Top 10 Places to Visit in Turkey
From the stunning beaches of Antalya to the ancient ruins of Ephesus, Turkey is a country that offers a rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty. In this video, we'll be exploring some of the top destinations and attractions that Turkey has to offer. So sit back, relax, and let's take a journey through this fascinating country.
#turkey #visitturkey #turkeytravel
Restaurants in Alaca/Çorum, Türkei
Mal wieder richtig lecker essen gehen, in einer guten Gaststätte oder Speiselokal in der Nähe. Genießt ein großartiges Abendessen mit in der Nähe von Alaca/Çorum. Egal ob Feinschmecker, Fast-Food oder ein romantisches Candlelight Dinner, hier findest du was Passendes.
Wenn ihr uns unterstützen wollt, nutzt gerne einen unserer Affiliate Links. Euch entstehen dadurch keine Mehrkosten und wir erhalten eine kleine Provision.
Gault&Millau Restaurantguide Deutschland(*):
Kochbuch für Anfänger, Studenten und Berufstätige(*):
Reiseführer Deutschland – 47 Ausflugsziele(*):
Hier findest du Restaurants in Alaca/Çorum, Türkei:
1) Bereket Ekmek
2) Hal Köftecisi Mahmut Usta
3) Lezzet Pide Fırını
4) Lara Pizza Coffee
5) Genç Kurt Fırını
6) Örnek Kebap Salonu
7) Hacı Baba Köfte
8) Cafe Nagizza
9) Zirve Cafe Restaurant
10) Çoban Lokantası
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Best Ancient Cities in Turkey
There are many beautiful, historical and mysterious ancient cities in Turkey. Many different civilizations had live in Anatolia. If you want to see and want to travel in Turkey, you can visit these antique town. Which cities are the best ancient cities of Turkey?
Aizanoi Ancient City: Aizanoi was an ancient city in western Anatolia. Located in what is now Çavdarhisar, Kütahya Province, Aizanoi is situated astride the River Penkalas, some 1,000 m (3,300 ft) above sea level.
Arycanda Ancient City: Arykanda or Arycanda is an ancient Lycian city, built upon five large terraces ascending a mountain slope, located near the small village of Aykiriçay, on the Elmalı-Finike road in Antalya Province in south western Turkey.
Aspendos Ancient City: Aspendos or Aspendus was an ancient Greco-Roman city in Antalya province of Turkey. It is located 7 kilometres (4.3 mi) northeast of central Serik.
Assos Ancient City: Assos, also known as Behramkale or for short Behram, is a small historically rich town in the Ayvacık district of the Çanakkale Province, Turkey.
Ephesus Ancient City: Ephesus (Turkish: Efes) was an ancient Greek city, and later a major Roman city, on the coast of Ionia, near present-day Selçuk, Izmir Province, Turkey.
Myra Ancient City: Myra is an ancient town in Lycia, where the small town of Kale (Demre) is situated today in present day Antalya Province of Turkey. It was located on the river Myros, in the fertile alluvial plain between Alaca Dağ, the Massikytos range and the Aegean Sea.
Olympos Ancient City: Olympos was an ancient city in Lycia. It was situated in a river valley near the coast. Its ruins are located south of the modern town Çıralı in the Kumluca district of Antalya Province, Turkey.
Perga Ancient City: Perga was an ancient Greek city in Anatolia and the capital of Pamphylia, now in Antalya province on the southwestern Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Today it is a large site of ancient ruins 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) east of Antalya on the coastal plain. Located there is an acropolis dating back to the Bronze Age.
Troy Ancient City: Troy was a city, both factual and legendary, in northwest Anatolia in what is now Turkey, south of the southwest end of the Dardanelles / Hellespont and northwest of Mount Ida.
Hierapolis Ancient City: Hierapolis was an ancient city located on hot springs in classical Phrygia in southwestern Anatolia. Its ruins are adjacent to modern Pamukkale in Turkey and currently comprise an archaeological museum designated.
Description: old city turkey, ephesus turkey, antalya turkey, ephesus kusadasi turkey, places to visit in turkey, the ancient city, antique town, historical city.
Music: Long Road Ahead by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a CC Attribution 3.0.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license are available at Museum of Alaca Hoyuk
Turkey : Corum. See on map .
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Not only did we visit Cesme and Alacati (Izmir, Turkey) but due to the Ramadan lockdown, we ALSO got another day of beautiful beaches all to ourselves! Join us as we visit Ilica beach and Altinkum beach on this Izmir Beach Tour!
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Chapter Breakdown
0:00 - Welcome to Day 3
0:41 - Vamos, Biber!
1:21 - Alacati
2:38 - Ilica Beach
3:32 - Cesme Town
4:23 - Midye Dolma
5:02 - Kumru Sandwich
6:19 - Altinkum
7:56 - Turquoise Coast
I'm Art at Gringo Nation! Thanks for watching! 😎
#AlacatiIzmirTurkey #IzmirTurkey #CesmeTurkey
Turkey Corum Museum
#Turkey #Corum #Museum #heykel
Budakören Şelalesi [4K]
Çorum'un Alaca ilçesi sınırları içinde kalan Budakören Köyü girişindeki şelalenin drone ile çekilmiş havadan görüntüler...
#Çorum #Alaca #Budakören #Şelale #Drone #DJI #DJIMini2
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Restaurants in Çorum Merkez/Çorum, Türkei
Mal wieder richtig lecker essen gehen, in einer guten Gaststätte oder Speiselokal in der Nähe. Genießt ein großartiges Abendessen mit in der Nähe von Çorum Merkez/Çorum. Egal ob Feinschmecker, Fast-Food oder ein romantisches Candlelight Dinner, hier findest du was Passendes.
Wenn ihr uns unterstützen wollt, nutzt gerne einen unserer Affiliate Links. Euch entstehen dadurch keine Mehrkosten und wir erhalten eine kleine Provision.
Gault&Millau Restaurantguide Deutschland(*):
Kochbuch für Anfänger, Studenten und Berufstätige(*):
Reiseführer Deutschland – 47 Ausflugsziele(*):
Hier findest du Restaurants in Çorum Merkez/Çorum, Türkei:
1) Eşki restorant
2) Kirve Köfte Kokoreç
3) Esmahall Çorum
4) Iskilip Dolma Evi
6) İkinci Bahar Lokantası
7) Kebapcı Zade Nurettin Usta
8) Kızılırmak Pide Fırını
9) Altın Kepçe
10) İzmir Lokantası Buhara
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KAPPADOKIEN - die schönsten Städte, herrlichsten Landschaften und Welterbestätten
Gruppenreise, Kulturreise, Verbandsreise, VHS, Chorreise, Gemeindereise nach Kappadokien Ankara, Bogazköy, Hattussas, Yazilikaya, Alaca Hüyük, Archäologisches Museum Ankara, Göreme, Täler um Ortahisar, Tuffpyramiden bei Zelve, Ihlaratal bzw. Peristrematal, seldschukischen Karawanserei von Agzikarahan, unterirdischen Höhlenstädte, Felsenkirche von Eski Gümüs, seldschukische Stadt Nigde, Tarsus, der Geburtsort von Paulus, Adana
Die Hethiter waren es, die über eineinhalb Jahrhunderte Angstgegner der Römer blieben. Noch heute steht man staunend zwischen den Ruinen ihrer königlichen Städte inmitten grandioser Felslandschaften. Diese Landschaften aus weißem Kalk und Tuff mit ihren charakteristischen Spitzkegeln aus festem Vulkangestein sind weltweit nahezu einmalig. Sie nehmen es an Pittoreskheit auf mit den Naturwundern der großen Canyons Nord- und Südamerikas. Tausende von Höhlenwohnungen und hunderte von Höhlenkirchen zeugen von uralter Besiedelung und tiefer Reliogiosität. Von herausragender Bronzezeitkultur vorbei an den steinernen Prozessionen heidnischer Götterwelten. Von den Bauwerken des Römischen Reiches zu den Geburtsstätten des Christentums auf den Spuren des Apostels Paulus, bis hin zu osmanischen Dörfern und Moscheen – die Besucher erleben eine Schatzkiste von Natur und Zivilisation.
ECC-Studienreisen veranstaltet maßgeschneiderte Gruppenreisen für Kirchengemeinden, Bildungseinreichtungen, Chöre, landwirtschaftliche Gruppen, private Gruppen bzw. Freundeskreise sowie Fachverbände in alle Kulturländer der Welt, vor allem alber in die biblischen Länder wie Israel, Palästina, Jordanien, Türkei Ägypten und den gesamten Mittelmeerraum. Unsere Kunden sind Gruppenleiter*innen und Organisatoren, die für ihre Teilnehmer*innen Reisen planen. Mit unserer jahrzehntelangen Erfahrung, Fachwissen und den weltweiten touristischen und außertouristischen, excellenten Kontakten können wir auf die Wünsche und die Budgetvorgaben unserer Kunden flexibel, unbürokratisch und zeitnah eingehen.
Gemeindereisen in die Biblischen Länder im Mittelmeerraum wie Israel und Palästina, Jordanien, Syrien, Libanon, Türkei und Ägypten sowie die klassischen Studienreiseziele in Italien, Spanien, Portugal und Frankreich waren in den 60er, 70er und 80er Jahren die wichtigsten Destinationen. Mit zunehmender Reisefreude der Kirchengemeinden sowie der Öffnung nach Osteuropa wuchs unser Angebot an Reisezielen, das heute fast alle Kulturländer der Welt umfasst.
Weitere Stichworte zu unseren Reisen: Reiseintention, Themenreisen nach Europa, Afrika, Asien und Südamerika, Mittelmeerraum, Gruppenreisen, Erlebnisreisen, Qualitätsfotos, Kulturreisen, Studienreisen, Kirche, Reisen mit der Kirche, Reisen mit der Gemeinde, maßgeschneiderte Gruppenreisen, Fachverbände, Fachexkursionen, Studentenexkursionen, Kirchengemeinden, Agrarreisen, Freundeskreisreisen, Chorreisen, Reiseveranstalter, Spezialveranstalter, Gruppenreiseveranstalter.
ECC-Studienreisen hat sich während der letzten Jahrzente zu einem Spezialveranstalter für Kirchengemeinden, Bildungseinrichtungen, Chöre, landwirtschaftliche Gruppen, Verbände und Fachberbände und Freundeskreise entwickelt, der je nach Intention und Thema Gruppenreisen als Gemeindereise, christliche Reise, oekumenische Reise Frauenreise, Begegnungsreise, Kulturreise, Agrarreise, Akademiereise, Kunstreise, Studentenexkursion, Verbandsreise, Pilgerreise, Wallfahrt, Gruppenreise oder Leserreise ausarbeitet. Aufgrund unserer Entwicklung und unseres Kundenstammes arbeiten wir als Reiseveranstalter für maßgeschneiderte Gruppenreisen, Studienreisen, Kulturreisen überwiegend mit kirchennahen Gruppen zusammen, haben aber auch mit Volkshochschulen, Universitäten, Verbänden und landwirtschaftlichen Gruppen, Freundeskreise bzw. Privatgruppe viele weltliche Kunden.
Das Verständnis der Geschichte von Regionen, Ländern und Kontinenten, der Verbindungen zu unserer abendländischen Kultur sowie der Dialog mit den Menschen anderer Religionen und Denkweisen ist eine der großen Triebfedern von Kulturreisenden.
Çorum'da Gezilecek Yerler | Mutlaka Görmeniz Gereken 15 Yer!
Çorum'da Mutlaka gezip görmeniz gereken en güzel 15 yeri sizler için listeledik. Bu listede en çok ziyaret edilen ve popüler olan yerler mevcut. Gitmeden önce mutlaka giriş ücretlerini ve ziyaret saatleri kontrol ediniz.
00:00 - Giriş
00:08 - Çorum Kalesi
00:21 - Çorum Saat Kulesi
00:35 - Gülpınar Barajı
00:52 - Paşa Hamamı
01:07 - Kızılcaoluk Şelalesi
01:21 - Obruk Barajı
01:35 - İncesu Kanyonu
01:49 - Kargı Yaylası
02:03 - Abdullah Yaylası
02:17 - Karaca Yaylası
02:31 - Hattuşaş Antik Kenti
02:45 - Delice Nehri
02:59 - Çatak Tabiat Parkı
03:13 - Pir Baba Parkı
03:26 - Sıklık Tabiat Parkı
03:40 - Bitiş
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Alaca, Çorum 🇹🇷|4K| Drone Görüntüleri
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Alaca'nın drone ile havadan çekim görüntüleri 14 Şubat 2020 günü kayıt edilmiştir. Bu drone ile ilk çekimlerinden, henüz drone'a alışamadım ilerleyen zamanlarda daha güzel çekimler yapmaya çalışacağım. Takip etmeyi unutmayın.
Alaca İlçesinin tarihi M.Ö. 5000 yıllarına kadar uzanmaktadır. Eskiçağ’ da ilçe merkezinin bulunduğu alan, “Etonia” olarak geçmektedir. XIX. ve XX. yy.’ larda Hüseyinova yöre adı yerine, nahiye ve bucak adının tanımlanmasında önceleri bucak olan Alaca, Hüseyinabâd adıyla 1919’da ilçe olmuş, Alaca adı ise 1932’de resmiyet kazanmıştır.
İl merkezine uzaklığı 50km’dir.Yozgat-Çorum, Sungurlu-Tokat karayollarının kesiştiği yerde bulunmaktadır.Kuzeyinde Çorum,güneyinde Yozgat,doğusunda Çekerek,batısında Sungurlu vardır.
Alaca’da turizme açık en önemli tarihi yerler Eskiyapar ve Mahmudiye köyündeki tarihi kalıntılar ile Hitit Dönemi eserleriyle dolu olan Alacahöyük , Kalınkaya ve Pazarlı ören yerleridir. Gerdekkaya mezarı ile Koçhisar Mağarası da turistlerin uğrak yerlerindendir. İlçe merkezinde 1763 yılında Ömer Osman Paşa tarafından yaptırılan Eski Cami ile 1893 yılında Ardahan Göçmeni Şeyh Efendi tarafından ahşap olarak yaptırılan Yeni Cami ve Hüseyin Gazi Türbesi de tarihi değeri olan yapılardır.
Coğrafi Yapısı
İlçe yüzölçümü 1.346 km², rakımı 950 m’dir. Çorum’a 52 km, Yozgat’a 53 km, Sungurlu’ya, 43 km’dir. İlçe yazları sıcak ve kurak, kışları ise soğuk ve yağışlı geçmektedir. Yıllık ortalama yağış miktarı 376 mm.’dir.
İdari Yapısı ve Nüfus Durumu
2011 Yılı Adrese Dayalı Nüfus Sayımı sonuçlarına göre ilçe merkezinde 21.685, belde ve köylerde 15.155 olmak üzere toplam 36.840 nüfus mevcuttur. İlçede 94 köy ve üç belde ile İlçe merkezinde yedi, Alacahöyük beldesinde dört, Büyükhırka Beldesi’nde iki, Çopraşık Beldesi’nde de iki mahalle mevcuttur.
Kaynak :
A trip to Turkey's Most AMAZING Places
This Turkey travel guide offers an in-depth look at the best places to visit in Turkey and practical travel tips for 2024. Join us as we explore Turkey's top destinations, including Istanbul's iconic landmarks like the Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia, and bustling Taksim Square, as well as the magical landscapes of Cappadocia. Our Turkey vlog highlights essential Turkey tourism spots and a must-follow Turkey travel itinerary.
In this video, you'll experience Turkey's rich history, vibrant culture, and breathtaking scenery. We delve into unforgettable Turkish experiences, from Cappadocia’s hot air balloons to the lively Spice Bazaar. Whether you're looking for tips on how to travel Turkey or searching for Turkey travel videos that inspire, this video is your ultimate Turkey travel resource for 2024!
Embark on a diplomatic and cultural journey with Pakistan’s youth delegation, showcasing Turkey’s cultural, political, and historical splendor. This exclusive Turkey travel documentary also highlights youth diplomacy and cross-cultural friendships forged between Pakistan and Turkey. If you’re ready for an adventure, subscribe to our channel for more travel videos and behind-the-scenes of youth diplomacy.
🕌 Cultural Marvels in Turkey: Witness Istanbul's blend of East and West, explore Ankara’s rich heritage, and dive into Turkey's hospitality and traditions.
🚗 Incredible Journey: A 9-day, 1,000+ km adventure across Turkey with the National Youth Assembly – over 5,000 photos and videos capturing unforgettable moments.
🔗 Watch, Explore, and Inspire: Don’t forget to subscribe for more travel guides, destination inspiration, and stories of youth-led diplomacy!
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Makedonya Alaca Cami - Dünyada eşi benzeri olmayan muhteşem cami
Makedonya’nın Kalkandelen şehrinde yer alan Alaca Camii diğer adı Şarena Camiya, iç ve dış süslemeleri dolayısıyla özel bir örnek olarak kabul ediliyor. Caminin dış cepheleri dörtgen şeklinde renkli kalem işleriyle süslü olan caminin İç dekorasyonda ise benzerine rastlanmayan, Osmanlı döneminin şehirleri ile Mekke manzaraları yer alıyor, bir rivayete göre Debreli iki usta tarafından bezenen caminin, motiflerinde şehir ve manzara tasvirleri barok-rokoko süslemeler, hat ve bitki motifleri yer alıyor. 1495 yılında Hurşide ve Mensure Hanım adlarında iki kız kardeş tarafında yaptırılan cami 17. yüzyıl sonlarında Kalkandelen'de meydana gelen yangında büyük hasar görmesi üzerine, 1833 yılında zamanın meşhur muhafızlarından Recep Paşa’nın oğlu mutasarrıf Abdurrahman Paşa tarafından yeniden inşa edilerek genişletiliyor.
Adres: Braka Milladinovi, Tetovo 1220, Kuzey Makedonya
Turkey's Breathtaking Ancient Sites
The Stadium of Aphrodisias takes your breath more ways than one.
Hepsinden Var YouTube kanalımda sizlere, Adana ve farklı illere ait lezzetleri, yemekleri ve sokak lezzetleri videolarını çekip yayınlıyorum.
Bu videomda sizleri İstanbul' un en güzel ve en tarihi mekanlarından Ortaköy' e getirdim. Sokak lezzetlerinden kumpir ve waffle ı gerçekten çok güzel yapıyorlar. Eşsiz İstanbul Boğazı manzarasıyla Ortaköy Camisinin ihtişamında bu lezzetlerin tadına bakabilirsiniz. Hatta Ortaköy' den kalkan Turyol Tekneleri ile yine eşsiz Boğaz turu da yapabilirsiniz.
Hepinize iyi seyirler dilerim.
Alaca Cafe Ortaköy İletişim: 02122600448
Alaca Cafe Ortaköy Adres: Ortaköy, Muallim Naci Cd. & Mecidiye Köprüsü Sk. No:19, 34347 Beşiktaş/İstanbul
Alaca Cafe Ortaköy Harita:
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Bu videomuzda Kemer'e gezmeye nereden başlamalı? Kemer'de gezmek için nereye gidilir? Kemer merkezde nereler gezilir gibi sorularınız için hazırladığımız videomuzda sizlere anlatmaya çalıştık. #gezilecekyerlerkemer #kemergezi #kemergezilecekyerler
Antalya'da 3 Günlük Gezi Programı:
0:00 Merhaba
0:40 Genel Bilgi
1:30 Ne Zaman Gidilir
3:03 Folklorik Yörük Parkı
3:38 Ayışığı Plajı
4:18 Göynük Kanyonu
5:13 Phaselis Antik Kenti
5:53 Çıralı Yanartaş
6:57 Tahtalı Dağ
7:35 Beldibi Gizli Koy
8:14 Beldibi Mağarası
8:42 Kesme Boğazı Kanyonu
9:28 Alacasu Cennet Koyu
10:09 Tekirova Plajı
10:58 Paris II Batığı
11:45 Dolusu Park ve Kiriş Plajı
12:35 Dinopark Antalya
13:17 Idyros Antik Kenti
13:43 Olympos Antik Kenti
14:25 Olimpos Plajı
15:10 Adrasan koyu
16:05 Veda
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The Hittites of Hattusa (3b)
Hattusa Turkey 2020.
Videography: Ricky and Gusti.
Music: Mara Despina (Can Atilla).
Production: Rachedito.
Gusti: instagram - @tropical bluesky.
Το κρυμμένο Αλατζά Ιμαρέτ απο ψηλά | Alaca İmaret Μosque Thessaloniki Downtown Drone Footage
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Ο χώρος του Αλατζά Ιμαρέτ ( Alaca İmaret Μosque ) χρησιμοποιήθηκε ως τζαμί, πτωχοκομείο, και ιερατική σχολή ενώ η σημερινή μορφή του αποδόθηκε σταδιακά. Το κτίριο διαθέτει πέντε τρούλους, οι δύο εκ των οποίων οριοθετούν τον κεντρικό χώρο προσευχής ενώ είναι και οι μεγαλύτεροι. Στους υπόλοιπους δευτερεύοντες που επικοινωνούν μεταξύ τους, λάμβαναν χώρο τα συσσίτια καθώς και η διδασκαλία. Την είσοδο του κτιρίου συντροφεύει στοά με τόξα η οποία στηρίζεται σε έξι κίονες ενώ καλύπτεται από πέντε μικρότερους τρούλους. Το εσωτερικό του έχει όλα εκείνα τα χαρακτηριστικά που θα προξενήσουν εντύπωση στους ανυποψίαστους επισκέπτες. Στην αρχική του μορφή είχε πλούσια ανάγλυφη ζωγραφική και διακόσμηση. Ο θόλος του κτίσματος αν και σώζεται μερικώς μόνο, δημιουργεί αίσθηση ακόμη και σήμερα με τις εξαιρετικές λεπτομέρειες και την ομορφιά που αποπνέει. Υπάρχουν πολλοί Θεσσαλονικείς οι οποίοι διακατέχονται από το ίδιο αίσθημα έκπληξης ανακαλύπτοντας το Αλατζά Ιμαρέτ, καθώς δεν πρόκειται για τουριστικό προορισμό ή κάποιο από τα γνωστότερα μνημεία της πόλης. Δυστυχώς όπως και πολλοί άλλοι προορισμοί στην Θεσσαλονίκη δεν τυγχάνει της κατάλληλης φροντίδας και ανάδειξης. Το γεγονός ότι είναι περικυκλωμένο από πολυκατοικίες κάνει απαραίτητη μια εξερεύνηση της ευρύτερης περιοχής από τους εκάστοτε επισκέπτες που επιθυμούν να το ανακαλύψουν. Η απόσταση από τον γνωστό σε όλους ναό του Αγίου Δημητρίου δεν είναι μεγάλη κάτι που επιτρέπει να συνδυαστούν οι δύο προορισμοί καθώς και ο κοντινός ναός των Δώδεκα Αποστόλων. Σήμερα είναι διαθέσιμο για επίσκεψη ενώ χρησιμοποιείται για εκθέσεις, εκδηλώσεις και πολιτισμικά δρώμενα από διάφορους φορείς.
Throughout the centuries it was used as a mosque, a hieratical school and an imaret, a kind of public charity kitchen. During the 17th century it was considered one of the most prominent landmarks of the city, next to Rotonda and Bey Hamam. The main hall of the building is being covered with two main domes that were decorated with exquisite paintings, a small part of which is still preserved until today. Five smaller domes accompany the portico of the mosque. The surrounding rooms around the prayer hall were used for teaching and providing or serving the food. The interior’s rich decoration was consisted of wall paintings and various relief elements in accordance with the Ottoman religious tradition. The main dome of the building remains quite impressive despite the fact that only a small portion of the original colorful paintings and motifs have been preserved. Without a doubt, one of the most characteristic features of the building is the one of the kind minaret that was unfortunately destroyed after the city’s liberation in 1912. As a true masterpiece of the Ottoman art and architecture, the minaret was entirely covered and decorated by small colorful stones in diamond shapes (alaca) an element that possibly gave its name to the mosque. The elaborate masonry of the building is consisted of rectangular limestone enclosed with bricks. Today the building is being used for temporary exhibitions, artistic and cultural events. Although Alaca Imaret is not as famous as other tourist destinations it really is worth visiting! Many mosques in Thessaloniki haven’t received the attention they deserve as part of the city’s colorful soul… The “colorful asylum” Alaca Imaret is one of them….
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Επιτρέπεται η ελεύθερη δημοσίευση με κάθε σχόλιο το οποίο είναι σχετικό με το θέμα στο οποίο αναφέρεται στο βίντεο. Ο καθένας έχει το δικαίωμα να εκφράζει ελεύθερα τις απόψεις του. Ωστόσο, αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι υιοθετούμε τις απόψεις αυτές και διατηρούμε το δικαίωμα να μην δημοσιεύουμε συκοφαντικά ή υβριστικά σχόλια όπου τα εντοπίζουμε.
Το κρυμμένο Αλατζά Ιμαρέτ απο ψηλά | Alaca İmaret Μosque Thessaloniki Downtown Drone Footage
WELL KNOWN HOTEL IN SIDE ON TURKISH RIVIERA! #turkey #urlaub #urlaubtürkei #holiday #allinclusive
Top 10 things to do in THESSALONIKI ● 4K
🇬🇷 *Thessaloniki* is the second largest city in Greece. It's the capital of Greek Macedonia, one of the oldest cities in Europe, with a population of approximately 1,000,000 inhabitants.
It is an important economic and political centre and a major transportation hub for the rest of south-eastern Europe. The geographical position of this piece of land, between Eastern Europe and Asia with its political and economic role as a conversion point of eastern and western influences, has kept *Thessaloniki* to the front line of historical developments throughout its history up to this day. *Thessaloniki* is a pleasant city to live with a fascinating history and culture. If you visit Greece, *Thessaloniki* has to be definitely high on your list.
00:00 Intro
00:30 White Tower
03:38 Umbrellas Sculpture
05:37 Monument of Alexander the Great
07:23 Aristotelous Square
09:28 Arch of Galerius & Rotonda
11:31 Roman Forum
13:46 Palace of Galerius
14:14 Ladadika
14:40 Whope
15:41 Museum of Illusions
16:08 Church of St Demetrios
17:26 Dikastirion Square
18:55 Boheme
19:33 Pink Dot
20:01 Lifestyle Food and Shopping
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