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10 Best place to visit in Shizunai-furukawachō Japan


7 Islands No One Wants to Buy Even for $1

Do you ever you dream to own a private island? If you do, you'll probably find this information useful. Have you ever heard that there are whole islands out there that you can purchase for a fraction of the typical price? But the real kicker is that nobody wants to buy them! And there're reasons for that.

Have you ever heard, for example, about Japan's Rabbit Island? They began to thrive and multiply on the island after a chemical weapons plant was closed. And these days, thousands of friendly bunnies will greet you if you decide to pay them a visit!

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Islands with colonial ruins, Brazil 0:31
Untouched nature and pine trees, Canada 1:15
Terrible Tilly, USA 1:55
Partly flooded island, USA 2:43
Island with an abandoned fort, USA 3:15
The island that disappears in the spring, Canada 4:19
Island for a couple only, Australia 5:04
Other islands where you can live
Rabbits island, Japan 6:44
Battleship Island, Japan 7:39
Island in Venice, Italy 8:22
The island of true paradise, the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste 8:57

#brightside #secretplaces #strangeplaces

Preview photo credit:
Maatsuyker lighthouse: By Jeff Jennings/Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 3.0
Animation is created by Bright Side.

Music by Epidemic Sound

- For just 80,000 bucks, you can become the owner of not one but six islands situated on Brazil’s Sao Francisco River. But you’ll be subject to small annual taxes.
- Although Little Rocky Island lies in the Atlantic Ocean, neighboring islands protect it from foul weather. There’s no property on the island, but you can build anything you like there!
- Also known as Terrible Tilly, this island’s nickname speaks for itself. Well, it’s not technically an island in the traditional sense, it’s basically a rock with a single lighthouse on it off the coast of Oregon.
- If you have an extra 40K, you can buy a 1-acre island with a view of picturesque Maine. There’s a little cabin on the island, and you can theoretically build some other property there too if you want.
- You could become the owner of a historic private island on one condition: you have to restore the fort situated on it.
- People typically associate private islands with some sort of tropical paradise. But Canada’s McGibbon Island is nothing like that. Perhaps that explains the super low price tag of 30 grand.
- Welcome to a tiny island off the coast of Tasmania, Australia. This offer is open only for couples, and both partners should be equally eager to go to the island.
- Ōkunoshima Island lies approximately 2 miles off the coast of Japan. From 1929 to 1945, there was a chemical weapons plant on the island that produced poisonous gas.
- Dubbed Battleship Island because it looks like an old half-destroyed battleship, Hashima is located about 9 miles away from Nagasaki. From 1887 to 1974, there was a profitable coal mine on the island.
- Located in Venice, Italy, Lazzaretto Nuovo is also open for tourists but home to nobody. In 1468, the island became a quarantine area for ships that approached the city. This move was meant to protect Venice from the plague.
- Jaco Island belongs to the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. This island looks like the picture of true paradise: lush green trees, crystal blue waters, and white sand. But his place is uninhabitable.

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21 Things in the US That Puzzle Most Foreigners

When you live in a country for many years, everything looks ordinary and familiar. But an outsider will always spot some curious quirks in your customs and behaviors that make them think, “What’s going on here?” Life in the US can puzzle newcomers in many ways, from buying foods and magazines in a pharmacy to deep-frying almost anything you can think of.

For example, if you’re not from the US, it may be puzzling to walk into a pharmacy and see aisles and aisles of over-the-counter meds, toys, makeup, clothes, and even groceries! In America, if a restaurant doesn’t offer free refills on fountain drinks, it’s kind of strange. But in other countries, once you buy one beverage, that’s it! And Americans speak so loud compared to other countries. Whether it’s talking on your cell phone or chatting with a friend over lunch, Americans seem to really like projecting their voice.

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Sales tax is a guessing game 0:27
It’s not a party without red Solo cups 1:29
Deep-fried everything! 1:55
Fill ‘er up! 2:52
If you don’t like it, return it! 3:18
Tips for everyone! 3:45
The land of ice-cold drinks 4:48
Looking at dollars is a snooze-fest 5:41
The date-writing conundrum 6:40
Pre-baby baby showers 7:03
Where “How are you?” means “Hello!” 7:23
Bathroom stalls that aren’t so private 7:46
No one uses their “inside voice” 8:14
Hopping into the backseat of a cab 8:55
That classic American smile 9:10

#USA #traditions #americans

Music by Epidemic Sound

- When you go shopping in the US and see a price tag says $14.88, don’t expect to pay 14.88 at the register! Sales tax is NOT included in the price of an item!
- A lot of Americans don’t feel the need to take long vacations, so they often let vacation and sick hours pile up without ever using them. Plus, most employers only give you 2 weeks out of the year!
- In the States, this red plastic cup is synonymous with “party on, dude!” But other countries apparently don’t recognize this cup to mean the same thing.
- Whether it’s an ugly sweater from Grandma or a heinous pair of earrings from an ex, if you don’t like it, you can just return it!
- Cab drivers, servers, hairdressers – you gotta tip ‘em! Tips are acceptable for almost any service in the US and sometimes consist of 25% of the bill!
- Speaking of drinks, if it’s not a hot coffee or cocoa, then it’s probably got ice in it. Tea, coffee, lemonade, soda, water – Americans like it on the rocks!
- Americans must have an aversion to being hot! In many parts of Europe, people simply don’t use air conditioning as much as they do in the States.
- So many visitors to the US get really confused by the month-day-year thing because most parts of the world write the day, then the month, and finally the year.
- Walk into any grocery store aisle, and you’ll notice at least 10 different options for cookies, crackers, or cereal.
- When getting into a cab, it’s customary in the States to scoot on into the back seat. But in countries like New Zealand and Australia, riding anywhere but shotgun can be a little rude.

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