杨辅政”之一的政治家杨荣和历史学家袁枢、现代革命先驱杨峻德等一些名垂青史的人物诞生于此。
建瓯历史悠久,是一座有着1800多年建县史的省级文化名城。东汉建安初年(公元196年)汉献帝刘协设立建安县,是福建最早设立的四个县之一。福建历史上第一郡、第一州、第一府皆在建瓯。唐高祖李渊在建瓯设立福建第一个州治“建州”, 唐玄宗李隆基取福州、建州首字,设立“福建经略使”(统管全省兵务),“福建”之名由此而来、延续至今。
Don't love tea, but the first time to drink a never forget the good tea. The palate is soft and smooth, and remains fresh and sweet long after it has been consumed. This is Wuyi rock tea -- old Fir narcissus, which belongs to oolong tea and is semi-fermented tea. It is the best of narcissus tea. Sweet as cinnamon, slippery as daffodils. It's extremely comfortable.
中國, 華東, 福建省, 南平市, 武夷山
@Traveler-Robert, #中國, #大陸, #自由行, #華東, #福建省, #南平市, #武夷山
歡迎訂閱, 按讚, 分享, 開啟小鈴鐺
【建甌行2】Chinese Wine古韵建瓯食全酒美青铜时代文物 3000年白酒酿酒工艺东南第一洞藏rural china life wine beer whiskey little big town
【建甌行2】古韵建瓯 食全酒美青铜时代文物 3000年白酒酿酒工艺 东南第一洞藏rural china life wine beer whiskey little big town
【建甌行1.Jian ou Travel】茶(Tea) 视频链接
【建甌行3.Jian ou Travel】食(Food) 视频链接
【建甌行4.Jian ou Travel】古村落(village) 视频链接
建瓯为历代政治、经济、文化中心,是福建省陆地面积最大、闽北人口最多的县级市。出过 1154 名进士、 6 名状元、 10 名宰辅大臣,是中国历史上出千名进士的十八县之一。宋代理学家朱熹成长于建瓯,史称“三杨辅政”之一的政治家杨荣和历史学家袁枢、现代革命先驱杨峻德等一些名垂青史的人物诞生于此。
“闽国古都”酒飘香 早在秦汉时期,建瓯先民就掌握了较为成熟的酿酒工艺;唐朝时期,建瓯的 酿造设备和工艺得到了积淀和升华,并于宋朝进一步发展;明清时期,建瓯 已有“犁花春”“清河”等名品行销于世 Bronze “古韵建瓯 食全酒美” 踏遍青山人未老,风景这边独好” 2000平生态洞藏储酒区——被誉为“东南第一洞藏”的双龙洞 双龙戏珠酒业坚持12987坤沙酱香、生态泥窖发酵等传统工艺,所产酱香幽雅细致,酒体醇厚,回味悠长,浓香窖香幽雅、陈香 舒适,广受市场好评。2011年被中国食品工业协会副会长、白酒专家组组长沈怡方称赞为“双龙戏珠,闽酒之冠” 酿造过程采用12987工艺坤沙工艺,“沙”是指酿酒的主要原料糯高粱,因细小形似沙, 顾称为“沙”。坤沙酒又叫捆沙酒和坤籽酒,以茅 台为代表的正宗酱香型白酒,是严格按照传统固态 发酵坤沙工艺生产的,采用黔北的糯高粱和小麦, 生产周期长达一年,出酒率低,品质最好,并经过 4年以上的窖藏才能进行勾调成品出厂。需要一年周期,两次投粮, 九次蒸煮,八次发酵,七次溜酒才能酿造而成,最后至少洞藏四年才会灌装。
地址: 801-1B Jalan Datuk Bandar Mustapha, Green Heights, 93350 Kuching, Sarawak, 马来西亚
00:00 新春泉茶室
08:50 古晋超市物价
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【芒果看天下】Chinese culture trip
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三百多年前的一場劫難重挫建甌,從建甌各處的城樓觸摸昔日的辛酸,還有馬可波羅的雕像! 【劉峻言旅拍中國】
三百多年前的一場劫難重挫建甌,從建甌各處的城樓觸摸昔日的辛酸,還有馬可波羅的雕像! 【劉峻言旅拍中國】
哈嘍 大家好
【泰国美食】据说很多人看不起曼谷唐人街,说都是游客去?但是我真的超爱逛,烟火气息,古早味道,泰华风情,还有街头米其林吃哦! 耀华力路 | ถนนเยาวราช | 曼谷街头美食 |
⏺️曼谷唐人街Yaowarat Road (ถนน เยาวราช)
⏺️guay jub ouan pochana
⏺️Ann Guay Tiew Kua Gai
讲者/王琪飞 - 往事只能回味(粤语版), 李玲玉 - 粉红色的回忆
泰国曼谷CityWalk的一环:唐人街。没有摩登的网红大楼和精致的花园点心,却满载了市井的烟火气。破旧门面前的小摊,竟然是连续4年的街头米其林。曼谷唐人街,有人说它像60、70年代的香港。我只想说曼谷夜市千千万,最有氛围感的一定是唐人街夜市。在这里能吃到别的夜市没有的美食,古早味的华人美食。这个视频我们吃了一家开了50年的粿条店,叫Guay Jub Ouan Pochana,胖老板粿条汤店。连续4年的街头米其林。但是店是真的破啊~
#泰国旅行 #曼谷旅行 #曼谷美食 #曼谷探店 #曼谷唐人街 #曼谷唐人街美食 #泰国旅行攻略 #粿条汤 #旅行VLOG #曼谷街头米其林 #曼谷路边摊 #耀华力#chinatown美食
【泰国美食】爆吃曼谷街头美食,四家曼谷米其林必比登+两家传统小店,唐人街这家粿汁真的必吃,太美味了!螃蟹粉丝煲 | 打抛猪 | 戏院粿汁 | 绿衣海南鸡饭 | 炸鸡粿条 | 曼谷早餐 | 街头小吃
Route Timestamps
00:00 戏院粿汁
05:21 安式炸鸡面
10:50 是隆路街头小店
14:44 绿衣海南鸡饭
16:24 蟹肉煲
22:45 打抛猪
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