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10 Best place to visit in Ardakān Iran


Discover Aqda: One of Most Ancient Villages in the world

Step back in time and explore the 6000-year-old village of Aqda in Ardakan, Iran. Immerse yourself in its rich history and tranquil atmosphere filled with adobe houses and historic monuments.
Join us on a journey to discover the beauty and history of Aqda, one of the largest and oldest villages in Ardakan, Iran. Dating back to 6000 years ago, the village is contemporary with Meybod city and the old road used to pass through it, alongside Chaparkhane (pony express) and caravanserai. The architecture of Aqda is similar to that of old city of Yazd, with clay and adobe houses filling its alleys. Every corner of the village brings you back to a peaceful and tranquil time, with historic monuments such as a bazaar, hammam dating back 1100 years, castles, caravansaries, and wind towers (badgirs). Aqda is a great destination for tourists and attracts a large number of visitors every year. It is a village of history and nature in the heart of the desert, and was once known as Gabrgah (the place of Zoroastrians) since all its inhabitants were Zoroastrians. Aqda is a must-visit for anyone interested in history, architecture, and the tranquility of a traditional desert village.

A historical Village in the desert to visit...

Located near the Yazd - Esfahan Road and at the distance of 40 km. in the northwest of Ardakan, this beautiful village has the following historical edifices, Haj Abolqasem Rashti caravansary built in 1269 AH. with the structure resembling the Shah Abbasi Caravansary, Khajeh Nasir stockade built to protect the village dwellings. Saam Castle, Hamam-e- Noe built in 1055 AH. (iran tourism and touring organization) , Hulakoo two-storey Mosque built in 1123 AH. (iran tourism and touring organization) , Shams Mosque built in 1090 AH. (main article on: itto org) and the Jame' Mosque built in 8th century AH. Aqda is one of the largest and most ancient villages in the central part of Ardakan, which dates back to 6000 years ago and is contemporary with Meybod city. (main article in itto . org) The old and the original road passed through the village, alongside of which there used to be some Chaparkhane (pony express) and the caravanserai. (main article on: itto org) Architecture of the old village of Aqda is similar to that of old city of Yazd which has alleys filled with clay and adobe houses. Each and every corner of this village reminds you of life and tranquility, and takes you to the good old times.
Text from; itto . org
Video By: Vadih Malmir [ instagram:vmalmir]
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Aqda'Yazd Province-iran-Anar traditional guesthouse

Aqda, is a city in and the capital of Aqda District, in Ardakan County, Yazd Province, Iran

سياحة و سفر في إيران : يزد مدينة التاريخ الإيراني | لمحة عن حضارة الإيرانية YAZAD

يزد هي واحدة من المدن الكبرى في إيران ومركز محافظة ومدينة يزد ، وتقع في وسط إيران ، وتقع يزد بين حقول شيركوه في سهل شاسع يسمى سهل يزد أردكان. إنها واحدة من أجمل مدن الطوب في العالم.
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.✅تابعونا عبر صفحات تواصل الاجتماعي

The best place whit family in Iran | بهترین دورهمی با خانواده

یکی از روستاهای نزدیک اردکان که حدود ۶۵ کیلومتر با شیراز فاصله دارد و به باغ های سیب نیز معروف است و می توانید به همراه خانواده یک روز خوبی را در یکی از زیباترین مکان برای استراحت انتخاب کنید
One the villages around Shiraz-Iran.
Name of this place is Sarbast-Ardakan. It's about 65 km from Shiraz to Ardakan. Allso here we have a lot of garden and you can get relax there

Real IRAN 🇮🇷 Historical background of Ardakan (Yazd). The city of windbreakers

Ardakan historical fabric with an area of ​​more than 50 hectares is one of the largest adobe fabrics in Yazd province, which is located in 4 towers of Ardakan fence with 12 neighborhoods and gates, and is a beautiful example of the most coherent, healthy and alive historical fabrics of Iran.

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📹Filmed On February 2024

The content and information of this video is original and this video was taken by walk with me travell. All copyrights ⑥ 2024 of this video are reserved


Yazd is located in the center of Iran and is the seventh largest city in Iran. The city located on the wide plain called Yazd Ardakan plain. This is where the world's first deposit box was built in 1700 years ago in this city. The peak of the rise of Yazd has been since the 14th century AD. Yazd is located in the Central Plateau of Iran.

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پیاده روی بافت تاریخی اردکان یزد در شب | Ardakan Night Life in Yazd in Iran Walking Tour in 4K 60p

YAZD at Night, IRAN at Night.
Winding Narrow lanes /kouche/ at Night surrounded by adobe walls of the mud-brick historical houses in the Ardakan desert village in Yazd...
Old City Walking Tour at Night offers you the strolling in an ancient history and taste the night life in peace!

Habib & Samaneh a sociable and welcoming couple with friendly faces and open arms originally from Ardakan who manage the Khesht-o Mah house for Tourists. /Adobe 'n the Moon/
This is a beautiful historical house in Old City of Ardakan which they bought and revived it.
They live there Now.

Low roofed passage make a safe intertwined network in old city to avoid aliens attack and slow down the advancing horse rider villains.
Furthermore this architecture blocks the summer sun heat in such a desert climate settlement.

This town is located in the West - East sand storm way so all the traditional wind towers / wind catchers / Badgirs are one directional toward the North to lead the cool, temperate and humid North wind inside the house after refined by the water pool in Its way.

Ardakan Old City has plenty of mysteries to discover!
Relaxing, Meditating & Contemplating in a silence and calm condition in historical houses rooms mixed with pleasant breeze, dancing shadows of Pomegranate tree under the Sun & amazing smells and tastes in a scenic village!

Do NOT forget the taste of The Cookies / Haji Badoom Tar/ and The Cake Yazdi and The Original Pistachios!
The Well-Known Zoolbia Bamieh, The Sweet Persian Doughnuts with Saffron and Rose Water!
Taste of the Life + Smell of the Heaven!

No Doubt!
Enjoy Ardakan, Enjoy Yazd, Enjoy Majestic Iran!

پیش از این اردکان را به عنوان یک شهر کویری و مقدمه‌ای برای رسیدن به یزد می دانستیم و از کمربندی‌اش گذر می‌کردیم.
اما حبیب و سمانه یکی ازاولین کسانی هستند که اردکان را به عنوان یک مقصد گردشگری معرفی کردند و یک خانه تاریخی را مرمت واحیا کردند.

تا قبل از اینکه اردکان را ببینم، آن را صرفا همین خانه در نظر داشتم و اکنون از تماشای زیبایی‌های این شهر و بافت قدیم و مردمان عزیزش شگفت زده‌ام.

از قدم زدن شبانه در بافت قدیم لذت ببرید و حاجی بادوم تَر (کوکی معروف اردکان) و کیک یزدی اصل و زولبیا بامیه داغ و خوشبو را فراموش نکنید.

اردکان یزد در شب حال هوای دیگری به خود می‌گیرد. هر چند که برای کم کردن آلودگی نوری، باید اصلاح جدی در نورپردازی شهری و بافت تاریخی انجام شود، اما پیاده روی در شب و تابش نور ملایم به بناهای خشتی و آجری زیر آسمان پر ستاره تجربه هیجان انگیز و دلپذیری می‌سازد.

ما با پیدا کردن صورت‌های فلکی و هلال ماه از لابلای روزنه‌ها و پنجره‌ها و حفره‌های بالای دیوار خانه‌ها تجربه‌ای بازی مانند ساختیم و رفتیم سراغ کشف جاها و نماهای جدید در بافت تاریخی اردکان.
این بار در شب!



#이란여행사진 - Zoroastrian fire Temple, Chak Chak, Ardakan, Yazd Prov. Iran

#제이제의여행사진, #제이제, #조로아스터 사원 착착(Chak-Chak)​
이란 중부의 야즈(Yazd) 주의 아르다칸(Ardakan)에 있는 착착(Chak chack)이라는 조로아스터 사원은 중부 이란사막에 솟아있는 산의 절벽, 동굴 속에 있으며 사원 아래로 조그만 마을을 이루고 있다.
이곳은 조로아스터교의 성산으로 신성시 유지되고 있으며 독실한 조로아스터 신도들이 가장 많이 찾는 순례지 중 하나이다. 매년 6월 14-18일에는 이란, 인도 등 여러 나라에서 수천의 순례자가 방문하고 있다. 조로아스터의 전통에 의하면 순례자는 사원이 보이는 지점부터 나머지 길은 걸어서 가야 한다고 한다.
조로아스터 신도들은 서기 640년 이슬람의 침공 시 사산조 마지막 왕의 둘째 딸, Nikbanou가 코너에 몰린 마지막 순간에 겁에 질려 적으로부터 구원을 요청하는 기도를 Ahura Mazda에게 올린바 그 응답으로 이 산이 기적을 일으켜 동굴을 만들어 숨겨주어 침략자로부터 그녀를 보호하였다는 전설을 믿는다.
주목할 만한 것은 이 동굴에는 마르지 않고 떨어지는 낙수가 있는데 그 물방울이 동굴 속에서 슬픔을 참으며 Nikbanou가 흘린 눈물이라는 전설이 내려온다. 또한, 이 샘 옆에는 아주 오래된 나무가 자라고 있는데 Nikbaou의 지팡이가 자란 것이라고 하고 동굴 속엔 그녀의 옷이 석화된 화려한 무늬가 있었는데 순례자들이 지웠다고 한다.
그러나 사실, 이 동굴은 인공동굴이라고 하며 입구에는 두 개의 청동 문을 달았다. 조로아스터의 신성한 불은 꺼지지 않고 계속 타고 있으며 벽은 새까맣게 그슬렀다. 사원 아래는 순례자들이 머물 수 있는 숙소가 마련되어 있다.

زیارتگاه معروف زرتشتیان | پیرهریشت زرتشتیان اردکان یزد | آیین هیرومبا

پیرهریشت اردکان یزد زیارتگاه معروف زرتشتیان ایران هست که در فروردین ماه هر سال آیین هیرومبا در آنجا برگزار میشه.در بیابانهای اطراف پیرهریشت هیزم جمع می کنند و به اردکان برای آتش زدن میبرن اما به شیوه سنتی
پیرهریشت اردکان یزد زیارتگاه مروارید یا گوهربانو ندیمه نیک بانو دختر یزدگرد ساسانی بوده که در حمله اعراب به این منطقه فرار و از خداوند درخواست میکنه که غیب بشه
در داستان پیر چک چک در این مورد کامل توضیح دادیم
راستی زیارتگاه پیرهریشت در پانزده کیلومتری اردکان یزد هست و به راحتی میشه از اون بازدید داشت در مسیر بازدید آب انبار و خیله فرهاد هم هست که حتما در کنارش توقف داشته باشین
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من مریم هستم و باهم به نقاط مختلف ایران سفر میکنیم و با فرهنگ و تاریخ بیشتر آشنا میشیم.
پیرهریشت اردکان یزد
آیین هیرومبا
زیارتگاه زرتشتیان
اردکان گردی


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پیاده روی بافت تاریخی اردکان یزد | Old City of Ardakan Yazd Iran Walking Tour in 4K 60p

Winding Narrow lanes /kouche/ surrounded by adobe walls of the mud-brick historical houses in the Ardakan desert village in Yazd...
Old City Walking Tour offers you the strolling in an ancient history!

Habib & Samaneh a sociable and welcoming couple with friendly faces and open arms originally from Ardakan who manage the Khesht-o Mah house for Tourists. /Adobe 'n the Moon/
This is a beautiful historical house in Old City of Ardakan which they bought and revived it.
They live there Now.

Low roofed passage make a safe intertwined network in old city to avoid aliens attack and slow down the advancing horse rider villains.
Furthermore this architecture blocks the summer sun heat in such a desert climate settlement.

This town is located in the West - East sand storm way so all the traditional wind towers / wind catchers / Badgirs are one directional toward the North to lead the cool, temperate and humid North wind inside the house after refined by the water pool in Its way.

Ardakan Old City has plenty of mysteries to discover!
Relaxing, Meditating & Contemplating in a silence and calm condition in historical houses rooms mixed with pleasant breeze, dancing shadows of Pomegranate tree under the Sun & amazing smells and tastes in a scenic village!

Do NOT forget the taste of The Cookies / Haji Badoom Tar/ and The Cake Yazdi and The Original Pistachios!
The Well-Known Zoolbia Bamieh, The Sweet Persian Doughnuts with Saffron and Rose Water!
Taste of the Life + Smell of the Heaven!

No Doubt!
Enjoy Ardakan, Enjoy Yazd, Enjoy Majestic Iran!

پیش از این اردکان را به عنوان یک شهر کویری و مقدمه‌ای برای رسیدن به یزد می‌پنداشتم و از کنارش گذر می‌کردم.
اما حبیب و سمانه یکی از اولین کسانی هستند که اردکان را به عنوان یک مقصد گردشگری معرفی کردند و یک خانه تاریخی را مرمت و احیا کردند.

تا قبل از اینکه اردکان را ببینم، آن را صرفا همین خانه در نظر داشتم و اکنون از تماشای زیبایی‌های این شهر و بافت قدیم و مردمان عزیزش شگفت زده‌ام.

از قدم زدن در بافت قدیم لذت ببرید و حاجی بادوم تَر (کوکی معروف اردکان) و کیک یزدی اصل و زولبیا بامیه داغ و خوشبو را فراموش نکنید.



Yazd (Chak Chak Zoroastrian religion) Part 48

Welcome to my travelchannel.On my channel you can find almost 1000 films of more than 70 countries. See the playlist on my youtube channel.Enjoy!

Chak Chak: Nikbanou, a heroine of the faith who according to tradition took shelter in the mountain and prayed for help. Miraculously, the mountain was said to have opened up and given protection to the princess, the youngest daughter of the last king of the Persian Sassanian empire.Adherents of the Zoroastrian religion from around the world gathered at a mountain shrine in central Iran this week to celebrate their Persian roots, praying in remembrance of a princess who fled the seventh century Arab invasion.
Chak Chak (Persian: چك چك‎‎ – Drip-Drip, also Romanized as Chek Chek; also known as Chāhak-e Ardakān and Pir-e Sabz (Persian: پیر سبز‎‎) is a village in Rabatat Rural District, Kharanaq District, Ardakan County, Yazd Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its existence was noted, but its population was not reported.
The village consists of a pir perched beneath a towering cliff face in the desert of central Iran. It is the most sacred of the mountain shrines of Zoroastrianism. Located near the city of Ardakan in Yazd Province, Chak Chak serves as a pilgrimage point for pious Zoroastrians. Each year from June 14–18 many thousands of Zoroastrians from Iran, India and other countries flock to the fire temple at Pir-e Sabz. Tradition has it that pilgrims are to stop the moment they see the sight of the temple and continue their journey on foot the rest of the way.
In Zoroastrian belief, Chak Chak is where Nikbanou, second daughter of the last pre-Islamic Persian ruler, Yazdegerd III of the Sassanid Empire, was cornered by the invading Arab army in 640 CE. Fearing capture Nikbanou prayed to Ahura Mazda to protect her from her enemies. In response to Nikbanou's pleadings, the mountain miraculously opened up and sheltered her from the invaders.
Notable features of Chak Chak include the ever-dripping spring located at the mountain. Legend has it that these drops are tears of grief that the mountain sheds in remembrance of Nikbanou. Growing beside the holy spring is an immense and ancient tree said to be Nikbanou's cane. Legend also has it that a petrified colorful cloth from Nikbanou was also visible in the rocks, although pilgrims have since removed it.The actual temple of Chak Chak is a man-made grotto sheltered by two large bronze doors. The shrine enclosure is floored with marble and its walls are darkened by fires kept eternally burning in the sanctuary. In the cliffs below the shrine are several roofed pavilions constructed to accommodate pilgrims.

زیارتگاه زرتشتیان چک چک اردکان یزد | ولاگ معروف ترین زیارتگاه زرتشتیان جهان | سفر به یزد

زیارتگاه چک چک مهمترین و معروف ترین زیارتگاه زرتشتیان جهان هست و حکم کعبه زرتشتیان رو براشون داره. زیارتگاه زرتشتیان چک چک اردکان یزد از جاهای دیدنی اردکان یزد و سفر به یزد بشمار میاد و یک آتشکده بسیار زیبا در دل کوه چک چک قرار داره که نیایشگاه زرتشتیان جهان هست. گشت و گذار در مهمترین زیارتگاه زرتشتیان در سفر به شهر جهانی یزد و یزد گردی و اردکان گردی از مقاصد سفر هر گردشگری که به یزد سفر میکنه باید باشه.
به روایتی نیک بانو، دختر یزدگرد سوم، پس از حمله اعراب به ایران به کوهی فرار کرده و کوه شکافته میشه و در آن پناه میگیره.از این کوه همواره آبی در حال چکه هست که دلیل نامگذاری آن به چک چک شده است.
در مرکز زیارتگاه گل لوتوس که نماد پاکی و رشد در لجنزار هست گذاشته شده .
هر ساله 24 الی 28 خردادماه مراسم مذهبی زرتشتیلن جهان در این زیارتگاه برگزار میشه و مسلمانان
اجازه ورود ندارن.
این زیارتگاه در روستای شریف آباد اردکان یزد قرار داره و روزی که ما برای بازدید رفته بودیم آقای آبیار از لیدرهای بین المللی یزد، خودشون تور داشتن و با اجازشون توضیحاتشان در متن فیلم استفاده شده است.
صفحه اینستاگرام ایشان به آدرس زیر قرار میدم که اگر تمایل داشتین مشاهده کنین

Travel with Mary
زیارتگاه چک چک
زیارتگاه چک چک اردکان یزد
معروف ترین زیارتگاه زرتشتیان جهان
سفر به یزد
ولاگ سفر به چک چک اردکان یزد
زیارتگاه پیر سبز چک چک
زیارتگاه پیر چک چک اردکان یزد
زیارتگاه پیر سبز چک چک اردکان یزد
زیارتگاه زرتشتیان یزد
زرتشتیان یزد
زرتشتیان ایران
ایران گردی
ولاگ سفر
سفر به ایران
سفر به یزد
کعبه زرتشتیان
جاهای دیدنی اردکان یزد
یزدگرد سوم
اردکان گردی
یزد گردی
شهرجهانی یزد
حمله اعراب به ایران
ولاگ مسافرت
تاریخ ایران



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