Tara Hategului - 5 Atractii neaparat de vizitat!
Servus Dragilor,
va propun o destinatie de weekend si anume Tara Hategului. Am descoperit / vizitat: Pestera Bolii, Cheile Banitei, Pestera Sipot, Turnul Crivadiei si Cheile Crivadiei.
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Raven's Nest, satul ascuns din Transilvania (cea mai FRUMOASA CAZARE din ROMANIA)
Bun venit la Raven's Nest, satul ascuns din Apuseni - o locatie de vis pe care o vanam de mai bine de doi ani de zile! Cum ne-a surprins? Multe surprize, in vlogul de astazi :) #raven'snest #romania #haihui
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Aerial View of Hateg Area, Hunedoara, Romania, 4k 30fps ProRes
Aerial View near Costesti Village, Sarmisegetuza Regia Area. Road from Sarmisegetuza to Chitid and Bosorod Village.
Aerial View of Colt Stronghold, near Rau de mori Village, Hateg.
Nice calm picturesque footage of water streams.
Unul dintre cele mai frumoase locuri din ROMANIA [S1 - Eps. 11]
In episodul de astazi am plecat cu motocicleta sa descopar unele dintre cele mai frumoase si fascinante locuri din Romania. Este vorba de Pestera Bolii si Cheile Banitei.
Acestea se afla in judetul Hunedoara, foarte aproape de Petrosani. Sincer, nu credeam ca exista asemenea locuri. Cheile Banitei sunt mai putin cunoscute in Romania. Pentru a vizita cheile mi-am luat niste slapi, caci trebuie parcurse prin apa. Aceasta nu este foarte adanca, in cele mai multe zone este un pic peste glezne. Am ramas surpins de ce am vazut acolo.
Foarte aproape de chei se afla si pestera Bolii. Singura pestera din Romania care este strabatuta in intregime de un rau. Intrarea pesterii este uriasa iar interiorul te lasa fara cuvinte.
Traseul meu a fost urmatorul: Lugoj - Caransebes - Hateg - Pestera Bolii - Cheile Banitei.
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Obiective turistice in Judetul Hunedoara.
#JudetulHunedoara,Romania, #ovidiugaspal
Hai sa vezi si sa vizitezi Judetul Hunedoara.
30 de Locuri superbe din Romania Despre care nu ai auzit
Statia Dezorientarii va prezinta astazi un nou episod interesant cu 30 de locuri superbe din Romania despre care probabil nu ati auzit. Romania este o tara plina de locuri frumoase si interesante pe care ar trebui sa ajungi sa le vizitezi.
In episodul de azi o sa ai ocazia sa admiri locuri precum : Stufarisurile de la Sic, Piscina pa Coasta judetul Maramures, Sanctuarul ursilor de la Zarnesti din judetul Brasov, Biserica din Pustietate din judetul Satu Mare, Staţiunea exotică de la Berzasca din judetul Caras Severin, Cetatea medievala Saschiz, Soveja, Eutopia Gardens sau cum mai este cunoscut Rozariul de la Mandroluc din judetul Arad, Templul Coral din Bucuresti, Morile de apa de la Rudaria din judetul Caras Severin, Satul Piatra Fântânele din judetul Bistrita, Fundătura Ponorului, Gorunul de 900 de ani din satul Mercheasa, Geoagiu Bai, Dealul Melcilor, Cheile Feneşului sau Cheile Caprei, Cascada cu apa termala de la Toplita, Cheile Vârghişului, Pestera lui Adam din Comuna Targusor judetul Constanta, Tinovul de la Fantana Brazilor, Groapa Ruginoasa, Tunelul Dragostei, Statuia Inima lui Isus, Grădina de Vară de la Amara, Dealul Repedea din judetul Iasi, Rezervaţia Breite din judetul Mures, Parcul Natural Vânători Neamţ, Sucidava şi Fântâna Secretă, Grădina Romei din judetul Satu Mare si Castrul Roman Porolissum din judetul Zalau.
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Moitvational | Feelings by Alex-Productions |
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Cuprins :
00:00 Introducere
00:30 Stufarisurile de la Sic
01:10 Piscina pa Coasta
02:06 Sanctuarul Ursilor din Zarnesti
02:48 Biserica din Pustietate
03:21 Statiunea Exotica de la Berzasca
03:58 Cetatea Medievala Saschiz
04:43 Statiunea Soveja
05:22 Eutopia Gardens
06:02 Templul Coral
06:36 Morile de Apa de la Rudaria
07:12 Satul Piatra Fantanele
07:56 Fundatura Ponorului
08:44 Gorunul de 900 de ani
09:13 Geoagiu Bai
09:38 Dealul Melcilor
10:20 Cheile Fenesului/Cheile Caprei
10:49 Cascada cu Apa Termala Toplita
11:19 Cheile Varghisului
11:54 Pestera lui Adam
12:32 Tinovul de la Fantana Brazilor
12:52 Groapa Ruginoasa
13:23 Tunelul Dragostei
14:02 Statuia Inima lui Isus
14:26 Gradina de vara Amara
14:49 Dealul Repedea
15:23 Rezervatia Breite
15:59 Parcul Natural Vanatori Neamt
16:43 Sucidava
17:11 Gradina Romei
17:41 Castrul Roman Porolissum
18:19 Multumim!
You must visit Orsova, Romania. It is a hidden gem!
See the full article:
Hi everybody! Guess where we are now? Ha ha, we got absolutely inspired by Bulgaria. So this morning without planning so much, we just took the bridge that connects Bulgaria (Vidin) to Romania (Calafat) and we crossed it! We are in Romania, guys!
What to do in Orșova?
Orșova is ancient and full of history. It seemed to us a quiet and nice city to relax in. Most sites on the Internet consider it only as a starting point to enjoy the surroundings but barely talk about Orșova itself.
In our opinion, Orșova can be a nice stop for a day trip or for relaxing for a complete weekend. You can easily spend a day here and explore the surroundings the very next day or vice versa. There’s accommodation available in the city and it’s cheaper than the one you can get in the surroundings (along the Danube). The city has a quiet vibe that for sure gets a bit more vibrant and noisy during the high season.
The attractions in the city that we enjoyed the most were the promenade and the park.
Chipuil Lui Decebal or the Face of Decebalus.
Yes, guys! We got it! Finally, we managed to reach our original goal and it felt very nice. The head is impressive just like the landscape that frames it. The view can’t be better, the Danube plus the Carpathian Mountains, and the carved face on the rock of Decebalus.
The creation of the head was Iosif Constantin Dragan’s idea. He directly financed it and Florin Cotarcea was the artist who made it. It’s 25 meters wide and 40.5 meters high, and it’s located close to the Mraconia Bay, 18 kilometers away from Orșova. Check your map and it’s between Eșelnița and Dubova. Something we discovered is that the head is not ancient like other historical treasures in the area. Its construction started in 1994 and it was finished in 2004. Yes, Florin Cotarcea worked 10 years directing the carving with the assistance of at least a dozen of climbers and a ton of dynamite for modeling. Under the head, you will see this inscription: “Decebalus
Rex – Dragan done” (king Decebalus – made by Dragan).
Decebalus was the last king of Dacia. He defended the independence of his country (the current territory of Romania) from Trajan and Domitian, both Roman emperors.
Guys, we looked long for finding the rocky face of Decebalus. When we found it we felt very happy. We visited it in daylight and at night! As we told you before, you can reach this place by boat or by car.
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Tu stiai ca exista lucul asta in ROMANIA? Baile Romane- Hunedoara | Top atracții turistice Romania
Baile Romane-HUNEDOARA
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Romanian cities - Hateg (Hațeg) - 1
This is 360° was recorded in the Hateg (Hațeg) town, from the county of Hunedoara.
HATEG ROMANIA AT NIGHT #sherylbelgium #amazing #night #hateg #FilipinoRomanian
Welcome back in my Channel guys.I just want to show you the simple yet beautiful lightning decors in Hateg Park the first City close to our Village.Stay Tune for the premiering guys.Thank you as always for the Kind support. Love you All😍
Hateg, Romania, 2024 - part one
Walking in Hateg, Romania on a warm september day in 2024.
Hello guys,I am here again sharing with you another medieval church and nature views as we enjoy our short vacation in Romania.I hope every clips you find something interesting in it and little information about the place as well.Anyways this was just a sneak peak at the area as we just pass by and took some clips.I am grateful for your kind support.God bless us all and may we spread Love No Hate.
Malaiesti Fortress (Cetatea Malaiesti) | Hateg | Romania
The history of Malaiesti Fortress (Cetatea Malaiesti), situated in Hunedoara county, Romania, dates back to the 14th century when it was constructed, likely during the rule of King Charles I of Hungary. Its primary purpose was defensive, serving as a stronghold against invaders in the region. The fortress was strategically positioned in the Retezat Mountains, providing a vantage point for monitoring and controlling the surrounding area.
Do you think that you could have lived in a medieval fortress? Imagine at the beginning of the Middle Age, a small tower like this, with windows small enough to barely allow the light through, used to accommodate the richest people of the area: the nobles.
The tower was built first and it had the role of fortification and home at the same time. That's why, as you can see, it has very thick walls and narrow windows, from where the archers could aim without being targeted.
You can also see that the tower had several floors. Even if the floors between the levels were wooden and have not been preserved until today, you can still see the holes in the wall where the beams were attached.
The wall of defense was built later on. It had a timber balcony built on the inside, on which soldiers marched and narrow windows shooting to the outside.
Later the bastions were built. These were towers filled with earth, constructed to strengthen the fortress in case of cannon attack. It seems, however, that they were not very resistant and were destroyed in a civil war. Today, only the foundations remain of them.
Why weren't any defense walls built on this side of the tower? That's because this side was protected by the steep slope.
Why did the nobles need fortresses? At first, they built the fortified towers to act as dwellings protected from danger. Later on, when they started to have more comfortable noble courts, the fortress, in addition to being a place of shelter, allowed valuable possessions to be housed and displayed.
Hateg Town by Drone in the Night | Romania | 4K
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Balauri, dragoni, dinozauri în ȚARA HAȚEGULUI (Hațeg, Județul Hunedoara, România)
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Geoparcul Dinozaurilor Țara Hațegului, situat într-o zonă depresionară înconjurată de munți, este un proiect care integrează și dezvoltă patrimoniul cultural, arheologic, istoric și natural al Țării Hațegului, o zonă specială a Transilvaniei situată în partea centrală a României. Arealul Geoparcului acoperă peste 100.000 de hectare, inclusiv un oraș și 10 comune. Pe lângă peisajele foarte pitoresti (chei adânci, peșteri, păduri, pajiști alpine) zona conține și urme ale istoriei omenești din Paleolitic la antichitatea romană și din evul mediu până la timpurile moderne. Cele mai importante site-uri sunt ruinele Ulpiei Traiana Sarmizegetusa, vechea capitală a Daciei romane, precum și numeroase biserici medievale din piatră (mai ales biserica din Densuș) și fortificații. Regiunea este renumită pentru ai săi dinozauri pitici care au trăit la sfarsitul Cretacicului, acum 72-65 milioane de ani. Pe baza resturilor de schelete au fost descrise 15 specii de dinozauri, atât erbivori cât și carnivori, unii unici în întreaga lume. De asemenea, ouă de dinozaur și pui au fost descoperite în aceleași depozite, precum și multe specii non-dinozaur. Foarte spectaculos este un pterosaur (reptilă zburătoare) imens, numit Hatzegopteryx (după numele regiunii) și care a avut o anvergură a aripilor de 12 m. La sediul Geoparcului din Hațeg vizitatorii pot admira expoziția Balauri, dragoni, dinozauri. Aceasta expoziție fructifică miturile balaurilor și dragonilor cu fascinația pentru dinozauri. Vedeta este Balaurul bondoc, reconstituit în mărime naturală în mediul său de viață, o specie locală de dinozaur carnivor pitic cu pene, foarte feroce.
Bucharest - Bran Castle - Transfagarasan - Lacul Balea - Capra Waterfall - Vidraru Dam - Poenari Castle - Bucharest
Soundtrack: Janji - Heroes Tonight (feat. Johnning) [NCS Release]
Visit Romania ~ Rezervatia de zimbri Hateg - Slivut
La aproximativ 3 km de oraşul Haţeg se află rezervaţia de zimbri din Pădurea Slivuţ, unul dintre puţinele locuri din ţară unde mai putem vedea acestea animale impresionante, aflate în prag de dispariţie.
Pădurea Slivuţ se întinde pe o suprafaţă de 40 de hectare, fiind un fragment din fosta pădure de stejari care domina această regiune. În anul 1958 au fost aduse aici primele exemplare de zimbri europeni de pe teritoriul României din Polonia: perechea Podarec şi Polonka. Ulterior, încă un exemplar este adus: Pumila. Aceştia s-au împerecheat, rezervaţia de zimbri din Slivuţ-Haţeg numărând în anul 1979, 12 astfel de exemplare. De-a lungul timpului, puii de zimbri născuţi aici, în total de 47, au fost trimişi la diferite rezervaţii din ţară sau grădini zoologice.
Zimbri se află pe lista animalelor aflate în pericol de dispariţie, în întreaga lumea existând doar trei mii de exemplare. Zimbri care se găsesc în rezervaţia de la Slivuţ sunt descedenţi hibrizi ai împerecherii zimbrului caucazian (dispărut astăzi) cu zimbrul de şes, din care au rezultat zimbri europeni.
Dacă doriţi să mai apucaţi să vedeţi aceste animale minunate aflate în pragul dispariţiei, tot ce trebuie să faceţi este să vizitaţi rezervaţia de zimbri de la Slivuţ din Haţeg.
5 destinații fascinante in Ţara Haţegului
Salut, călători de suflet! 🌟 Împărtășim cu voi 5 destinații magice din Tara Hategului într-un clip de neuitat! 🎥 Aventura începe aici, așa că glisați pentru a descoperi povestea fiecărui loc minunat! ✈️
Obiective Turistice
00:00 Intro
00:10 Biserica din Densuş
00:23 Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa
00:39 Mănăstirea Prislop
00:57 Cetatea Colţ Haţeg - Castelul din Carpaţi
01:13 Cetatea Mălăiești
Un film realizat de Nelu Gheorghe | Nelstill Video Production
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Explore Romania (4K UHD) - Relaxing Music With Top Tourist Attractions in Romania (Ultra HD)
Welcome to Romania
Rugged stone churches and dazzling monasteries dot a pristine landscape of rocky mountains and rolling hills. Transylvanian towns have stepped out of time, while vibrant Bucharest is all energy.
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🔶 Nature & Wildlife
The Carpathian Mountains draw a wide arc through the centre of the country, leaving a swath of exposed rocky peaks surrounded by groves of pine and deciduous trees, and stretches of bright green meadow below. The harsh geography has limited human habitation, and the woods are filled with deer, elk and bear. Europe's second-longest river, the Danube, marks Romania's southern border with Bulgaria before turning suddenly northward and emptying into the Black Sea. The delta provides sanctuary for 300 species of bird and 160 species of fish. The sprawling marshes account for the largest expanse of reed beds in the world.
🔶 Castles & Medieval Towns
Transylvania, the land that gave us Dracula, has no shortage of jaw-dropping castles pitched precariously on rocky hilltops. There's spooky Bran Castle, of course, with its spurious connection to Bram Stoker’s fictional count, but don’t overlook beauties such as Hunedoara’s 14th-century Corvin Castle or King Carol I’s sumptuous 19th-century pile, Peleş Castle. In medieval towns like Braşov, Sighişoara and Sibiu, cobbled walkways support chic streetside cafes, while a cacophony of sounds emanating from student bars and clubs echo off the Gothic and baroque facades in lively Cluj-Napoca. Transylvania’s Saxon villages boast fortified churches that date back half a millennium.
🔶 Folk Culture
For centuries, a highly productive peasant culture thrived in much of Romania. The hilly geography and lack of passable roads necessitated the emergence of hundreds of self-sufficient villages, where old-school crafts such as bread-making, pottery, tanning and weaving were honed to an art. Folk museums, particularly the open-air skansens and village museums, are a must. Many isolated hamlets, where the old folkways are still practised, are museums in themselves. This is most evident in Maramureş, where oversized hay racks, horse carts and stately wooden churches dominate, and towns and villages have seemingly stepped out of the Middle Ages.
🔶 Outdoor Activities
The rocky peaks of Transylvania and Moldavia, snow-capped from mid-October in some years, call out for conquering, and well-marked trails lead to summits from all directions. There are less adventurous but no less rewarding walks through woods, meadows and villages in other parts of the country. The Danube Delta is a vast and unique protected wetland and makes a perfect backdrop for fishing, boating and, especially, birdwatching in spring. In summer, from mid-June to early September, the action moves to the Black Sea coast. Beach resorts fill up with swimmers, divers, sunbathers and partiers, who come for the all-night, open-air clubbing marathons.
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