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10 Best place to visit in Dunakeszi Hungary


Top 10 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Vac | Hungary - English

#VacPlaces #PlacesInVac #Hungary #Vac
Vac is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Hungary having many best places in Vac. Vác is a thousand-year old city in Pest county in Hungary with approximately 35,000 inhabitants. The archaic spelling of the name is Vácz. So to help you figure out the places you need to try, we've gathered up a bucket list of the best Places in Vac that you won't regret going to.

Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.

There are many beautiful places in Vac. Hungary has some of the best places in Vac. We collected data on the top 10 places to visit in Vac. There are many famous places in Vac and some of them are beautiful places in Vac. People from all over Hungary love these Vac beautiful places which are also Vac famous places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful places to visit in Vac.

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***All images used in this video are a property of their owners. We have no intention of showing these images as our own property. We used these images just to promote tourism.***

Discover the charm of Budapest - best places to visit in Budapest, Hungary

main attractions in budapest.
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Dunakeszi-Göd-Dunakeszi GoPro 7 black kerékpárostartó teszt

Gyorsított, folyamatos felvételek Dunakeszi és Göd között tesztelve a stabilizációt.

Driving Székesfehérvár - Dunakeszi Part I

Autózás Székesfehérvárról Dunakeszire az M7-es autópályán Budapesten keresztül.

Driving in Hungary from Székesfehérvár to Dunakeszi through Budapest.


Első rész

Danube River traffic in Budapest - 10x Timelapse

5 mins compressed to 30 secs of boat traffic on the Danube in Downtown Budapest.




Zene: Asaf Avidan - One Day

Budapest - Dunakeszi - Fót || Aprilia Sportcity Cube 250

Budapest - Dunakeszi - Fót

Aprilia Sportcity Cube 250

Figyelem: az itt látható videó szerkesztett változat. A felvétel készítésekor rögzített sebesség nem feltétlenül egyezik meg mindenhol a lejátszási sebességgel. | Disclaimer: this video has been edited. The speed at the time of recording may not always be the same as the playback speed.

Dunakeszi - Göd || Suzuki GSX 650F

Dunakeszi - Göd

Suzuki GSX 650F

Figyelem: az itt látható videó szerkesztett változat. A felvétel készítésekor rögzített sebesség nem feltétlenül egyezik meg mindenhol a lejátszási sebességgel. | Disclaimer: this video has been edited. The speed at the time of recording may not always be the same as the playback speed.

2023 03 11 Hódmezővásárhely In Hungary

Driving Székesfehérvár - Dunakeszi Part II

Autózás Székesfehérvárról Dunakeszire az M7-es autópályán Budapesten keresztül.

Driving in Hungary from Székesfehérvár to Dunakeszi through Budapest.


Második rész

Jerusalema dance, Dunakeszi - Göd, Hungary

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Restaurants in Dunakeszi, Hungary

Have a really tasty meal again, in a good restaurant or eatery nearby. Enjoy a great dinner with near Dunakeszi. Whether gourmet, fast food or a romantic candlelight dinner, you will find something suitable here.

Here you can find Restaurants in Dunakeszi, Hungary:
1) Nini Foodtruck
Dunakeszi, Pallag u 3, 2120
06 30 924 9662

2) School Bus Diner
Dunakeszi, Pálya u. 12-36, 2120
06 30 789 0727

3) Pizza Mamma
Dunakeszi, Fóti út 39, 2120
06 30 140 5626

4) Bakos Betérő Büfé
Dunakeszi, Hunyadi János u. 141, 2120

5) Part Cafe Restaurant and Guesthouse
Dunakeszi, Duna sor 20, 2120
(06 27) 349 225

6) Vincent Grill & Beer
Dunakeszi, Kossuth Lajos u. 40, 2120
06 20 239 7038

7) Napterasz
Dunakeszi, Fillér u. 8, 2120
(06 27) 343 834

8) LAZA Burger
Dunakeszi, Fő út 139, 2120
06 70 292 8757

9) Koliba Chopok
Dunakeszi, Berek u. 8, 2120
06 30 014 8388

10) Halpatkó
Dunakeszi, Nádas u. 8, 2120
06 70 886 6165

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Local's BUDAPEST STREET FOOD Favorite: Lángos | 5 Places to Get it!

The Budapest Streetfood you must try is Lángos: It's a deep fried dough with different toppings that's just an ideal comfort food to grab on your way as you explore the Hungarian capital.
There are many places in Budapest which specialise in Lángos. There are the traditional small booths at Market Halls and Markets, or even on the streets which sell this local streetfood specialty. There are also some establishments where many different versions of this famous Hungarian food item can be tasted.
In this video we explore 5 different places in Budapest that offer Lángos. Some more popular and some lesser known ones to show the different kings of Lángos you can get, and what their prices are like.

We also explore the unique history of this dish, to learn about where this simple but definately taste streetfood item comes from, and how it's rooted in Hungarian culture.

If you find our Stuffed Cabbage Adventures T-Shirts and Pulovers we wear in the videos and also wish to support the channel, we got some great news! You can order our designs via the following Link!

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We have visited the followoing places in case you are looking for their address:
Lángosos at Hunyadi Square Market:
Budapest, Hunyadi tér 4, 1067

Lángos Land:
Budapest, Lövőház u. 12, 1024

Lángos Papi:
Budapest, Madách Imre út 3, 1075

Gozsdu Lángos Bistro:
Budapest, Király u. 13, 1075

Retro Lángos Budapest:
Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 25, 1065

If you want to know what are the things your MUST KNOW about Budapest, check the following video:

Want to know what are the best things to do in Budapest? Check our our top 10 things to do Video:

If you want to make Lángos at home, here is a quick recipe:

I'm a local youtuber born and raised in Hungary, Budapest.
I love my country and I would like to share my experience and knowledge about Hungary and Budapest as a local for those who want to spend their time here, either as a tourist or as an expat.

Consider Subscribing to the Channel and Like the video if you enjoy the content and would like to know more about Hungary and Budapest.

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#budapest #visithungary #budapesttravel #streetfood #budapestfood #langos

00:00 Hunyadi Square Market - Lángosos
01:30 The History of Lángos
02:17 Fény Street Market - Lángos Land
03:49 What does Lángos mean?
04:40 Lángos Papi
07:34 The thing about Toppings
08:54 Gozsdu Lángos Bistro
09:55 Can you make Lángos?
10:30 Retro Lángos Budapest

Hungary Video Hungary 4k Video Top Video | WorldCity Explorer

Our video is all about Hungary Video subject information but we try to cover the following subjects:
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I wish you liked this YT vid where we covered as much as we can around hungary 4k video and also budapest hungary

#everythingbudapestandhungary #HungaryVideoHungary4kVideoTopVideo

Window on Hungary

The country of Hungary is landlocked in Europe and borders seven countries—Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, and Croatia. We arrived via Vienna, Austria, and departed in the south, crossing into Serbia. We were surprised to find ourselves driving at times through flat featureless country. The Danube flows from north to south and the entire country drains into it. Our first stop was on the shores of Lake Balaton, Europe's largest freshwater lake and the holiday hub of local Hungarians. Budapest proved to be an enchanting city, and the sort of place where one could stays for weeks and still only scratch the surface. There is both a complexity and a simplicity to the country. Its history seems to be an endless saga of conflict, invasion, occupation and struggle. Yet it retains its identity and strong national pride. Nearly 10 million people are crammed into its territory but one still find open spaces and natural beauty. Ours was an introductory visit of four days. Four weeks would have done more justice to this very attractive country.
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main road 2 Dunakeszi - Göd - Sződliget_Hungary

music: Denis RICHARD - New Funk 08

Dunakeszi és Vác képekbe 2019 4K

A képek mesélnek :)

Dunakeszin a nagymúltú lóversenypálya mellett vitorlázó repülőtér működik, amely elsősorban a sportrepülés és hobbirepülés szerelmeseinek biztosít sportolási és kikapcsolódási lehetőséget.

Dunakeszi Repülőtéren rendezték meg a V4 Air Show veterán jármű és retro találkozót, amely egyben repülőnap is volt színes légi programokkal.


A Dunakanyar központjaként ismert település Pest megye ötödik legnagyobb lélekszámmal rendelkező városa, egyúttal vonzó idegenforgalmi célpont.
A Főtér gyöngyszeme a volt Domonkos rendi templom, a XVIII. században épült barokk, rokokó stílusban. A templom homlokzata falpillérekkel, barokk csigavonalakkal, vázákkal, szobrokkal díszített. Az egyszerű külsővel ellentétben, a belső díszítés igen gazdag. Színei világosak, szobrai fehérek, az oltárképek színei is derűsek. Az 1994. év szenzációja volt a templomtorony alatt, kívülről nyíló kripta feltárása. Bejárata két évszázadon át be volt falazva. A templom felújításakor véletlenül bukkantak rá, s amikor felnyitották kiderült, hogy a katakombaszerű helyiségek 262 koporsót rejtenek. A fakoporsók gazdag festése épen maradt.

A Főtér Vác legismertebb közösségi tere. Már a középkorban is egyházi, gazdasági és kulturális központ volt. A tér északi oldalán a Bécsi kapu állt, szemközt a városháza, majd a jól körüljárható Szent Mihály templom, melynek kerítő falaihoz épültek a piac bódéi is. Így alakult ki különleges, nyújtott háromszög formája.
A teret körülölelő házak jórészt alápincézett középkori alapokra épültek, viszontagságos századok után a XVIII. század építő püspökei nyomán nyerték el mai formájukat, mellyel országosan kiemelkedő műemlék együttessé váltak. Egykor Főtérnek, Piactérnek, Városháza térnek, Konstantin térnek, majd 1949-től Március 15. térnek nevezik. Az új Főteret 2006 szeptemberében adták át a nagyközönségnek, mely tervezője Sáros László Ybl díjas építész.

A tér déli oldalán található a Fehérek temploma. Mellette a harangjátékos zenepavilon mögött a Curia épülete, egykori káptalanház, mely a XVIII. században vendégfogadóként, szállóként működött, ma vendéglátó és kiállítóhely. A Bécsi kapu felé haladva lakóházak mellett áll az egykori püspöki palota, ma Siketnéma Intézet, az egykori Nagypréposti palota, ma Váci Egyházmegyei Gyűjtemény, az egykori Aranyszarvas Fogadó, ma a Váci Művészeti Gyűjtemény otthona. A tér nyugati oldalán található az Irgalmasrendi Kórház és Kápolna, a Városháza, valamint Memento Mori kiállítás.

Vác Székesegyház
Konstantin tér
Magyarország első, klasszicizáló későbarokk ízlésű székesegyháza, tervezője a francia Isidor Canavale. Az építkezést 1761-ben kezdték el, 1772-ben szentelték fel a templomot, de a belső munkálatokat csak 1777-ben fejezték be.


A belváros alatti partszakasz már szerepet játszott 1764-ben Mária Terézia váci látogatásának programjában is. A felséges család sétákat tett itt, és innen csodálta a vízi látványosságokat.
Az Ady Endre sétánnyal párhuzamosan, a Duna mellett halad a Szent Erzsébet sétány. Olyan hangulattal vár benneteket, ami garantáltan elfeledteti veletek a gondokkal teli hétköznapokat. Télen és nyáron egyaránt nagyon népszerű a sétány a gyalogosok, a biciklisek (itt vezet a bicikliút is) és a kisgyermekes családok körében, de gyakran összefuthattok itt vidáman beszélgető középiskolás baráti társaságokkal is.


Egy vízparti sétát érdemes összekötni Nagy Sándor szobrászművész alkotásainak megtekintésével, annál is inkább, mert a művész 60 évtizedes munkásságát ölelik fel.

A XX. század második felében, a XXI. század első két évtizedében dolgozott mester nagyméretű, kőbe faragott alkotásainak válogatott műveit 2019 tavaszától nézhetitek meg !

Ahol jártam:


Képek készültek:
Huawei p30 pro

Segítette :
DJI Osmo Mobile 2

Budapest NEW Style Tram. Very clean and nice! - Hungary - ECTV

Hungarian State Railways (Hungarian: Magyar Államvasutak, MÁV) is the Hungarian national railway company, with divisions MÁV START Zrt. (passenger transport), MÁV-Gépészet Zrt. (maintenance), MÁV-Trakció Zrt. and MÁV Cargo Zrt (freight transport).[1] The head office is in Budapest.[2]

Construction of Hungary's first railway line began in the second half of 1844. The first steam locomotive railway line was opened on 15 July 1846 between Pest and Vác. This date is regarded as the birth date of the Hungarian railways. The Romantic poet Sándor Petőfi rode on the first train and wrote a poem predicting that rails would connect Hungary like blood vessels in the human body.

After the failed revolution, the existing lines were nationalized by the Austrian State and new lines were built. As a result of the Austro-Sardinian War in the late 1850s, all these lines were sold to Austrian private companies. During this time the company of Ábrahám Ganz invented a method of crust-casting to produce cheap yet sturdy iron railway wheels, which greatly contributed to railway development in Central Europe.

Following the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867 that created the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary, transport issues became the responsibility of the Hungarian Government, which also inherited the duty to support local railway companies. This came at a considerable cost: in 1874 8% of the annual budget went to railway company subsidies. This led the Hungarian Parliament to consider founding a State Railway. The goal was to take over and operate the Hungarian main lines. The branch lines were constructed by private companies. When the law in 1884 provided a simplified way to create railway companies many small branch line companies were founded. These, however, usually only constructed the lines, then made a contract with MÁV to operate them. Thus they also owned no locomotives or other rolling stock. MÁV made a contract only if the line, its equipment and buildings were constructed to MÁV standards. This helped to build standard station buildings, sheds, and accessories, all to the MÁV rules.

Because of relatively high prices the traffic density was considerably lower in Hungary than in other countries. To change this the Interior Minister, Gábor Baross, introduced the zone tariff system in 1889. This system resulted in lower prices for passenger trips and goods transport but it induced a rapid increase in both and so higher overall profits. In 1891 the Hungarian lines of the StEG were bought by the Hungarian State directly from the French owners and became MÁV lines.

In 1890 most large private railway companies were nationalized as a consequence of their poor management, except the strong Austrian-owned Kaschau-Oderberg Railway (KsOd) and the Austrian-Hungarian Southern Railway (SB/DV). They also joined the zone tariff system, and remained successful until the end of World War I when Austria-Hungary collapsed.

By 1910 MÁV had become one of the largest European railway companies, in terms of both its network and its finances. Its profitability, however, always lagged most Western European companies, be they publicly or privately owned. The Hungarian railway infrastructure was largely completed in these years, with a topology centred on Budapest that still remains.

By 1910, the total length of the rail networks of the Hungarian Kingdom reached 22,869 kilometres (14,210 miles), the Hungarian network linked more than 1,490 settlements. Nearly half (52%) of the Austro-Hungarian Empire's railways were built in Hungary, thus the railroad density there became higher than that of Cisleithania. This has ranked Hungarian railways the 6th most dense in the world (ahead of countries as Germany or France).[3]

In 1911 a new locomotive numbering system was introduced which was used until the beginning of the 21st century and is still in use for motive power purchased before then. The notation specifies the number of driven axles and the maximum axle load of the locomotive.

The Hungarian Locomotive (engines and wagons bridge and iron structures) factories
Despite the Hungarian factories were independent companies, the largest suppliers of MÁV were the MÁVAG company in Budapest (steam engines and wagons) and the Ganz company in Budapest (steam engines, wagons, the production of electric locomotives and electric trams started from 1894).[4] and the RÁBA Company in Győr.

My name is Eric Clark and I am a world traveler. I have been around the world a few times and decided to help fund my travels by sharing my videos and pictures. I have been to almost every country and would be glad to give tips and pointers. Drop me a note. = )

When I Tried The Best Burger In Budapest I Was Shocked!

Is Cupp Burger the best burger in Budapest? We tried it, and wow, it totally changed out way of looking at burgers.

Thanks to Cupp for inviting us out to try their new burger.

Hey Thanks for watching!
We are a couple all the way from Denmark, we currently reside in the beautiful capital of Hungary and we travel the world. With Frederiks musical journey and Aisha's DIY world, you are bound for an adventure.
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Aquaworld Budapest 2022, Hungary - All WaterSlides

We recorded this 4k ultra hd video during our visit to Aquaworld Budapest, Hungary on June 2022.

Video Timeline Links:
00:00 Aquaworld 2022, Budapest, Budapest - All Slides
00:08 Rainbow
01:38 UFO
03:28 Black Hole
04:28 Flying Carpet
05:31 Hurricane
06:30 Kamikaze
07:24 Onion
09:12 Family Slide

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Enjoy our 4K ultra HD videos!
#aquaworld #budapest #waterpark #waterslides #hungary



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