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10 Best place to visit in Dronero Italy


Sanctuary of Sant'Anna Vinadio (Piedmont, Italy) in 4K Ultra HD

Church of Sant'Anna (Saint Anne), located in Vinadio of Piedmont, Italy is the highest sanctuary in Europe (about 2035 meters) above sea level on the Martine Alps. Please watch with high quality (4K ultra HD) video to explore Sanctuary of Sant'Anna Vinadio.

Top Scene and Footages in this film include:
1. Vinadio, Piedmont, Italy. In the province of Cuneo the sanctuary of Sant'Anna di Vinadio is a reference point for Christian believers for pilgrimages. A faithful couple enters.
2. Breathtaking view of a valley in the mountains. At sant'anna di Vinadio, Piedmont, Italy. Intact and wild nature, tilt movement of the movie.
3. Vinadio, Piedmont, Italy. In the province of Cuneo, the sanctuary of Sant'Anna di Vinadio. A woman meditates looking at the valley in front of the sanctuary. Rainy day.
4. Vinadio, Piedmont, Italy. In the province of Cuneo the sanctuary of Sant'Anna di Vinadio is a reference point for Christian believers for pilgrimages. Rainy day


*All the materials used in this film belong to different parties and unauthorized use of materials in any way is not allowed and are subjected to copyright law. Please reach us if you have any copyright-related issues.*

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Slow Travel Italy - Traditional Italian House in Busca near Cuneo Piemonte

In this video we drive from Canelli through the Langhe region to Busca in the Province of Cuneo. Along the beautiful drive we stop in Alba where we catch the Saturday market and get a first taste of what Alba has to offer. People often ask us where we stay so we like to do tours of our accommodations. We showcase our wonderful, traditional Italian house near Cuneo Piemonte and explain how we found this home. This must be what La Dolce Vita feels like.

Book this place for yourself through AirBnB, mention our names for a special welcome treat.

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Best places to visit

Best places to visit - Pinerolo (Italy) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.

Best Attractions and Places to See in Cuneo, Italy

In this video our travel specialists have listed some of the best things to do in Cuneo . We have tried to do some extensive research before giving the listing of Things To Do in Cuneo.

If you want Things to do List in some other area, feel free to ask us in comment box, we will try to make the video of that region also.

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List of Best Things to do in Cuneo, Italy

Centro storico
Piazza Galimberti
Chiesa della Maddalena
Parco Fluviale Gesso e Stura
cattedrale di Nostra Signora del Bosco
Museo Diocesano Cuneo - San Sebastiano
Torre Civica
Santuario Madonna degli Angeli
Castello del Roccolo
Valle Maira

Italy Slow Travel - Italian Meats and Cheeses - Province of Cuneo

In this video we take you along to some local cheese and meat producers. All of these places were recommended by locals, our favorite way to find the hidden gems. We start with Moris in Caraglio, a farm that specializes in all things buffalo. We discover that there is an entire range of products out there beyond the Mozarella di Bufala. We also get to meet some of the buffalo at the heart of this operation, the babies were so cute!

Our next stop is Salumeria Simondi in Dronero, it's so local that it's not even listed on Google Maps. This place had all kinds of home made salumi, coppa and other more exotic cuts available.

The last stop on our food filled day is Busca, we enjoy a nice lunch at a local sidewalk bistro where we have to rely on our Pocketalk translator to guess what dessert we ordered.

We regret that we didn't film when we tried the foods but can attest that these were our favorites:
- Smoked and regular Mozarella di Bufala
- Coppa
- Garlic Salumi

Moris Buffalo Farm:
Salumeria Simondi Google Location:
Busca bakery:

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CUNEO Italy Piemonte hiking - Italy Slow Travel -

We love to hike as a way to see nature and to stay fit, so it made sense that we got some Piemonte hiking under our belt as well. I found the hike on AllTrails and it was recommended to us by locals as well. This nature parc in Villar is certainly worth a stop, it offers both easier and more difficult hikes. We opted for the 1.5 mile (2.4km) hike up and down the hills where the Ciciu can be found.

Ciciu are mushroom shaped formations that were created due to erosion throughout the past 5 thousand years. They are the first rocks of their kind that we have encountered, very interesting to see so many in such a small park.

The hike itself was very steep and is not recommended for people with mobility issues or small children. It is essentially straight uphill to a short flat section and then equally steep downhill so both calves and quads get a good workout. We were here during summer so it as quite hot, this hike is ideal for late spring and early fall but was still doable despite the heat.

Villar San Costanzo is a small town near Dronero in the province of Cuneo, directions to the parc are easy to find on GPS as well as by following the signage throughout the town.

We highly recommend this hike if you want a short 2-3 hour route with some interesting rock formations and the chance to spot some wildlife. You can have lunch or even barbecue near the parking lot area.

Check the CiCiu parc out for yourself (in Italian):

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Busca, Italy plaza

Plaza in Busca, Italy

Piémont, Italie | Ville de Turin, Novara, Asti, Cuneo | 4k vidéo drone | Piémont que voir

Piémont, Italie. Piémont, traduit de l'italien, signifie pied des montagnes - la région la plus à l'ouest de l'Italie est entourée de montagnes de tous côtés : les Alpes s'élèvent au nord, à l'ouest et à l'est, et les Apennins couvrent la région au sud. D'une vue aérienne d'un drone 4K, des chaînes de montagnes, des pentes et des collines boisées, des vignobles et des pistes de ski apparaissent. Mais dans une revue vidéo, il est impossible d'apprécier la région, incroyablement riche en beautés naturelles et en délices culinaires, dans laquelle il est agréable de se détendre à tout moment de l'année.

informations générales
Le Piémont est situé dans la partie nord-ouest du pays, c'est la deuxième plus grande région après la Sardaigne. La région a des frontières avec la Suisse, la France et également avec trois régions d'Italie.
La superficie du territoire est de plus de 25 mille kilomètres carrés, un peu plus de 4 millions d'habitants vivent ici, territorialement le Piémont est divisé en 8 provinces.
Le terrain est montagneux, avec une végétation luxuriante au pied des pentes et des sommets enneigés, le sommet le plus célèbre est le Monviso, d'où provient le plus grand fleuve d'Italie, le Pô.

Le centre administratif et la capitale est Turin avec une population de plus d'un million d'habitants. C'est le centre commercial et culturel, ainsi qu'industriel et historique du nord de l'Italie, la quatrième ville du pays par le nombre d'habitants.

Comment aller là
Il est pratique de se rendre dans la région par avion - à Turin et à proximité de Milan, il y a des aérogares internationales, des routes terrestres relient la région à d'autres provinces et États voisins. La région n'a pas de ports maritimes - mais il est possible de naviguer jusqu'au port de Gênes, et de là, il faut 2,5 heures pour se rendre au Piémont.

Le climat de la région est continental tempéré. Les étés ici sont chauds et secs, les hivers sont enneigés, les brouillards ne sont pas rares dans les basses terres. La pluie tombe surtout hors saison.

Le Piémont est une région de paysages montagneux époustouflants, de lacs magnifiques, du charme de la vallée du Pô, de grottes et de vignobles. Les beaux endroits du Piémont apporteront beaucoup d'impressions agréables. Le lac Majeur, les chaînes de montagnes et les parcs naturels complètent l'image touristique de la région et la rendent plus attractive en termes de tourisme.

Principales villes : Turin, Novare, Asti, Cuneo
Turin plaît à de nombreux touristes avec une abondance de monuments naturels et historiques - palais, châteaux, palais, essayez des chefs-d'œuvre culinaires étonnants de la cuisine locale - confiserie, vin, fromages et délicieux café. Turin est considérée comme le berceau des tablettes de chocolat dur. Des truffes célèbres sont récoltées dans les environs de la ville - pour ceux qui le souhaitent, ils organisent une chasse aux champignons les plus chers du monde.
Novara attire les touristes avec le charme des plaines et des lacs, en particulier le lac d'Orta. Une ville ancienne avec une histoire riche et chaque époque a laissé sa marque, malheureusement, la ville a été détruite 5 fois jusqu'au sol.
Asti est une célèbre ville de vignerons, avec un centre historique et de nombreux bâtiments anciens, les célèbres courses à cru de septembre, entourée de vallées et de vignobles pittoresques.
Cuneo est une ville sur un haut plateau avec des rues médiévales, des cathédrales et un monastère. Des paysages époustouflants d'un environnement montagneux, une végétation luxuriante et des arbres rares vous permettent de profiter pleinement de vacances reposantes.

Que regarder
La région du Piémont est célèbre pour ses parcs naturels et ses sources thermales, les meilleures stations de ski du pays, sa viticulture et sa cuisine unique.
Chaque ville de la région possède de nombreux sites et vestiges historiques, des structures architecturales et des traditions culturelles uniques.
À Turin, il vaut la peine de visiter le musée égyptien, la tour Mole Antonelliana, le palais royal et bien d'autres. A Cuneo, les touristes sont attirés par le véritable esprit et les traditions de la vraie Italie - festivals, vacances, vins fins et truffes.

La région est riche en curiosités historiques et culturelles et est heureuse de partager avec hospitalité les charmes naturels et le patrimoine unique des époques passées avec ses hôtes.
Certaines des attractions les plus populaires de la région comprennent :
- Basilique de Superg, Palais Madama, Château Valentino à Turin ;
- Musée Lavazza à Turin, bioparc et bien d'autres excursions intéressantes.
Pour les amateurs de sports actifs, en plus du ski, il existe de nombreuses activités hivernales, et en été et en automne, les gourmets et connaisseurs de bons vins peuvent visiter des festivals et des dégustations de vin, profiter de l'étonnante gastronomie locale.

#Piémont #Italie

Cuneo Sea Alps, The Most Underrated Italian Alps • Piedmont, Italy ☘️

If I tell you about the Italian Alps, I'm sure your thoughts will fly to the beautiful and rocky mountains of Trentino Alto Adige or the high, snowy four-thousand-meter peaks of the Aosta Valley N , or why not the Belluno Dolomites or the Lombardy Alps, and of course you are right because they are all great! However, there are particular Italian Alps that you have surely never heard of the valleys of the furtive pigmy so easily forgotten to make an easy quote...

Cammino del lupo (ITA)


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Gorillaopod MAX 325 g:
Gorillaopod MAX 3 Kg:

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(Voiceo over)Blu Yeti:

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#cuneo #italianalps #italy

Best places to visit

Best places to visit - Borgomanero (Italy) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.

Drone flight over Oropa BI (Italy) - 4K

Amateur test of my new DJI mini 2 drone in the alps of northern Italy (Oropa - BI Piedmont).
This area is free for drone flight up to a maximum height of 120m according to ENAC and D-Flight maps.

Introduction to town of Alba, Italy

Fans of chocolate and wine will want to consider placing the town of Alba on their list of travel destinations. With many sweet delights to offer, it is also the home of world famous chocolate maker Ferrero.

Oh, and in case you're still wondering how to spend the winter holidays in Italy, make sure to grab a FREE copy of our eBook! Download it here! -- :D


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Background Music: Enrique Plazaola
(No copyright infringement intended. All images used in the presentation belong to their respective owners. If you would like to be credited for your photo, please send us a message and we would be happy to credit you in the description. Thank you.)

Cycling in Piemonte: Dronero

Impression of our bycyle tour in Piemonte Italy, from Costigliole Saluzzo to Dronero (and back). Along the ancient city Busca, the river Maira, strange rocks in the park Ciciu del Villar, and the bridge in Dronero A nice day tour of 70 kms. We've done this biketrail in september 2010. Music: The Engagement by Silent Partner
For other cycling clips in Piemonte (from Costigliole Saluzzo) to:
- Caragilo:
- Venasca - Melle:
Hope you like this impression. Please subscribe my channel!

Tre laghi a San Bernolfo, in valle Stura, provincia di Cuneo. Troviamo anche la Prua di una Nave

A San Bernolfo, sopra Bagni di Vinadio (CN), si trovano tre laghi: quello di San Bernolfo, quello di Mezzo e quello di Colle Lungo. Ma non solo: troviamo anche la prua di una nave!!
Salita poco difficile in Valle Stura in una giornata molto ventosa!


Sony HDR-AS50 ➤


Accessori GoPro 9:
Caricabatterie GoPro ➤

Batteria GoPro ➤

I nostri scarponi:

Scarponi La Sportiva ➤
Scarponi Salewa ➤


Cycling in Piemonte: Caraglio

Impression of our bycyle tour in Piemonte Italy, from Costigliole Saluzzo to Caraglio (and back). Through the ancient city Busca, the fruit- and wineyards and the small streets of Caraglio. A nice day tour of 45 kms. We've done this biketrail in september 2010.
Music: Cold Funk Funkorama by Kevin MacLeod
For other cycling clips in Piemonte (from Costigliole Saluzzo) to:
- Dronero
- Venasca - Melle

Hope you like this impression. Please subscribe my channel!

Sant'Anna di Vinadio #italie #montagne

Maira River in Cartignano (Val Maira - Piedmont)

Maria valley start with Dronero and heads north east toward France ending with Acceglio. Close to Dronero is the small village of Cartignano, leaning on the right side of the Maria river that give the name to the valley. There are several spots where you can get close to the water and enjoy beautiful panoramas

Colle di Sampeyre ed Elva (Cuneo) Piemonte Italy ~ 4k Aerial drone

Una vista spettacolare dal Colle di Sampeyre, dove spicca il Monviso e uno sguardo del paese Elva nella Valle Maira.
A spectacular view from the Sampeyre pass, where the Monviso stands out and a glimpse of the Elva village in the Maira Valley - Piedmont, Italy
~Riprese e montaggio~
Luca Bernelli
~Music by~
Hans Zimmer - One Day
Riprese effettuate con Mavic pro in 4k





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© Video Copyright 2019 Bernelli Luca
-- For the LICENSE to use my shooting please contact me on my email or facebook page-profile
#djimavicpro #piemonte #nature

Neve em Caraglio, Cuneo, Piemonte, Itália.

Follow me: @josefilho23

Strada del Vallone di Elva, Balcony Road SP104, Piedmont, Italy - by motorcycle

The balcony road Strada del Vallone di Elva SP104 runs for about 10 km through the valley of the Torrente Elvo. Starting at Ponte Marmore (SP422), the road runs in a south-north direction along the eastern side of the valley floor and the river. It passes Elva and reaches Colle di Sampeyre. The road is in poor condition (as of July 2020). Stones and sometimes very large and deep potholes must be expected. Sometimes you even have to dodge smaller rock falls. Also the numerous tunnels and galleries are unlit and rather poorly maintained. Nevertheless, with the utmost caution, a drive through the gorge is worthwhile, because the route, landscape and views are impressive. The road is located in the Valle Maira area in Piedmont, Italy, near Dronero and Cuneo, respectively.

This route belongs to the so-called Italian Balcony Roads.

▬ Content ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

00:00 Intro
00:15 Prolog
01:07 The Ride
15:06 Outro

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Walk The Mavic (WTM) - Interesting roads, passes and gorges in the Alps - Nature and landscapes - Castles, forts, fortresses and fortifications - Photos and videos, if possible and allowed, also aerial photos/videos with the drone.



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