

theHunter - Hunting Horn Sounds

Here is a quick look at the aesthetics & sounds of the newly released Hunting Horn from theHunter video game.

Store Link:

The Last Post played by the Royal Marines - Prince Philip Funeral Service

A Lament and The Last Port played by The Buglers of the Royal Marines - Prince Philip's Funeral Service at Windsor Castle.

FCI european coursing championchips 2013 italian greyhounds part 2

Pouch/Germany 22/23.06.2013 italian greyhounds coursing
2. Durchgang heats 631 - 643 (females) and 647 - 659 (males)
Musik ist GEMA frei. Klick on the time to jump to heat Number:

631 00:09
632 01:14
633 02:14
634 03:14
635 04:12
636 05:14
637 06:12
638 07:12
639 08:13
640 09:30
641 10:32
642 11:32
643 12:37

647 13:30
648 14:36
649 15:35
650 16:35
651 17:30
652 18:30
653 19:26
654 20:37
655 21:36
656 22:28
657 23:26
658 24:40
659 25:44

part 1 here:

Etosha National Park wildlife in Namibia, southern Africa

Wildlife of Etosha National Park - the richest in southern Africa.

#Etosha #Namibia #Wildlife

The Etosha National Park (from 1958) is located 435 km (Okaukuejo Camp) or 530 km (Namutoni Camp) north of Windhoek. The park can be entered through either Von Lindequist (Namutoni) or Andersson Gate (Okaukuejo). It is one of the Africa's largest parks covering area of 22 270 square kilometres. The Etosha pan's size is 4 590 square kilometres, while all pans cover more than 5 100 square kilometres.
Name. The word ''etosha'' means place of dry water or, according to other sources, huge, white area.
History. Game Reserve 2, proclaimed by German Governor Friedrich Von Lindequist in 1907, comprised the Etosha pan and most of Kaokoland and covered almost 100 000 square kilometres. The park was reduced in 1947 by allocating Kaokoland to Herero. According to recommendations of Odendaal Commission (1962) park's area was reduced even further. The present size of the park is 77 per cent less than before the Odendaal Commission.
Best time for visit. Winters are cool and dry in the park. Game tend to stay closer to water holes and chances to spot species are better. The rainy season normally begins at the end of October - beginning of November.
Average rainfall figures: Okaukuejo: 412 mm, Halali: 430 mm, Namutoni: 442 mm.
Okaukuejo. The oldest camp in the park, opened in October 1957, is the home of Etosha Ecological Institute. Established in the end of last century as a control post to combat the spread of foot-and-mouth disease of cattle, illegal hunting and gun trading. Attractions: water tower (1963), floodlit water hole in the camp frequently visited by elephants, rhinos, lions and different species of antelopes.
Namutoni. The camp was opened in 1958. The first fort (1902-03), erected as a border post and was attacked in 1904 by 500 Ovambos. The garrison of seven German soldiers successfully defended fort for the whole day and retreated later during the night. Next day fort was completely destroyed by Ovambos. After Herero uprising Namutoni fort was rebuild and later used as a police post but during the course of time fall in disuse. Restoration works began on the end of 30s when one of the towers was destroyed by lightning. In 1950 the Namutoni fort was declared a National Monument. The restaurant, additional accommodation units and shop were added in 1983.
Halali. The newest camp was opened in 1967. The name derived from the sound of traditional German hunting horn used to announce the end of the hunt. The only hills in the park are located here.
Olifantsrus Camp. The newer camp in Etosha Park.
Vegetation. The vegetation groups can be identified as follows: grass plains along the pan (e.g. Andoni, Chudob), mopane woodland (Okerfontein), mixed thorns and terminalias (Namutoni), dense woodlands (tamboti, thorns, mopane) (Namutoni-Okerfontein).
Altitude. The average height of the park is around 1000 m above sea level.

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The Mini Vandals





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Jagdhorn Blaeser Kaierde 2017, Meilerfest, Roettgerfest

#Jagdhorn_Blaeser_Kaierde, #Kaierde, #Meilerfest_2017, #Roettgerfest_2017

If you subscribe to me on my youtube channel I will be happy - thank you.

Trompes des Révolets St Vincent ampuis 004

Lors de la Saint Vincent d'Ampuis dans le Rhône, les Trompes des Révolets ont fait entendre le son de leurs cors. Avant d'aller donner l'aubade devant le Marché aux vins, ils ont animé la messe dominical en l'église St Baudille.
Echos sonores recueillis par Jean-François Cullafroz.

Alphorn Event 2 -Roetenbach

Las Vegas/Roetenbach-Fun Produktion

Tally Ho.mp4

Newbury's celebration of the Myopia Hunt - same place at 375 years ago - yes, that's righ 1635, Spenser Peirce Little Farm
reliving history - what century is this, anyway?

Blow Your Horn

Durbin won't you blow your horn. Mark and Bonnie. Working on the railroad.

Eiger Jungfrau ff

September 2010

Leatherwood Mountains 800-4NC-MTNS.mp4

Images of the Cabin Stage & Meadow, Elk Creek Inn-Saddlebrook Restaurant & the Covered Pavilion

Song Tune from the Peasant Cantata - J. S. Bach (Mormon Tabernacle Organ Recital, Frank Asper)

Vinyl transcription of a Columbia Masterworks LP-6215. Mormon Tabernacle Organ Recital, Frank Asper, Organist, recorded 1961.

Recorded 24b x 96KHz with a Sumiko Blue Point Special, light de-click and de-noise (very light) in Adobe Audition. Downsampled to 16b x 48Khz in Audition and encoded to AAC at 448Kbps in Sony Movie Studio Platinum 13.

With an interest in sheer sound typical of a true Romanticist, Dr. Asper is quick to point out that color is not just a matter of pulling stops. I includes styles of touch, from the broadest legato to the sharpest staccato, that cooperate with the timbre of the pipes to produce a total effect:.

From the LP jacket:
For more than half a century in daily recitals and for more than three decades in weekly radio broadcasts with the Choir, the Salt Lake Tabernacle Organ has found a place in the hearts and homes of a large segment of this country's population, owing not so much to its size as to its unique acoustical properties and the musicanship of the men who play it.

It is significant that the organ and the Tabernacle which houses it were planned and constructed together during the years 1863-67. They were built as a unit, and to this day they are, so to speak, one instrument. Inasmuch as there was no railroad in the West in 1863, the bulk of the materials for both were obtained locally. The Mormon pioneers found suitable lumber for the 32-foot pipes some 300 miles south of Salt Lake City and set about with sixty yoke of oxen to haul it in.

Some of this material still remains in the organ, although it was enlarged in 1885, 1900, and 1915, and rebuilt in 1948 by the Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co. under the direction of G. Donald Harrison. It has grown from the original 700 pipes that first sounded in 1867 to the 189 ranks of nearly 11,000 pipes that sing today.

In the dome-shaped Tabernacle, which seats close to 8,000 persons, the organ occupies a commanding position which gives it an unusual acoustical advantage. Located within the walls of the tabernacle rather than in a recessed chamber, it is coupled directly with its sounding board. Indeed, the ensemble has be likened to a giant violin of wood with a curved back and organ pipes for strings.

Whatever tones emanate from the pipes- from the gently dulcet tones to the blaze of trumpets or the scintillating brilliance of the 18 mixture stops- most of them are enhanced by the peculiar acoustics of the building, at once subtly diffuse and blurring, reverberant and prolonging, and with some tones, sharp and focusing because of the concave shape of the ceiling.

One of the most familiar figures at the console of this instrument is Dr. Frank W. Asper, who, with coloristic resources reaching astronomical proportions at his call, approaches them with a mind tuned to orchestral values. With an interest in sheer sound typical of a true Romanticist, Dr. Asper is quick to point out that color is not just a matter of pulling stops. It includes styles of touch, from the broadest legato to the sharpest staccato, that cooperate with the timbre of the pipes to produce a total effect.

Another characteristic feature of his playing is his phrasing. Taking his cue from vocal music he affirms, All performance should be based on singing, which is the natural form of music. Every part must sing.

This dual orchestral-vocal approach to his instrument is derived from a broad background in both fields. From his post-missionary days as a flutist in a German opera orchestra to his conductorship of local orchestral and choral forces, he has observed widely and drawn together his own artistic principles.

Dr. Asper's memorable interpretations plus an unusual sensitivity in choosing repertoire have earned for him the affectionate title of poet-organist. Typical of the effect he has had on his listeners is a note that he once received from an elderly Scottish couple who wrote that they laughed and cried as they heard the strains of Afton Water from the great Tabernacle Organ. The old folks recalled their happy childhood in the bonnie woods of Craigless near Kilmarnock.

Union Buglers at Jægerspris 2009

Union Buglers at the annual event at Jægerspris

Tsunami findings

Translated video of a report about a mammoth finding on the coasts after the tsunami attack

Wodka Winter Wunder Video im Posthorn Eckersmühlen

Hi Leute,

Hier das Video,musste von 160 MB auf 30 MB verkleinern,deswegen ist die Quali nett so gut aber für ne Digicam gar nicht mal so schlecht. Soll ja nur nenn kleinen Einblick geben wie es auf der Party war. Chao euer DJ Micha

JOPOTODA's dancing group - Maxima.MPG

xyryllz 7th birthday- (dancers) ghem cecilio, randal benito, irene gayagoy, zaldy gayagoy, anna te & jian raga

TROYES (France)


Mönchsjoch Jungfrau

September 2010

Welcome to Notre Dame de France: A Tour of London's Catholic Gem

Let's visit Notre Dame de France which is a French Catholic church in London's Soho. It is located on Leicester Place just north of Leicester Square. The origins of the church date back to the mid 1800s, however, the building itself is earlier. The origins of the church date back to the mid 1800s, however, the building itself is older. During the Battle of Britain in 1940, the church was badly damaged by bombing. The modern church provides pastoral services to the growing French community in London, and has developed a series of charitable and evangelizing initiatives with other local Catholic churches of the West End.

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Tradiții de Anul Nou (VI) - SUMĂNARII din Trifești (Târgu Neamț, 2.1.2016)

Sumănarii din comuna Trifeşti (judeţul Neamţ) au venit la Târgu Neamț urând după datina străbună tutoror participanților la Festivalul tradiţiilor şi obiceiurilor de Anul Nou. Formaţia “Sumănarii” din Trifeşti s-a înfiinţat în 1971, atunci când, descoperind frumuseţea sumanelor ţinute în lăzile de zestre ale bătrânilor satului, învăţătorul Dumitru Stoean a avut iniţiativa organizării unei formaţii care să reprezinte comuna Trifeşti la una dintre primele ediţii, cea din 1972, ale Festivalului de Datini şi Obiceiuri de la Piatra-Neamţ. Autenticitatea şi frumuseţea costumelor din Trifeşti i-au impresionat pe cei de la Televiziunea Română, acolo unde „Sumănarii” au fost invitaţi în 1973. Au urmat participări la festivaluri de la Iaşi, Constanţa, Sf. Gheorghe, Alba Iulia, spectacole la „Muzeul Ţăranului” din Bucureşti sau în Republica Moldova. Grupul este format din urători de vârste care se întind pe parcursul a trei generaţii. Aceştia poartă sumane care au peste o sută de ani vechime, confecţionate de meşterul Habagiu, cel care, din păcate, n-a lăsat nimănui moştenire secretul meşteşugului său, ceea ce face cu atât mai preţioasă costumaţia urătorilor. Sumanele sunt ţesute din lână bătută şi sunt cusute manual cu şnur tot din lână, fiind unice în România. Din recuzita grupului nu lipsesc dobele, buhaiul, harapnicele, zurgălăii, cârâitoarea, fluierul şi cornul de vânătoare.



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