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10 Best place to visit in Baruun-Urt Mongolia


Walk Baruun Urt, far eastern Mongolian capital of Sukhbaatar. My Canadian adventure

Continuing my travels in the Provinces of Mongolia,I wanted to show small-town life and Baruun Urt is typical of the changes happening in these small capital towns. New hotel or office buildings next to old soviet era buildings, Government employees in suits, and nomadic herders in traditional clothing all converge. #mongolia #mongoliatravel #mongoliatowns #mongoliaadventure #buruunurtmongolia

Top Rated 10 Tourist Attractions & Destinations in Mongolia

With a vast territory and a long history, Mongolia offers so much to see and explore. Here listed for you the top 10 attractions and destinations in Mongolia.

Bayankhongor City | Walk Together | Travel in Mongolia

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baruun urt, mongolia

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【K】Mongolia Travel-Ulaanbaatar[몽골 여행-울란바토르]하라호름 정육 시장/Butcher shop/Market/Хархорин Худалдааны Төв

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[한국어 정보]
여행객들이 잘 가지 않는 몽골 중서부에 가기로 계획하고, 몽골인 자오하의 안내를 받기로 했다. “오늘 울란바토르에서 출발하고 나이망 호수에서 나흘 동안 캠핑하면서 몽골을 100% 느낄 수 있을 겁니다” 며칠 간의 캠핑을 위해 울란바토르에서 가장 큰 ‘하라호름 정육시장’을 찾았다. 최근에 리모델링해 깨끗하고 현대적인 시장은 그 날 잡은 고기는 모두 그날에 판다고 한다. 이 많은 고기들이 하루에 팔린다니 몽골인들이 얼마나 고기를 사랑하는지 알 수 있다. “안녕하세요” “안녕하세요! 양고기예요” 양고기, 이건 소고기, 그리고 말고기까지. 다양하다. “말고기를 많이 먹으면 젊음을 유지할 수 있어요. 고기에 젊어지게 하는 성분들이 많이 함유되어 있습니다” 몽골 사람들은 이 고기들을 삶고 굽는 조리 방법 외 아무런 조미 없이 말려서 육포로도 즐긴다. 고깃값은 정말 싸다. 말고기 4kg에 26,000투그릭! 우리 돈 만 삼천 원, 정말 싸다. “안녕히 가세요. 좋은 여행 하십시오. 몽골의 좋은 것들을 많이 보세요. 몽골은 정말 좋은 곳입니다”

[English: Google Translator]
I plan to go to the Midwest of Mongolia where travelers do not go well and decided to get guidance from Mongolian Zhao Ha. Today we will leave Ulaanbaatar and camp for four days in Lake Nye, so we can feel 100% of Mongolia. We went to Ulaanbaatar's largest Haarhorn Meat Market for a few days camping. A clean, modern market that has recently been remodeled says that all meat caught that day sells on that day. You can see how much Mongolians love meat because these many fish are sold in a day. Hello hello! It's a lamb, lamb, it's beef, and horse meat. Varies. I eat a lot of horse meat can keep youth. There are a lot of ingredients that make the meat rejuvenate. Mongolian people do not have any seasoning other than cooking and baking these meats. The price is really cheap. Horse meat 4kg to 26,000 truk! Our money is only 3,000 won, really cheap. Goodbye. Have a good trip. Take a lot of good things in Mongolia. Mongolia is a really good place

[Mongolia: Google Translator]
Би Монголчуудын дундах баруун тийш явахаар төлөвлөж байгаа бөгөөд аялагчид нь сайнгүй явж, Монголын Жао Ха удирдамж авахаар шийдсэн. Өнөөдөр бид Улаанбаатараас гарч, Нён нууранд дөрвөн өдөр буудаллах болно. Тиймээс бид 100% Монголыг мэдэрч чадна. Бид Улаанбаатарын хамгийн том Haarhorn Meat Market -д очсон. Саяхан засч тохижуулсан цэвэр, орчин үеийн зах зээл энэ өдөр баригдаж байсан махыг тэр өдөр зардаг гэжээ. Та олон тооны монголчууд махаа хайрладгийг харж болно. Сайн уу Сайн уу! Энэ бол хурга, хурга, үхрийн мах, адууны мах юм. Энэ нь янз бүрийн юм. Би олон адууны махыг идэж чаддаг. Махыг нь сэргээх найрлагатай олон найрлага бий. Монголын ард түмэн эдгээр махыг жигнэн, хоол хийхээс өөр ямар ч амтлагч байхгүй. Үнэ нь үнэхээр хямд байна. Морины мах 4 кг 26,000 луут Манай мөнгө нь ердөө л 3,000 вон, хямдхан. Баяртай. Сайн аялал хийх. Монголд маш их зүйл хийх. Монгол бол үнэхээр сайхан газар

■클립명: 아시아025-몽골04-03 몽골인이 많이 찾는 하라호름 정육 시장
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 전영건 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2017년 6월June

시장/상점,market,아시아Asia아시아몽골Mongolia전영건20176월울란바토르UlaanbaatarJune걸어서 세계속으로

Bogdkhan Resort, Zaisan

Bogdkhan Resort, Zaisan - Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Mongolia Mongolie From UB to Orkhon valley

UB - Amarbayasgalant- Uran Togoo Uul - Khovsgol lake - Terkiin Tsagaan - Tsetserleg - Orkhon valley.

Mongolia - Genghis Khan Statue Complex

The stainless steel statue is stated to be one of the largest ever made. The accompanying Museum gives an overview of the Mongol period and provides authentic manikins of the various Khans. Many objects from the period are on display.

Mongolia Ulanbataar take-off


#FS2020 - Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) : inspired by 6a Анхбаяр

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Dallas-Hong Kong flight AA137 Part 1: Typhoon diversion to Seoul 受颱風影響改降首尔/때문에 태풍의 서울로 전환 2015-10-02

Diversion of this flight was required to refuel aircraft in advance of arriving in tropical storm-affected Hong Kong, where holding time for all aircraft was expected to be increased due to high wind and reduced visibility in rain.

After refueling at Incheon, AA 137 continues from Seoul to Hong Kong, its originally intended destination--available on the next video:
Diverted Dallas-Hong Kong flight AA 137 Part 2: Seoul-Hong Kong 2015-10-03:

0:23-2:58 Boarding AA 137
3:48 Pushback begins
6:55 Flight safety demonstration & start of taxiing
9:47 Taxiing continues
17:00 Takeoff run begins on 36R
20:00 Lewisville Lake
22:15 Elm Fork Trinity River Denton, Texas
23:50 Lake Ray Roberts
26:40 Texas US Route #82 east of Gainesville toward Oak Ridge & Whitesboro
28:10 Red River (Texas-Oklahoma state line)
30:20 Lake Murray & Oklahoma US Route Hwy 70
31:40 Ardmore Municipal Airport, Ardmore OK
32:20 Arbuckle Mountains OK
33:20 Sulphur OK
36:20 Canadian River OK
39:25 Luther OK (north of Interstate 44)
40:35 Cimarron River OK
40:55 W.E. Anderson Stadium, Langston OK
41:25 Stillwater OK
42:55 Perry OK
44:10 Sooner Lake OK
45:00 Arkansas River in Oklahoma
45:55 Interstate 35 Exit 203 Hwy #15 Dairy Queen, Billings OK
46:20 Blackwell OK
47:27 Braman OK
47:45 Oklahoma Welcome Center on Interstate 35 southbound
47:55 Leaving Oklahoma; entering Kansas (KS)
48:50 South Haven KS
50:00 Wellington KS
51:30 Clearwater KS
51:50-53:55 Wichita KS
54:10 Interstate-135 & Hesston KS
54:30 Moundridge KS
55:10 McPherson KS
56:10 Lindsborg KS
56:30-57:30 Salinas KS
57:40 Beloit KS
58:10 Gibbon, Nebraska (NE) north of Platte River
58:50 Ravenna NE
1:01:10-1:02:25 Battle River, Alberta (AB), Canada
1:03:15-1:03:35 Hwy 41 AB
1:03:45 Vermilion AB
1:04:10 Vermilion Park Lake, Vermilion AB (on right)
1:05:20 North Saskatchewan River AB
1:07:15-1:12:05 Canada's North of 60:
Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories, Canada 64°20'24.4N, 127°10'44.4W
1:14:25-1:15:25 Approaching coast of Siberia, Russia (on map)
1:15:35-1:21:25 Russia's North of 60:
Kolyma River / Колыма near Chersky, Че́рский / Черскэй, northeastern Siberia Russia / северо-восточной Сибири Россия
68°44'03.8N, 161°20'25.8E
For more information:
Wikipedia contributors, Kolyma River, Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, (accessed October 16, 2015).
Колыма. Википедия, свободная энциклопедия. 8 окт 2015, 07:23 UTC. 16 окт 2015, 09:06
1:23:38-1:30:04 Russia's North of 60:
Mountains in Ust-Nera area, Усть-Нера / Уус Ньара
Siberia, Russia / Сибирь, Россия
64°00'19.1N 141°00'38.5E
1:30:05-1:30:15 Mid-flight snack
1:30:44-1:36:53 Near Baruun-Urt, Mongolia
1:37:05-1:37:10 Xinghe, Ulanqab, Inner Mongolia, China 中国内蒙古乌兰察布市兴和县
1:39:00 Flight route review from Dallas
1::39:25-1:43:03 Flight diversion announcements
1:43:10 Leaving China north of Shandong Pensinsula
1:47:20 Mungap-ri Island, South Korea 문갑리, 대한민국
1:48:35 Soijak-ro, South Korea 소이작로, 대한민국
1:49:00 Daeijak Island 대이작도, 대한민국
1:49:12-1:50:15 Seungbong-ri 승봉리, 대한민국
1:50:45-1:50:55 Pungdo-dong 풍도동, 대한민국
1:52:00 Dangjin Thermal Power Plant 당진시, 대한민국

1:54:05-1:54:15 Seoul-Kimpo International Airport, Seoul, South Korea 김포국제공항
1:55:15 Siheung-si, South Korea 시흥시 , 대한민국
1:55:30 Oido, South Korea 오이도, 대한민국
1:56:35 Songdo-dong 송도동
1:56:50 Songdo Convensia, Songdo International City, Incheon Free Economic Zone, Incheon,
South Korea송도컨벤시아
1:58:05 Incheon Bridge 인천대교
1:59:15 Jungsan-dong, Jung-gu, Incheon, South Korea 학생해양탐구학습장
2:00:35 Touchdown on 34
2:06:30 Parking at remote stand or refueling

Mongolian countryside

Views from a hill in Matad Dornod province Mongolia

Ulaanbaatar 4K Drive Tour UHD HQ 2023-4-13

Sun Road - Olympic bridge - Ikh Mongol Street - River Tower - Peace Bridge - Sukhbaatar square - Central Tower - Post Office - State Department Store - Urt Tsagaan street - Naiman Sharga - Baruun 4 zam - Tumur zam - Ulaanbaatar Railway station - District 10 - Unur Horoolol District 1 - Harhorin market - Sonsgolon road - Tets4 Power Station-4 - Altai Town - Naadam Center - Peace Bridge - Shangri La Ulaanbaatar - District 13 - Hard Rock - Natur center. Ulaanbaatar Mongolia 2023-4-13 Thu 13:40 ~ 19:50

Dallas-Hong Kong flight 達拉斯直航香港: NWT Canada, Chukchi Sea Чукотское море, Siberia Сибирь 2016-01-20

A winter 8,111-mile Dallas-Hong Kong polar flight--American Airlines AA 137--crosses the Sandhills of Nebraska USA, the MacKenzie Mountains of Canada's Northwest Territories, the Arctic north coast of Alaska, a frozen Chukchi Sea of the Arctic Ocean west to the Far East of Russia, eastern Mongolia, and east-central China--a long day of flying culminating in a low-visibility landing a day before the arrival of a rare polar vortex in sub-tropical Hong Kong.

0:01-0:30 DFW Airport stores and restaurants
0:30-0:50 Boarding in progress
1:06 Pushback from gate begins
2:06-2:37 Flight information announcement (English)
2:42-3:06 Flight information announcement (Mandarin)
3:18-6:10 Flight safety video
6:21-6:37 Flight safety announcement (Mandarin) 航班安全通告(普通话)
6:39-12:10 Taxiing to runway 36R
12:10 Takeoff run begins on runway 36R
22:25-22:30 Computer-graphic view to the east of flight path
22:35-23:14 Cockpit announcement
23:15-24:40 Graphic view of flight path over Kansas ahead
23:47-24:40 Mandarin interpretation of cockpit announcement
24:45-25:05 Present position over western Nebraska
25:30-28:00 Nebraska Sandhills in Arthur County, Nebraska

28:23-28:37 Present position over eastern Montana
28:38-28:48 Present position over Montana & Saskatchewan border
28:48 Present position east of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
29:00-29:50 MacKenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories, Canada
30:23-30:33 Present position over north coast of Alaska USA
30:33-31:18 Low winter midday Arctic sun over northern Alaska
31:18-35:48 Frozen sea surface of Chukchi Sea / Чукотское мoре between USA & Russia / между США и Россией
35:49-36:10 Present position over Chukchi Sea / Чуко́тское мо́ре
36:27-36:37 Present position over Wrangel Island, Russia / о́стров Вра́нгеля, Россия
37:30-37:40 Present position northeast of Yakutsk, Siberia, Russia
38:26-39:50 Mountains west of Sasyr, Sakha Republic, Far Eastern Federal District, Russia / горы к западу от Сасырa, Республика Саха (Якутия), альневосто́чный федера́льный о́круг, Россия
40:35-43:10 Mountains near Chita, Russia / горы недалеко от Читы, Россия
43:10-43:24 Leaving Russia; entering Mongolia
43:25-47:15 Mongolia north of Baruun-Urt
47:27-47:28 Leaving Mongolia; entering Inner Mongolia, China
47:35-53:00 Inner Mongolia, China 中国内蒙古自治区
53:00-53:11 Present positions near Zhengzhou 郑州, Henan 河南, China
53:11-55:35 Clod covering central and southern China under Siberian Arctic vortex
55:35-56:00 Flight data at position northeast of Guangzhou 广州, Guangdong 广东, China
56:39 Start of descent over Macau 澳門 and South China Sea 南海 for landing on runway 7L
1:19:50 Touchdown on runway 7L

Please consult FlightAware (or other flight tracking providers') tracking of this flight for detailed aircraft information, flight data and route map:

Other long-haul flight mileage for comparison:
5,990 Santiago (SCL)-Auckland
6,100 Los Angeles-Moscow (DME)
7,470 Chicago-New Delhi
7,490 Sydney-Los Angeles
8,050 New York (JFK)-Hong Kong

The 20 Longest Nonstop Flights in the World



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