Discover Guangzhou, China 🇨🇳 charm: Ultimate 4-day travel guide
#top #best #4days #itinerary #holidays #guangzhou #china #cantontower #observationdeck #panoramicview #zahahadid #zahahadidarchitects #cantonesecuisine #cantonesecooking #dimsum #roast #congee #park #ifc #skyscraper #guangdongmuseum #bbqpork #friedrice #vacation #travelvlog #cinematictravelvideo #travelyoutubers #travelling #traveltips #timetravel
化州最豪華酒店!自助早餐是怎麼樣?當地樓價!兩房一廳!只要35萬!6000元一方!驚人的價格!4日3夜!自駕遊!最大早市!街拍!街景!美食旅遊推薦!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#酒店 #樓價 #旅遊
餐廳消費:純籺子糖 ¥12,鮮百合木耳糖 ¥7
南朝宋元嘉三年(426年)置羅州縣,檀道濟築石城於羅江口,置羅州縣,屬廣州高涼郡,為化州建縣之始。南朝齊置高興郡、高興縣,郡治所在今化州市區東北舊城嶺,屬越州,郡轄地在今化州南部及吳川、廉江。南朝樑大通年間,置石龍縣、石龍郡,又升羅州縣為羅州,領石龍、高興二郡。隋朝廢石龍、高興二郡,羅州領石龍、吳川、茂名三縣。大業三年(607)廢高州、羅州,設高涼郡,石龍縣屬高涼郡。唐武德四年(621)廢高涼郡,五年復置羅州,治所石龍,領石龍、吳川、陵羅、龍化、羅辯、南河、石城、招義、零綠、慈廉、羅肥十一縣。唐武德六年(623)羅州徙治石城(今廣東廉江)後,先後置南石州、辯州,其間天寶元年(742年)至乾元元年(758年)曾一度改置陵水郡,後復置辯州,下領石龍縣等。北宋太平興國五年據「州治之石龍能變化之義」(980年),辯州改稱化州,領石龍、吳川兩縣。 此乃化州命名之始。元朝先後置化州路安撫司、化州路總管府。明朝洪武元年(1368年)改化州路為化州府,領石龍、吳川、石城三縣。洪武七年(1374年)始降府為州,並石龍縣入化州,化州領吳川、石城二縣。自置羅州時起,至明洪武六年(1373年)止,近八百年間,化州一直是一、二級政區州、郡(府)的治所,為粵西地區的重要政治中心之一。
Huazhou City (postal pinyin: Fachow) is a county-level city in the southwest of Guangdong Province, administered by Maoming City. It borders Beiliu County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to the north, Wuchuan City of Guangdong Province to the south, Gaozhou City and Maonan District of Maoming City to the east, and Luchuan County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Lianjiang City of Guangdong Province to the west.
Huazhou City was formerly known as Shilong. It was named China's Hometown of Orange Peel because of its abundant production of orange peel. It is known as Orange Township, Orange City, and Orange State. Its terrain is long and narrow, like a sitting lion.
Huazhou has a long and narrow terrain, like a sitting lion. The terrain slopes from northwest to southeast. The northern part is a high hilly area dominated by granite, which belongs to the branch of Yunkai Mountain, accounting for 38.4% of the total area of the city. Tieshizhang, with an altitude of 579.8 meters, is the highest peak in Huazhou; the central part is a low hilly area, accounting for 36.8% of the total area; the southwest is a terrace, accounting for 15.5% of the total area; the southeast is the Jianjiang alluvial plain, accounting for 9.3% of the total area. There are three rivers in the territory, namely Jianjiang, Luojiang and Lingjiang, which run from north to south. Other rivers include Lingjiang, Qinghu River, Zhongdong River, Guanqiao River and Shiwan River, which are tributaries of Luojiang. There is Sanya River in the southeast and Tang River in the southwest, which are all third-level tributaries of Jianjiang. The soil is mainly red loam, with a deep soil layer and rich organic matter. The climate is subtropical monsoon climate, with southeast wind prevailing from March to September each year and northerly wind prevailing from October to February of the following year. The summer is long and the winter is short, the climate is mild, and it is often affected by typhoons and tropical depressions.
Huazhou had human activities as early as the Neolithic Age, and the ancient Yue ancestors lived and multiplied here. In the Qin Dynasty, the present Huazhou belonged to Xiangjun. Since then, the affiliation has changed repeatedly, and the establishment and division have been divided and merged many times. It has successively belonged to Nanyue State, Gaoliang County of Hepu County, Jiaozhi Provincial Department, Gaoxing County, Gaoliang County
★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★
★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★
★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★
★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★
00:00 Intro
00:50 酒店自助早餐有什麼吃?
10:57 早市實況/當地樓價/6千元一平方米/低至35萬元
15:45 當地市場/物價如何? /比想像中熱鬧/人氣超旺
23:50 50萬元一間的房子是怎樣的?
27:08 爽爽糖水店/純籺子糖/鮮百合木耳糖
35:01 自製飲品/開車前往沙扒灣
40:16 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #化州 #豪華酒店 #酒店 #自助早餐 #樓價 #兩房一廳 #價格 #4日3夜 #自駕遊 #早市 #街怕 #街景 #美食 #美食旅遊 #旅遊推薦 #food tourism #food tour in china #china tour guide #guangzhou vlog #cantonese food #cantonese vlog
湛江最大早市!樓價!海景房無人買?1.5萬一平方!原因是什麼?4日3夜!酒店自助早餐!街拍!街景!舊城區!美食旅遊推薦!海鮮價格極便宜!海蝦20元!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#樓價 #美食 #旅遊
湛江市的徐聞古港,是漢代海上絲路最早始發港。 湛江歷史代表文化為雷州文化,部分地區亦受高涼文化影響。
1899年11月,法國政府與清政府簽訂《中法互訂廣州灣租界條約》,將雷州府遂溪縣、高州府吳川縣兩縣所屬部分陸地、島嶼以及兩縣間的麻斜海灣(今湛江港)劃為法國租借地,統稱“廣州灣”,劃入法屬印度支那聯邦範圍,設廣州灣行政總公使署,受法屬印度支那總督管轄。 1943年2月,太平洋戰爭時期,被日本軍隊佔領。
Zhanjiang City, also known as the Port City and formerly known as Guangzhou Bay (Kwangchouwan), is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province, a sub-central city of Guangdong Province, and a central city of the Beibu Bay and Yuexi town cluster[5]. It is located on the Leizhou Peninsula at the southernmost tip of mainland China, at the intersection of Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan provinces (regions). It is adjacent to Maoming City in the northeast, Yulin City and Beihai City in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the northwest, the South China Sea in the east, Hainan Island across the Qiongzhou Strait in the south, and Beibu Bay in the west. The municipal government is located at No. 67, Yuejin Road, Chikan District.
The Xuwen Ancient Port in Zhanjiang City was the earliest starting port of the Maritime Silk Road in the Han Dynasty. Zhanjiang's historical representative culture is the Leizhou culture, and some areas are also influenced by the Gaoliang culture.
Zhanjiang was a French concession in 1899 and was officially opened to trade. As the shortest sea voyage from mainland China to Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa and Oceania, Zhanjiang is an important port city on the southeast coast of China and a national comprehensive transportation hub. It is one of the first coastal open cities in China and the headquarters of the Navy's South China Sea Fleet.
According to expert research and argumentation, the Liyudun Shell Mound Site in Jianghong Town, Suixi County today is a human settlement site from the Neolithic Age 7,000 to 8,000 years ago, and is the earliest place inhabited by humans on the Leizhou Peninsula. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the current Zhanjiang area was under the jurisdiction of Baiyue. It belonged to Xiangjun in the Qin Dynasty. In the sixth year of Yuanding of the Han Dynasty (111 BC), Xuwen, Leizhou and Suixi in the south belonged to Xuwen County of Jiaozhi; Wuchuan and Lianjiang in the north belonged to Gaoliang County and Hepu County of Jiaozhi respectively. Afterwards, the three counties in the south belonged to Jiaozhou, Yuezhou, Hezhou, Nanhezhou and Donghezhou successively. In the eighth year of Zhenguan of the Tang Dynasty (634), Donghezhou was changed to Leizhou, which governed the three counties of Leizhou Peninsula until the Qing Dynasty; Wuchuan and Lianjiang in the north belonged to Guangzhou, Luozhou and Huazhou successively, and belonged to Gaozhou until the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★
★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★
★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★
★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★
00:00 Intro
00:21 酒店自助早餐/海景自助早餐
06:48 酒店附近樓價/1.5萬一平方米/150萬起步
10:42 霞山區全部都是高樓大廈
13:10 赤坎區舊城區街道狹窄/全部都是舊屋
22:26 當地早市/北橋市場/海鮮價格極為便宜
32:55 古井騎樓街/法租界紀念館
39:16 騎樓街實況
43:30 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #busy street #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #cantonese food #food tourism #china tourism #guangzhou vlog #湛江 #早市 #樓價 #海景房 #4日3夜 #自助早餐 #早餐 #街拍 #街景 #舊城區 #美食 #旅遊 #旅遊推薦 #海鮮 #海鮮價格 #海蝦 #霞山區 #赤坎區 #自助餐 #vlog travel #vlog china #vlog study #food tour in china #樓價 2024
廣東美食旅遊攻略!2人消費90元!樓價38萬元3房2廳!工資多少?4日3夜!!茂名美食旅遊!商場!街拍!鴨!粥!特色美食!開車330公里!第一次吃!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#樓價 #美食 #旅遊
餐廳消費:白切鴨 ¥63,水東芥菜拼豆芽 ¥15,清湯鴨粥 ¥4/位,水東撈粉 ¥10
50年代茂名市初建時,因未定市名,以所在地茂名縣為名暫稱茂名工礦區。茂名工礦區城市建設籌建處提出了四個候選名稱:公館市(以所在地公館礦區命名)、金塘市(以所在地金塘礦區命名)、金陽市(金塘礦區、羊角礦區各取一字,「羊」以同音取「陽」)、茂名市。廣東省領導為了連貫性起見,決定定名“茂名市”,將原茂名縣改為高州縣。 1958年8月26日,茂名工礦區正式定名為茂名市。
Maoming City (postal pinyin: Mowming), abbreviated as Mao, is located in the southwest of Guangdong Province. The city borders Yangjiang City to the east, Yunfu City and Wuzhou City and Yulin City of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to the north, Zhanjiang City to the west, and the South China Sea to the south. The Municipal People's Government is located at No. 2, Youcheng Sixth Road, Maonan District.
Maoming is an important birthplace, prosperous place and inheritance place of Gaoliang Culture. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Gaozhou Prefecture (now Maoming District) was an important political, economic and cultural center in western Guangdong.
In 1956, an oil shale plant with an annual output of 1 million tons of crude oil was built in the southern part of the former Maoming County. In 1959, Maoming City was established based on the Maoming Industrial and Mining Area, and was upgraded to a prefecture-level city in 1975. Maoming is known as the Southern Oil City and is an important petrochemical base and energy base in the country. In addition, Maoming is also a major agricultural city and fruit production base in Guangdong Province. Among them, the planting area and output of litchi, longan and banana rank first in the province.
It is generally believed that Maoming was named after Pan Maoming, a local Taoist pioneer. It originated from a person's name and later evolved into a place name. The surname is the state name and the given name is the county name. According to the Maoming County Chronicles, Pan Maoming was born in Panpo Village, Genzi Town, Gaozhou on March 24th of the lunar calendar in the first year of Taixi in the Western Jin Dynasty (290 AD). It is said that Pan Mao (name) cared about the people of the world all his life, practiced medicine to save the world, and practiced medicine for the people. He was indifferent to fame and fortune, did not like official titles and salaries, and did not come after the court summoned him three times; he was not greedy for money, provided medical treatment and medicine, and benefited his hometown; when the plague was raging, he devoted himself to studying elixirs, risked his life to test medicine, stopped the plague and comforted the people, and was deeply respected by the people in Lingnan and praised by the court. In the 18th year of Kaihuang in the Sui Dynasty (598), in order to commend Pan Maoming's merits, Maoming County was established in his name. In the eighth year of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty (634), Panzhou was established in his name to govern Maoming County. Some scholars also believe that the word Maoming was derived from a river called Maoming Water (now Jianjiang River), and after the Song Dynasty, it evolved into a Taoist priest Pan Maoming, and the latter's deified interpretation became increasingly mainstream.
★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★
★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★
★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★
★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★
00:00 Intro
00:36 自駕遊/高速公路服務區實況
07:27 第一次來到茂名/印像如何?
08:36 水東興記鴨粥店/白切鴨/水東芥菜拼豆芽/清湯鴨粥/水東撈粉
21:29 附近酒店價格如何?/烈日當空市集無人問津
27:08 華僑城購物中心/當地人的生活
32:31 附近樓價/38萬3房單位/當地人收入夠供樓嗎?
39:37 開車前往湛江
43:27 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #chinese food #chinese food recipes #樓價 #美食 #旅遊 #4日3夜 #工資 #月薪 #茂名 #商場 #街拍 #鴨 #粥 #特色美食 #開車 #白切鴨 #food tourism #food tour in china #chinese food vlog #chinese food festival #樓價 2024 #chinese food recipes spicy #vlog china #vlog travel
Best Attractions and Places to See in Qingyuan, China
Qingyuan Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Qingyuan. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Qingyuan for You. Discover Qingyuan as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Qingyuan.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Qingyuan.
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List of Best Things to do in Qingyuan
Qingyuan Huanglongxia Drifting
Gulong Gorge
Panlong Gorge Ecological Resort
Xinyinzhan Hot Spring
Jinji Yan
Qingyuan Xuanzhen Drifting
Guxiangli Theme Park
Huadu Biguiyuan Guxiangli
Qingyuan Taihe Ancient Cave
Sea Turtle Reserve Area
湛江最大海鮮市場!海鮮加工!300元海鮮大餐!清蒸沙蟲60元!花蟹50元!生蠔40元!4日3夜!美食旅遊推薦!漁人碼頭!極度美味!午餐!驚人的價格!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#湛江 #海鮮 #美食
餐廳消費:蒜蓉粉絲蒸沙蟲 ¥60+加工費¥20,蒜蓉蒸鮑魚 ¥54+加工費¥25,薑蔥炒花蟹 ¥50+加工費¥20,薑蔥炒生蠔 ¥40+加工費¥28
湛江市的徐聞古港,是漢代海上絲路最早始發港。 湛江歷史代表文化為雷州文化,部分地區亦受高涼文化影響。
1899年11月,法國政府與清政府簽訂《中法互訂廣州灣租界條約》,將雷州府遂溪縣、高州府吳川縣兩縣所屬部分陸地、島嶼以及兩縣間的麻斜海灣(今湛江港)劃為法國租借地,統稱“廣州灣”,劃入法屬印度支那聯邦範圍,設廣州灣行政總公使署,受法屬印度支那總督管轄。 1943年2月,太平洋戰爭時期,被日本軍隊佔領。
Zhanjiang City, also known as the Port City and formerly known as Guangzhou Bay (Kwangchouwan), is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province, a sub-central city of Guangdong Province, and a central city of the Beibu Bay and Yuexi town cluster[5]. It is located on the Leizhou Peninsula at the southernmost tip of mainland China, at the intersection of Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan provinces (regions). It is adjacent to Maoming City in the northeast, Yulin City and Beihai City in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the northwest, the South China Sea in the east, Hainan Island across the Qiongzhou Strait in the south, and Beibu Bay in the west. The municipal government is located at No. 67, Yuejin Road, Chikan District.
The Xuwen Ancient Port in Zhanjiang City was the earliest starting port of the Maritime Silk Road in the Han Dynasty. Zhanjiang's historical representative culture is the Leizhou culture, and some areas are also influenced by the Gaoliang culture.
Zhanjiang was a French concession in 1899 and was officially opened to trade. As the shortest sea voyage from mainland China to Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa and Oceania, Zhanjiang is an important port city on the southeast coast of China and a national comprehensive transportation hub. It is one of the first coastal open cities in China and the headquarters of the Navy's South China Sea Fleet.
According to expert research and argumentation, the Liyudun Shell Mound Site in Jianghong Town, Suixi County today is a human settlement site from the Neolithic Age 7,000 to 8,000 years ago, and is the earliest place inhabited by humans on the Leizhou Peninsula. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the current Zhanjiang area was under the jurisdiction of Baiyue. It belonged to Xiangjun in the Qin Dynasty. In the sixth year of Yuanding of the Han Dynasty (111 BC), Xuwen, Leizhou and Suixi in the south belonged to Xuwen County of Jiaozhi; Wuchuan and Lianjiang in the north belonged to Gaoliang County and Hepu County of Jiaozhi respectively. Afterwards, the three counties in the south belonged to Jiaozhou, Yuezhou, Hezhou, Nanhezhou and Donghezhou successively. In the eighth year of Zhenguan of the Tang Dynasty (634), Donghezhou was changed to Leizhou, which governed the three counties of Leizhou Peninsula until the Qing Dynasty; Wuchuan and Lianjiang in the north belonged to Guangzhou, Luozhou and Huazhou successively, and belonged to Gaozhou until the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★
★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★
★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★
★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★
00:00 Intro
00:41 湛江海鮮市場/抵達現場已搬遷/只有批發商戶
04:52 開車前往漁人碼頭/湛江最大海鮮市場買海鮮
19:11 漁人碼頭海鮮餐廳加工海鮮/蒜蓉粉絲蒸沙蟲/蒜蓉蒸鮑魚/薑蔥炒花蟹/薑蔥炒生蠔
30:19 漁人碼頭海鮮批發市場
33:44 法國時期建築物/大教堂/全部都看不到
41:21 開車前往化州/預訂酒店
44:31 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #湛江 #海鮮 #美食 #海鮮市場 #海鮮加工 #海鮮大餐 #沙蟲 #花蟹 #生蠔 #3日3夜 #旅遊 #旅遊推薦 #漁人碼頭 #午餐 #food tour in china #food tourism #漁人碼頭 美食 #vlog bgm #cantonese vlog #cantonese food #vlog study #china tour 2024
Japan's LARGEST Taoist Temple 🇯🇵
Take a look at the amazing and vibrant Seitenkyū Temple in Saitama, Japan which houses 5000 dragon statues! An amazing place to travel to especially if you are already taking a trip to Kawagoe. It's about 1 hour 30 mins total from Shinjuku as a reference. A unique experience as part of your travelling in Japan.
Visiting China Pt. 1
This Past Summer I visited China!
This was pretty much all of Beijing! More Coming!!!
广东省地图 map of Guangdong China
Guangdong (UK: /ɡwæŋˈdʊŋ/, US: /ɡwɒŋ-/),[11] alternately romanized as Canton Province or Kwangtung, is a coastal province in South China on the north shore of the South China Sea. The capital of the province is Guangzhou. With a population of 126.01 million (as of 2020[12]) across a total area of about 179,800 km2 (69,400 sq mi),[1] Guangdong is the most populous province of China and the 15th-largest by area as well as the second-most populous country subdivision in the world. Its economy is larger than that of any other province in the nation and the 4th largest sub-national economy in the world with GDP of 1.66 trillion USD (10.77 trillion CNY) in 2019.[12] The Pearl River Delta Economic Zone, a Chinese megalopolis, is a core for high technology, manufacturing and foreign trade. Located in this zone are two of the four top Chinese cities and the top two Chinese prefecture-level cities by GDP; Guangzhou, the capital of the province, and Shenzhen, the first special economic zone in the country. These two are among the most populous and important cities in China, and have now become two of the world's most populous megacities.
The province of Guangdong surpassed Henan and Shandong to become the most populous province in China in January 2005, registering 79.1 million permanent residents and 31 million migrants who lived in the province for at least six months of the year;[13][14] the total population was 104,303,132 in the 2010 census, accounting for 7.79 percent of Mainland China's population.[15] This makes it the most populous first-level administrative subdivision of any country outside of South Asia. Its population increase since the census has been modest, the province registering 108,500,000 people in 2015.[16] The vast majority of the historical Guangdong Province is administered by the People's Republic of China (PRC). Pratas Island in the South China Sea is part of Cijin District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (ROC); the island was previously part of Guangdong Province before the Chinese Civil War.[17][18]
Guangdong has a diversified economy. It was known as the starting point of the Maritime Silk Road of ancient China.[19] Since 1989, Guangdong has topped the total GDP rankings among all provincial-level divisions, with Jiangsu and Shandong second and third in rank. As of 2018, Guangdong's GDP reached 1.47 trillion US dollars (CNY 9.73 trillion), exceeding that of Spain with GDP of 1.43 trillion US dollars, the 13th largest in the world.[20] The province contributes approximately 12% of the total economic output of mainland China, and is home to the production facilities and offices of a wide-ranging set of Chinese and foreign corporations. Guangdong has benefited from its proximity to the financial hub of Hong Kong, which it borders to the south. Guangdong also hosts the largest import and export fair in China, the Canton Fair, hosted in the provincial capital of Guangzhou.
After the unification of Lingnan region in the Qin dynasty, the immigrants from the Central Plains moved in and formed the local culture with a unique style. With the outward movement of the Guangdong people, the Hakka and Cantonese languages, music, cuisine, opera and tea ceremony have been spread throughout the nation, Southeast Asia and other countries. Guangdong was also the birthplace of the father of modern China and the founder of the Republic of China, Sun Yat-sen where he later declared a military government in the Warlord Era. The two special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau fall within the scope of Guangdong cultural influence, and Guangdong culture still has profound influences on the Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia. 广东(英国:/ɡwæŋˈdʊŋ/,美国:/ɡwɒŋ-/),[11] 交替拼写为Canton Province或Kwangtung,是中国南方沿海省份,位于南海北岸。该省的省会是广州。广东拥有 12601 万人口(截至 2020 年[12]),总面积约为 179,800 平方公里(69,400 平方英里),[1] 广东是中国人口最多的省份,按面积计算,在全国排名第 15 位。世界第二人口大国。其经济规模超过全国任何其他省份,2019 年 GDP 为 1.66 万亿美元(10.77 万亿元人民币),位居世界第 4 大地方经济体。 [12]珠江三角洲经济区是中国的特大城市,是高科技、制造业和对外贸易的核心。中国四大城市中的两个和中国GDP排名前二的地级市位于该区域;省会广州和全国第一个经济特区深圳。这两个是中国人口最多和最重要的城市之一,现在已成为世界上人口最多的两个特大城市。 mapa de guangdong china , #guangdong ,
Walking Around Main Cities of China
Walking through main Chinese cities. Sneak peak of most popular destinations of China. Visit old Beijing, modern Shanghai, recently built Shenzhen and other fascinating places.
【廣州漫步粵菜美食探店】深圳!福田!最大市場!寶安區!海鮮市場!花蟹!食海鮮!貴嗎?兩日一夜!食遊記!芒果!牛肉!超大型市場!選擇多!價錢平!力推!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#深圳 #海鮮 #市場
餐廳消費:薑蔥炒蟹(含加工費)¥93/酥炸生蠔(含加工費)¥76/瑤柱蛋白菜心粒炒飯 ¥48/蒜蓉蒸勝瓜 ¥42
00:00 Intro
00:35 飯店停車費用/福田農產品批發市場/一元一公斤雪梨/特價芒果
03:37 水果選擇多/價錢平/小青柑8元一斤
08:24 蔬菜價格有平有貴/燒臘價格合理
16:42 一樓水產部分最多人/買開殼生蠔/大螃蟹
21:42 艱難找到充電站/深圳街道實況
24:26 寶安區/福海海鮮市場/人流少/價格貴
27:20 海鮮加工/讀餐牌時間
29:02 薑蔥炒蟹/酥炸生蠔/瑤柱蛋白菜心粒炒飯/蒜蓉蒸勝瓜
44:11 Ending
#廣州美食粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #dim sum #粵語 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #dim sum #Chinese # Food Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #深圳 #福田 #市場 #寶安區 #海鮮 #海鮮市場 #花蟹 #食遊海鮮 #兩天一夜 #食遊海鮮 #芒果 #牛肉 #生蠔 #粵菜 #炒飯 #燒臘 #美食 #探店 #海鮮市場中國 #深圳寶安區 #food tourism #food tour china #food tour vlog #vlog china #vlog bgm #vlog study
1001369315 Gaozhou Burlinton Leather Products Co., Ltd
Rachel Ao | Sales Manager | Gaozhou Burlinton Leather Products Co., Ltd
Sales office: Suite 1101, Huangcheng Plaza, No.7 Futian Rd. South, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518033, China
Production basin: No.75, North Street, Gaozhou, Guangdong, 525200, China
Tel: 86-755-82978369 | Skype: rachelao
4日3夜旅遊!美食旅遊攻略!全是高樓大廈!現代化城市!海景酒店價格如何?從未吃過如此美味!必吃沙蟲粥110元!2人消費170元!晚餐!湛江!超級美!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#酒店 #旅遊 #美食
餐廳消費:沙蟲粥 ¥138,酸湯羊肚 ¥39
湛江市的徐聞古港,是漢代海上絲路最早始發港。 湛江歷史代表文化為雷州文化,部分地區亦受高涼文化影響。
1899年11月,法國政府與清政府簽訂《中法互訂廣州灣租界條約》,將雷州府遂溪縣、高州府吳川縣兩縣所屬部分陸地、島嶼以及兩縣間的麻斜海灣(今湛江港)劃為法國租借地,統稱“廣州灣”,劃入法屬印度支那聯邦範圍,設廣州灣行政總公使署,受法屬印度支那總督管轄。 1943年2月,太平洋戰爭時期,被日本軍隊佔領。
Zhanjiang City, also known as the Port City and formerly known as Guangzhou Bay (Kwangchouwan), is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province, a sub-central city of Guangdong Province, and a central city of the Beibu Bay and Yuexi town cluster[5]. It is located on the Leizhou Peninsula at the southernmost tip of mainland China, at the intersection of Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan provinces (regions). It is adjacent to Maoming City in the northeast, Yulin City and Beihai City in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the northwest, the South China Sea in the east, Hainan Island across the Qiongzhou Strait in the south, and Beibu Bay in the west. The municipal government is located at No. 67, Yuejin Road, Chikan District.
The Xuwen Ancient Port in Zhanjiang City was the earliest starting port of the Maritime Silk Road in the Han Dynasty. Zhanjiang's historical representative culture is the Leizhou culture, and some areas are also influenced by the Gaoliang culture.
Zhanjiang was a French concession in 1899 and was officially opened to trade. As the shortest sea voyage from mainland China to Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa and Oceania, Zhanjiang is an important port city on the southeast coast of China and a national comprehensive transportation hub. It is one of the first coastal open cities in China and the headquarters of the Navy's South China Sea Fleet.
According to expert research and argumentation, the Liyudun Shell Mound Site in Jianghong Town, Suixi County today is a human settlement site from the Neolithic Age 7,000 to 8,000 years ago, and is the earliest place inhabited by humans on the Leizhou Peninsula. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the current Zhanjiang area was under the jurisdiction of Baiyue. It belonged to Xiangjun in the Qin Dynasty. In the sixth year of Yuanding of the Han Dynasty (111 BC), Xuwen, Leizhou and Suixi in the south belonged to Xuwen County of Jiaozhi; Wuchuan and Lianjiang in the north belonged to Gaoliang County and Hepu County of Jiaozhi respectively. Afterwards, the three counties in the south belonged to Jiaozhou, Yuezhou, Hezhou, Nanhezhou and Donghezhou successively. In the eighth year of Zhenguan of the Tang Dynasty (634), Donghezhou was changed to Leizhou, which governed the three counties of Leizhou Peninsula until the Qing Dynasty; Wuchuan and Lianjiang in the north belonged to Guangzhou, Luozhou and Huazhou successively, and belonged to Gaozhou until the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★
★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★
★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★
★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★
00:00 Intro
00:40 開400公里/第一次來到湛江/感覺如何?
02:08 預訂酒店/400元一晚/絕美海景/Room Tour
09:16 沙灘漫步/海邊美食
28:35 老媽子海鮮酒家/讀餐牌時間/開車去海南島?
30:26 沙蟲粥/酸湯羊肚
39:45 夜遊萬達廣場
49:47 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #4日3夜 #美食 #旅遊 #酒店 #酒店價格 #高樓大廈 #海景酒店 #沙蟲粥 #晚餐 #湛江 #酸湯羊肚 #沙灘 #廣州灣 #海鮮 #霞山區 #徐聞 #法國 #food tourism #food tour in china #广州队 大连 #cantonese food #china tourist #china tour vlog #china tourism
Aerial China:Xinyi, Guangdong after the rain, hazy and fresh
Xinyi, the county-level city in charge of Maoming City, is located in the southwest of Guangdong Province and the north of Maoming City. It borders Yangchun to the east, Gaozhou to the south, Guangxi Beiliu and Rongxian to the west, and Luoding city and Cenxi, Guangxi to the north. City borders. In the 4th year of Tang Wude (621), Xinyi County was established, and in the 5th year of Song Taiping Xingguo (976), it was renamed Xinyi County. The city has a total area of 3101.7 square kilometers, with 1 sub-district and 18 towns under its jurisdiction. At the end of 2019, the total registered population of the city was 1.503 million, with a permanent population of 1.024 million. In 2019, the city achieved a regional GDP of 48.297 billion yuan, with a built-up area of 28.3 square kilometers.
Xinyi is rich in resources and is one of the province's largest production bases of bamboo, jade, rosin, and granite plates, and an important base for the production of mountain chicken, Sanhua plum, lychee, longan, southern medicine, and off-season vegetables. Known as the Jade City of the South, Hometown of Bamboo Weaving, Hometown of Hydropower, Hometown of Sanhua Li, Hometown of Southern Medicine, Kingdom of Mountain Chicken and so on. The proven minerals mainly include more than 30 kinds of gold, silver, iron, tin, etc. The silver rock tin mine is the third largest tin mine in the country, and the Dongkeng gold mine is the second largest gold mine in Guangdong Province. Nanyu is the only Southern Jasper in the country. Xinyi has developed tourist attractions such as Xijiang Hot Spring, Tianma Mountain, Shigen Mountain, Daren Mountain, Taihua Mountain, Jiamenxia Rafting, etc. Among them, Datianding, located in Yunkai Mountain National Nature Reserve, is 1,704 meters above sea level, which is the highest peak in western Guangdong and the second highest peak in Guangdong.
Xinyi is a well-known hometown of overseas Chinese in Guangdong Province and a key hometown of overseas Chinese in Maoming City. It has successively won the National Ecological Protection and Construction Demonstration Zone, National Key Ecological Function Zone, China Southern Jade Capital, China Longevity Township, The Hometown of China's Kindness and Filial Piety Culture, County with Basic Balance of National Compulsory Education Development, Education Strong City in Guangdong Province
廣東化州旅遊!當地最豪華酒店!250元!著名美食!香油雞50元!不得了!!好吃到爆!4日3夜!美食旅遊推薦!最大商場!超市瘋狂購物!2人消費90元!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#旅遊 #酒店 #美食
餐廳消費:白切香油雞 ¥60,白切蓮藕 ¥15,撈粉 ¥10
南朝宋元嘉三年(426年)置羅州縣,檀道濟築石城於羅江口,置羅州縣,屬廣州高涼郡,為化州建縣之始。南朝齊置高興郡、高興縣,郡治所在今化州市區東北舊城嶺,屬越州,郡轄地在今化州南部及吳川、廉江。南朝樑大通年間,置石龍縣、石龍郡,又升羅州縣為羅州,領石龍、高興二郡。隋朝廢石龍、高興二郡,羅州領石龍、吳川、茂名三縣。大業三年(607)廢高州、羅州,設高涼郡,石龍縣屬高涼郡。唐武德四年(621)廢高涼郡,五年復置羅州,治所石龍,領石龍、吳川、陵羅、龍化、羅辯、南河、石城、招義、零綠、慈廉、羅肥十一縣。唐武德六年(623)羅州徙治石城(今廣東廉江)後,先後置南石州、辯州,其間天寶元年(742年)至乾元元年(758年)曾一度改置陵水郡,後復置辯州,下領石龍縣等。北宋太平興國五年據「州治之石龍能變化之義」(980年),辯州改稱化州,領石龍、吳川兩縣。 此乃化州命名之始。元朝先後置化州路安撫司、化州路總管府。明朝洪武元年(1368年)改化州路為化州府,領石龍、吳川、石城三縣。洪武七年(1374年)始降府為州,並石龍縣入化州,化州領吳川、石城二縣。自置羅州時起,至明洪武六年(1373年)止,近八百年間,化州一直是一、二級政區州、郡(府)的治所,為粵西地區的重要政治中心之一。
Huazhou City (postal pinyin: Fachow) is a county-level city in the southwest of Guangdong Province, administered by Maoming City. It borders Beiliu County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to the north, Wuchuan City of Guangdong Province to the south, Gaozhou City and Maonan District of Maoming City to the east, and Luchuan County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Lianjiang City of Guangdong Province to the west.
Huazhou City was formerly known as Shilong. It was named China's Hometown of Orange Peel because of its abundant production of orange peel. It is known as Orange Township, Orange City, and Orange State. Its terrain is long and narrow, like a sitting lion.
Huazhou has a long and narrow terrain, like a sitting lion. The terrain slopes from northwest to southeast. The northern part is a high hilly area dominated by granite, which belongs to the branch of Yunkai Mountain, accounting for 38.4% of the total area of the city. Tieshizhang, with an altitude of 579.8 meters, is the highest peak in Huazhou; the central part is a low hilly area, accounting for 36.8% of the total area; the southwest is a terrace, accounting for 15.5% of the total area; the southeast is the Jianjiang alluvial plain, accounting for 9.3% of the total area. There are three rivers in the territory, namely Jianjiang, Luojiang and Lingjiang, which run from north to south. Other rivers include Lingjiang, Qinghu River, Zhongdong River, Guanqiao River and Shiwan River, which are tributaries of Luojiang. There is Sanya River in the southeast and Tang River in the southwest, which are all third-level tributaries of Jianjiang. The soil is mainly red loam, with a deep soil layer and rich organic matter. The climate is subtropical monsoon climate, with southeast wind prevailing from March to September each year and northerly wind prevailing from October to February of the following year. The summer is long and the winter is short, the climate is mild, and it is often affected by typhoons and tropical depressions.
Huazhou had human activities as early as the Neolithic Age, and the ancient Yue ancestors lived and multiplied here. In the Qin Dynasty, the present Huazhou belonged to Xiangjun. Since then, the affiliation has changed repeatedly, and the establishment and division have been divided and merged many times. It has successively belonged to Nanyue State, Gaoliang County of Hepu County, Jiaozhi Provincial Department, Gaoxing County, Gaoliang County
★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★
★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★
★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★
★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★
00:00 Intro
00:21 開車兩小時抵達化州/第一次來到
04:35 入住當地最大最豪華酒店/250元一晚/roomtour
09:12 冒雨覓食/途徑步行街/奀奀飯店/讀餐牌時間
15:58 白切香油雞/白切蓮藕/撈粉
24:42 夜遊步行街
30:32 開車前往萬達廣場
35:55 商場瘋狂購物/特價榴槤
44:42 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣東 #化州 #旅遊 #酒店 #美食 #香油雞 #雞 #蓮藕 #撈粉 #旅遊推薦 #商場 #美食攻略 #超市 #瘋狂購物 #夜市 #步行街 #購物 #榴蓮 #物價 #food tourism #china tourist guide #美食 中国 #china tour 2024 #vlog study #chinese food vlog
Maoming visit 3: Arrive Maoming City
Maoming city has a population of 170 million. (Date of video: 2/1/13)
Prayer at Renewei Temple in Guangzhou
An elderly Chinese woman prays at the Renwei Temple in the southern China city of Guangzhou.
Beautiful China in spring | CCTV English
Flowers bloom across China as the temperature gets warmer. Take a deep breath of the fresh air in spring. #HiChina #SeeChina
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广东旅游,历史名城高州市,找街头小吃,寻找年轻的足迹,街道过年气氛浓厚,回到曾经读书的小学中学校门,回忆满满 | China city|street food|Chinese food |
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00:09 高州简介 航拍鉴江 宝光塔 俯瞰全城
00:26 曾经读书的小学 南关小学
02:13 遇到第一档街头小吃 煎堆糖心糍
04:30 凉粉
06:06 小米碱水籺
07:03 薯包籺
09:10 曾经读书的中学 高州中学
09:28 豆芽粉
11:22 簸箕炊
11:57 炸虾饼
12:17 切水果
12:40 冼太庙
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Best Hospital in Shantou, China
Must Watch…. Best Hospitals and Clinics in Shantou
Don't forget to subscribe our channel to view more Hospital and Doctors videos. Click on Bell ICON to get the notification of New Videos. Please note that this is not a rank wise listing. This list is based on the overall review of the Hospital by our users in this city.
List of Best Hospital and Clinics in Shantou:
Shantou Central Hospital
+86 754 8855 0450
University of Shantou Medical College No.1 Affiliated Hospital
+86 754 8825 8290
Shantou Ren'ai Hospital
+86 754 8821 6076
Shantou University Medical College No.2 Affiliated Hospital Community Health Fuwuke
Government Shantou
Shantou Jinping Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital
+86 754 8831 8859
Jinping People's Hospital
+86 754 8824 5675
Shantou No.2 People's Hospital
+86 754 8827 2777
Shantou International Eye Center
+86 754 8839 3508
Shantou Jinping No.1 Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
+86 754 8844 1427
Shantou Skin Venereal Disease Prevention And Treatment Institute
+86 754 8853 9406
Chao'an Anbu Overseas Chinese Hospital
+86 768 666 5929
Longhu People's Hospital of Shantou
+86 754 8816 3355
Shantou University Medical College Tumor Hospital
Cancer treatment center • Shantou
+86 754 8855 5844
Zhuchi Hospital
+86 754 8889 6127
Haojiang Hepu People's Hospital
+86 754 8787 7251
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