Беларусь 4K | Осмоловка - исторический район в центре Минска. Проезд по улицам города.
Дата: 19 июля 2024 г. Время: 07.10. Температура воздуха: 20° C / 68° F
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Микрорайон-ветеран с желтыми домиками и уютным дворами несет за плечами долгую историю, ведь построили Осмоловку в первые годы после окончания войны. Свое название квартал получил в честь архитектора Михаила Осмоловского, который придумал концепцию малоэтажной застройки в послевоенное время, когда жилье требовалось возвести в кратчайшие сроки.
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0:00:00 - Путешевствие по району Осмоловка
0:00:25 - Альфа-банк
0:00:55 - улица Киселёва
0:01:05 - медицинский центр Горизонт
0:01:30 - Перекресток с улицей Куйбышева
0:02:27 - пивзавод Альвария
0:02:49 - Степановский сад
0:03:21 - представительство Полоцкого Спасо-Евфросиниевского монастыря
0:03:34 - Церковь святой мироносицы равноапостольной Марии Магдалины
0:04:06 - Минский хлебный завод № 2
0:04:17 - Минская государственная гимназия-колледж искусств
0:04:26 - улица Кропоткина
0:05:10 - проспект Машерова
0:05:44 - бывший ресторан Белая Вежа
0:06:09 - Главный военный медицинский клинический центр Вооруженных сил РБ
0:06:32 - улица Куйбышева
0:06:58 - Horizont Innovation Center
0:07:48 - Средняя школа № 21 имени Н. Ф. Гастелло
0:08:03 - улица Алоизы Пашкевич
0:08:11 - Большой театр Беларуси
0:08:32 - Минское суворовское военное училище
0:08:43 - улица Максима Богдановича
0:09:03 - улица Коммунистическая
0:09:45 - Генеральный штаб Министерства обороны Республики Беларусь
0:10:44 - дом-музей 1-го съезда РСДРП
0:11:24 - улица Киселёва
0:11:43 - Минский Городской клинический эндокринологический центр
0:12:20 - улица Красная
0:12:27 - Белорусское радио
0:12:53 - улица Коммунистическая
0:13:23 - улица Куйбышева
0:14:16 - улица Киселёва
0:15:10 - улица Максима Богдановича
0:15:17 - Специальная школа № 188
0:15:33 - улица Коммунистическая
0:15:41 - Резиденция посла РФ в РБ
0:15:54 - детский сад № 532
0:16:03 - синагога Хабад Любавич
0:16:32 - посольство Украины
0:16:46 - улица Старовиленская
0:16:54 - Посольство США в Беларуси
0:17:34 - улица Сторожовская
0:18:22 - Дом Чижа
0:18:51 - Троицкое предместье
0:19:26 - улица Максима Богдановича
0:19:35 - Мост через реку Свислочь
0:20:08 - улица Немига
0:20:19 - Торговый дом на Немиге
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Ле МАРШРУТКА. Сіверщина. Україна під час війни. 3 сезон 5 епізод. English subtitles.
Ле Маршрутка вирушає у Чернігівську та Сумську області. Міста і села, що були під окупацією росіян більше місяця. На сьогодні це найбільш замінований регіон в Україні, на розмінування якого знадобиться кілька десятків років.
Le Minibus goes to Chernihiv and Sumy regions. The cities and villages that were under Russian occupation for more than a month. Today, this is the most mined region in Ukraine, the demining of which will take several decades.
Богданович/Свердловская область/Города России/Туризм/Путешествия
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Богданович/Свердловская область/Города России/Туризм/Путешествия
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города россии,где лучше всего жить в россии,
жить в россии,варламов про города,россия,где в россии жить хорошо,москва,
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худшие города россии,жизнь в россии,севастополь,
Bogdanovich Glacier: Stunning Ice Formations and Glacial Wonders
#BogdanovichGlacier #NatureDocumentary #NaturePhotography
The Bogdanovich Glacier, located in the Chugach Mountains of Alaska, is a majestic ice formation renowned for its stunning beauty and intriguing history. Here are some key points about this glacier:
Location: The Bogdanovich Glacier is situated within the Chugach National Forest in south-central Alaska, part of the larger Chugach Mountains range. It flows from the heights of the mountains, creating a mesmerizing landscape of ice and snow.
Habitats: The glacier is part of a vast ecosystem that includes alpine tundra, mountainous terrain, and glacial lakes. Its icy expanse provides habitat for unique species adapted to cold environments, such as mountain goats, ptarmigans, and Arctic terns.
History: Named after Russian geologist Gregory Bogdanovich, the glacier has a rich geological history dating back thousands of years. It formed during the last Ice Age, gradually carving its way through the rugged terrain and shaping the landscape we see today.
Fun Facts:
Massive Ice Volume: The Bogdanovich Glacier is known for its massive ice volume, stretching over several square miles and reaching impressive thicknesses in some areas.
Blue Ice Phenomenon: Like many glaciers, the Bogdanovich exhibits the phenomenon of blue ice, where densely packed ice absorbs red and yellow light, giving it a striking blue color.
Glacial Retreat: In recent years, the Bogdanovich Glacier, like many glaciers around the world, has experienced significant retreat due to climate change. This retreat has revealed hidden landscapes and geological features previously covered by ice.
Adventure Destination: The glacier attracts adventurers and outdoor enthusiasts seeking to explore its icy terrain, discover ice caves, and witness the dynamic changes in the glacial landscape.
Scientific Research: Scientists study the Bogdanovich Glacier to understand glacial processes, climate change impacts, and the history of the region. Research conducted here contributes valuable data to global climate studies.
Mysteries: While the Bogdanovich Glacier holds many scientific marvels, it also harbors mysteries. Some explorers and researchers have reported unusual sounds echoing from within the ice, leading to speculation about hidden caverns or ancient formations waiting to be discovered.
In conclusion, the Bogdanovich Glacier is not just a frozen spectacle but a living testament to Earth's geological history and a place of ongoing scientific inquiry. Its beauty, mysteries, and ecological importance make it a captivating destination for those fascinated by the wonders of the natural world.
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While we strive to provide accurate and informative content, the information presented on this channel is for entertainment and educational purposes only. We are not liable for any actions taken based on the content presented. Always prioritize safety and respect for the environment while exploring nature's wonders.
Minsk Belarus Best attractions Things to do
After 2 years in Belarus
👇🏻👇🏻 My top places to see 👇🏻👇🏻
Minsk Railway Station 00:00
Kamarovka Market 00:18
Tsnyansky reservoir 00:45
Minsk sea 01:15
Victory Park 01:30
Upper city 02:00
Independence square 02:15
Opera and Ballet theatre 02:35
Musical Teatre 03:05
Pervomayski District 03:44
MINSK City Walk Tour #1 Leningradskaya Street - Maxim Bogdanovich Street
#Walk #Minsk #DJIOsmoPocket
MINSK City Walk Tour #1 Leningradskaya Street - Maxim Bogdanovich Street
00:00 Leningradskaya Street
05:25 Karl Marx Street
21:10 Aleksandrovsky Park
26:10 Yanka Kupala Street
29:30 Nezavisimost Avenue
30:20 Yanka Kupala Park
38:00 International Street
42:50 Musical lane
45:25 Dancing girl taking a selfie video
45:45 Hiercen Street
48:55 Kozmo-Demyanovsky Descent
51:55 Maxim Bogdanovich Street
Audio for an immersive experience. I'm sorry, but the music had to be added to drown out the broadcast from cafes and other places
MRC-UV / D-Cinelike / 4k 16:9 / 25fps / iso 100 / shutter 1/50 / WB - cloudy / quality - highest / AFC / Slow Folow / Tilt Lock
Camera: DJI Osmo Pocket
Recorded on Tuesday, December 14, 2021, starting at 13 :45.
MINSK City Walk Tour continues releases. Where the previous one ended, the next one will begin. Realy Long Great Walk! I will make this walk great! See continues all also:
Best Places To Visit For A Day Trip outside of Almaty Kazakhstan | UNESCO Petroglyph Site
We went on a short road trip to a Unesco petroglyph site called Tamgaly. It took us about two hours to drive there from Almaty and the landscapes along the way were beautiful. It was my first time seeing the great steppes of Kazakhstan and it was a great experience. The rock carvings date all the way back to the bronze age! Do you believe in aliens? If not, you just might have second thoughts after seeing some of the rock carvings that look like UFO'S! Join me on this incredible journey!
I am trying to reach 1000 subscribers. If you enjoy the videos please help me reach my goal by clicking Subscribe, I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
Donations: If you want help support my channel I will provide the links below. You can donate through paypal or crypto to donate. Thank you in advance!
Ethereum wallet address: 0x508faB4b291063f9C4963998dA9A19c988d043EC
Cardano wallet address: addr1qxd04yfu245kufkmec70gnhr6vaaczmq4ll26zy70p00vwcqnjk9zkzkhmps9kewgd8year4y9cyzwnlnfsd6fxed7ms29w5t2
Solana wallet address: CaaRg6kwvz6nAKZ2RNM4FeynEL5MdqFHh33WhNyY5aGP
INSTAGRAM: @gabrieltheglobalcitizen
All Music Used in this Video comes from HERE:
(The Best Copyright Free Music - Try it Free!)
Music wanted!! If you are a music producer and would like me to use your music (FKJ vibes or anything good for travel vlogging) please email me at
My name is Gabriel, a Canadian vlogger documenting my first year of leaving home and travelling around the globe. I want to inspire others to see the world, and treat it as one big home. I hope you will explore, take risks, and go on your own adventure! At the end of it all , I believe the memories we make are the one of the most important things.
Что посмотреть в Гродно туристу за 1 день. Подробный обзор.
В этом ролике я расскажу и покажу подробно всю информацию о том, что посмотреть туристу в г.Гродно за 1 день, если Вы приехали на машине и хотите пройти по интересным местам, достопримечательностям. Расскажу какие - то акценты, на что обратить внимание. Покажу интересные маршруты. Этот ролик рассчитан скорее на туристов, потому как мне постоянно прилетает в директ в инстаграме сообщения с просьбой показать и снять именно экскурсию с геолокацией, а не с историями о зданиях и людях, как обычно я делаю на своем канале. Что ж, это новой опыт - формат такого видео, если Вам понравится и будет полезно - я буду счастлива. Ну а лайк - это просто Ваше маленькое спасибо)))
Got to Mars before Elon Musk!
Mars in Russia?
Let's go to Bogdanovich, Russia. Local abandoned clay pits turned to tourist attractions now. Awesome place for pictures!
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In this video, I continue to show you my city of Minsk.
We talk about Nemiga street and the hidden river.
Where in Minsk you can find the oldest building and Soviet bas-relieves. Showing you the Minsk atmosphere WITHOUT lockdown You can book me as a tour guide in Minsk and other cities of Belarus. Minsk is my home town and no one will show it to you as I do)
Pls contact me IG: belarustravelexperts
I will be grateful for your support which can help me in creating more useful videos
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- Sightseeing Walking Tours in Minsk ( soviet time/Jewish heritage/ legends of Minsk/ alternative Minsk)
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#minsk #minskwalkingtour #belarus
These Top 5 Kazakhstan Travel Tips are based on what I have learned spending over a month in Almaty, Kazakhstan. This serves as a Kazakhstan travel guide for travellers planning to visit Kazakhstan.
I am trying to reach 1000 subscribers. If you enjoy the videos please help me reach my goal by clicking Subscribe, I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
Donations: If you want help support my channel I will provide the links below. You can donate through paypal or crypto to donate. Thank you in advance!
Ethereum wallet address: 0x508faB4b291063f9C4963998dA9A19c988d043EC
Cardano wallet address: addr1qxd04yfu245kufkmec70gnhr6vaaczmq4ll26zy70p00vwcqnjk9zkzkhmps9kewgd8year4y9cyzwnlnfsd6fxed7ms29w5t2
Solana wallet address: CaaRg6kwvz6nAKZ2RNM4FeynEL5MdqFHh33WhNyY5aGP
INSTAGRAM: @gabrieltheglobalcitizen
Music wanted!! If you are a music producer and would like me to use your music (FKJ vibes or anything good for travel vlogging) please email me at
My name is Gabriel, a Canadian vlogger documenting my first year of leaving home and travelling around the globe. I want to inspire others to see the world, and treat it as one big home. I hope you will explore, take risks, and go on your own adventure! At the end of it all , I believe the memories we make are the one of the most important things.
Best Places To Visit In South Kazakhstan
In this video, I show you some of the BEST places to visit in Kazakhstan. I took a bus tour from Almaty to the south of Kazakhstan where we visit Turkestan and some historical cities that were along the silk road in the ancient times such as Otrar, and some mausoleums where holy people are buried. Video is recorded in 4k.
Instagram for tour company: @nomad_alliance
I am trying to reach 1000 subscribers. If you enjoy the videos please help me reach my goal by clicking Subscribe, I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
Donations: If you want help support my channel I will provide the links below. You can donate through paypal or crypto to donate. Thank you in advance!
Ethereum wallet address: 0x508faB4b291063f9C4963998dA9A19c988d043EC
Cardano wallet address: addr1qxd04yfu245kufkmec70gnhr6vaaczmq4ll26zy70p00vwcqnjk9zkzkhmps9kewgd8year4y9cyzwnlnfsd6fxed7ms29w5t2
Solana wallet address: CaaRg6kwvz6nAKZ2RNM4FeynEL5MdqFHh33WhNyY5aGP
INSTAGRAM: @gabrieltheglobalcitizen
All Music Used in this Video comes from HERE:
(The Best Copyright Free Music - Try it Free!)
Music wanted!! If you are a music producer and would like me to use your music (FKJ vibes or anything good for travel vlogging) please email me at
My name is Gabriel, a Canadian vlogger documenting my first year of leaving home and travelling around the globe. I want to inspire others to see the world, and treat it as one big home. I hope you will explore, take risks, and go on your own adventure! At the end of it all , I believe the memories we make are the one of the most important things.
Koksharova Кокшарова Yalunina Ялунина Bogdanovich Богданович E22 P351 R351 Россия 25.7.2016 #1069
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
Vitebsk, Belarus - Russian fortpost of Eastern Europe: the defeat of the Germans in World War II
Vitebsk, like many other cities in Belarus, has a complex history and cultural heritage associated with various peoples and states. It is a multinational city, inhabited by Belarusians, Russians and representatives of other ethnic groups.
However, if we talk about the Russian historical and cultural connection of Vitebsk, there are several factors that make it special:
Historical ties: Vitebsk is one of the oldest cities in Eastern Europe and has a rich history associated with the Russian state, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Russian Empire. For many centuries Vitebsk was an important center of culture and trade.
Cultural figures: Vitebsk was the birthplace and place of creativity of famous Russian artists and writers such as Marc Chagall, Maxim Bogdanovich and others. Their work and contribution to Russian culture make Vitebsk an important historical and cultural center.
Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk: This international arts festival held in Vitebsk attracts artists and spectators from different countries, including Russia. The festival contributes to the strengthening and development of cultural ties between peoples and enhances the perception of Vitebsk as a Russian city.
It is important to note that Vitebsk also has its own Belarusian identity and is a place of coexistence of different cultures and nationalities. The city is rich in history and culture, which brings together various ethnic groups within the local community.
Vitebsk has a connection with Napoleon Bonaparte due to his military actions on the territory of Belarus during the Napoleonic Wars. In 1812, Napoleon waged his military campaign against Russia, known as the Patriotic War of 1812. During this campaign, Napoleon entered Belarus, including Vitebsk.
Vitebsk was one of the cities where Napoleon stopped during his advance on Moscow. In July 1812, French troops took Vitebsk, and Napoleon made the city his temporary headquarters. However, the French occupation was short-lived as the Russian army liberated Vitebsk in August of that year.
Reconstruction after World War II: Vitebsk really suffered during the years of World War II and was destroyed to a large extent. However, thanks to the efforts and resources invested by the restoration, the city has restored its infrastructure and has become a vibrant and developing center again.
Fabulous Winter in Kazakhstan!
Winter in Kazakhstan is fabulous! In the mountain range of the Trans-Ili Alatau there are many hidden natural wonders to see, one of them is the Bogdanovich glacier.
What unusual places in Kazakhstan do you know?
P.S. Please remember that visiting some natural attractions might only be possible for experienced tourists.
Fantastic Cave Entrance in Kazakhstan 🇰🇿 Natural Formation #cave #naturalformation #kazakhstan
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Hiking in Kazakhstan Glacier at Symbulak Almaty
#Kazakhstan #Almaty #Silentfilm
The Bogdanovich Glacier is likely the closest glacier to the city of Almaty. It's located in the Maloalmatinski spur of the Trans-Ili Alatau mountains, southwest of the Big Talgar pass. The glacier was named by glaciologist Dmitriev in 1911 to honor Karl Bogdanovich, a Polish-Russian professor and geologist who studied the earthquake that happened in Verny (now Almaty) in 1910.
Best time to visit: November - February. It's the only period when we can descent into the October Cave
0:00 Intro
1:26 Medeu Cableway
2:40 Hike to Bogdanovich Glacier
10:08 Travel Guide
🌏 Location: Kazakhstan Symbulak
📅 Date of Exploration: July 2024
🌿 Instagram: Adrielhoho
#hiking #solocamping #solohiking #alpinelakes #centralasia #kyrgyzstan #Trekking #glacier
Pyschma Пышма Kamyshlov Камышлов Butyrki Бутырки E22 P351 R351 Russia Россия 25.7.2016 #1068
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
TOP 80 Places you need to visit before you DIE
UNREAL PLACES - The Most Unbelievable places on Earth.
Top 80 places you need to visit before you Die
Welcome to the ultimate travel guide showcasing the 80 places you absolutely need to visit before you die! Our carefully curated list will take you on a global adventure, highlighting destinations that boast unparalleled beauty, rich history, and unique cultural experiences. Whether you're an avid traveler, a dreamer, or someone planning their next big adventure, this video is your passport to the world's most incredible locations.
Starting with the natural wonders, we explore the Grand Canyon's vast expanse, the ethereal Northern Lights in Iceland, the Great Barrier Reef's underwater paradise in Australia, and the stunning fjords of Norway. Each destination offers breathtaking landscapes and unforgettable experiences that will leave you in awe.
For history buffs, we delve into ancient sites like the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, the Acropolis in Greece, and the lost city of Petra in Jordan. We also cover iconic cities like Rome, Paris, and Athens, where every corner is steeped in history and culture. These locations are not just about seeing; they're about experiencing the stories and legacies that have shaped our world.
Culture enthusiasts will love our picks of vibrant cities such as Tokyo, New York, and Rio de Janeiro. From the bustling streets and skyscrapers to the festivals and local cuisine, these cities offer a dynamic and immersive travel experience. We also highlight cultural gems like Kyoto's temples, the colorful markets of Marrakech, and the rich traditions of Bali.
For those seeking relaxation and natural beauty, we showcase tropical paradises like the Maldives, Bora Bora, and Hawaii. These destinations are perfect for unwinding, soaking up the sun, and enjoying pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters.
Adventure seekers can look forward to thrilling experiences like hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, going on safari in Africa, or exploring the wild landscapes of Patagonia. These destinations offer adrenaline-pumping activities and the chance to connect with nature in its rawest form.
Our list also includes hidden gems that might not be on everyone's radar but are worth every visit. Places like the fairy-tale villages of Hallstatt in Austria, the dramatic cliffs of Moher in Ireland, and the charming town of Bruges in Belgium offer unique and enchanting experiences.
In this video, we provide essential travel tips, the best times to visit each location, and insider recommendations to make your trips unforgettable. Whether you're looking for adventure, relaxation, cultural immersion, or historical exploration, our list has something for everyone.
Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more travel inspiration and tips. Share this video with fellow travel enthusiasts and let us know in the comments which places you're adding to your bucket list! Get ready to explore the world like never before and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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