Japan: The Wagyu Mecca | Joseph Decuis


Japanese Olive Wagyu Beef Being Cooked Is Satisfying

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japan kagawa beautiful beach
SAND555/Getty Images
View of Shodoshima olive garden in Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan
Multi-bits/Getty Images


Japanese Food Factory Wagyu(Japanese beef) Factory (和牛工場 )


The History of Japanese Wagyu Cattle (Kuroge Wahshu)

The word Wagyu simply means Japanese Cow. There are 4 breeds of cattle native to Japan and one of these -- the Kuroge Washu - is special, because its unique genetics allows it to produce a high degree of fine-grained marbling on the interior of the meat.

When this breed is raised in Japan by expert producers, cared for and fed the highest quality grasses, inawara rice straw and other ingredients -- and when it is then rated by expertly trained raters and reaches the highest possible rating for its fat quality -- it may earn the A5 rating -- the best highest possible beef rating in Japan.

Kagoshima earned the highest average scores at last year's legendary Wagyu Olympics (全国和牛能力共進会) in Miyagi Prefecture.

Get your A5 Wagyu from Kagoshima now:


Hier ist der erste Trailer zu unserem kulinarischen Kurztrip nach Tokyo und der Präfektur Gunma, ganz im Zeichen von Aufzucht, Verarbeitung und Verköstigung des charakteristischen Japanese Wagyu Beefs. Gemeinsam mit Rüdiger Brümmer vom Importeur Nice to Meat (Niederlande) und den anderen Teilnehmern ging es mit KLM per Direktflug ab Amsterdam ins Land der aufgehenden Sonne.
Nach der Ankunft stand gleich die knapp 3-stündige Busfahrt zur Kato Farm auf dem Programm. Von den hier gezüchteten 100% Japanese Black Cattle stammt das Wagyu Beef, das von Nice to Meat für den europäischen Markt importiert wird. Bei einem traditionellen japanischen Dinner ließen wir den Tag mit den 3 S - Sushi, Sake, Sashimi) ausklingen...

Rüdiger Brümmer, Nice to Meat
Christoph Grabowski, Niggemann
Wolfgang Müller, Niggemann
Florian Jirát, LUMA Delikatessen
Gunnar Guðsveinsson, Stóreldhús
Hinrik Ingi Guðbjargarson, Ó.Johnson & Kaaber
Christian Linssen, MEAT IN



Timo Knop

Japanese Wagyu Beef (A5) - Cottage Food

Highest grade Wagyu Beef strips (A5 grade) from Japan, grilled on a cast-iron pan over a fire.

Trying Kobe Beef and All you Can Eat A5 Wagyu in Japan

Japanese Beef is awesome, I could eat it every day! This our experience while in Japan trying two different Japanese beef restaurants. The first one is an all you can eat A5 Wagyu and then we trying the world famous Kobe beef.

This experience was outstanding, if you like beef this is a must do when you visit Japan.

Restaurants in the Video:


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Camera Gear I Use to Make Videos:

Sony A6500 -

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GoPro Hero7 Black
GoPro Hero5 Session -
Canon M6 -
Rode VideoMic Pro+ -
Rode VideoMic Micro -
Blue Snowball iCE Microphone

Canon EF-S 10-18mm -
Canon EF-S 55-250mm -
Canon EF-S 24mm -

#japan #kobebeef #vacation

How Full-Blood Wagyu Is Cultivated At Mayura Station In Australia

In Search Of The Best Fiorentina Steak

Wagyu lovers, have you ever wondered how full-blood wagyu is cultivated? Do you also know what is in the cattle feed? We went on a farm trip at Mayura Station in Australia with chefs Christopher Millar and Felix Chong from 1-Group to find out more. Read more:

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Joseph Decuis Takeda Reserve Wagyu Beef

A Wagyu Beef recipe named after the famous Japanese Wagyu producer, Shogo Takeda.


Joseph Decuis Restaurant Spotlight

Listen as Joseph Decuis' General Manager and Wine Director Carmen McGee and her husband Executive Chef Aaron Butts talk about food and wine at the Roanoke, Indiana, restaurant. Read more about Joseph Decuis in the July 15, 2013, issue of Sommelier Journal (subscribers-only):

Joseph Decuis

Tongue in cheek

Travel Channel’s Food Paradise ft. Joseph Decius

Food Paradise explores Joseph Decuis’ unique dining experience with a focus on wagyu beef sourced directly from their own farm

Japanese Supermarket Wagyu Beef Steak | $15 Cooked at Home

Japanese Wagyu Beef is considered some of the best steak in the world, and it’s no surprise you can find amazing cuts of beef at supermarkets in Tokyo. Rather than paying a ridiculous amount for a Wagyu steak, I got one at the supermarket and cooked it with my friend Jennifer, a chef from France. You don’t have to go broke to enjoy Japanese Wagyu in Japan.

About 200 grams cost between $15 - $25 depending on the A4 or A5 quality rank.

Learn more about Japanese Wagyu:

Jennifer's YouTube channel:


Kobe Beef (神戸ビーフ)

This is 100% Certified Kobe Beef! 20,000 yen or about $220 CAD / USD

Kobe beef (神戸ビーフ Kōbe bīfu) refers to cuts of beef from the Tajima strain of wagyu cattle, raised in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, according to rules as set out by the Kobe Beef Marketing & Distribution Promotion Association. The meat is generally considered to be a delicacy, renowned for its flavour, tenderness, and fatty, well-marbled texture. Kobe beef can be prepared as steak, sukiyaki, shabu shabu, sashimi, teppanyaki, and more.

Kobe beef is also called Kobe niku (神戸肉, Kobe meat), Kobe-gyu (神戸牛) or Kobe-ushi (神戸牛, Kobe cow) in Japanese.

Japan’s Finest Wagyu Beef | The Wagyu Festival Tokyo

Tokyo’s best BBQ ever! Taste the Best Wagyu Beef from all over Japan. Melt-in-your-mouth goodness!!



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CHANNEL ART by Christian Bucic (Graphic Designer)


@@@@@ WHO is PETER VON GOMM @@@@@

My name is Peter von Gomm and I am a PROFESSIONAL VOICE ACTOR living in Tokyo, Japan. I have done many big jobs that are known to people around the world, including the voice of ' Spring Man ' for Nintendo Switch ARMS and ‘White Bomber’ from Super Bomberman R series.

I've combined my reading of Children’s Storybooks and Original Stories, Exploring Japan’s Sights, Smells and Sounds, and (+Alpha) into one snazzy channel. ' Peter von Gomm '. Hey that's me! :o) Stick around for a load more insanity to come!!

Also please visit my website to see all the voice work I do in Japan and globally!








Dig-In A Taste of Indiana 2011 - Joseph Decuis - DoItIndy

Dig-In Website:
Big Ben chats with Pete of Joseph Decuis at Dig-In 2011 A Taste of Indiana.

OMI Wagyu A5 in Taiwan -The top three steaks in the world

Omi Beef producers work to achieve the top A5 grade, but all wagyu is exceptionally tender and is delicious regardless of the grade.

Omi beef is wagyu (Japanese beef) originating in the Shiga Prefecture, Japan. Omi beef is generally considered one of the three top brands, along with Kobe beef and Matsusaka beef. Omi beef is said to be the oldest beef brand in Japan dating back to the 1800s.
The A5 grading is given only to the best of the best quality Wagyu or Japanese beef. The A grading is given based on the yield with A being the highest and 5 is the highest Japanese grade for the marbling of the beef.

合作請來信至 hsintv23@gmail.com

Olein 55 Wagyu Beef

Wagyu Beef from Tottori Prefecture, known as Olein 55 for its high oleic acid content, seared in wasabi butter.

#wagyu #tottori #dinemagazine #adamwaxman #culinarytourism

If you like this video check out the rest of DINE's channels:


Explore Japan - Kagoshima, Wagyu, Taiko, Music Festival

Explore Japan – Part 1

Part 1 - Kagoshima
My personal travelogue in Japan from 2019. In this video I will see taiko drummers perform, have some of the best wagyu steak in Japan and attend a music festival near Sakurajima volcano.

Part 2 will be posted soon! :)

Music by Ukiyo:
Ukiyo – Kaleidoscope
Ukiyo – Cool Down

Music by Joakim Karud:
Joakim Karud – Fatherhood

Music by saib. :
Said. – Another Time

[Indoguna Viet Nam - Kamichiku] Japanese Wagyu Beef Launching

Place: Park Hyatt Sai Gon Hotel
Date: 05th Oct 2018
Host Chef: Heath Gordon
Organizer: Indoguna Viet Nam
Thanks all our guests for coming and enjoy the great menu from Chef Heath.

A5 Wagyu Beef for $30 an ounce! Worth it?

The Top of the World restaurant at the top of the Stratosphere in Las Vegas serves this 3oz Japanese A5 grade Wagyu steak for $90.00.
(That’s $30 an ounce!)
I try it and compare it to a 12oz Australian grass fed Wagyu ribeye at $79.00 (only $6.58 an ounce)
Which one is better?
Is there really a difference?
Let’s see!
Post your opinions and experiences with these steaks!



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