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10 Best place to visit in Gruiu Romania


Balta GRUIU - Fishing pond | Romania, Cãlãrasi

#fishing #baltagruiu

Bucharest, Romania | Free Press Square

Bucharest, Romania | Free Press Square
Bucharest is the capital city of Romania, the largest city in the country and the 6th largest city in the European Union by population. It is the most important economic, administrative and cultural centre of Romania. It lies in the middle of the Romanian Plain, on the banks of Dâmbovița River, a small northern tributary of the Danube. With its wide, tree-lined boulevards and the beautiful Belle Époque buildings, Bucharest brings today something of the Little Paris's charm, as the capital city was nicknamed in the early 1900s. With its elegant buildings with French inspired architecture and its locals studying in France's capital, greeting or even speaking each other in French or wearing the latest fashion creations from Paris, Bucharest had a French bohemian atmosphere at the beginning of the 20th century.
#shorts, #Bucharest, #Bucuresti, #Bucharest_Romania, #București_România, #Romania, #Romanian, #Romanian_Attractions, #Places_to_Visit_in_Romania, #Travel_in_Romania, #Travel, #Viaggi, #Dante120, #Travel_Vlog, #Vlog_di_Viaggio, #Walking_Tour, #City_Walk, #Bucharest_Romania_City_Tour, #Bucharest_Capital_of_Romania, #Visit_Romania, #Бухарест, Dante120, #Piața_Presei_Libere, #Free_Press_Square, #Romania_Beautiful_Places,

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Vlad the Impaler's Monastery

#shorts #youtubeshorts
Vlad the Impaler's Monastery
In this #shortvideo we will visit Dracula's Monastery from Romania.

Snagov Monastery or Vlad the Impaler's Monastery is an important historical and feudal art monument in Wallachia, located on the island in the northern part of the Snagov Lake, in the locality of Snagov and near the village of Siliștea Snagovului (from Gruiu commune). The monastery is probably one of the late reigns of Mircea the Elder, being first documented in 1408. It was rebuilt several times by other rulers, including Vlad Tepes, Mircea Ciobanul and Neagoe Basarab. Today only the church, a tower and a fountain are still visible.

Tomb of Vlad Tepes (Vlad the Impaler)

The monastery is also famous because of the alleged burial of Vlad the Impaler inside it. This is the belief of the locals, to which the opinions of specialists have been added: Alexandru Odobescu (see A few hours at Snagov) and Nicolae Iorga. According to the legend, after Vlad the Impaler passed away, following the battle with the Turks in 1476, who had supported Dănești in obtaining the throne of Wallachia, the monks of the monastery would have found and hidden the body of the ruler, or would have buried him in a Christian burial after the waters had cleared. The burial would have taken place in secret and without any pomp because of the new ruler installed by the Turks, who was from the Dane family.

The hypothesis has of course been investigated, but the truth cannot yet be established with any precision.

The tomb in front of the altar, investigated by the archaeologist Dinu Roestti in 1933-1934 [3], contained nothing relevant. However, another coffin was found with a clothed body accompanied by several objects - specific to a ruler. However, those found and deposited in the history museum in Bucharest disappeared before a rigorous re-analysis.

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Stay Safe! Stay Healthy!

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Mănăstirea Căldărușani din Gruiu, Ilfov - Cetatea ridicata de Matei Basarab in secolul XVII

Mănăstirea Căldărușani este unul dintre cele mai importante monumente de arhitectură bisericească din Țara Românească. Conform cu prima sa istoriografie (1870), scrisă de Casian Monahul, mănăstirea a fost ctitorită în 1638 de Matei Basarab (1632-1654). Domnitorul muntean, aflat în conflict cu Vasile Lupu al Moldovei, trecând prin aceste părți, hotărăște să zidească pe locul unui vechi schit de lemn o mănăstire din piatră. Despre existența unei sihăstrii la Căldărușani înainte de 1637 mărturisește și un hrisov din 1615, emis în cancelaria voievodului Radu Mihnea (1611-1616). Matei Basarab va ridica în mijlocul Codrilor Vlăsiei o adevărată cetate, înconjurată pe trei laturi de un lac. Biserica mare a mănăstirii, în plan treflat, cu trei turle, cu hramul Sf. Dimitrie Izvorâtorul de Mir, poartă aceeași amprentă arhitecturală ca și biserica Mănăstirii Dealu și cea a Mănăstirii domnești de la Curtea de Argeș.


Vezi si ultimul episod : Vlog pe Munte, Ep 29 - Eclipsa în Iezer-Papusa


Nucsoara, Arges - filmare panoramica

Nucsoara este un loc superb si pitoresc. Aici vei gasi casute batranesti insirate pe dealuri cu gospodarii modeste, multe dintre acestea vopsite intr-o culoare albastra superba, specifica zonei.

Satul Nucsoara din Argeseste locul oe care iti vei dori sa il revezi odata ce l-ai vizitat.

De aici poti pleca in trasee catre Vf. Moldoveanu din Muntii Fagaras, vezi cum am urcat noi pe varf aici👉

#nucsoara #romania #romaniafrumoasa #romaniaascunsa #românia

Spot Video Ghidul Turistic al Romaniei

Spot, Video, Turism, Ghid, Romania, Hotel, Motel, Vile, Pensiuni, Case de Vacanta, Agentii de Turism, Obiective Turistice, Calatorii, Rezervari, Tren, Avion, Auto, Atractii Turistice, Primarii, Consilii Judetene, Muzee, Biblioteci, Statiuni Balneo, SPA, Agentie de Voiaj, Horeca, Club, Bar, Cafenea, Pizzerie, Cofetarie, Restaurant, Pub, Alba, Arad, Arges, Bacau, Bihor, Bistrita Nasaud, Botosani, Brasov, Braila, Bucuresti, Buzau, Caras Severin, Calarasi, Cluj, Constanta, Covasna, Dâmbovita, Dolj, Galati, Giurgiu, Gorj, Harghita, Hunedoara, Ialomita, Iasi, Ilfov, Maramures, Mehedinti, Mures, Neamt, Olt, Prahova, Satu Mare, Salaj, Sibiu, Suceava, Teleorman, Timis, Tulcea, Vâlcea, Vaslui, Vrancea, Abrud, Aiud, Alba Iulia, Albac, Almasu Mare, Ampoita, Arieseni, Blaj, Arieseni, Câmpeni, Cib, Cugir, Razboieni, Rosia Montana, Sântimbru, Sebes, Teius, Vidra, Arad, Chisineu Cris, Curtici, Ineu, Lipova, Moneasa, Nadlac, Sebis, Arefu, Bascov, Câmpulung Muscel, Corbeni, Curtea de Arges, Dâmbovicioara, Dragoslavele, Merisani, Mioveni, Piatra Craiului, Pitesti, Rucar, Bacau, Moinesti, Nicolae Balcescu, Oituz, Onesti, Poiana Sarata, Slanic Moldova, Târgu Ocna, Alesd, Baile 1 Mai, Baile Felix, Beius, Bors, Marghita, Nojorid, Oradea, Osorhei, Padis, Piatra Craiului, Remetea, Salonta, Sâncuius, Sânmartin, Stâna de Vale, Stei, Vadu Crisului, Valea lui Mihai, Beclean, Bistrita, Lunca Ilvei, Nasaud, Piatra Fântânele, Prundu Baraganului, Rodna, Sângeorz Bai, Susenii Bârgaului, Botosani, Dorohoi, Ipotesti, Mihai Eminescu, Bran, Brasov, Codlea, Fagaras, Ghimbav, Harman, Moeciu, Moieciu de Jos -- Pestera, Pârâul Rece, Poiana Brasov, Poiana Marului, Predeal, Râsnov, Recea, Rupea, Sâmbata de Sus, Sânpetru, Sacele, Simon, Timisu de Jos, Timisu de Sus, Tohanu Nou, Victoria, Vulcan, Zarnesti, Braila, Faurei, Lacu Sarat, Bucuresti, Buzau, Caldarusanca, Râmnicu Sarat, Hales, Sarata Monteoru, Siriu, Anina, Bazias, Baile Herculane, Bocsa, Brebu, Caransebes, Constantin Crivaia, Moldova Noua, Oravita, Otelu Rosu, Poiana Marului, Resita, Calarasi, Lehliu, Oltenita, Baisoara, Belis, Câmpia Turzii, Ciucea, Cluj Napoca, Dealu Negru, Dej, Dumbrava, Fântânele, Floresti, Gherla, Gilau, Huedin, Izvorul Crisului, Maguri Racatau, Marisel, Negreni, Petrestii de Jos, Rachitele, Sâncraiu, Turda, 2 Mai, Agigea, Cap Aurora, Cernavoda, Constanta, Costinesti, Eforie Nord, Eforie Sud, Hârsova, Jupiter, Mamaia, Mangalia, Medgidia, Navodari, Neptun, Olimp, Ovidiu, Saturn, Techirghiol, Vama Veche, Venus, Balvanyos, Baraolt, Chilieni, Covasna, Malnas Bai, Oituz, Sfântu Gheorghe, Târgu Secuiesc, Aninoasa, Gaesti, I.L. Caragiale, Moreni, Moroeni, Moroieni, Pietrosita, Pucioasa, Runcu, Târgoviste, Bucovat, Calafat, Craiova, Isalnita, Galati, Hanu Conachi, Tecuci, Tiganesti, Bolintin Vale, Giurgiu, Mihai Bravu, Mihailesti, Arcani, Baia de Fier, Bumbesti Jiu, Cerna, Motru, Novaci, Polovragi, Rânca, Rovinari, Sacelu, Târgu Carbunesti, Târgu Jiu, Tismana, Baile Homorod, Baile Tusnad, Borsec, Ciceu, Corund, Cristuru Secuiesc, Gheorgheni, Harghita Bai, Izvoarele, Izvorul Muresului, Lacu Rosu, Miercurea Ciuc, Odorheiu Secuiesc, Praid, Toplita, Brad, Deva, Geoagiu Bai, Hateg, Hunedoara, Orastie, Petrosani, Râu de Mori, Retezat, Sarmizegetusa, Simeria, Vata de Jos, Vulcan, Amara, Fetesti, Slobozia, Tandarei, Urziceni, Iasi, Pascani, Razboieni, Târgu Frumos, Valea Lupului, Balotesti, Berceni, Bragadiru, Buftea, Cernica, Chiajna, Ciolpani, Domnesti, Gruiu, Magurele, Mogosoaia, Otopeni, Snagov, Voluntari, Baia Mare, Baia Sprie, Bicaz, Borsa, Botiza, Cavnic, Mesteacan, Ocna Sugatag, Poienile Izei, Rodna de Sus, Sapânta, Sighetu Marmatiei, Târgu Lapus, Vadu Izei, Viseu de Sus, Viseul de Jos, Baia de Arama, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Eselnita, Gura Vaii, Orsova, Strehaia, Tulcea, Ludus, Reghin, Sângeorgiu de Mures, Sângeorgiu de Padure, Sighisoara, Sovata, Târgu Mures, Târnaveni, Ungheni, Agapia, Alexandru cel Bun, Bicaz, Ceahlau, Dumbrava Rosie, Durau, Piatra Neamt, Roman, Secuieni, Târgu Neamt, Caracal, Corabia, Slatina, Azuga, Baicoi, Breaza, Busteni, Câmpina, Cheia, Comarnic, Ploiesti, Poiana Tapului, Sinaia, Slanic Prahova, Valenii de Munte, Zaganu, Negresti Oas, Satu Mare, Tasnad, Bizusa, Cehu Silvaniei, Jibou, Simleul Silvaniei, Zalau, Agnita, Avrig, Bazna, Cisnadioara, Medias, Miercurea Sibiului, Ocna Sibiu, Paltinis, Rasinari, Saliste, Sibiu, Câmpulung Moldovenesc, Falticeni, Gura Humorului, Mestecanis, Moldovita, Poiana Stampei, Radauti, Suceava, Sucevita, Vatra Dornei, Vatra Moldovitei, Alexandria, Rosiori de Vede, Turnu Magurele, Zimnicea, Buzias, Faget, Jimbolia, Lugoj, Sânnicolau Mare, Timisoara, Babadag, Baltenii de Jos, Crisan, Delta Dunarii, Dunavatu de Jos, Dunavatu de Sus, Isaccea, Jurilovca, Mahmudia, Maliuc, Macin, Murighiol, Nufarul, Sfântu Gheorghe, Sulina, Tulcea, Uzlina, Baile Govora, Baile Olanesti, Brezoi, Calimanesti, Calimanesti-Caciulata, Dragasani, Horezu, Nicolae Balcescu, Ocnele Mari, Vidra, Voineasa,

Gruiu-Nucsoara (urcare in Galesu)041

Căsuța cu Mesteceni – O cazare de vis din județul Buzău

Căsuța cu Mesteceni este situată pe o proprietate retrasă, la poalele unei păduri de foioase, în imediata vecinătate a Satului cu flori din localitatea Ojasca, județul Buzău.

Această locație desprinsă parcă din poveștile cu zâne a fost pentru noi destinația perfectă pentru a ne reîncărca bateriile, după o săptămână foarte încărcată și solicitantă!

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#CăsuțacuMesteceni #Ojasca #TinutulBuzaului #JudetulBuzau #CazareBuzau #Romania #instatravel #MavicAir2 #video4K

Brasov , Romania FPV


Hiking Romanian Wilderness - 8 reasons to visit Retezat National Park

Drumeții în sălbăticia românească - 8 motive pentru a vizita Parcul Național Retezat

Romania was a country that has been on our hiking wish list for a while. Because for one thing the country has a vast area of Forest’s and national park. Other one was our encounters with Romania’s during our previous hikes and their recommendations for a trip to their home country. After some thorough desk research and though discussions on where to go within Romania we decided for Retezat National Park. But we have to say it was a difficult choice and we have to come back some day to see if we actually made right one…

România a fost o țară care a fost pe lista noastră de dorințe de drumeții de ceva vreme. Pentru că pentru un lucru, țara are o suprafață vastă de pădure și parc național. Un altul a fost întâlnirile noastre cu România în timpul excursiilor noastre anterioare și recomandările lor pentru o călătorie în țara de origine. După o cercetare amănunțită a biroului și, totuși, discuții despre unde să mergem în România, ne-am decis pentru Parcul Național Retezat. Dar trebuie să spunem că a fost o alegere dificilă și trebuie să ne întoarcem într-o zi pentru a vedea dacă am făcut de fapt una corectă ...

Retezat National Park contains more than 60 peaks over 2,300 metres (7,500 ft) and over 100 crystal clear deep glacier lakes, the Retezat Mountains are some of the most beautiful in the Carpathians. In 1935 the Government of Romania set aside an area of the Retezat Mountains creating the country’s first national park. (source: Wikipedia). After seeing the stunning pictures of the mountains and lake it don’t have to explain further why we booked our flights from Eindhoven to Cluj.

After arriving in Cluj we met with our pre-arranged driver that took us to Pensiunea Bunea where we had our camping gas delivered. The owners of Pensiunea Bunea arranged our driver and received our camping gas order, we highly recommend to stay here when in Hateg! After a good night of sleep and a big breakfast we headed off to Hobita where we started our hike. Always a great moment when being dropped off leaving daily life behind in exchange for days filled with carefree hiking, eating, sleeping and enjoying!

Day 1 we went from Hobita to Stana de Rau campsite. Because it’s accessible for car’s it was not the most beautiful start, but the campsite made up for it. Located in the shades of some of the great pikes it gave us a good impression of what was still to come. Together with a group of school children we enjoy the scenery and the sheep passing us accompanied by loyal sheep dogs on their way back to the farm. From Stade de Rau the goal was to reach Cabana Pietrele by the end of day 2. A long day ahead that started with a steep climb followed by one of the most hazardous parts of the Retezat Mountains, the Vf. Mare spine. Looking at the abyss on your left and right and at the same time hiking/climbing the trail with 16kg backpack can be very challenging. Luckily we were rewarded with stunning views and after a descent with a refreshing stop at one of the glacier lakes.

From Pietrele it was off to Camping Lacul Bucura, a relaxing day cutting straight through the park with marvellous peaks on everywhere we looked and a great view over the valley behind us. The Camping at Lacul Bucura is accessible from the south side within a half day walk and very popular under Romanians and tourists. It might be good idea to provide some basic services such as composting toilets because now everyone, including ourselves, are leaving their traces… Anyway, after a night full of stars we walked up the highest peak, Peleaga, the next day and relaxed a little bit at the lake before descending to Poiana Pelegii.

In our final stage we left Poiana Pelegii to head for Cheile Butii and spend our last night there. With its varied forest, horses running free and a the best panorama picture position of the park we really where really glad taking this route. After a pit stop at Cabana Buta including a rewarding lunch we descended all the way to Cheile Buttii and ended up sleeping at complex turistic Cheile Butii ending our hiking trip. But not ending our trip completely. It’s worth mentioning we hitchhiked back to Cluj where we relaxed a little before returning home.

Enjoy our video, please comment like or dislike, whatever you feel like. Bucurați-vă de videoclipul nostru, vă rugăm să comentați sau să nu vă placă, orice vă doriți.

Walt & Donald

Cazare Delta Dunării | Experiențe de călătorie | Romanian Voyage | AAG Voyage - Marketing Hotelier

Marketing specializat in domeniul hotelier📲
Un proiect marca Romanian Voyage 🇷🇴
Consultanță, promovare, creare de conținut, social media management, copywriting, branding pentru cazările din România.

Promovare unități de cazare (hoteluri, pensiuni, restorturi, cazări inedite) și nu numai.

Agenția de marketing AAG Voyage:

Proiectul Romanian Voyage:

Locuri de poveste & cazări deosebite🏘

Lac pescuit + cabanute #dunarenii #feeder #lapescuit #feederfishing #fishing

Road to Arefu

See for more

Nucsoara Arges.AVI

România - Nucșoara, Județul Argeș (Lacul Învârtita) - 2011. Romanian beauty


Drumul dintre satul Lutoasa și Valea Uzului face parte din TET Romania. Urcușul dintre Lutoasa și platoul Tinovului Apa Roșie a fost asfaltat de curând așa că îl vom prezenta separat. Mai multe detalii pe

The road between Lutoasa village and Valea Uzului is part of TET Romania. The climb between Lutoasa and the plateau of Tinovul Apa Roșie was recently paved, so we will present it separately. More details on

TRANSFAGARASAN - The Greatest Driving Road in the WORLD. Romanian Carpathians. Transalpina road.

Once guys from Top Gear said that Transfăgărășan Highway is the best driving road in the world (in Series 14). And we agree with that. And Transalpina road is also amazing and a bit wilder than Transfagarasan.
Антон Птушкин з програми орел и решка також проїхав весь Трансфагараш, під час своєї поїздки в европу на смарте.

For us it was exciting and awesome journey!
14 people, we've never traveled with such a big group. I really appreciate that we used the chance to go together and discover amazing Romania. Highly recommend you places from this video as Best Places to Visit in Romania!
We drove a lot (more than 2000km on Transfagarasan & Transalpina ), we hiked to the mountains, we walked through the snow. We've met 5 bears in wild nature! 5 BEARS !

Welcome to visit Romania, and love you guys!
The best places which we've never been at are still exist!
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#transfagarasan #трансфагараш #romania #carpathians #transalpina

Transfagarasan highway officially open July 2020 - Romania

The famous Transfagarasan Highway as seen on Top Gear is now officially open to cars. We went to have a look!

Filmed with DJI Mavic 2 Pro and Sony A6500
Edited in LumaFusion on iPad gen 5

Contact us at if you would like any film making service as well as our usual Offroad services.

You have to be RICH to Live Here | Zona scumpa din Bucuresti | Floreasca Lake Walking Tour

Join me on a stunning walking tour through the vibrant streets of Bucharest, Romania. Explore the heart of this historic city, from its iconic landmarks to hidden gems, as we dive into its rich culture, architecture, and everyday life. Whether you're planning to visit Bucharest or just want to experience the beauty of Romania's capital from home, these virtual walking tours offer an immersive view of this charming city. Watch in 4K for the best experience. Perfect for travelers, history lovers, and those looking to discover the best of Bucharest.
#Bucharest #BucharestWalkingTour #RomaniaTravel #WalkingTour #VirtualTour #ExploreBucharest #romania #bucharest #bucuresti

RO: Această plimbare frumoasă 4k hdr ne poartă prin orașul București | România. Începem plimbarea noastră lângă Promenada Shopping Mall și terminăm plimbarea în oraș pe Bulevardul Floreasca.

EN: This beautiful 4k walk takes us through the city of Bucharest | Romania. We start our 4k walk near Promenada Shopping Mall and finish our city stroll on Floreasca Avenue #hdr

1st part (prima parte) of 4k hdr sunny walking tour of Floreasca Avenue:

0:00 - Welcome to Bucharest
10:30 - Going down the Lake Floreasca

🎬Other Videos To Watch (playlist):

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🔷The equipment i use now🔷
🎥 Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max
🦯Stabilizer: DJI OM 4

Without Romanian Walker's express written consent, no portion of this video may be utilized for individual or household purposes. After a copyright strike has been issued, I won't undo it.
I respect your privacy as always, and if you happen to be in this video and do not want to be included, please email me or leave a comment, and we will delete you entirely and immediately.

#walkingtour #walkingtours #romania #bucharest #romanianwalker


A quick collection of some my favorite shots I've done so far.
Hope you like it!

My FPV drone: Iflight Nazgul 5 analog 4s version
Camera: Gopro Hero 6 black
| Stabilized in ReelSteady |

More coming soon!



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