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10 Best place to visit in Bret Harte United States


Descoperă Japonia într-un itinerariu de 14 zile

Am pus in imagini cateva lucruri pe care mi-as fi dorit sa le citesc undeva, cap-coada, inainte de calatoria noastra in Japonia, asa ca daca va planuiti sa mergeti in Japonia, primele 10 minute sunt super utile.
Itinerariul a fost facut de Ionut, ne-am tinut destul de tare de el pentru ca... nu avem ocazia sa mergem asa des in Japonia, si am vrut sa profitam la maxim de tot ce ne ofera aceasta tara splendida.
Speram sa va placa si voua!

7 Best Places To Visit In Switzerland 🇨🇭 Beautiful Swiss Village Tour in 4K Video

7 of the best places to visit in Switzerland, each beautiful Swiss village tour in 4K video.

Watch our other Swiss village tours:

A breathtaking collection of the best parts, of each of our Switzerland village tours, you will LOVE how we combined our favourite tourist destinations into one amazing Swiss village tour video. The ultimate travel guide to the tourist attractions of the Lauterbrunnen Valley and beyond.

Explore with us, as if you were there, a walking tourist, among the pretty streets lined with Swiss chalets, decorated in traditional red geraniums. Take in the magnificent views of the Swiss Alps and listen to the sounds of the cascading waterfalls as we walk together in beautiful Switzerland.

Included in this video are 5 beautiful villages of the Jungfrau region, Lauterbrunnen, Grindelwald, Wengen, Mürren, Gimmelwald and also the popular ski resort villages of Grimentz and Zinal.

To enjoy the full village tour of each one of these beautiful places in Switzerland - click the 4k video link below:
The Best Switzerland Road Trip:

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Chapter Markers
0:00:00 Best places to visit in Switzerland
0:01:02 Lauterbrunnen - Most beautiful places to visit in Switzerland
0:03:26 Staubbach Waterfall Lauterbrunnen tourist attraction
0:05:36 Tolkien inspired landscape of Rivendell - The Lord of the Rings
0:09:06 Jungfrau Lauterbrunnen Valley
0:10:31 Jungfrau Railway via Lauterbrunnen
0:14:22 White Lütschine glacial river
0:18:20 Grindelwald - Best places in Switzerland
0:25:11 Grindelwald bus
0:25:38 Grindelwald First cable car Top of Europe
0:28:45 Eiger mountain peak 3970 metres above sea level
0:33:28 Wetterhorn mountain 3692 metres above sea level
0:35:18 Paragliding Jungfrau tandem flights Lauterbrunnen Grindelwald
0:40:03 Grimentz - beautiful places to visit in Switzerland
0:40:44 Grimentz Les Plus Beaux Villages de Suisse
0:45:44 Saint-Théodule Church of Grimentz
0:54:00 Wengen - most beautiful tourist destinations Switzerland
0:54:25 The Wengernalp Railway
0:54:41 Lauterbrunnen valley scenic view
0:57:24 Luftseilbahn Wengen-Männlichen cable car
0:59:55 The Evangelisch reformierte Kirche 1859
1:11:02 Murren - most beautiful travel destinations Switzerland
1:11:37 Schilthornbarn cable car
1:14:37 Swiss chalets in Mürren
1:16:18 Mürren scenic view point Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau
1:27:34 Gimmelwald - most beautiful places to visit in Switzerland
1:28:42 Mountain Hostel Gimmelwald
1:55:14 Zinal - beautiful Suisse tourist destinations
1:55:26 Zinal Sorebois Grimentz ski lift
1:58:05 La Navisence glacial waters from the Zinal Glacier
2:09:16 Chapel of Saint-Barthélémy 1900
2:12:54 Best places to visit in Switzerland Summary in 4K video

*All of the audio-video material on this channel is copyright protected. No part of this video may be used for personal or private use without written permission from Walking Tours and Road Trips. We will not remove a copyright strike once it has been issued.

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#switzerland #suisse #travel #swissvillagetour #bestplacestovisitinswitzerland #4kvideo

BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY: A road trip to America's BEST DRIVE

Visit the Blue Ridge Parkway, one of Amercia's most scenic drives with me and get to know the best places to stay and to visit on your once in a lifetime road trip on a motorcycle!

One of the most scenic drives in the United States of America. An epic road, that stretches hundred of miles from North Carolina to Virginia. A once in a life road trip you won’t forget.
Join my journey to the famous Blue Ridge Parkway and discover the best places to visit and to stay.

00:00 Introduction to the Blue Ridge Parkway
01:01 Approaching the Blue Ridge Parkway - a night in Chapel Hill
04:16 Entering the Blue Ridge Parkway close to Ashville in North Carolina
10:44 The best place to stay - Little Switzerland
12:03 The lovely Alpine Inn (best hotel with most amazing views of the Blue Ridge mountains!)
17:14 A ride to Chestoa Overview (the best Viewpoint of the Parkway!)
21: 30 Must do - a visit to Grandfather mountain and the famous Mile-High-Swinging Bride!


// Time of the journey: May-June 2022

// Support my journey and help me to stay independent!
- BECOME A PATREON (and be always the first to know about my new journeys):

// My book GOT2GO about my solo motorcycle trip around the world is OUT NOW!
Order the paperback book on Amazon:
Order the ebook for kindle:
Or access the book over the Amazon page of your country by searching for Got2Go Lea Rieck

// Riding a Yamaha Ténéré 700. Bought the motorcycle myself in 2021 in Los Angeles

Watch the review of my european Yamaha Ténéré 700 here:

//Equipment & Gear:
- Touratech Companero Summer Jacket & Pants (given to me by Touratech after my old suit got stolen on the ship from westafrica)
- BMW GS Gloves (self bought)
- Alpinestar Toucan Boots (self bought)
- Klim Krios Pro Helmet (self bought)
- Leatt Neckbrace (given to me by Leatt as my self-bought neckbrace was still in Africa)
- Very old raingear

Watch the review for my helmets here:

//Filmed with:
Drone: DJI Mavic 2 Zoom
Camera: Sony Alpha A7 rIII
2 x Go Pro Hero 8
Iphone 12
Tripod: Manfrotto BeFree
Tripod Iphone: Joby GorillaPod
Editing Program: Final Cut Pro X

//Follow me on:

#blueridgeparkway #blueridge #got2go #learieck

Sardiniens Süden – Sandstrände, Pasta und Pecorino | Wunderschön | ARD Reisen

Weiter geht's in der ARD Mediathek mit Tamina auf den Liparischen Inseln:

Strandurlaub auf Sardinien: Der Süden bietet fantastische Strände und Buchten, ohne dass Betonbauten die Aussicht versperren.

00:00 Intro
04:21 Tauchen am Kap Carbonara
06:40 Insel Cavoli
12:26 Die Altstadt von Cagliari
21:00 Ziegenkäse und Essensspezialitäten aus Sardinien
26:00 Sehenswürdigkeiten in Cagliari
33:50 Messermuseum in Arbus
39:03 Die Nuraghenkultur
43:17 Agriturismo und Culurgiones selber machen
57:21 Ingurtosu, Portixeddu und Capo Pecora
1:05:56 Piscinas Strand mit hohen Sanddünen
1:14:17 Poggio dei pini und Botsfahrt
1:20:40 Su Giudeu Strand bei Chia
1:23:39 Der Volksfest von Decimomannu
1:28:20 Outro

Doch die Region hat noch mehr zu bieten: Tamina Kallert entdeckt die jahrtausendealte Kultur der zweitgrößten Mittelmeerinsel in der lebendigen Inselhauptstadt Cagliari, aber auch, wo die geheimnisvollen Nuraghen seit Jahrtausenden stehen.
Sie reitet, taucht, klettert und probiert ausgiebig die ursprüngliche sardische Küche. Im Südwesten der Insel wandert sie an der Costa Verde, der grünen Küste. In der Nähe von Mandas lernt sie eine Agriturismo-Anlage kennen – die italienische Version Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof zu machen.

Hirtentradition der Sarden
Die sardische Küche ist bodenständig und geprägt durch die lange Hirtentradition der Region. Bereits vor über 3.000 Jahren sind dort viele beliebte Käsesorten entstanden, wie der Fiore Sardo, übersetzt sardische Blume. Auch der bekannte Pecorino Sardo hat seinen Ursprung auf der Insel. Tamina Kallert unternimmt einen Ausflug zu einem Ziegenhirten, der in einer traditionellen Hütte Ziegenkäse räuchert. Für seine Gäste hat er ein halbes Milchschwein gegrillt und einen typisch sardischen Spieß, der mit Innereien zubereitet wird.

Die Nuraghenkultur
Schon vor 4.000 Jahren gab es auf Sardinien hoch entwickelte Kulturen, die ihre Spuren hinterlassen haben. Besonders interessant und geheimnisvoll sind die Nuraghen, prähistorische Turmbauten, die der Wissenschaft bis heute Rätsel aufgeben. Die Steine sind wie bei Trockenmauern ohne Mörtel aufeinandergestapelt. Man weiß nicht, wofür die Türme vor so langer Zeit errichtet wurden. Aber es gibt heute noch mehrere Tausend solcher Bauwerke auf Sardinien.
Musikalische Steine
Töne erzeugen mit Kalk oder Basalt? Den Stein schwingen lassen, das konnte der sardische Künstler Pinuccio Sciola. 2014 eröffnete er den Giradino Sonoro, seinen Klanggarten in San Sperate. Hier kann man 700 Skulpturen sehen, meterhohe Monolithe, die er auf eine unnachahmliche Art bearbeitet hat. In Deutschland stehen seine Kunstwerke in acht großen Städten.

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► ARD Mediathek:
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#sardinia #italien #wunderschön #ARDReisen

Wunderschön: Südliches Sardinien ist ein Film von Alice Tschöke. Redaktion: Christiane Möllers.
Dieser Film wurde 2023 im Auftrag des WDR produziert. Alle Aussagen und Fakten entsprechen dem damaligen Stand und wurden seitdem nicht aktualisiert.

Borkum, Ostfriesland und die Niederlande: Mit dem Fahrrad die Ems entlang | Wunderschön | ARD Reisen

Alles Friesisch oder was? Daniel Aßmann macht eine Fahrradtour von Borkum an die Ems und lernt dabei Land und Leute auf der holländischen und der ostfriesisch-deutschen Seite kennen. Rund um die Emsmündung und den Dollart entdeckt er die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede der beiden Nachbarländer. (Mehr Wunderschön findet ihr in der ARD Mediathek: )

00:00:00 Begrüßung
00:01:22 Borkum
00:08:44 Seehundbank und Nordsee-Aquarium
00:19:06 Seenotrettung und Heimatmuseum
00:22:45 Reiten und Radtour
00:35:33 Von Eemshaven bis Lauwersoog
00:43:17 Lauwersoog
00:47:23 Fahrradstadt Groningen
01:04:23 Appingedam nach Emden
01:10:59 Überfahrt nach Emden
01:15:30 Seehundstation Norddeich
01:27:26 Verabschiedung

Zwischendurch wechselt er auch mal das Gefährt: Er rast mit einem Strandsegler, einem segelgetriebenen Kart, das bis zu 100 km/h schnell werden kann, über die Sandbank des Borkumer Strands. Auf dem Festland spielt er den Vorkoster für die Seehunde in der Robbenstation in Norddeich.

Die Region um Emsmündung und Dollart besticht durch die Nachbarschaft der Niederlande mit dem deutschen Ostfriesland. Heute stehen sich die Friesen auf beiden Seiten der Landesgrenzen nah. Die deutsch-niederländische Geschichte der Region war jedoch nicht immer so friedvoll. Jahrhundertelang war die Gegend rund um die Emsmündung und den Dollart umkämpft. Teile des Dollarts, die Meeresbucht an der Grenze zwischen Deutschland und den Niederlanden, wurden im 17. Jahrhundert durch Eindeichungen trockengelegt, und so entstanden neue Ländereien, die von beiden Nationen genutzt wurden. Im Jahr 1648 wurde der Westfälische Frieden geschlossen, der den jahrzehntelangen Krieg zwischen den europäischen Mächten beendete. Die Region rund um den Dollart wurde dabei als gemeinsames Gebiet von Deutschland und den Niederlanden definiert, das von beiden Seiten genutzt werden konnte. In der Folgezeit kam es jedoch immer wieder zu Streitigkeiten und Konflikten zwischen den beiden Ländern, insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Schifffahrtsrechte. Erst im Jahr 1960 wurde der Ems-Dollart-Vertrag geschlossen, der die Zusammenarbeit in verschiedenen Bereichen regelte. Insbesondere die Nutzung der Ems als Schifffahrtsroute wurde dabei neu geregelt. Der Vertrag gilt bis heute als wichtiger Meilenstein in den deutsch-niederländischen Beziehungen. 2014 wurde dieser Vertrag zuletzt nochmal erweitert.

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#borkum #wunderschön #urlaub #reisen #ardreisen

Ein Film von Dieter Schug. Redaktion: Christiane Möllers. Der Film wurde im Auftrag des WDR für die Sendung Wunderschön im Jahr 2022 produziert. Alle Aussagen und Fakten entsprechen dem damaligen Stand und wurden seitdem nicht aktualisiert.

Wunderschön produziert Reisedokumentationen für den WDR. Es werden Reiseziele auf der ganzen Welt vorgestellt. Wunderschön versucht Menschen, Kultur, Kulinarik und die Landschaft des jeweiligen Reiseziels zu zeigen und gibt Tipps für die Planung des eigenen Urlaubs.

Cauayan Island Resort El Nido, Palawan, Philippines - 5 Star Hotel (4K Travel Vlog)

Let's take a look at luxury travel in El Nido, Palawan, Philippines, including the 5-star hotel Cauayan Island Resort and island hopping.

■Hotel Information
Hotel Name: Cauayan Island Resort
Address: Cauayan Island Bacuit Bay, El Nido, 5313 Palawan, Philippines
Opened: May 2016
Number of rooms: 30 villas
Room stayed in: Sunrise Cauayan Pool Villa (185 sq. m. / 1991 sq. ft.)
Date of stay: April 2024
Price: 170,650 PHP / 2,920 USD for 2 nights
Official website:

・Room categories
Water Villa
Beach Front Villa
Beach View Villa
Lagoon Villa
Sunrise Cauayan Pool Villa
Resort View Cauayan Pool Villa
Premium Bay View Cauayan Pool Villa
Bay View Cauayan Pool Villa

30 air-conditioned villas (8 categories)
Land and boat transfers included
Free breakfast
Restaurant and bar
Activity center
Dive shop
Fitness center
Free WiFi
Butler service upon request

Breakfast: 6am to 10am
Lunch: 11:30am to 3:30pm
Dinner: 6pm to 10pm

■Flights between Manila and El Nido
Airline: AirSWIFT (formerly Island Transvoyager)
Established: 2002
Aircraft: ATR 72-600
Base: El Nido Airport (Lio Airport)
Departure: Manila 2:05pm → El Nido 3:30pm (flight number T60142)
Return: El Nido 3:55pm → Manila 5:25pm (flight number T60143)
Fee: Round trip 15,570 PHP / 266 USD
Official website:

■El Nido
El Nido is a first-class municipality located in the northern part of Palawan, Philippines. El Nido means petrel's nest in Spanish.

El Nido consists of El Nido Town and about 45 islands and islets, with a population of about 50,000. It covers an area of ​​465.1 square kilometers (179.6 square miles), and its scenery of 500m-class marble and limestone cliffs , emerald green and cobalt blue seas, white sand beaches, coconut groves and tropical rainforests captures people's hearts.

The temperature is stable at around 25 to 30 degrees throughout the year, and the dry season is from December to May, and the rainy season is from June to November. The best season for the dry season is from February to April.

■Table of contents
00:00 Intro
00:56 AirSWIFT Flight from Manila to El Nido
05:44 Transfer from El Nido Airport to Resort
10:30 Arrival at Resort
12:40 Room Tour (Sunrise Cauayan Pool Villa)
20:51 Wi-Fi Speed
21:16 Resort Facilities
30:12 Sunset
31:10 Dinner (Day 1)
35:30 Resort at Night
37:10 Sunrise
38:32 Breakfast Buffet Day 2
40:35 Activities - Island Hopping
44:42 Miniloc Island (Big Lagoon, Secret Lagoon, Snorkeling)
50:28 Balinawood beach
52:35 Lunch
54:24 Spa
56:42 Sunset Cruise
59:25 Dinner (Day 2)
1:00:23 Floating Breakfast (Day 3)
1:02:10 Snorkeling & Trekking at Resort
1:05:13 Check-out & Departure
1:08:50 Fly from El Nido Airport to Manila

#elnido #palawan #philippines #cauayan #elnidopalawan #palawanisland

Vibrant Underrated Mexican Retirement Towns (Hidden Gems)

Discover the tranquility, charm, and vibrant culture of Mexico's best retirement places through our curated list of underrated Mexican retirement towns. Forget the tourist traps and experience Mexico as it's meant to be—full of rich traditions, scenic beauty, and genuine hospitality. These hidden gems offer a serene lifestyle, modern amenities, and world-class healthcare facilities, often at a fraction of the expected cost.

Are you searching for Mexico's best retirement places that blend comfort, adventure, and authenticity? Look no further. Our list of underrated towns provides unique alternatives to mainstream locations without compromising the quality of life. From coastal paradises to historic colonial towns, we have options catering to all tastes and lifestyles.

Why settle for crowded, overpriced locations when you can enjoy the same beautiful weather, delicious cuisine, and warm community spirit in these less-explored yet equally captivating towns? Whether it's the pristine beaches of Loreto, the colonial architecture of San Miguel de Allende, or the artistic vibes of Tepoztlán, our guide to Mexico's best retirement places will help you find the perfect locale to spend your golden years.

Explore Mexico's true essence while enjoying a laid-back, fulfilling retirement. Dive into our list and start planning your dream retirement in one of Mexico's best-kept secrets.

Best Car Rental – Search, Compare, and Save up to 70% BEST PRICE GUARANTEE


For Hotels, Packages, Cruises, Flights and Airport Transfers


Xel-Ha - A Natural Water Park

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Japan's fastest bullet train Hayabusa running under the sea|Hokkaido - Tokyo Shinkansen Travel

The Seikan Tunnel is a 53.85-km long undersea railroad tunnel that crosses the Tsugaru Straits and connects Honshu and Hokkaido. In March 2008, the Hokkaido Shinkansen Line (between Shin-Aomori and Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto) opened, of which the Seikan Tunnel became a part.

00:00 Opening
00:32 Shinkansen Hayabusa boarding
02:12 Arrival at Morioka Station
03:39 Boarding the Shinkansen Komachi
05:45 Shop at onboard vending machines

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Inside Japan's SLEEPER Train | $160 FIRST CLASS Room

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I will introduce interesting things that have developed uniquely in Japan such as ferries, trains, bullet trains, capsule hotels, etc.


Living on an ABANDONED SHIP in Thailand ⚓️ Cabin Repair 🛠Revitalizing the ELECTRIC in a CRUISE SHIP

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☢️ We are doing an APARTMENT REPAIR in Pripyat 👉
☢️ Going to the Chernobyl Reactor Tunnels / Busted by Security 👉
🛠 Sleigh and Chainsaw = Snowmobile 👉
⚡️ Powerful Wind Generator DIY 👉

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#AuthenticChineseFood #ChinaStreetFood #ChinaFarmersMarket #SouthernChineseFood #exploringChina漫步中国 #exploringchina #早市 #exploringchina #太原美食 #山西 #大集 #morningmarket #chinesestreetfood #chinesefoodnearme #路边美食 #中国美食 #山西农村 #栲栳栳 #山西美食

Best Schools around Oakland, United States

Must Watch.. Best Schools around Oakland

Don't forget to subscribe our channel to view more School videos. Click on Bell ICON to get the notification of New Videos.This is not rank wise listing of Top Schools in Oakland, it's the list of best Schools around Oakland as per the ratings given by our users.

Listed Schools:

Oakland Military Institute
Oakland, CA, United States
+1 510-594-3900

The College Preparatory School
High school
Oakland, CA, United States
+1 510-652-0111

Elmhurst United Middle School
Middle school
Oakland, CA, United States
+1 510-639-2888

Oakland International High School
High school
Oakland, CA, United States
+1 510-879-2142

United for Success Academy
Oakland, CA, United States

Oakland High School
Oakland, CA, United States
+1 510-874-3676

Oakland School For the Arts
Art school
Oakland, CA, United States
+1 510-873-8800

Aspire Golden State College Preparatory Academy
Oakland, CA, United States
+1 510-567-9631 ext. 1

Bret Harte Middle School Oakland Campus
Middle school
Oakland, CA, United States
+1 510-531-6400

California College of the Arts
Art school
Oakland, CA, United States
+1 510-594-3600


Exploram Mallorca: Plaje si locuri pe care trebuie sa le vizitezi

Dupa 5 zile de explorat capitala, Palma de Mallorca, a venit vremea sa exploram pentru alte 5 zile, insula.
Am vizitat niste plaje spectaculoase care ne-au lasat fara cuvinte, dar si cateva plaje care nu ne-au impresionat, asa cum e de asteptat. Nu se poate sa iti placa mereu, totul.
Enjoy! :)

#CalaMillor, #Sarenal, #Magaluf, #CalaPi, #CalaMesquida, #CapFormentor, #SaCalobra #Mallorca

Campingplatz Italien - Seiser Alm - mein TIPP für Winter und Sommer!

Ich habe wieder einen neuen Campingplatz - Tipp für Dich! Direkt in den Dolomiten in Italien versteckt sich der Campingplatz Seiser Alm. Hier bin ich im Februar zum Wintercamping gewesen. Skifahren, Wandern, Langlauf alles ist hier geboten. Aber nicht nur im Winter macht der Platz Eindruck.
Auf meiner Runde über den Platz zeige ich Euch alles wichtige zu diesem Campingplatz, so dass Du entscheiden kannst, ob der Platz eventuell auch etwas für Dich wäre.
Ich zeige Dir die Lage, die Plätze bis hin zur Ausstattung von Camping Seiser Alm.

#wohnmobil #tippsundtricks #fan4van

🕢 Und hier die Gliederung zum Video 🕢:
0:00 - 1️⃣ Intro
1:20 - 2️⃣ Die Lage Seiser Alm
2:42 - 3️⃣ Die Plätze auf dem Campingplatz
4:43 - 4️⃣ Die Ausstattung von Camping Seiser Alm
9:32 - 5️⃣ Mein persönliches Fazit

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Explore Boston's 15 Hidden Gems in 30 Days or Less

Discover the rich history of Boston with these 15 must-visit sites! From the famous Faneuil Hall Marketplace to the scenic Boston Harbor Islands, this city is full of fascinating landmarks and landmarks.

Join us as we explore the historic Bunker Hill Monument, the beautiful Boston Public Library, and the eerie Old Granary Burying Ground. Don't miss out on these 2024 travel video tips for your next visit to Boston!
Discover the fascinating history of Boston through these 15 must-visit sites, from the beautiful Boston Harbor Islands to the iconic Bunker Hill Monument and more!

Explore the rich history of one of America's oldest cities by visiting these significant landmarks and locations. From the historic Boston Public Library to the bustling Faneuil Hall Marketplace, each spot tells a unique story that is sure to captivate and educate you. Don't miss out on these must-see sites on your next trip to Boston!
Travel the world. Here's the best place to start your travels. Find out where you want to go. Dude On Travel helps you decide where to go and what to visit on your next trip. Here's your Ultimate Destination for Epic Adventures!

Embark on a journey with us as we explore the globe, uncovering hidden gems, and experiencing the world in all its splendor. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or just starting out, our channel is your go-to source for enriching travel experiences.

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Dream on, wanderlust warriors!

Safe travels,
Bart, Dude On Travel

Dünyanın En Aktif Yanardağına Tırmandım - Neredeyse Donuyorduk (Guatemala)

Merkezi Fethiye'de bulunan ve tüm Dünyaya Sigortalı Ürünleri Kargolayan Tufanlar Kuyumculuk'un Websitesine hemen yandaki bağlantıdan bakıp, güvenle alışveriş yapabilirsiniz.👉

hesabımdan dünya turunu anlık paylaşmaya başladım.

Kanala Abone Olun, Maceraya ortak olun. Bu seneki dünya turumu her hafta izleyin, bildirimleri açmayı unutmayın🤗 Yaklaşık 30 ülke gezeceğiz.

Kanala katılıp, dünya turumu desteklemek isterseniz✅➡️

İş Birliği İçin:
Guatemala'nın bulunan o en güzel dağa, aktif volkanik yanardağa tırmanacağımız o gün geldi çattı.🤗 Antigua şehri, volkanik dağlarla kaplı bir bölge aslında. İşte bizde, sırf bu deneyimi yaşamak için düştük yollara ve hayatımız boyunca unutamayacağımız harika bir deneyim yaşadık. Zordu ama her şeye rağmen değdi.
İyi seyirler dostlar.

00:00 Yanardağa Tırmanırken Başımıza Neler Gelecek
00:52 Guatemala'nın Antigua Şehrinden Selamlar
03:03 Bu Gezimin Destekçisi Tufanlar Kuyumculuk
04:15 Dağa Tırmanacağımız Hazırlık Noktası
06:20 Yol Manzaraları
08:29 İlk Dinlenme Noktası
10:15 Bulutları Geçmeye Başladık
11:53 Yanardağa ve Milli Parka Giriş Noktası
14:09 Yağmur Başladı ve Donuyoruz
15:20 Öğle Yemeğimiz
16:57 Artık 2. Mola Noktamız
18:30 Akşam Kamp Yapacağımız Yer
20:20 Yanardağ Göründü
21:30 Başka Tesise Geçtik, Akşam Yemeğimiz ve Kalacağımız Yer
23:15 Gece Yanardağ Patlamalarını İzledik
25:20 Sabah Oldu ve Gündüz Yanardağ Manzarası ve Geri Dönüş Yolu
28:30 Parkın Çıkışına Ulaştık
30:20 Ve Tur Bitti

video tasarım : gokseltuzun

#guatemala #fuego #acatenango

Nouvelle-Zélande : Les trésors de l'île du Sud - Forêts primaires - Documentaire voyage - AMP

Située aux confins du monde, la Nouvelle-Zélande est sans doute la dernière terre à avoir été colonisée par les hommes.
✋Les plus belles destinations, c’est ici 👉 👈 Abonnez vous ! 🙏
L’île du sud, connue des Maoris depuis près de 1.000 ans sous le nom de Te Waipounamu, « la Terre de l'Eau aux Pierres Vertes », abrite des gisements de jade, une pierre précieuse qui a façonné la culture maorie.

Plus sauvage que sa sœur du nord, l’île renferme les plus beaux paysages de la Nouvelle-Zélande avec une grande chaîne montagneuse, le Mont Cook, des champs de glace et des fjords majestueux.

Un film de Franck Decluzet
Droits réservés Ampersand

직접 가본 다낭 여행 극강의 가성비! 신상 호텔 추천 10곳 모음 + 24시간 스테이 + 장단점 비교 + 무료공유 일정표 쇼핑리스트 파일 = 베트남 다낭 자유여행 준비 가이드

'경기도 다낭시'라 불릴 만큼 여전히 한국 분들에게
인기 많은 여행지인 베트남(VIETNAM)의 다낭(Da Nang)!

다낭(Đà Nẵng)으로 가는 항공권을 결제하고
어느 숙소에서 보낼지는 모두에게 고민이라고 생각됩니다

24시간 '스테이(stay)'가 가능하여
입·출국 날 머물기 좋은 호텔부터
각기 다른 매력을 가진 다낭 여러 지역의
신상 호텔 7곳의 리뷰와 3곳의 업데이트
그리고 배포해 드리는 일정표와 쇼핑리스트까지
'여행도 열심히'가 꼼꼼하게 준비하였습니다

◆◆ 저작권 안내 ◆◆

영상 자료와 스크립트(자막)
그리고 본 영상과 관련 [커뮤니티]에서
공유(배포)되는 출력물들의
이미지(사진)과 그래픽 디자인 요소 까지
모든 저작권은 '무엇이든 열심히'에게 있습니다

무단 도용, 복제, 배포, 임의 편집을 금하며
사용 시 저작권법 위반에 대한
법적인 책임을 질 수 있음을 명시합니다

[ 타임 라인 ]
00:00 인트로
01:14 다낭 호텔 선정 꿀팁
02:34 01 씨홀스 시그니처
05:12 02 씨홀스 트로피칼
08:26 03 윙크 리버사이드
13:11 04 브릴리언트
14:58 05 만가타 비치프론트
17:36 06 힐튼 가든 인
22:03 07 르 샌즈 오션프론트
24:44 08 The HEM
27:42 09 골든 로터스 럭셔리
30:49 10 네스타
32:29 아웃트로

[ 관련 구글맵 링크 ]
- 01 씨홀스 시그니처 바이 하빌랜드
Seahorse Signature By Haviland

- 02 씨홀스 트로피칼 오피스 앤 호텔
Seahorse Tropical Office & Hotel

- 03 윙크 호텔 다낭 리버사이드
Wink Hotel Danang Riverside

- 04 브릴리언트 호텔
Brilliant Hotel

- 05 만가타 비치프론트 호텔
Mangata Beachfront Hotel

- 06 힐든 가든 인 다낭
Hilton Garden Inn Da Nang

- 07 르 샌즈 오션프론트 다낭

- 08 더 에이치이엠 아파트먼트 앤 호텔
The HEM Hotel

- 09 골든 로터스 럭셔리 호텔 다낭
Golden Lotus Luxury Hotel Da Nang

- 10 네스타 호텔 다낭
Nesta Hotel Đà Nẵng

[ 영상 내용 ]
01. 베트남 다낭(Đà Nẵng) 가이드 시리즈 안내
02. 베트남 다낭(Da Nnag) 호텔 선정 안내
03. 씨홀스 시그니처 바이 하빌랜드 호텔 리뷰
04. 씨홀스 트로피칼 오피스 앤 호텔 리뷰
05. 윙크 호텔 다낭 리버사이드 리뷰
06. 브릴리언트 호텔 리뷰
07. 만가타 비치프론트 호텔 추천 리뷰
08. 힐든 가든 인 다낭 호텔 리뷰
09. 르 샌즈 오션프론트 다낭 호텔 추천리뷰
10. 더 에이치이엠 아파트먼트 앤 호텔 리뷰
11. 골든 로터스 럭셔리 호텔 추천 다낭 리뷰
12. 네스타 호텔 다낭 추천 호텔 리뷰
13. 다낭 여행 코스 일정표 파일 공유 안내
14. 베트남 쇼핑리스트 파일 공유 안내
15. 다낭 호이안 가볼만한곳 가이드 예고

[ 유료로 사용하는 장비 ]
Insta 360 RS, Canon R7

[ 무료로 사용되는 장비 ]
나의 감성, 감각 그리고 육체

[ 결과물을 만들어주는 프로그램 ]
프리미어 CS6, 포토샵 CS6, 일러스트 CS6

[ 고마운 사람들 ]
밤톨이, 히틀러공주, 나깽, 흥여사님

#베트남 #다낭 #다낭여행 #다낭호텔 #다낭호텔추천
#vietnam #Danang #ĐàNẵng

Volkswagen California 2024 - alle Infos zur neuen Generation des OCEAN

Hier gibts alle Infos zum VW New California Ocean. Ab September wird er zu haben sein, der neue VW California auf Basis des Multivans T7. In diesem Video zeige ich Euch die komplette Roomtour des neuen Serien Campingbus von Volkswagen.
Der Camper basiert auf einer komplett neuen Plattform, dem Multivan (T7) und bringt damit viele neue Eigenschaften mitsich. Ich zeige Euch alle Vor- und Nachteile im neuen VW Campingbus und teste, was es von der Studie in die Serie geschafft hat.
Dabei habe ich vor der Weltpremiere erste Einblicke in das neue Flagschiff bekommen, die ich gerne mit Euch teile!

#vwcalifornia #roomtour #fan4van

🕢 Und hier die Gliederung zum Video 🕢:
0:00 - 1️⃣ Intro
1:06 - 2️⃣ Spezifikationen des VW New California
3:09 - 3️⃣ California Ocean von Außen
4:31 - 4️⃣ Das Cockpit des VW California
5:45 - 5️⃣ Die Drehsitze beim VW New California
7:43 - 6️⃣ Die neue Küche im VW California Ocean
10:59 - 7️⃣ Das untere Bett im neuen VW California
12:28 - 8️⃣ Die Verdunkelung im neuen California Ocean
12:57 - 9️⃣ Das Bett im Aufstelldach des California
13:22 - 🔟 Die Boardelektronik im New California
14:23 - 1️⃣1️⃣ Der Kofferraum im California Ocean
16:21 - 1️⃣2️⃣ Mein persönliches Fazit

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Anglesey: Exploring Beaumaris, History & Charm in a Welsh Coastal Town- North Wales

Jewel of Anglesey, welcome to Beaumaris: with history charm, all cocooned in this delightful Welsh coastal Town in North Wales.
Get ready to step back in time and explore the charming seaside town of Beaumaris on the stunning Isle of Anglesey! Beaumaris is a place where history whispers through the cobbled streets, and the sea air carries tales of kings and conquests. Anglesey has much to offer and this is our second video on the Isle of Anglesey.
Today, we're diving into the heart of Beaumaris. Let's start with the magnificent Beaumaris Castle, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This mighty fortress, built by Edward I, is a masterpiece of medieval military might! Imagine yourself storming the ramparts or peeking through the arrow slits!

But Beaumaris isn't just about castles. Experience a shiver of a different kind at the Beaumaris Jail and Courthouse, where the ghosts of the past might just linger in the cells. Then, let's lose ourselves in the town's winding streets lined with colourful houses and shops. You might even discover hidden treasures from the past!

Are you ready to explore?

This is Beaumaris on the breathtaking island of Anglesey, a place where adventure awaits!

If you missed previous videos in the series, check them out here.
Snowdon Mountain Railway
Llanberis Slate Village
Ty Coch Inn Beach Bar
Anglesey Adventures

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00:00 Coming up in Beaumaris
00:53 Beaumaris Castle
08:28 Town Walk & Shopping
12:02 Beaumaris Jail
21:41 Victorian Pier
23:29 Boat Tours
24:03 400-year-old Court House
26:42 Next Time...

#anglesey #northwales #Beaumaris

Things to do in Orlando: Winter Park Scenic Boat Tour

What a fun time for the entire family? Come and see Winter Park from a different view.

Hi, I’m Emily Enlow Nickley and I support local
On this episode we are visiting with Winter Park Scenic Boat Tour
About Winter Park Scenic Boat Tours
Winter Park, Florida – Adventuresome for the first time visitors seeking flora and fauna or savvy Orlando travelers seeking an off-the-beaten-path vacation experience won’t be disappointed when they discover the Winter Park Scenic Boat Tour.

Located on Lake Osceola in the quiet suburb less than 10 minutes from downtown Orlando, the boat tour offers hour-long, guided cruises through three of the seven lakes and two, narrow manmade cannals on the tranquil Winter Park chain.

On any given tour, participants may observe large cranes swooping waterside to snag a large fish or a lazy alligator languishing on a nearby bank. An occasional water skier or racing shell full of crew members from the areas private liberal arts college, Rollins, are also enjoyable sideshows for tour goers.

Every tour, however, guarantees plenty of swaying palms, towering cypress trees, lush ferns and a variety of flourishing sub-tropical flowers. Breathtaking views of opulent private homes and exquisite estates sprawling along the shores are also a key feature of the scenic cruise.
The dock, less than 5 minutes from Park Avenue, Central Florida´s popular, upscale shopping district, is conveniently located on the East end of Morse Boulevard on Lake Osceola
Emily is the real estate agent and she explores and support local business, restaurants and the community.
Will you join her?

You can follow all things Winter Park by going to the website

Are you a local business owner?
Our goal is to Support Local and help the business owners in the Winter Park Area.

Want more information about living in this area? Contact me at 407-448-0556 or email me

#ExploreMyTown​ #winterparkscenicboattour​ #winterpark​ #thingstodoinorlando​ #boattour​ #chainoflakes​ #kraftazaelagradens​ #supportlocall​ #livelovelocal​ #movingtoflorida



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