The Grave With A Window 😨


The Grave With A Window 😨


Mother Wanted To Visit Her Daughter This Way! (Window & Stairs)

Omar goes to Natchez Mississippi where a little girl was buried and her mother wanted stairs and a window to her grave to be able to see and visit her especially during thunderstorms.

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More about OmarGoshTV: Omar Gosh goes on scary travel adventures to some of the scariest places with real haunted history. Featured on hit shows like: Paranormal caught on camera and right this minute for some of the scariest videos with ghosts. Some have claimed to have had their houses haunted just by watching so be advised. On this channel you can expect to get scared but have fun with the scary creepy content thats safe for the entire family. With that said, omargoshtv loves making his content to entertain, educate and most importantly: share his travel exploration ghost adventures with the world with a positive mindset.

Film by: OmarGoshTV All Rights Reserved and protected against unauthorized use.

Take a peek inside of this tomb #cemetery


The World's Deepest Man-made Hole 😱


Grave with a View - New Haven VT - Window on a Grave

EVERGREEN CEMETERY, JUST OFF OF Town Hill Road in New Haven, VT, is generally unremarkable as far as cemeteries go, except for one fascinating interment. His name was Timothy Clark Smith, and he was a 19th century doctor who suffered from taphephobia, the fear of being buried alive.

This personal fact is made apparent by his unusual grave design. He designed and rigged his own tomb in an attempt to prevent his nightmare of an undesirable outcome. He installed a set of stairs underneath a large square capstone beside his burial mound, and is said to have been buried with a bell in his hand and a breathing tube.

2 newborns die in 2 years in cemetery

The Mysterious Origins of King Tut's Dagger 😨 (EXPLAINED)

Father Wanted To Visit His Daughter This Way

OmarGoshTV goes to visit the little girl in the dollhouse known as Nadine Earles who was built a dollhouse as her final resting place that her father built.

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More about OmarGoshTV: Omar Gosh goes on scary travel adventures to some of the scariest places with real haunted history. On this channel you can expect to get scared but have fun with the scary creepy content thats safe for the entire family to watch. Do not attempt to go to some of the locations or ones like it that Omar goes to as some can be very dangerous. With that said: Omargoshtv loves making content for entertainment, education and most importantly: give viewers an escape from their hectic worlds. Enjoy!

Film by: OmarGoshTV All Rights Reserved and protected against unauthorized use.

Creepy paranormal activity in an old graveyard

Sneak peak of my investigation in haunted Gilbertown Cemetery which was once investigated by paranormal researchers Ed and Lorraine Warren

I picked up this unusual EMF activity in front of some unmarked graves, comment what you think👇

#shorts #haunted #ghost #graveyard

Sesame Street Segment EXPLAINED 😱 (scary)


London's Most Unusual Graveyards - A Guided Cemetery Tour

In this video, Jessica the Museum Guide (that’s me!) takes you on a guided cemetery tour of seven unusual graveyards in London, just in time for Hallowe’en.

Enjoy this video? Watch my in-depth tour of Highgate Cemetery next:

Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe. Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts about these strange and macabre final resting places.

As always, thanks for watching. If you enjoyed this virtual tour, then please consider leaving me a tip at or buy me a coffee at

You can also become a member of my channel for all kinds of great perks, like shout-outs and early access – click the membership button below.

Remember – I guide private museums, oddities, and graveyard tours in London. Get in touch at

It’s October again, and the air is crisp, the leaves are falling, and the nights are drawing in. That means it’s time today to visit a spooky topic - let’s talk about London’s dead, and more specifically, the most unusual places they reside. No matter what time of year you’re watching, it’s always a good time for the macabre.

This London graveyard tour covers seven strange and unusual places of rest, taking you to far-flung corners of the city to explore our buried past.

0:00 - Introduction to the Tour
1:23 - Crossbones Graveyard – Medieval sex workers’ burial ground
4:41 - Bunhill Fields – Non-Conformist’s burials on a pile of ancient bones
9:18 - Ilford Animal Cemetery – A touching place of rest for pets and heroic animals
12:56 - Meath Gardens – The former Victoria Park Cemetery and 300K graves
15:50 - Joseph Grimaldi Park – Dance on the grave of a famous clown
19:36 - Novo Cemetery – An 18th-century Jewish cemetery in the heart of a university
22:35 - Charterhouse Square – A 14th-century plague pit rediscovered in 2013

Remember – if you’re planning a trip to London, you can book a tour with me. Email me at

Like The Museum Guide on Facebook!

You should really London Urban Oddities Facebook group to submit your favourite weird places in London.

Hana Elvy creates my thumbnails – you can hire her to make your YouTube thumbnails here:

The Dive When I Found A Woman's Body | MV Thomas Aquinas Wreck | Scuba Wreck Diving Cebu Philippines

Welcome to my World.

Part 2 of a Series

After searching in other parts of the ship, we proceeded to the guideline to make our ascent since we were low on air. As we were moving along freshly broken windows, earlier broken in the morning dive by the Philippine Navy, I noticed a dark duffel bag. I don't know why I stopped and picked it up. As I was moving it out of the way, I glanced down and saw what I thought was a foot, but it looked like it was wrapped in clear plastic. As the same time, my scuba dive partner, Shelley, made a noise and indicated she saw something. I moved towards her position and noticed it was what I saw from the other side. When I talk about this victim, I describe the victim as her. It's because I clearly saw red nail polish on her toenails. I never knew who she was. I remember her being victim #73 to 76. I saw a list of names of the victims in chronological order a week or so after that dive. I never determined who she exactly was, but I hope she found her way to her family. I wanted to know initially who she was, but I was told it's better not to know. It's something I always think about when I remember that day.

If you have not seen it yet, please check out:

Part 1 of Series

Part 3 of Series

Thanks for watching. Please share, like, and subscribe!

#scuba #wreckdiving #divephilippines #rescuediver #cebu #mvthomasaquinas #2go

Tomb of Louis XIV in Saint-Denis Basilica, Paris 🇫🇷

Sapp family name gravestone in cemetery

Das vergessene KZ Bergen-Belsen - Was kaum ein Besucher sieht!

Bergen-Belsen - fast ebenso bekannt wie Auschwitz - steht für die Gräueltaten, die unter der nationalsozialistischen Herrschaft begangen wurden. Tausende erlitten hier furchtbare Qualen oder verloren Ihr Leben, bis am 15. April 1945 vorrückende britische Truppen das Lager befreiten.

Heute erinnert eine Gedenkstätte an diese Zeit. Doch nicht alle Bereiche sind den Besuchern bekannt... ich begebe mich auch abseits der Pfade, die der normale Besucher begeht.

#bergenbelsen #concentrationcamp

The Sky Burial Ritual in Kalash Chitral, Pakistan Keeping Human Corpse in open Coffins 16-Sep-2016

Sky Burial is a funeral practice in which a human corpse is placed open to decompose while exposed to the elements or to be eaten by scavenging animals, especially carrion birds. It was practiced in Kalash Valley till late 1990s. Afterwards it was abandoned and now corpse are buried. The Bamburate graveyard shown in this video is having remains of human placed over here in open coffins. By time the video was recorded (16-Sep-2016) few leg bones were lying open and rest of the parts i.e. skull, ribs, etc have been diminished.

Grave of Spanish Zoologist Jordi Fedreco Magraner is also in this graveyard. He used to visit here frequently and lived in a rented house. In 2002 he was murdered and then buried here.

Kalash ka Qabristan

Chitral ka Qabristan

Bamburate ka Qabristan

Kafiristan ka Qabristan

what do you think of this mausoleum? #Cemetery

More Cemetery shorts


Entriamo dalle cantine, dove fanno bella mostra le solite bottiglie e damigiane. Scavalcando le macerie di una stufa fatta cadere dalle scale, saliamo al primo piano, apparentemente vuoto e deludente. La nostra attenzione viene infine attirata da una piccola porta che pare chiusa dall'interno... Con qualche sforzo riusciamo ad aprirla ed è come entrare in una nuova casa: centinaia di documenti sparsi per terra, enormi archivi alle pareti colmi di contratti notarili. Anche la cucina ne è piena, mescolati a scarpe e oggetti curiosi che non sempre riusciamo ad identificare.
Su una parete, una cassetta di sicurezza è stata trasformata in un altarino, custodendo una foto d'altri tempi di due bambini, rischiarata da lumini ormai consumati.
Salendo in una specie di soffitta, il lettino di un neonato è in bilico su un solaio mezzo crollato. L'immagine è resa ancor più inquietante da un cavallino senza testa che sembra sbirciarvi dentro, alla ricerca di quel bimbo che ci dormiva e che un tempo giocava con lui.
In un'altra zona della casa nuove stanze nascondono sotto i letti una moltitudine di oggetti, foto, zoccoli di legno e altri documenti, mescolati ad uno strato di polvere decennale.
Tuttavia, è nell'ultima stanza buia che il nostro viaggio viene scosso da un brivido di terrore: la carcassa di un gatto morto, circondata da lumini e da un cero, ci suggerisce l’idea che qualcuno possa aver fatto un macabro rituale.
Con un senso di inquietudine decidiamo di uscire da questo posto, lasciando alla loro quiete le vite e le storie delle persone che qui si sono avvicendate.

00:00 | c'è qualcuno?
03:47 | la porta chiusa
09:56 | sorprese al piano superiore
14:43 | le stanze da letto
20:50 | il sacrificio del gatto


Le nostre esplorazioni sono fatte sempre nel massimo rispetto dei luoghi e delle cose, senza forzare nessun ingresso e senza sottrarre o danneggiare nulla.
Nelle riprese che facciamo non diamo alcun riferimento all'ubicazione dei luoghi che visitiamo o ai dati personali di chi ci ha vissuto.
I luoghi visitati sono palesemente abbandonati, non sono abitati o utilizzati e non sono adibiti ad alcuna attività. Rimaniamo al loro interno solo per un un periodo di tempo limitato, strettamente necessario a concludere e documentare l'esplorazione.
Il nostro intento è quello di raccontare la storia di luoghi che altrimenti, oltre che nell'abbandono, finirebbero nell'oblio.

Exploring the burial place of Chiang Kai-shek, Taiwan! (Cihu)

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創作者經紀人/Contact person: - Maggie
Line ID: @rog8149u

All music from Epidemic Sound:

The following is the gear I’m using when making my videos. I’m part of Amazon Services LLC Associates Program which means that I will get a small commission if you purchase anything via my links. Any commission I’ll be getting will go straight back into buying new gear for my future videos, so any sort of support is highly appreciated!

Camera: Canon EOS R:
Lens: Canon RF 24-70mm F2.8 L IS USM:
Insta360 One X:
Tripod: JOBY GorillaPod 5K Kit:
Microphone: RØDE VideoMic Pro+:
Drone: DJI Mavic 2 Zoom:
Mavic 2 Fly More Kit:
Gimbal: DJI Ronin-S Handheld 3-Axis:
2x SanDisk Extreme Pro Memory Card (128GB):
Bag: Lowepro ProTactic BP 450 AW II:

Camera: Canon M50:
Lens: Canon EF 24mm f/1.4L II USM:
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM
Lens: Canon EF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS STM:
Canon EOS M Mount Adapter:
Canon EF-EOS R Mount Adapter:
JOBY Gorillapod 3K:

ADATA D8000L LED Power Bank:
Transcend ESD240C Portable SSD (480GB):
Transcend ESD350C Portable SSD (480GB):
Transcend StoreJet 25MC HDD (1TB):
Transcend 128GB microSD:
MacBook Pro 15” - TouchBar:
Asus VP28UQG 28 4K/UHD monitor:

Special thanks to STC for helping me out with filters:
STC website:
STC Facebook:

Tesla Catches Ghost at the Cemetery TIkTok Challenge (Spanglish)

#tesla #teslamodel3 #teslaghost #teslacar #california #ghost #cemetery

Tiktok: TheGoFamily

IG: carmenthenomad



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