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Trans-Siberian by Private Train
Trans-Siberian by Private Train
The epic Private Train Journey on the world's most famous Railroad Further Information: Over 30 years of experience - More than 30,000 satisfied guests.
Director Michael Altenhenne has captured the journey on the Trans-Siberian by private train with his camera in a virtuoso manner. His impressions of Russia, Mongolia and China are perfect to lose oneself in the yearning for or maybe even one's own memories of the last genuine adventure trip on earth. The unique atmosphere onboard the comfortable private train, the sublime mood of the travellers and the natural and cultural wonders en route unfold their irresistible charm in this excellent documentary.
Filmmaker: Michael Altenhenne
Greetings from Lake Baikal - Tsar's Gold: The Trans-Siberian by Private Train
Stop at Lake Baikal: Chief tour guide Peter Bernard Jenneskens sends his regards from the Tsar's Gold Special Train during a stop at Lake Baikal, inviting viewers to be his guest on this unique journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway.
Russia's Most Luxurious Train: The KRASNAYA STRELA
I took a ride on the Krasnaya Strela (Red Arrow) train - Russia's most luxurious train, and stayed in Stalin's Apartment at the Sovietskiy Hotel to find out what it's like to truly travel like an oligarch.
Russia's Bullet Train: SAPSAN First Class!
Trans-Siberian by Private Train (1/2)
The epic private train journey on the trans-siberian railroad. A journey on the legendary Transsiberian Railroad is one of the last great travel adventures in our world. Set this dream of a lifetime on the tracks with our Private Train and experience Russia, Mongolia and China in the safest, most comfortable and fascinating manner. The historic route between Moscow, Lake Baikal and Beijing is the heart of all travel variants: The exciting days of your journey are delivering three of the worlds largest countries directly to your compartment. Lean back to enjoy the dramatic changes of scenery and savour a choice of Europes and Asias most superb and splendid landscapes! Feel free to check our new website: an read about the compartments, customer opinions and travelogues ...
Trans Siberian Railway | Travel Documentary
Trans Siberian railway is the most legendary railroad line on Earth. Discover this iconic rail path with this short travel documentary...
0:00 - Intro 0:39 - Trans Siberian Railway
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EPIC Trans-Siberian Railway Journey: Moscow to Vladivostok
The Second Longest train route of the World - Russia From Moscow To Vladivostok #shorts #map #russia #travel #train #moscow
Trans-Siberian - Dream of a Lifetime
The epic private train journey on the world's most famous railroad. More information at Director Michael Altenhenne has captured the journey on the Transsiberian by private train with his camera in a virtuoso manner. His impressions of Russia, Mongolia and China are perfect to lose oneself in the yearning for or maybe even one's own memories of the last genuine adventure trip on earth. The unique atmosphere onboard the comfortable private train, the sublime mood of the travellers and the natural and cultural wonders en route unfold their irresistible charm in this excellent documentary.
Trans-Siberian by Private Train (2/2)
The epic private train journey on the Trans-Siberian railroad. A journey on the legendary Transsiberian Railroad is one of the last great travel adventures in our world. Set this dream of a lifetime on the tracks with our Private Train and experience Russia, Mongolia and China in the safest, most comfortable and fascinating manner. The historic route between Moscow, Lake Baikal and Beijing is the heart of all travel variants: The exciting days of your journey are delivering three of the worlds largest countries directly to your compartment. Lean back to enjoy the dramatic changes of scenery and savour a choice of Europes and Asias most superb and splendid landscapes! Feel free to check our new website: an read about the compartments, customer opinions and travelogues ...
The Golden Eagle - Trans Siberian Express
#russia #trains #moscow This “Cruising on Rail” episode documents the classic Golden Eagle Trans-Siberian Express journey by private train. The 15-day all-inclusive journey between Moscow and Vladivostok, is the only way to complete the world's longest single service railway journey in luxury, comfort and style.
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This video was shot 4 weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine. I am devastated by what is happening and my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of this war. If you want to help, my friends @YesTheoryare currently in Poland and have started a GoFundMe to help Ukrainian refugees with food, water, and necessities. They have already raised $500,000, and 100% of proceeds are going directly to help save lives: Donate here:
Okay, now onto the description of the video... Riding on the Trans-Siberian Train has been a bucket list adventure for me for as long as I can remember (8 years?). The train starts in Moscow and then travels 10,000 kilometers Eastbound across Siberia until it ends in Vladivostok. I was lucky enough to catch Trans-Siberian train for a 30-hour leg – from Irkutsk to Novosibirsk – and it was one of the wildest travel experiences of my life. Even in the middle of winter, where temperatures were around -30C, I couldn’t believe how scenic the views were out the window. It felt like a dream!
On the Trans-Siberian train, I met two incredible characters – Gregory (the train conductor) and Sacha (the drunk passenger) who I shared the entire experience with. I will never forget this train ride. It was the journey of a lifetime, and I can’t wait to (hopefully) finish the rest of the adventure someday soon. Siberia is truly a remarkable place. Thank you for watching.
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👨🏻🦰 WHO AM I? I'm Drew Binsky and I have been to EVERY Country in the world (197/197). I make travel videos about people, culture and anything else I find interesting on the road. My ultimate goal is to inspire you to travel far and wide, because I think that traveling is the best education that you can get, and our planet is beautiful!
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Adventures For Singles Trans-Siberian by Private Train
Join Adventures for Singles on a journey on the legendary Transsiberian Railroad is one of the great travel adventures in our world. Set this dream of a lifetime on the tracks with our private train. Experience Russia, Mongolia and China in the safest, most comfortable and fascinating manner. The historic route between Moscow, Lake Baikal and Beijing is the heart of most journeys: Your exciting days deliver three of the world's largest countries directly to your compartment. Lean back to enjoy the dramatic changes of scenery and savour a choice of Europe's and Asia's most superb and splendid landscapes!
Choose from 4 different cabin types, according to your personal requirements, and dine in our beautiful restaurant waggons. Enjoy fine cuisine and drinks. The restaurant car also serves as a bar waggon, so before and after meals you can enjoy the relaxed atmosphere and have a nice conversation with fellow travellers as you collect unique impressions.
For details
Trans-Siberian Railway Winter Journey - part 1: Vladivostok - Belogorsk on Train № 007НЭ
Part 1 of the Trans-Siberian Winter Journey Vladivostok - Moscow - Helsinki; Train: № 007НЭ From: Vladivostok To: Novosibirsk Travelling: from Vladivostok to Belogorsk (on the Trans-Siberian Railway) Route via: Ussurisk (Primorsky Krai), Khabarovsk, Birobidzhan (Jewish Autonomous Oblast), Obluchye, Bureja (Oblast Amur) Travel Class: Kupe Comfort (2nd class sleeping compartment) Car No: 9 Seat No: 25 (lower berth) Price: RUB 4,080 (approx. EUR 54) Travel time: 23 hours and 14 minutes Distance: 1,348 km Travel season: late October 2018 Train operator: RZD Russian Railways, West Siberian Railway Locomotive: ЭП1П-006 Built by: Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant Delivered to RZD: 2007 Depot: Khabarovsk-II Locomotive operator: Far Eastern Railway
Поезд: № 007НЭ От: Владивосток Кому: Новосибирск Путешествие: из Владивостока в Белогорск (Транссибирская магистраль, Трансси́б) Маршрут через: Уссурийск (Приморский край), Хабаровск, Биробиджан (Еврейская автономная область), Облучие, Бурея (Амурская область) Класс поездки: вагон Купе (спальный отсек 2-го класса) Номер автомобиля: 9 Место для сидения: 25 (нижний причал) Цена: 4 080 руб. (54 евро) Время поездки: 23 часа и 14 минут Расстояние: 1,348 км Сезон путешествия: конец октября 2018 года Оператор поезда: ОАО «РЖД», Западно-Сибирская железная дорога Локомотив: ЭП1П-006 Построен: Новочеркасский электровозостроительный завод Поставка в РЖД: 2007 Депо: Хабаровск-II Локомотивный оператор: Дальневосточная железная дорога
Enjoying Life on Board the Zarengold Private Train on the Trans-Siberian Railroad
It's All aboard! on an unforgettable private train journey through Russia, Mongolia and China. Visit Lake Baikal, the world's largest freshwater lake. Discover authentic Siberian villages. Sleep in a traditional Mongolian yurt. Marvel at Beijing's Forbidden City. Join us on an adventure that creates memories that will last forever.
TRANS SIBERIAN RAILWAY! 3RD CLASS TOUR! Accommodation on the Trans Siberian Railway
TRANS SIBERIAN RAILWAY! 3RD CLASS TOUR! Accommodation on the Trans Siberian Railway. Today on the Trans Siberian we give you a TOUR of our 3rd class accommodation. Trans Siberian journey from Moscow to Vladivostok.
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Travelling the Trans-Siberian - life
From Moscow to the eastern borders of China, the world's longest railway line - the Trans-Siberian, stretches for more than 9,000 kilometres; a truly great railway journey - in this edition of Russian Life.
At midnight every other day, a Rossiya train leaves Moscow for a week-long trip to Vladivostok. It is an extraordinary trip and many come from far and wide to do it.
This is the longest train journey that one can make, said English tourist Robert Bird. And you just have to do it, because it's there! I'm happy sitting in the train, looking at the scenery, and going to places that I've never been to before. I just find it so fascinating!
It is a home away from home for hundreds of passengers who sleep, eat, enjoy the limited comfort and try to have a good time during their days on board the train.
Irina Savina, one of the train's conductors said:
Very few passengers do the whole journey from Moscow to Vladivostok in a single trip, and those who do should be prepared mentally and physically - a whole week on a train might not be easy. But we provide everything necessary to make it an enjoyable travel.
In the first and second classes, there are individual compartments that accommodate two and four passengers respectively.
This is a popular mode of transport for tourists and businessmen alike who shuttle between Russia's major cities on trains rather than planes.
There are dozens of stations between Moscow and Vladivostok allowing passengers to stretch their legs for a few minutes and stock up on food and drinks.
Factfile: The Trans-Siberian
* A first class ticket from Moscow to Vladivostok on a Rossiya train costs around 1000 euros, including daily meal service. The third class is 315 euros * First class passengers can order their meals to be delivered in their compartments or have it at a dining car * There's a hot shower in one of the train carriages. It costs 200 roubles (5 euros) * Train personnel is helpful and attentive but doesn't always speak foreign languages * All train schedules in Russia use Moscow time; the time difference between Moscow and Vladivostok is seven hours
Many tourists prefer to visit some of the most interesting cities along the track before continuing their Trans-Siberian journey.
Some of the most passionate travellers ride in the cheaper third class carriages: known as platzkart.
Here people from many different backgrounds mix together in an open carriage throughout their odyssey.
Inna Kryazhevskih who was travelling to Kirov said: A train journey is a good time to reflect on something, to think of the things we never have time for in our daily lives.
Dasha Kryazhevskih who was going the same way added: Sometimes you sleep a lot, sometimes you read, or do something creative - we made some toys and beaded jewellery while travelling on this train.
Vladimir Kosinov, the Train Master, said:
You can learn a lot about Russia by crossing it from Moscow to Vladivostok on this train. If you observe other passengers, especially Russians, if you get to know them then you'll understand many things about our way of life and the mysterious Russian soul.
Lots of people decide to stop in the historic Siberian city of Yekaterinburg and then a few days further down the line in Irkutsk where they can see Baikal, the world's deepest lake.
From there they can head south to Mongolia and China or continue their eastward journey to Vladivostok, Russia's main port city on the Pacific Ocean.
Whatever the destination, for those with a spirit for adventure, the Trans-Siberian trip is a Russian speciality not to miss.
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10 tips for Trans Siberian Train/Railway, a short guide to help you
10 tips to help your Trans Siberian Train/Railway trip. This is a short guide to help your journey
UPDATE Nov 2018 - Moscow time is **NOT** used across the train network anymore! You can read the latest information and an additional tip on my blog post
Watch next: - My Trans Siberian train travel ep 1 - Storytime 🤓
- Moscow travel mini guide - Story time ep 2 (Trans Siberian train series)
🇷🇺 We have all heard of the Trans-Siberian, Russia's mega train journey that crosses Siberia as it skirts the Chinese border. But few have heard of the even more impressive B.A.M ( Baikal Amur Mainline ) which passes through virgin forest in the middle of Siberia. Built in the 1970s by young communists, the BAM is the greatest construction project of the 20th Century. And yet it is unknown in the West.
I decided to go and ride this unknown journey across northern Siberia and speak to the people who came to build it. Join me as we ride 'The Bam'!
The journey route: Tayshet-Severobaykalsk-Novi Uoyan-Tinda
Instagram: realbaldandbankrupt
A quick video about how much we spent on the Trans-Siberian Railway. For an entire month of travel, we spent roughly $4,500 per person.
Want to know all of the details about visas, booking your tickets, etc.? We created the Ultimate Guide to Riding the Trans-Siberian Railway! Read it here
Our first day on the Trans-Siberian Railway was a success! The first leg of our journey is 74 hours long, and so far we are loving it. In this vlog we give a full tour of the First Class cabin!
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Originally from Nashville, Tennessee, we got married June 2013 and quickly caught the travel bug! We started traveling full-time January 10, 2016. While daily vlogging was not the original plan, we were having way too many cool experiences not to share every single day! Now travel vlogging is our full-time gig and we feel like we have the greatest job in the world! We are incredibly thankful to do something we love every day. :)
1st Class Trans-Siberian Wagon Tour
We started the first leg of our #Trans-Mongolian journey from Beijing to Moscow.