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10 Best place to visit in Bratca Romania


Dacă aveți drum prin Bihor nu trebuie să ratați aceste locuri turistice , ep. 5

Promovăm locurile turistice din România , avem o țară frumoasă .

DH 2 (Diesel Hydraulic) 'Wadloper' train from Transferoviar Călători Arrives at Slanic

A DH 2 (Diesel Hydraulic) 'Wadloper' train from Transferoviar Călători (TFC) arrives at the terminus station of Slanic, where it swiftly completes its turnaround to commence the return journey to Ploiești.

Private Romanian railway company Transferoviar Călători has a small fleet of these DH 2 trains, which were originally manufactured in Germany in the 1980s for the Dutch Railways (NS).

In the Netherlands, these trains are more commonly known by the nickname Wadloper (which translates to Mudflat walker in English), as they were primarily used in the northern part of the country on the railway lines that run along the tidal flats of the Wadden Sea.

Transferoviar bought these trains second-hand in 2011 and still uses them on some rural lines around Cluj-Napoca and Ploiești.

If you want to read more about the train journey from Bucharest to Slanic with Transferoviar Călători, check the full trip report below:


IR 10682 (Oradea - Bratca) heading towards Șuncuiuș station. #romania #travel #train

IR 10682 (Oradea - Bratca) heading towards Șuncuiuș station. #romania #travel #train

R 10683 ( Bratca -Oradea) heading towards Vadu Crisului station. #travel #train #romania

R 10683 ( Bratca -Oradea) heading towards Vadu Crisului station. #travel #train #romania

Remeti, Bihor - Romania

Fall in Remeti

Obiective turistice in Judetul Bihor.

Hai sa vedem si sa vizitam Judetul Bihor.



vizitati canalul meu

inainte sa plecati pe munte verificati vremea inainte cu o zi pentru zona in care vreti sa mergeti ,daca vremea pe urmatoarea zi este buna in principiu sa nu ploua trebuie sa aveti minim ghete sau adidasi buni pentru urcari pe munte ,ruksac,bautura energizanta batoane energizante cafea mancare sanviciuri consistente

faceti rucsacul de seara cand dimineata plecati pe munte

Traseu turistic pe bicicleta Alesd – Bratca

Traseul nostru pornește din orașul Aleșd. Se poate ajunge în Aleșd cu trenul pe ruta Oradea – Cluj, pornim din gara Oradea, urcăm bicicletele în tren, iar după o oră de mers cu trenul coborăm în gara din Aleșd de unde pornește traseul de 65 de km.
Harta traseului si galeria foto o gasiti pe site:

Music by Aural Imbalance D&B mix 2010.mp3

Romania - Best Places to visit - Brasov, Botiza, Turda, Oradea, Carei, Maramures, Sapanta, Sibiu

Romania - Best Places to visit - Brasov, Botiza, Turda, Oradea, Carei, Maramures, Sapanta, Sibiu, Ulmi, Sighisoara, Prahova, Viseu de Sus.

Aussie European Tour – Australians Rob and Krys Henshaw tour 28 European countries, travelling around 60,000 km in their LHD Hymer 544 during 2017 and 2018.

To access the blog notes including tips on language, currencies, driving, parking, camping and shopping with videos and photos for every overnight stop on the entire tour through 28 European countries covering in excess of 60,000 km please log on to the website at

Overnight stops included Wild Camping, Aires and Stellplatz and occasionally in camp grounds.

Beius - Bratca - Huedin road trip (3x speed)

On our way back from the Bihor peak, I've decided to take a little detour back to Cluj. One of my friends recommended to take the road from Beius going towards Bratca. I've always wanted to explore this road, to be honest, and I'm glad that I've decided to go that way.

Enjoy the view.

Excursie de o zi in Transilvania, Valea Bratcutei

Excursie de o zi pe Valea Bratcutei, Masivul Padurea Craiului, Muntii Apuseni.

Valea Boghii [4K] - Județul Bihor

Cascade Valea Boghii

A beautiful city you'll probably never visit: Oradea

imma drop some more info for you in case you really wanna visit and enjoy this place.

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Restaurants mentioned in the video:

I had to mute all my footage because everywhere I went the radio was playing in the background and I don't want to have problems with big brother yt overlords.

#travelling #romania #oradea #food

Undercover Vampire Policeman by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



Prăpăstiile Zărneştilor, rezervatie naturala - Piatra Craiului, România!

👉 Parcul Național Piatra Craiului!
✅️ Visit Brasov Romania 🇷🇴
✅️ Dacă te afli în zona Bran-Măgura-Zărneşti, merită să vezi Prăpăstiile Zărneştilor şi să faci acest traseu frumos accesibil chiar şi copiilor. Este de fapt un drum pietruit de aproximativ 4 km care şerpuieşte de-a lungul unei văi seci în care pe alocuri mai curge şi un pârâu ce se dezvoltă spectaculos în timpul ploilor torenţiale de vară.

#explore #travel #discoverromania


This 4k drone video was taken at the Deva castle in Hunedorara County, Romania. There is some ambiguity over the origin of the name but is it's likely that the name of the fortification Deva and town has its basis from an old Dacian term DAVA which means fortress.

The castle is first mentioned in 1269 as castrum Dewa and it has a fascinating history.

As of 2022 the castle is being reconstructed and you can see all the work that is being done in the video but at the time of the filming, it was open to visitors.

Cu trenul de la Șuncuiuș la Bratca (From Șuncuiuș to Bratca, by train) | (200 de abonați - special)


Cu trenul de la... ➡
Trenuri în diverse staţii ➡
Cu tramvaiul prin... ➡
Tramvaie ➡

Pagina principală: / main page

RO: Filmare realizata cu ocazia atingerii pragului de 200 de abonati pe acest canal. Doresc sa va multumesc pe aceasta cale pentru faptul ca vizionati ceea ce creez si pentru faptul ca ma sustineti. Vizionare placuta!

EN: A movie made with the occasion of reaching 200 subcribers on my YouTube channel. I wish to thank you for being here and also for the constant appreciation you show to my videos. Enjoy!

ttrenuri suncuius, trenuri bratca, trenuri bihor, trenuri oradea

Nature Walk in Romania, Art students go out to the woods

Hey everyone!
Some friends took me out to Bratca, Romania for a fun hike and we set up a spot to grill some food! It was such a fun relaxing time :) Its always good to take some time out of being in the city to ground yourself a bit. It was inspiring and rejuvenating.

Sometimes I can get in my head a lot if I don't get back to the roots and that is centering myself with nature.

Hope you enjoyed the video and let some of the nature sounds soothe you!

Special links:
if you are interested in learning a new skill why not do it with Skillshare?!!? It is such a great platform for developing all kinds of skills!
For me it has helped me craft my own music, add some animations and create some cool video content! I sure use it to hone my skills for editing youtube videos and creating my own take on intros and outros!

if you want to try it out, sign up with this link!! The first 1000 people to sign up get 30 DAYS FREE!!

and use the code: AFF30D23

- Filmed on iphone 11 pro max
- Edited on imovie
- music on garage band
-animations on procreate

social media
- instagram {@theartmatrix_} |
- art shop |
- tiktok | { @theartmatrix_ }


- currently attending college in Connecticut | art major

^Business email^

Stațiunea Vidra - România

imagini - Traian Prișcă

Autumn in Apuseni

A short weekend trip to the solitude and beautiful autumn landscape of the Apuseni Mountains (Romania), with accomodation in Garda de Sus village.
In this tiring times we have to find beauty and enjoy the small moments that nature can provide.

Music credits:

Bulz (județul Bihor) de-a lungul Crişului Repede #romania #travel #europe #vlog

22 octombrie 2017,
Bulz (în limba maghiară Csarnóháza) este satul de reședință al comunei cu același nume din județul Bihor, Crișana, România.
Localitatea este strǎbǎtutǎ de râul Iada, care desparte douǎ unitǎți muntoase: Pǎdurea Craiului și Vlǎdeasa.
Satul Bulz, este format din 15 cătune: Răstoaca, Pusta, Valea Iadului, Lunca Bulzului, Hârtoape, Cornet, Dosul Ianoșii, Sinzasti, Picior, Fata, Ianoșii, Poinița, Tomatec, Giljești și Valea Vesi. Satul Munteni este alcǎtuit din mai multe cătune: Fănești, Dealul Notarășului, Onuțești Măgurice, Bitilești, Petruțești, Tălăncești, Dealu Săracului, Drăgus și Lunca Munteni. Satul Remeți este alcătuit din cătunele: Văcărești, Mătești, Costești, Scăioase, Fruntinești, Boncești, Popești, Netede, Corni, Izvor, Mitrești, Lunca, Remeți, Daica și Poiana.
Localitatea Bulz este atestată în anul 1406 sub denumirea de Chornahaza fiind nominalizată ca Possesio Walachalis (sat românesc).
