Would You Ride This Zipline? 😀😨🫣
Zipline over a canyon in Slovenia. #adventure #adventuresbybluesky #lovetotravel #travel #zipline #thrill #fyp
Kayaking Slovenia
Who would've thought that kayaking in a cave is also possible? We did and here is the result! :) Ready to explore caves in a different way?
Kaj vse lahko počnemo na Kopah? | Poletna doživetja (What can we do on Kope? | Summer adventures)
𝙉𝙖 𝙆𝙤𝙥𝙖𝙝 𝙫𝙖𝙨 č𝙖𝙠𝙖𝙟𝙤 𝙣𝙚𝙥𝙤𝙯𝙖𝙗𝙣𝙖 𝙙𝙤ž𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙩𝙟𝙖 !
Veliko ljudi ne ve kaj vse lahko počnete na Kopah, naj vam naš video pričara nekaj tiste čarobnosti ki jo lahko izkusite v živo!
Poletje 2021 je vse bližje in bližje, naša ekipa se že pripravlja da bo tudi letos vaša izkušnja tako nepozabna in dragocena kot je bila do sedaj. Vemo da že komaj čakate, da nas obiščete.
Mi pa že veselimo vašega obiska in komaj čakamo da se zopet vidimo !
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Se vidimo nad 1000 metri na Kopah!
𝗨𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀 𝘄𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂 !
A lot of people don't know what activities can you do on Kope mountain, take a look at our video and take in some of the magic that you can experiance in reality.
Sumer 2021 is approaching fast, our team is working hard so that even this year your experiance will be as unforgettable and precious as it was in the past.
We know that you cannot wait to visit us again.
We are looking forward to your visit and cannot wait to see you again !
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Dont forget to mention us in your stories and pictures #Kopesozakon and instagram page @kope_smucisce .
See you above 1000 meters on Kope mountain !
Produkcija in montaža : Borna media production ( info@bornaproduction.com
Koroška je čudovita, zanimiva, cenovno ugodna in ljudje so zelo prijazni! ❤️ - Počitnice 2023 👍
Koroška je odlična destinacija za počitnice 2023. Na voljo je veliko zanimivih stvari za videti, marsikaj za početi, ljudje so zelo prijazni in cen veliko nižje, kot na najbolj turističnih krajih v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem!
V mojem zadnjem obisku Koroške sem šel v mesto Črna na Koroškem, kjer sem se šel na zipline. Ta zipline je noro dober. Je eden od najdaljših v Evropi in razgled je prekrasen.
V Črni na Koroškem moram še preplezati eno hudo ferato, ki jo imajo. Za to bom poizkusil še Tjašo prepričati, da gre z mano.
Mežica je znana po rudniku, kjer so včasih izkopavali rudo svinca, danes pa je rudnik preurejen v top turistično znamenitost, ki se imenuje Podzemlje Pece. Jaz sem podzemlje Pece raziskoval s kajakom. Noro doživetje vam povem.
Na Koroškem sem bil nastanjen v glamping resortu Natura fina, ki se nahaja v mestu Ravne na Koroškem. Glamping je lociran tik ob gozdu na čudoviti lokaciji. Blizu imate igrala za otroke, kolesarske steze, letni bazen, notranji bazen, savne, grajski park,.. Meni so Ravne na Koroškem zelo vešč!
Ponudbo glamping resorta Natura Fina si poglejte na
Na Koroškem sem obiskal tudi poseben živalski vrt, kjer imajo zebre, alpake, gamse, kozoroge,.. Res zanimiva izkušnja.
Na Koroškem je še ena ferata. Kako je videti si lahko pogledate na
Na Koroškem so dve lepe in zanimive gore in sicer Uršlja gora o kateri si lahko več preberete in pogledate video na Na Uršlji gori najdete najvišje ležečo cerkev v Sloveniji. Druga gora je Peca, katero sem tudi obiskal, vendar nimam videoposnetka. Bom pa na Peco šel še enkrat s Tjašo, da posnameva dober video. Mogoče tudi še enkrat na Uršljo goro.
Tudi če iščete idejo kam na izlet po Sloveniji za en dan ali par dni, je Koroška zelo dobra ideja. Ne bo vam žal!
00:00 Koroška je čudovita, zanimiva, cenovno ugodna in ljudje so zelo prijazni! ❤️ - Počitnice 2023 👍
01:16 Glamping resort Natura Fina - Ravne na Koroškem
06:37 Črna na Koroškem
07:38 Zipline Črna na Koroškem - Olimpline
17:10 Živalski vrt na Koroškem
22:03 Ravne na Koroškem
26:25 Podzemlje Pece - Rudnik Mežica
32:41 Podzemlje Pece s kajakom
Koroška. Zimska doživetja. Smučišče Poseka Ravne na Koroškem.
Koroška. Zimska doživetja. Smučišče Poseka Ravne na Koroškem. Športni center Ravne.
Koroška. Kolesarski izlet po Štrekni /Cycling tour along the Štrekna path
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Štrekna – Kolesarska pot po Mislinjski dolini
Kolesarska pot po Mislinjski dolini velja za infrastrukturno eno najbolje urejenih kolesarskih poti v Sloveniji. Poteka po delu trase opuščene železnice Otiški vrh – Velenje. Trenutno je urejena v dolžini 24 km med Otiškim vrhom, Slovenj Gradcem, Mislinjo in Gornjim Doličem. Pot, katere podlaga je na celotni dolžini asfalt, poteka kot ločena kolesarska pot in je zaradi varnosti še posebej primerna za družine z otroki in starejše. Ob poti je več urejenih počivališč in kar nekaj ohranjenih atraktivnih nekdanjih železniških objektov, med njimi most v Slovenj Gradcu ter tunela v Mislinji in Gornjem Doliču. Med vožnjo lahko uživate v pogledih na Pohorje in Uršljo Goro. Ustaviti se morate tudi v Slovenj Gradcu in si ogledati srednjeveško mestno jedro.
Štrekna – Cycling Route in the Mislinja Valley
This cycling route is one of the best routes in Slovenia. It runs through unused railway Otiški Vrh- Velenje. Currently is 24km in length and it leads through Otiški vrh, Slovenj Gradec, Mislinja, and Gornji Dolič. The surface of the path consists of the asphalt and is separated from other routes therefore it is suitable for families with children and for elderly. Along the length of the route you can find resting places, different railway infrastructures such as the bridge in Slovenj Gradec and two tunnels in Mislinja and Gornji Dolič. During cycling you can enjoy the views on Pohorje and Uršlja gora. You must also stop in Slovenj Gradec to visit medieval town centre.
Koroška. Raziščite podzemlje Pece s kajakom / Explore Peca underground by kayak
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Logarska dolina, Robanov kot e Kamniška Bistrica - nascente (Eslovênia)
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#monasterio #igreja #cachoeira #drone #trilha #natureza #ecoturismo#Logarska #RobanovKot #Turismo
Três pontos turísticos lindos na Eslovênia - Logarska dolina, Robanov Kot e Kamniška Bistrica. Ideal para fazer de carro com a família, fazer caminhadas ou andar de bicicleta. Cada um com suas peculiaridades. Nestes pontos turísticos você vai encontrar comidas típicas eslovenas, conhecer a cultura local e paisagens deslumbrantes (branco no inverno, verde na primavera e laranjada no outono).
0:00 Vista panoramica Logarska dolina
0:43 Casa típica
2:22 Água cristalina
3:08 Ponte suspensa de madeira
4:44 Acompanhando rio Savinja
9:25 Nascente de Kamniska Bistrica
Olá! Seja bem-vindo ao canal Viajante Nato! Meu nome é David Sousa e moro na Eslovênia. Sou apaixonado por viagens, esporte e natureza. Se você gosta de lugares bonitos, veio ao lugar certo! Neste canal, mostrarei passeios pela Eslovênia – para mostrar um pouco do xodó que a Eslovênia é – e pelo mundo; farei passeios nas montanhas deslumbrantes; trilhas; pedaladas, e, no geral, darei dicas regionais. Venha comigo!
Logarska dolina Velika Koroška Baba september 2020
Opis in fotografije na:
Glasba: Fredji - Happy Life
Places - Bloome
Wonderful Slovenia | Travel Video
What a road trip! Slovenia has so much to offer and with the T6 from VW we could park our van everywhere and enjoy the nature! In the end I made this video 🎥 I have learned a lot about photography and videos in the last weeks 📚 and I am also thankful to travel again 🌍! The next trip can come 😄
Hiking is a great experience
SLOVENIAN ALPS: Hiking is a great experience ( Črna Prst )
In the previous video, we walked the trail from Vogel to Rodica. Rodica was only the middle station to Črna Prst. However, because we had so many beautiful shots, we decided to make two videos from this trip. That is the second video of that trail.
#beautifulviews #hiking #Slovenia #EuropeanAlps
Matijeva trgovina (Matija’s shop):
Supreme by JayJen
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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Music promoted by Audio Library
Rivers of Croatia: The Drava River, last living lowland river in Europe
Short video about the Drava River in Croatia, one of the last living European rivers. The Drava River is one of the last remaining lowland rivers in Europe. Croatia and Hungary are largely free from dams and excessive regulations and harbour great biological and landscape diversity. Its natural meandering dynamics constantly recreates gravel bars with pioneer plants and birds that nest on the bare stones, steep banks where sand martins, kingfishers and bee-eaters dig their long tunnels for nests, side branches, where carps spawn, and black storks hunt. The wide floodplain is home to deer, eagles and countless insects and other organisms. Drava is also very good for paddling in canoe, fishing or holiday in summer!.
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Scenes from the upcoming film Rivers of Croatia.
Montaža/Edit: Damjan Kolarek
Snimke/Camera: Goran Šafarek
#drava #drau rivers #croatia #priroda #rijeke
Ep.3 เที่ยวเมืองจำลอง Minimundus ที่ออสเตรีย/Honey At Slovenia
One day trip ที่ Minimundus
ที่นี่คือเมืองจำลองที่ใหญ่มากในออสเตรีย ไม่ได้เหมาะสำหรับครอบครัวที่มีเด็กเล็กเท่านั้น แต่เหมาะกับคนทุกวัยเลยทีเดียว
Minimundus ไม่ใช่แค่เมืองจำลองอย่างเดียว แต่ยังเป็นเหมือนศูนย์เรียนรู้ที่ดีมาก สร้างความบันเทิงให้กับคนทุกเพศทุกวัย
Email: lovelybeee@gmail.com
Facebooks : Honey Slovenia
Instagram: Honey_Slovenia
Line ID : honey9378
Koroška. Polna dobrot / Koroška. Full of delights
Koroška. Polna dobrot. Počitnice na podeželju.
Koroška. Full of delicacies & goodness. Holiday in the countryside.
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#okusiteKorosko #tasteKoroska
Zipline Celjska koča
Moto Travel HD's visit to Zipline Celjska koča - Celje
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Kamnik, Slovenia ~ 4K Virtual Walk
Kamnik is a historical town with a tidy and attractive medieval core, with its houses and portals of hewn stone, balconies, and arcades. It is located on the right bank of the Kamniška Bistrica River and south of the Kamnik Alps.
For centuries Kamnik controlled the pass in the Tuhinj Valley to the east that was indispensable for moving goods from the coastal areas to Štajerska and Koroška. But when the route was redirected via Trojane to the south-east in the 1600s, Kamnik fell into a deep sleep and only awakened in the late 19th century when the town was linked by rail to Ljubljana.
Kamnik's most important historical sight is The Little Castle (Mali Grad), located on a low hill above the southern end of the main square. The story tells that the Little Castle was home to Veronika, a legendary countess who was turned partly into a snake when she refused to help the Christian faithful build a church. In her rage at having been asked to contribute, she struck the entrance to the castle with her fist - the imprint of her hand is still visible today. Veronika continues to rule the treasure of the Little Castle and, in a way, the community of Kamnik too. She appears both on the town seal and on the licence plate of every car registered there. Let me know in the comments if you would like a 4k virtual walk through this castle! There are many interesting churches and other buildings in this town, one of them being an attractive beige-and-orange house with the glassed-in loggia (the building used in the thumbnail for this video) designed by famous people Slovenian architect Jože Plečnik. Another cultural attraction that you must not miss when you visit Kamnik is Miha Maleš Gallery which contains works of the eponymous painter and graphic artist who was born in Kamnik in 1903.
Must-see tourist attractions in Kamnik Slovenia.
Top 10 things to do in Kamnik Slovenia.
Top 10 things to see in Kamnik.
Why travel to Kamnik Slovenia?
Top 3 cities in Slovenia.
TAGS: Kamnik 4K, Kamnik Slovenia 4K, Kamnik Main Square 4K, Holidays in Kamnik, Kamnik old town virtual walking tour 4K, Kamnik virtual tour, Kamnik virtual walk, Kamnk virtual tour, Slovenia virtual walking tour, Slovenia virtual tour, Slovenia virtual walking, Slovenia virtual walk, Slovenia 4K, Kamnik main street 4K, Slovenia, Kamnik city centre, Kamnik center, Cities in Slovenia 4K, Slovenia towns 4K, Explore Slovenia 4K, Kamnik 2022, Slovenia Walking Chanel 4K, Slovenia urban life, 4K Slovenia, 4K Kamnik virtual walking tour, Kamnik river 4K, 4K Kamnik old town virtual walk, walking streets, ASMR, asmr walk, sleep asmr, stress relief, relaxing sounds, walking 4k pov, Kamnik street POV, street photography, filmlook, street photography pov, street camera Kamnik, street camera Slovenia, Slovenian people, Learn Slovenian language, Slovenian language, Slovenian culture, Slovenian cultural heritage, Slovenian UNESCO, street photographer, vlog, travel guide, peaceful, ambience sounds, walkingtour, Bohinj travel, slovenia food, Bohinj food, nightlife, tour, landscape, learning Slovenian, city sounds, Kamnik city, Kamnik village, city tour, city walk, Kamnik tour, night view, Kamnik tourism, Treadmill walk, treadmill walks, treadmill virtual reality, walks in Kamnik, walking tour 4k, travel in Slovenia, best of Slovenia, Best of Kamnik, Primož Roglič home county, Luka Dončić home country, Tadej Pogačar home country, Kamnik culture, Kamnik heritage, Kamnik tourist attractions, Kamnik ultra hd, Kamnik travel trip, Kamnik holiday, Kamnik must-see, Kamnik travel tips, Slovenia ultra hd, Slovenia 4K, Slovenia travel trip, Slovenia holiday, Slovenia must-see, Slovenia travel tips, 4K ASMR, 4K, morning nature sounds, sightseeing, slovenia sightseeing, virtual escape relaxation.
Rakov Škocjan (Krajinski park Rakov Škocjan), Slovenia
Rakov Škocjan is a wonderfully wild karst valley. It was formed by Rak river, which springs from Zelške caves on one end, runs on the surface for 3.5 km and then goes underground again in Tkalca cave on the other end of the valley. The whole area is packed with karst phenomena, and a route with educational boards runs through the valley. Natural environment is incredible and the highlights of the trip are two natural bridges at each end of the valley - the Great natural bridge and the Small natural bridge. Rakov Škocjan is proclaimed a regional park (Slovenia-trips)
Словенія. (Vrhnika. Slovenija)
Подорож Європою. Життя та природа Словенії.
Словенія, так як і Україна стала незалежною в 1991 році. Але результати за 30 років незалежності в нас різні, і це видно по всіх відео про цю чудову країну.
A little bit of Bohinj and Bled Lakes and ride on Zipline Dolinka Bled - Feel Slovenia -
Anche in assenza del vero protagonista del canale, oggi vi facciamo scoprire un luogo meraviglioso nella Slovenia interna, i laghi di Bled e Bohinj, ma la vera esperienza di oggi sarà provare la zipline, la più lunga d'Europa con ben sette tratti mozzafiato dove toccherete anche la velocità di 80 km/h.
Se volete maggiori informazioni qui sotto il link :
Per maggiori informazioni sui laghi di Bled e Bohinj, guardate qui :
Materiali video utilizzati :
I-Phone 11
GoPro 7 Hero
FeelSlovenia :
Music Credit :
Buona Visione!!!
Slovenia Mountain road, Gopro / Slovénie Route de montagne, Gopro
One man, one camera, 197 country around the world
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The majority of journalists around the world have chosen to develop their subject on controversial and sensational themes: violence, war, crime. But all these facts represent only 1% of our world and its inhabitants, forgetting the remaining 99% of which we never speak.
I chose to visit every country on the planet and film them to present them in High Definition format but in a raw way, without music, without comment. Simply, reality in all its truth. Thus, you will be able to make your own idea of the world in which you live.
Currently, I have already visited nearly 170 countries and my world tour continues thanks to you who follow me.
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La majorité des journalistes dans le monde ont choisi de développer leur sujet sur des thèmes polémiques et sensationnels : violence, guerre, criminalité. Mais tous ces faits ne représentent que 1 % de notre monde et de ses habitants, en oubliant les 99 % restant dont on ne parle jamais.
J’ai choisi de visiter chaque pays de la planète et de les filmer pour vous les présenter en format Haute définition mais de manière brute, sans musique, sans commentaire. Simplement, la réalité dans toute sa vérité. Ainsi, vous pourrez vous faire votre propre idée sur le monde dans lequel vous vivez.
Actuellement, j’ai déjà visité près de 170 pays et mon tour du monde continue grâce à vous qui me suivez.
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