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10 Best place to visit in Dalandzadgad Mongolia


【K】Mongolia Travel-Dalanzadgad[몽골 여행-달란자드가드]남고비의 중심/Dalanzadgad/Gobi Desert/Filling/Petrol/Station

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[한국어 정보]
다음 날. 나는 200km를 달려 남고비의 중심도시, 달란자드가드에 도착했다. 입구에 들어서면 가장 먼저 만날 수 있는 게 주유소다. 여행자들은 절대 그냥 지나칠 수 없는 곳이다. 그런데 운전기사가 주유기를 내려놓더니 차를 돌려 반대편으로 돌아온다. 알고보니 푸르공 승합차에는 주유 통이 두 개란다. “한번 주유하면 많이 달려도 연비가 400km 정도여서 고비사막은 마을에 있는 주유소의 거리가 멀기 때문에 주유소를 만날 때마다 기름을 많이 넣어야 됩니다.” 달란자드가드 도심으로 좀 더 들어가 봤다. 나무 한 그루 없는 고비사막과 달리 도심 중앙 공원은 나무들로 가득한 것이 인상적이다. 중앙공원 안으로 들어가 보니 생각보다 울창하게 나무들이 숲을 이루고 있다. “고비사막과 아름다운 달란자드가드 지역에 지난 몇 년간 사막화로 인한 모래이동이 상당히 늘어난 것으로 나타났어요 그래서 이를 보호하기 위한 목적으로 2007년부터 한국과 협력해서 녹색 벨트 프로젝트를 시행했습니다. 그 결과 90헥타르 땅에 나무숲을 조성하고 부지런한 시민들이 꾸준히 가꾸어왔습니다.”

[English: Google Translator]
next day. I reached 200km and arrived in the center of the rain, Daranjadgard. When you enter the entrance, the first thing you can meet is the gas station. It is a place that travelers can never pass. Then the driver drops the lube and turns around and returns to the other side. As you can see, there are two gas bottles in a purse-compartment van. If you run a lot, you can run a lot, but the gas mileage is about 400km, so you have to put a lot of oil every time you meet a gas station because the gas station in the village is far from the town. Daranjadgard Unlike the Gobi Desert without a tree, it is impressive that the central park is full of trees. When I entered Central Park, the trees are thicker than I expected. The Gobi Desert and the beautiful Dolanjardgard area have shown a significant increase in desertification sand movement over the past few years. As a result, 90 hectares of land have been planted with trees and diligent citizens have been steadily growing.

[Mongolia: Google Translator]
Дараагийн өдөр. Би 200 км-т хүрч, борооны төвд Данжжаджард хүрлээ. Ороход орох хамгийн эхний зүйл бол шатахуун түгээх станц юм. Энэ бол аялагчдын хэзээ ч өнгөрөх боломжгүй газар юм. Дараа нь жолооч пааланыг дусааж, эргэн тойрон эргэж, нөгөө тал руу буцдаг. Та харж байгаагаар цүнхэнд хоёр вантай лонх байдаг. Yeoseo түлш нь маш олон талаар нэг удаа цэнэглэх үед 400km Говийн цөл dalryeodo тосгонд хийн станц хоорондын зай хол газрын тос нь маш сонирхолтой та хийн станц харах бүрт тавьж байна. Би Даланзадгад хот болгон бага зэрэг илүү харсан. Хотын төв паркийн дагуу ямар ч мод нь говь цөлийн мод дүүрэн байдаг ялгаатай нь гайхалтай юм. Намайг Төв цэцэрлэгт хүрээлэнд ороход моднууд миний хүлээж байснаас ч өтгөрдөг. Говийн цөл, гоё сайхан элсэрхэг тул энэ нь Өмнөд Солонгос нь Ногоон хэрэм төсөл хэрэгжүүлж байна хамтын ажиллагаа 2007 оноос тэднийг хамгаалах зорилгоор дээр харуулсан хамгаалагч нутагт сүүлийн хэдэн жил эрс нэмэгдсэн байна гаруй улмаас цөлжилт Өгөөмөр нүүдэл надад өгч байна. Үүний үр дүнд 90 га газарт ой мод, хөдөлмөрч иргэдийн найрлага нь тогтмол тариалдаг байна.

■클립명: 아시아025-몽골05-10 고비사막 8 남고비 중심 달란자드가드
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 허성무 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2019년 5월May

사막,desert,열도, 군도, archipelago, cay,
*섬으로 이루어진 곳공원/광장,park, square,기타장소,place,아시아Asia아시아몽골Mongolia허성무20195월엄너고비 주Omnogovi ProvinceӨмнөговь남고비주May걸어서 세계속으로

Adventure Highlight: Khongor Sand Dunes, Mongolia

Embark on a 4x4 desert safari to Khongoryn Els, a dreamscape of shifting dunes whose colors change with the light and whose sand particles emit a hypnotic “singing” sound.

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Top Five Tourist Attractions to Visit in Övörkhangai Province - Mongolia

Övörkhangai is one of the 21 aimags of Mongolia, located in the south of the country. Its capital is Arvaikheer.

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Top Places in övörkhangai

1. Erdene Zuu Monastery- Kharkhorin

2. Kharakhorum Museum - Kharkhorin

3. Orkhon Waterfall - Orkhon Valley

4. Tövhön Hiid - övörkhangai

5. Uurtiin Tokhoi Cliff - övörkhangai


Yol Valley in the Gobi Mongolia

What is Yolin Am Ice Field or Yol Canyon? People call or spell the site differently, such as Yolyn Am, Yoliin Am, Yol Valley and so on. It is as a gorge in the Gobi.
You probably have seen canyons like this in other parts of the world, However, the unique feature of this canyon is that is ice in the middle of a desert. Even in the summer heat of 45C degrees, the ice remains. Doesn’t that sound intriguing?

The Yoliin am Canyon is one of the most famous canyons in the Gobi Gurvan Saikhan (The Gobi Three Beautiful Mountains) National Park, in Umnugovi Lammergeir Valley. The was designated as a National Park in 1965.

The canyon was formed by years of water erosion and is covered with ice most of the the year. They ice field reaches several meters thick by the end of winter. The ice remains and by September it is still 2-3 kilometers long at an altitude of 2800 meters. In some of the rainy summers small waterfalls flow down the ice. Trying to see the sky from the bottom of the canyon is like looking at a tiny blue line as it narrows. It is eventually just two meters wide in some of the tight sections.

This breathtaking natural semi-arid landscape is home to the Lammergeier. This type of vulture only exists in Central Asia. These scavenging birds soar up to 1500-3000 meters. Their wing span reached 2.5 to 3 meters. This is a perfect place to enjoy a leisurely walk in this scenic valley. From here you will be able to see ibex, mountain sheep and other wild animals. Gobi wild flowers are abundant along with Juniper they cover the hillsides adding to the scenic wonder as well as a wonderful aroma.

Every place in Mongolia has extraordinary folk-tales and stories. The Yoliin Canyon is no execution. The Nomads call the this place, “The Beloved Canyon”. This also has a story.If you would be interested in hearing the locals tell their stories, join us and let them share their beloved folklore with you.

If you are planning to travel to the Gobi Desert, the Yoliin Canyon is a must see place. During your visit here you can hike, ride horses, and enjoy spectacular scenery including the icy waterfall. Don’t forget about the rare and wild animals, including Pikachu (if you know about Anime, you will know who I am talking about). Come to Mongolia and enjoy the Gobi experience with us.

Contact us for more details and tour itinerary. We can do Zoom call together and create your unique family adventure in Mongolia.

Khar Nuur Camp Mongolia

Khar Nuur Camp

ONGIIN KHIID (Ongi monastery)

Ongi Monastery is located on the bank of Ongi River in distance of 18km from Mandal-Ovoo soum of Dundgovi province. Built in 17th century, the monastery was among the largest temples in the country and was a home for over 1,000 monks. However, it was destroyed by the communist purges of the 1930s and is being restored by the residing monks. Visit the ruin and learn about Tibetan Buddhism.

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Yolyn Am in Dalanzadgad, Mongolia

In 1965, Pad Ёlym Am was declared a nature reserve. Pad is a huge chasm with steep cliffs, rises to a height of 2815 m above sea level. Cleft, which can block the narrowest point in the way, holding hands, formed as a result of a strong earthquake that split the mountain in two parts. At the bottom of it carried a bustling mountain stream, which threw off a cliff, forms a picturesque waterfall. In the middle of the gorge rises Ёlyn am dvuhsotmetrovuyu pinnacle from which rainwater falls four spectacular waterfalls after the recent rains. In the dry waterfalls not. On the cliffs of the gorge over the years vultures nest, hence the name - Pad Vulture. I am sure that at this point in the summer there are tourists and staff. But on this day we have not met anyone.

Trek through Yolyn Am, a gorge in the Gurvan Saikhan mountains known for its ice field that persists for most of the year. The valley enjoys protection as part of a national park, and also lies within the Gobi desert. Hiking through the narrow gorge, you can admire the dramatic landscape made up of towering cliffs and accentuated by the ice sheets, reaching a depth of several yards depending on the time of year. A variety of wildlife calls the valley home, including eagles, Lammergeier vultures, and the adorable pika.

Yolyn Am (Vulture's Mouth) was originally established to conserve the birdlife in the region, but it's now more famous for its dra-matic and very unusual scenery - it is a valley in the middle of the Gobi Desert, with metres-thick ice almost all year-round.

The small nature museum at the gate on the main road to Yolyn Am has a collection of dinosaur eggs and bones, stuffed birds and a snow leopard. There is also an ethnography museum in a ger, which is worth a visit.

Look out for the remarkable petrified wood lying by the roadside. The ranger office and museum sell some good souvenirs, including landscape paintings and, amaz-ingly, one of the best collections of Mongolian stamps in the country.

From the museum, the road continues for another 10km to a car park. From there, a pleasant 25-minute walk, following the stream, leads to a gorge full of ice. In winter, the ice is up to 10m high, and continues down the gorge for another 10km. It remains frozen for most of the year, except lor about a month starting in late August.

You can walk on the ice - but be careful, especially in late summer.

The surrounding hills offer plenty of opportunities for some fine, if somewhat strenuous, day hikes. If you are lucky you might spot ibex or argali sheep along the steep valley ridges.

Mukhar Shiver. This location is very similar to Yolyn Am and it has been made into a protected area. As a result, entering the area by car is forbidden. Like Yolyn Am, it is frozen almost all year round and is surrounded by rocks.
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10 Cool & Unusual Things To DO in Mongolia

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For those travelers who find themselves with an unquenchable wanderlust, Mongolia just might be the perfect vacation. A nation with a centuries-old tradition for a one-of-a-kind nomadic culture that has defied the super powers surrounding it time and again, Mongolia is home to a ton of interesting locations that are sure to find favor with even the most critical of visitor. Heck, simply getting from one place to another is a great part of the experience in and of itself. If you have the opportunity to travel to this little nation between Russia and China, then here are some ways to fill your time.

1. Make Sure to Talk to a Guide

As awesome as the internet is, a lot of the best parts of visiting Mongolia may not be available online. That’s why it might be a good idea to enlist the services of a qualified travel guide when you first enter the country. There are plenty of English-speaking professionals who can make sure that you experience the most fascinating aspects of visiting Mongolia.

2. Start in the Capital, Ulaanbaatar

You just might find the Mongolian capital of Ulaanbaatar — pronounced OO-lahn-BAH-toor — to be far more developed than you anticipated. The thriving restaurant scene is a treat for any tourist, while the incredible number of museums and monasteries will help you get primed for the rich history and spiritual life of the Mongolian people. From a logisitical standpoint, Ulaanbaatar has several English-speaking citizens who can help you get your bearings before you strike out into the country’s gorgeous landscapes.

3. Spend the Night in a Monastery

The most popular religion in Mongolia is Buddhism. As such, the country has a gorgeous selection of monasteries filled with some impressive history and extremely welcoming monks. Some of these monasteries will even accommodate an overnight stay, which is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. If you’re interested, this is one of those activities that’s good to speak to a travel guide about when you land in the city.

4. Don’t Forget a Trip to Khövsgöl Nuur

One of the countries most popular attractions in Mongolia is the gorgeous Khövsgöl Nuur, the country’s deepest lake. At a length of more than 84 miles, Khövsgöl Nuur is a sight to behold. Even if you think you’ve experienced the beauty of a vast mountain lake, you still haven’t seen the sun rise on Khövsgöl Nuur.

5. Visit the Gobi and Ride a Camel

As you travel through Mongolia, consider spending a night or two in Dalanzadgad, which will place you in perfect position to enjoy the breathtaking expanse of the Gobi desert. While you’re there, make sure to take a camel ride. The walk might be a little wobbly, but the experience is perfect.

6. Take a Ride on the Trans-Mongolian Train

When you visit Mongolia, you should absolutely take some time to travel through the country at large. The easiest way to do that is to hop on board the Mongolian leg of the world-famous Trans-Siberian railway. The sleeping cars can accommodate practically any budget, and the restaurant is a great way to grab a meal between destinations. The railway also covers some of the most gorgeous contryside in the country; it’s a perfect way to take in the vast expanses of Mongolia while you’re there.

7. Experience a Secret Skier’s Refuge

If you’re the kind of traveler who is always in search of fresh powder, then you shouldn’t overlook the possibility of a trip to Mongolia. This is another vacation that you should coordinate with a Mongolian travel agent, because the skiing options are limited. Limited, but spectacular. Avoid the crowds at the lift and throw yourself down some of the best lines in the world.

8. See the World’s Largest Statue of Genghis Khan

To the east of Ulaanbaatar is a 130-foot-tall statue of Genghis Khan in the spot where the leader supposedly found a legendary golden whip. The massive monument to Mongolia’s most famous historical conqueror, the statue is quite impressive on the shores of the Tuul River.

9. Drop In for Some Tea

Expect a very warm welcome if you happen to converse with a Mongolian family near their home. The country has a long-held tradition of inviting a visitor in for a cup of tea; if you should be the recipient of such an offer, you should really think about taking it. Fair warning, standard Mongolian tea includes salt and yak’s milk which can be an interesting combination for a Westerner. That said, the hospitality should more than make up for the taste. Just take small sips.

10. Spend at Least One Night in a Ger

For a large part of history, one of the most common forms of housing in the country was the ger, also known as a yurt. Essentially, a ger is a tent made of several animal pelts that are draped on a collapsible frame. They’re still extremely popular in Mongolia today, and if you’d really like to get a glimpse into traditional Mongolian culture, spending a few nights in a ger is a good way to do it.

top 10 places to visit mongolia🇲🇳 in 2023

Mongolia is a country of vast landscapes, nomadic culture, and unique experiences. Here are the top 10 cities to visit in Mongolia in 2023:

Ulaanbaatar: The capital and largest city of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar offers a mix of modern development and traditional Mongolian culture. Explore the Gandan Monastery, National Museum of Mongolia, and the bustling markets.

Kharkhorin: Once the capital of the Mongol Empire, Kharkhorin is a historically significant city. Visit the Erdene Zuu Monastery, explore the ruins of the ancient city, and witness the breathtaking landscapes of the surrounding Orkhon Valley.

Terelj: Located close to Ulaanbaatar, Terelj is a popular destination for nature lovers. Experience the stunning rock formations of Turtle Rock and the picturesque landscapes of Gorkhi-Terelj National Park. You can also stay in traditional Mongolian yurts.

Karakorum: Known for its historical significance, Karakorum was the capital of the Mongol Empire in the 13th century. Explore the ruins of the ancient city and visit the Karakorum Museum to learn about Mongolia's rich history.

Khovsgol: Located in northern Mongolia, Khovsgol is home to Lake Khovsgol, often called the Blue Pearl of Mongolia. Enjoy pristine landscapes, go hiking, horseback riding, or simply relax by the lake in this tranquil region.

Bayanzag: Also known as the Flaming Cliffs, Bayanzag is a unique attraction in the Gobi Desert. Discover dinosaur fossils and enjoy the beautiful sunset views over the red cliffs.

Dalanzadgad: The capital of the South Gobi Province, Dalanzadgad is an excellent base for exploring the Gobi Desert. Visit Yolyn Am, also known as the Eagle Valley, famous for its stunning rock formations and wildlife.

Khorgo-Terkhiin Tsagaan Nuur National Park: Located in central Mongolia, this national park features the Khorgo Volcano and Terkhiin Tsagaan Nuur, a beautiful freshwater lake. Explore volcanic landscapes, go hiking, or enjoy horseback riding.

Khustain Nuruu National Park: Home to the Przewalski's horse, an endangered species, Khustain Nuruu National Park offers unique opportunities for wildlife spotting and experiencing the steppe ecosystem.

Murun: Located in the Khuvsgul Province, Murun is a gateway to the stunning Khuvsgul Lake, one of the largest freshwater lakes in Asia. Enjoy the serene beauty of the lake, go fishing, or embark on a boat trip.

These cities and regions in Mongolia showcase the country's natural beauty, nomadic culture, and historical heritage, offering visitors a truly memorable experience in 2023.

Supermarket Walk : City Walk : Dalanzadgad City Centre / Mongolia Road Trip 13 / Walk 114

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Dalanzadgad (Mongolian: Даланзадгад; ᠳᠠᠯᠠᠨᠵᠠᠳᠠᠭᠠᠳ) is the capital of Ömnögovi Aimag in Mongolia. It is located 540 kilometers (340 mi) south of the national capital Ulaanbaatar. The altitude of the city center is 1,470 meters (4,823 feet).

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As of 2011, its population is 19,396.

The Dalanzadgad Airport (ZMDZ/DLZ) is served by regular domestic flights from and to Ulaanbaatar. There are summer and winter timetables.

In 2007 the Mongolian Civil Aviation Authority built a new airport with a paved runway. The runway is second longest in the country after Chinggis Khaan International Airport. Before that, the airport had only one gravel runway.

The Dalanzadgad town has a paved road connecting it with capital Ulaanbaatar city.

Dalanzadgad experiences a cold desert climate (Köppen BWk) with cold winters and hot summers. By Mongolian standards it is one of the warmest places in the country during winter. Along with Tsetserleg and Arvaikheer it was warmer than Hohhot in January 2014 and 2015. A unique steppe micro-climate with running streams and lush grass can be found in the nearby Yolyn Am valley.

There is GSM coverage in the city the same as in other major locations - the coverage is good for about a mile out of the city. Usually, the city is also supplied with electric power 24 hours a day. Near Dalanzadgad, at 43°31′54.38″N 104°24′4.16″E, there is a longwave broadcasting station working on 209 kHz with 75 kW.

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Ömnögovi (Mongolian: Өмнөговь Ömnögovǐ, South Gobi) is an aimag (province) of Mongolia, located in the south of the country, in the Gobi Desert. Ömnögovi is Mongolia's largest aimag. The capital is Dalanzadgad.

The province is rich in mineral deposits, including gold and copper. Agriculture is of minor importance. Vegetables are grown in some oases, e.g. in Dal near Dalanzadgad.

As the aimag has various sights to offer, tourism is gaining importance. Ömnögovi includes several well known tourist areas, including the Flaming Cliffs, Gobi Gurvansaikhan National Park and Khongoryn Els - The Singing Sand Dunes.

According to a 2009 survey, 73.5% of the residents of Omnogovi are Buddhists, 2.9% are Christians, 23.3% do not identify with a formal religion, and 0.3% adhere to other formal religions.

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Top 10 cosa vedere in Mongolia

Cosa vedere in Mongolia? Cosa fare in cosa vedere in Mongolia? Scopri la Top 10 cosa vedere in vedere in Mongolia secondo la classifica stilata dal canale Come si Viaggia. In questo articolo vi porteremo in un viaggio alla scoperta dei posti più belli in Mongolia e vi consiglieremo cosa fare e cosa non fare per poter creare il vostro itinerario nel migliore dei modi. Il nostro obiettivo è quello di semplificare la scelta dei luoghi più belli da vedere in Mongolia senza dover cercare in tanti siti diversi.
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L'organizzazione di un viaggio spesso richiede molto tempo e molta ricerca ed è importante al fine di riuscire a vedere più luoghi possibili ed ottimizzare il tempo a disposizione del viaggiatore. Non è sempre facile cercare informazioni e riuscire a radunarle tutte: lo scopo di Come si viaggia è proprio quello di aiutarti ad ottenere più dati possibili, tutti in un unico sito o video che sia. Il nostro Pianeta è un luogo meraviglioso e di infinita bellezza: dalla vastità della natura, con oceani inesplorati e montagne selvagge, alla maestosità dell’ingegno dell’uomo, con tutto quello che è riuscito a creare. In questo appuntamento il video di Come si viaggia parlerà di cosa visitare in Mongolia. L’articolo e il video vengono proposti all'utente sotto forma di una classifica. La Top 10 cosa vedere in Mongolia è soggettiva: per rendere l’articolo più accurato e più oggettivo possibile invitiamo il pubblico a commentare questo post tramite l’apposito spazio presente in fondo alla pagina con una propria classifica sull'argomento del video.

Di seguito elenchiamo la classifica di Come si viaggia:
1. Gobi Desert
2. Gorkhi-Terelj National Park
3. Hustai National Park
4. Altai Tavan Bogd National Park
5. Khovsgol Lake
6. Ulaanbaatar
7. Orkhon Valley
8. Erdene Zuu Monastery
9. Khangai Nuruu National Park
10. Khorgo Terkhiin Tsagaan Nuur National Park

Ricordati di commentare il video con la tua classifica!Tutte le foto sono state prese dal web (ovvero da siti internet quali flickr, pixabay

Top Five Tourist Places to Visit in Ömnögovi Province - Mongolia

Ömnögovi is an aimag of Mongolia, located in the south of the country, in the Gobi Desert. Ömnögovi is Mongolia's largest aimag

5 Wonderfull Tourist Attractions - MONGOLIA Travel ( mongolia tourist attractions)

Mongolia travel video about Mongolia attractions, a tourist destination in Mongolia with Mongolia tourism and best places to visit in Mongolia. In this video, there is a Mongolia travel and absolutely Mongolia travel guide. You must visit Mongolia, because of Mongolia best places and awesome. Things to do in Mongolia and What to do in Mongolia.

5. Khovsgol Lake
Khovsgol Lake surrounded by mountains Koridol and Bayan Saridag Ranges. In the Lake, there is a view with greenery around the Lake. The Lake has formed nearly three million years ago due to tectonic movements. And this area is home to ibex, argali sheep, bear, Wolf, elk, and sable. This area hosts three unique and separate nation: Darkhad, Buriat, and Tsaatan. Instead of shamanism, Buddhism is a religion of choice in these parts.

4. Amarbayasgalant Monastery
Amarbaysgalant, one of the most important monasteries in Mongolia, which lies at the foot of Mount Burenkhaan. Built by the Manchu Emperor between 1727-1736 with more than 40 temples in honor of Saint Zanabazar, the first Bogd, and a great artist. The construction of the monastery architecture is outstanding. His main style is Chinese while mixing a little architecture of Tibet and Mongolia. During the years 1930-an monastery destroyed by the Communists. The monastery was restored by Unesco from the years 1975 to reopened in 1990. At the moment 30 monks living here in 7-90 age range.

3. Erdene Zuu Monastery
Erdene Zuu monastery, Temple of Jewels , built between 1585 and 1586. It is certainly the oldest Buddhist monastery in Mongolia. Ovorkhangai province, about 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) Northeast Kharkhorin, written in the UNESCO World Heritage list in the category's Orkhon Valley cultural landscape . After the fall of communism in 1990, the monastery was given to the old and Erdene Zuu again became the site of worship, where many pilgrims come to walk and collect their thoughts. The site was restored at the end of this century and almost reinvent its religious activities. Today, Erdene Zuu remains an active Buddhist monastery, and at the same time a museum open to tourists.

2. Gobi Desert
Gurvan Saikhan Gobi National Park (Three Beauties are of the Gobi) is located to the West of the town of Dalanzadgad in Umnugobi province. The Park is protected in 1965 due to saving the beautiful nature of the Yolyn Am-Saikhan Mountains from the East. In the park there are dunes i.e. Khongor Sand Dunes are the largest dunes: and the most spectacular of which is located in Sevrei soum. Also known as singing hills , height up to 800 m, a width of 20 km and a length of 100 km.

1. Ulanbator
Ulanbator or Ulaanbataar which means red hero is the capital of Mongolia. The city looks perfect blending ancient cultures with Mongolia. The ruins of monasteries mingled with the good, along with the skyscrapers, and the homes of residents. You can walk around here and find someplace unique here. Ghenghis Khan as in Square, where there is an awful lot of statue of Sükhbaatar named Hero and still no Genghis Khan that you can find. Besides Ghenghis Khan Square there is also the Zaisan Memorial, Choijin Lama temple, and the Gandan Monastery

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1. Guglielmo Biason:

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#MongoliaTravel #Ideatop #Vespoidea
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Must see places around the Gobi: MountainTemple & Khavtsgait petroglyphs

The hidden marvels of the Gobi: the places you shouldn't miss. MountainTemple & Khavtsgait petroglyphs


Song: JayJen - Harmony
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Song: Markvard & Kvarmez - Brighter Days
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【K】Mongolia Travel-Dalanzadgad[몽골 여행-달란자드가드]남고비 사막, 쌍봉낙타/Gobi Desert/Bactrian Camel/Horse

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[한국어 정보]
다음 목적지인 남고비사막 서쪽에 위치한 홍고린 엘스로 향한다. 몽골은 서쪽으로 갈수록 지형이 높고 험준하지만 어딜 가든 방목하는 가축들을 볼 수 있다. 몽골 남고비사막에서만 볼 수 있는 쌍봉낙타. 등에 난 두 개의 혹에 영양을 저장하여 며칠간 먹거나 마시지 않아도 살 수 있다. 몽골의 말 역시 특별하다. 지구력이 강해 오래 달릴 수 있다. 그런데 최근 고비사막은 이런 가축들도 견디기 힘들 정도로 심각한 봄 가뭄에 시달리고 있다. 목마른 동물들에게 안타까운 마음뿐이다.

[English: Google Translator]
We headed to Hong Gollin Els, which is on the west side of the southern desert, our next destination. In Mongolia, as you go westward, you can see livestock grazing all over the country. A bivalent camel that can be seen only in the deserts of southern Mongolia. I can store two nodules in the back without eating or drinking for a few days. The words of Mongolia are also special. Endurance is strong and can run long. Recently, however, the Gobi Desert has been suffering from severe spring droughts, which can not tolerate these livestock. It is only a sad heart to thirsty animals.

[Mongolia: Google Translator]
Бид өмнөд цөлийн баруун зүгт, дараа дараагийн очих газар болох Хонг Голлин Элс рүү явлаа. Монголд та баруун тийшээ явж байхдаа малын бэлчээрийг улс даяар харж болно. Монголын өмнөд хэсгийн цөлөрхөг газруудад харагдах хоёр тэмээ байдаг. Би хэд хоногийн турш хооллож, уухгүйгээр хоёр нодулуудыг нөөцлөх боломжтой. Монгол хэл нь бас онцгой юм. Тэвчээр нь хүчтэй бөгөөд удаан ажиллах боломжтой. Гэсэн хэдий ч Говийн цөл нь хаврын улиралд тохиолдож буй ган гачгийн улмаас эдгээр малыг тэвчиж чадахгүй байна. Энэ нь цангасан амьтдад гунигтай зүрх юм.

■클립명: 아시아025-몽골05-13 고비사막 10 남고비 사막, 쌍봉낙타
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 허성무 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2019년 5월May

사막,desert,열도, 군도, archipelago, cay,
*섬으로 이루어진 곳동물,animal,아시아Asia아시아몽골Mongolia허성무20195월엄너고비 주Omnogovi ProvinceӨмнөговь남고비주May걸어서 세계속으로

#03: Dalanzadgad to Khongoryn Els

This is an off-road warm-up session from Dalanzadgad to Khongoryn Els (The Singing Sand Dunes) in the Omnogovi region of Gobi Desert, South Mongolia.

This is a preparatory day before homing in to the Sand Dunes, and onward to the dinosaur fossil land of Bayanzag (The Flaming Cliffs).

10 Things To Do in Mongolia in 2020 after COVID-19

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Nature Walk : Baga Gazariin Chuluu (in Dund Gobi Province) Mongolia Road Trip 4 / Walk 106

WATCH NEXT : Another thunderstorm rain walk in Geylang, Singapore :

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DJI Osmo Pocket 2 :
Zoom H5 Sound Recorder :
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Boya MM1 Microphone :
Sennheiser Ambeo Binaural Microphone :
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Baga Gazriin Chuluu – located in Delgertsogt sum, Dundgovi province and surrounded by plain. The highest one is 15 km long and 10 km wide granite stone-mountain elevated at 1768m above sea level. There are also over 20 kinds of medical herbs like burnet, many kinds of world rare animals like marmot, ibex and mountain sheep. Also you can see Bolort Cave, eye treatment spa, rock images, petroglyphs, burial mounds many other sightseeing. There is a ruin of Choir monastery which was established by “Zava” Damdin, a famous ancient historical, religious and scientific researcher. This monastery had a monastery with few monks translate, print, explain and advertise books from Tibetan languages and research religious philosophy and medical science.

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The astonishing granitic formations of Baga Gazariin Chuluu, ”stone of the little place”, are located in the northwest of the province of Dundgovi, in the heart of the steppe, 250 km (155,34 miles) towards south of Ulaanbaatar, in the sum of Delgertsogt. At a height of 1751 metres (1,09 mile), they form a granite canyon erected in the heart of the steppe. The erosion polished the rock faces of the cliffs. Some of the lateral entries of the canyon are not very accessible, but most of them permit to enter and to make wonderful hikes in this rocky maze. You may manage to see on the rock the inscriptions written by two venerated monks who lived there in the 19th century.

We can visit on the site the ruins of an old temple dating from the 17th century. We can see there a deep narrow hole. The stagnating rainwater could treat the ocular illnesses. A little ladle has been put on the rock for the people to wash their eyes with the sacred water.

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Supermarket Walk : Nomin Wholesale near Dalanzadgad / Mongolia Road Trip 12 / Walk 113

WATCH NEXT : Another thunderstorm rain walk in Geylang, Singapore :

Here is a list of my gear :
DJI Osmo Pocket 2 :
Zoom H5 Sound Recorder :
Sandisk 256GB Micro USB :
Boya MM1 Microphone :
Sennheiser Ambeo Binaural Microphone :
Wanderlust : A History of Walking :

A walk around a large Nomin wholesale supermarket. Nomin seems to be the dominant supermarket chain in Mongolia.

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Mongolia Travel Guide

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Mongolia is an amazing country to travel around in, due to its fantastic landscapes and total otherworldliness. Even in booming Ulaanbaatar, you’ll find that the city stands poised on the edge between East and West: Western-style restaurants next to traditional restaurants selling dumplings and soups; people wearing jeans and teeshirts walking beside people wearing the classic deel; taxi drivers listening music made on the morin khuur discussing American soap operas that they watch on TV…

Because tourism is still in its infancy in the country, Mongolia can sometimes be a bit challenging to travel around. In fact, many travel companies even in Ulaanbaatar still don’t have a web presence! But don’t let that deter you from taking the trip of a lifetime.

1. Visit Ulaanbaatar

Chances are, you’re going to arrive in Ulaanbaatar, the capital city, whether you’re flying or coming via the Trans-Mongolian train from Moscow to Beijing. And Ulaanbaatar is a great place to start! Not only will you find a plethora of museums, monasteries, and other interesting places to visit, but it can also make a great base for planning the next stage of your Mongolian adventure. I recommend choosing a reputable hotel or hostel to stay in for at least the first couple nights of your trip so that you can familiarize yourself with the city and culture prior to jumping out into the countryside.

2. Learn about the History

When I arrived to teach in Mongolia, I knew approximately four things about the country other than its geographic location: horses, nomads, Ghengis Khan, and that Ulaanbaatar is, on average, the coldest capital city in the world. Of course, that wasn’t going to fly with my students and their fierce national pride—it wasn’t long before I knew more about the culture, language, history, and traditions than I ever thought I might know!

3. Stay in a Ger

Mongolian gers, or yurts, are the traditional nomadic style of housing in the country—but plenty of people still live in them today! Even on the edges of Ulaanbaatar, you’ll find sprawling ger districts full of families who want to live in the classic style while still enjoying all the conveniences of life in the capital city. Staying in a ger during your stay is definitely an experience that you won’t want to miss out on.

4. Ride a camel in the Gobi Desert

Speaking of the Gobi Desert, this is one part of Mongolia that’s not to be missed if you’re going to be getting out into the countryside. It’ll take you a little while to get to—even if you take the train, you’ll be looking at an overnight or full-day journey! But it’s well worth the trip: there’s nothing in the world that’s quite like these vast expanses of no-man’s land. I recommend basing yourself in the small city of Dalanzadgad so that you can easily get out to see three of the main attractions of the Gobi, including the flaming cliffs of Bayanzag and dunes as far as the eye can see in Khongriin Els, although there are plenty of other places to explore as well.

5. Sleep in a Monastery

Although many Mongolians claim to be atheists, Buddhism is still the predominant religion in the country, and you’ll see monks walking around Ulaanbaatar and most of the other major cities. And the country’s impressive monasteries can be quite interesting to visit. But why stop at just visiting them for a brief period of the day? Manjusri Monastery, located only a short distance to the south of Ulaanbaatar in Bogd Khan National Park, is a great choice for this. You can hike out to the monastery, explore the ruins of the monastery, and then spend the night in their dormitory for some quiet contemplation and zen relaxation time before you hike out in the morning.



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