የሚኒሊክ መስኮት ገማሳ ገደል ዙረት 12 | Cinematic Vlog at Menelik’s window Ye-Minilk Meskot | Seifu on EBS
የሚኒሊክ መስኮት ገማሳ ገደል ዙረት 12 | Cinematic Vlog at Menelik’s window Ye-Minilk Meskot | Seifu on EBS
Abrelo HD Vlog
On the road from Debre Birhan to Debre Sina, a town Located in the Semien Wollo zone of the Amhara region, there is a stunning view of the Menelik’s window landscape. Ethiopian emperor Menelik II, who is known for defeating the Italian invaders and for modernizing Ethiopia, found this place special, a view into the real Ethiopia across miles of mountains. This “window” allows one to look from the high country for miles and miles to the landscape beyond. The area features woven woolen baskets and hats made by the locals in which they display it for sale on the top of the mountain. This beautiful landscape also features live large troops of gelada baboons which are endemic to Ethiopia. Come to the motherland and enjoy the Aerial view of Menelik’s Window landscape. The area has natural, cultural and historical values besides its closeness to the capital city Addis Ababa.
Menelik’s window Ye-Minilk Meskot. A breathtaking landscape, a place where local people display on the grass and sell baskets and hats woven by themselves.
Hamak Hiking (ሀይኪንግ መሄድ ለምትፈልጉ) Telegram @Hamakhiking
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Street of #Debre Sina city, Ethiopia (2018) ደብረ ሲና በ2011 ዓ.ም |#AS_production
#AS_production// ደብረ ሲና በ2011 ዓ.ም
ይህ ተንቀሳቃሽ ምስል የደብረ ሲናን ዋና መንገድን ተከትሎ ከተማዋን በመጠኑ የሚያስቃኝ ነው፡፡ ምስሉም መስከረም 2011 ዓ.ም ተቀረፀ፡፡
Tunnel construit en ETHIOPIE par les Italiens pendant l OCCUPATION-Debre Sina-La route historique
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Tunnel construit en ETHIOPIE par les Italiens pendant l OCCUPATION-Debre Sina-La route historique en Éthiopie.
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Pour plus de vidéos sur le territoire d Éthiopie:
Pour tous les playlists que nous avions sélectionner sur le Éthiopie concernant :
1-Les sites incontournables en Ethiopie-Lalibela et les anciens églises rupestres.:
2-Festivités en Éthiopie:
3-UNESCO sites in Ethiopia-MESKEL Festival in Addis Abeba:
4-Vallée de l Omo,Hamer tribu:
5-Partie Sud de l Ethiopie-Est,Ouest:
6-Addis Abeba-Ethiopia:
8-Attractions historiques et culturelles en Ethiopie:
10-Meilleurs Musique Ethiopiennes anciens et nouveaux-New and old Ethiopian Music-Best:
11-Attractions Volcaniques en Ethiopie:
13-Faunes,Flores,Natures,Paysages,Parcs nationaux en Ethiopie:
14-Ton Reve Ethiopie Voyage,A propos de l Ethiopie et du parc national de Semein:
Ethiopia Tour 07 Lalibela To Addis Ababa
Seventh part of 10 of a tour of Ethiopia in October 2009. This part is the story of a drive from Lalibela to Addis Ababa, including visits to the Sunday Market in Senbete, Debre Sina (Mt. Sinai) mountain pass and Ankober overlooking the Rift Valley.
Este monasterio circular con techo de paja, data de 1334. Sus murales, de origen medieval algunos y otros más recientes, son los de colores más vivos en la región del lago Tana. Destaca el que representa el diablo partiéndose de risa mientras Adan y Eva prueban el fruto prohibido.