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The Local’s Only Beach in Esmeraldas ECUADOR
Esmeraldas City may not be the safest to travel, Las Palmas beach at the end of the city is a family friendly beach with delicious Esmeraldan food.
Comida Esmeraldeña is without a doubt the best in Ecuador. I haven't had a single meal that wasn't incredible. And while I don't like to play favourites, you cannot ignore that cooks from Esmeraldas have a special sazon that is just magic.
This is my FOURTH time exploring Ecuador travel and food. You can find all of my best tips at
Need an English speaking guide in Ecuador? I hired my friend Andres to tour the country, he's got an SUV and is a licensed national guide. The best way to reach him is on Whatapp: +593 98 711 9550 and second best by email at andrivet77 AT
SUBSCRIBE to my Ecuador Travel Tips Newsletter:
// MORE ABOUT ME!// Hi I'm Ayngelina and my full time job is my site it's all about the best food around the world and how to make it at home.
In 2010 I left a job in advertising, 5 year relationship and sold all my possessions to travel the world. In the last ten years I've had some crazy experiences and even owned a restaurant in Toronto at one time. And prior to 2020 I had been based in Cuba.
When the world shut down I returned to Canada and decided to teach myself video. I wanted to share more than just words and photos but to show people the adventures I have learning about food around the world.
I'm not married. I have no kids. But I do have a lot of local friends who help me discover the best local tips.
Follow my other social channels here: Instagram: Facebook: Blog:
00:00 Esmeraldas City 02:21 Bolon de Verde 06:41 Esmeraldas has best food in Ecuador 07:25 Las Palmas Beach 08:36 Corviche 09:37 Maduro Lampreado 10:10 Ensumacado 15:34 Caipirinha 16:50 Sancocho de Pescado
#Esmeraldas #Ecuador SUBSCRIBERS: 8020
First Impressions of ESMERALDAS at Tonsupa Beach 🌊 ECUADOR
Tonsupa Esmeraldas is known as one of the best beaches in Ecuador - but is it safe? WATCH NEXT: Beach Hopping Esmeraldas
Tonsupa resorts are popular with Ecuadorians on holiday, usually from Quito. And it's slowly becoming a popular spot for expats to buy condos. Although Atacames was the hot beach in Esmeraldas and Tonsupa was just a timeshare spot that is changing. And now Tonsupa beach is the place to be.
But it's hard to find information on things to do in Tonsupa. Most YouTube videos are people drinking on the beach and staying in resorts. But I stayed on the opposite end of the beach at a great local hotel and ate in the comedor next door.
Yet I left also thinking Tonsupa is one of the best beaches in Ecuador.
** Tonsupa hotel** Hotel SABROSOL, 099 005 3744
We ate next door every day, it has no name but it's to the left of the hotel. And we splurged on the bolon de verde at Pichos Bar, which initially seemed pricey but portion sizes made it worth it.
This is my FOURTH time exploring Ecuador travel and food. You can find all of my best tips at
Need an English speaking guide in Ecuador? I hired my friend Andres to tour the country, he's got an SUV and is a licensed national guide. The best way to reach him is on Whatapp: +593 98 711 9550 and second best by email at andrivet77 AT
SUBSCRIBE to my Ecuador Travel Tips Newsletter:
// MORE ABOUT ME!// Hi I'm Ayngelina and my full time job is my site it's all about the best food around the world and how to make it at home.
I'm not married. I have no kids. But I do have a lot of local friends who help me discover the best local tips.
Ayampe Ecuador surf town is up the coast in the Manabi province , past Montanita on the way to Canoa. And there’s so much more to it than just surfing!
It’s so small, maybe better called a pueblo. But it was once a place where a lot of people from Cuenca came, had timeshares and weekend villas.
But in the last 10 years Ayampe Ecuador has quickly turned into a very well-known, Ecuadorian surf town. It is very chill. There are no clubs here.
Restaurants in Ayampe El Paso 2: bolon, fried egg, coffee for $4. They also have vegan and vegetarian options. Las Cabañas del Corviche: for fish corviche made from plantain, peanut and albacore tuna La Esquina del Cafe: beef empanada de verde, gluten-free Los Orishas: margherita pizza and Pilsner beer
You can find all of my best tips at
Need an English speaking guide in Ecuador? I hired my friend Andres to tour the country, he's got an SUV and is a licensed national guide. The best way to reach him is on Whatapp: +593 98 711 9550 and second best by email at andrivet77 AT
His family also owns a series of small hotels in Cuenca called La Casa Cuencana and you can book directly with him.
SUBSCRIBE to my Ecuador Travel Tips Newsletter:
// MORE ABOUT ME!// Hi I'm Ayngelina and my full time job is my site it's all about the best food around the world and how to make it at home.
In 2010 I left a job in advertising, 5 year relationship and sold all my possessions to travel the world. In the last ten years I've had some crazy experiences and even owned a restaurant in Toronto at one time. And prior to 2020 I had been based in Cuba.
When the world shut down I returned to Canada and decided to teach myself video. I wanted to share more than just words and photos but to show people the adventures I have learning about food around the world.
I'm not married. I have no kids. But I do have a lot of local friends who help me discover the best local tips.
Like the music? Here's what I use: My travel insurance:
#Ayampe #Ecuador
Follow my other social channels here: Instagram: Facebook: Blog:
00:00 Ayampe Ecuador 02:49 Breakfast in Ecuador 04:40 Corviche 07:55 Empanade Verde 09:40 Ayampe Beach 12:19 Los Orishes Pizza
#Ayampe #Manabi #Ecuador SUBSCRIBERS: 5469
En la Ruta
Recorriendo el Ecuador en busca de recuperar la tradición culinaria del país.
Bolón de Verde
Elaboración del bolón de verde
Ecuador's Most Expensive Bolon de Verde? 🇪🇨 | ECUADORIAN FOOD
This bolon de verde in Ecuador has sparked big debate, is it the best or worst. It is the most expensive!
Cafe de Tere is a well known restaurant in Guayaquil that has become very popular. It serves the most expensive bolon de verde, a traditional Ecuadorian food made from mashed plantains and cheese that is either baked or fried.
The ingredients are cheap as plantains are plentiful. So I tried a bolon de verde, bollo and an avena that surprised me.
If you want to try Cafe de Tere for yourself there are 9 localtions in Guayaquil Ecuador.
If you want to try my favourite bolon at Maria Luz y Don Eduardo check out my Playas video:
And that bollo at El Pez Volador is in this video, where I also ate my favourite encebollado:
You can find all of my best tips at
Need an English speaking guide in Ecuador? I hired my friend Andres to tour the country, he's got an SUV and is a licensed national guide. The best way to reach him is on Whatapp: +593 98 711 9550 and second best by email at andrivet77 AT
His family also owns a series of small hotels in Cuenca called La Casa Cuencana and you can book directly with him.
SUBSCRIBE to my Ecuador Travel Tips Newsletter:
// MORE ABOUT ME!// Hi I'm Ayngelina and my full time job is my site it's all about the best food around the world and how to make it at home.
In 2010 I left a job in advertising, 5 year relationship and sold all my possessions to travel the world. In the last ten years I've had some crazy experiences and even owned a restaurant in Toronto at one time. And prior to 2020 I had been based in Cuba.
When the world shut down I returned to Canada and decided to teach myself video. I wanted to share more than just words and photos but to show people the adventures I have learning about food around the world.
I'm not married. I have no kids. But I do have a lot of local friends who help me discover the best local tips.
Mi receta personal de bolon de plátano verde mixto con chicharrón y queso fresco, acompáñalo siempre con 1 huevo frito y café ☕️
BOLON 🇪🇨 (aproximadamente 6 🟢) - 3 Plátanos Verdes - 1/4 de Kg de Panceta 🐖 Tocineta - 1/4 de Kg de Queso Fresco (criollo/llanero) - 1/2 Litro de Aceite Vegetal - 1 🥚 frito para acompañar Para adobar y preparar el chicharrón: - 1/4 de cebolla colorada - 1/4 de Pimiento 🫑 - 4 dientes de ajo 🧄 - ramitas de cilantro 🌿 - 1 cdta. De Comino - Sal y Pimienta Acompáñalo con una salsa del mismo queso al gusto y con un buen café ☕️ Consultas y dudas al DM 📥 #bolon🇪🇨 #cocinaecuatoriana
RECETA BOLON 🇪🇨 Mixto de chicharrón con queso parte 1
Mi receta personal de bolon de plátano verde mixto con chicharrón y queso fresco, acompáñalo siempre con 1 huevo frito y café ☕️
BOLON 🇪🇨 (aproximadamente 6 🟢) - 3 Plátanos Verdes - 1/4 de Kg de Panceta 🐖 Tocineta - 1/4 de Kg de Queso Fresco (criollo/llanero) - 1/2 Litro de Aceite Vegetal - 1 🥚 frito para acompañar Para adobar y preparar el chicharrón: - 1/4 de cebolla colorada - 1/4 de Pimiento 🫑 - 4 dientes de ajo 🧄 - ramitas de cilantro 🌿 - 1 cdta. De Comino - Sal y Pimienta Acompáñalo con una salsa del mismo queso al gusto y con un buen café ☕️ Consultas y dudas al DM 📥 #bolon🇪🇨 #cocinaecuatoriana
Caldo de Bolas de verde, habas con queso, Hornado mote yapingacho, plato típico Ecuatoriano
Caldo de Bolas de verde, habas con queso, Hornado mote yapingacho, plato típico Ecuatoriano#ecuador #soyecuador #comidaecuatoriana #comidatipica
Bolon, Ecuadorian Plantain Balls
Bolon is a slang term that means large ball, so you could probably translate the name of this dish as plantain balls. Bolones (plural) can be served for breakfast, brunch or as a side dish.
Considered by some the national dish of Ecuador, bolones or bolón de verde are made by cooking plantains in boiling water or frying them in oil and mashing them with a mortar and pestle while they are still hot. Add cheese, chicharrón (pork cracklings), or ground peanuts and mix it all together to form a ball the size of a fist.
Some historians believe that bolón de verde comes from Cuba and was the food of African slaves, albeit as prepared by the conquerors.
Join the host of the Electric Scooter Podcast as he tries bolon for the first time.
caldo de bola
como hacer bola de platano
como hacer bola de plátano fácil y rapido
Comida típica de Ecuador 🇪🇨 | 10 platos imprescindibles
🏨 OFERTAS EN ALOJAMIENTO 👉🏻 ✅ Suscríbete al canal El Viajero Feliz y viaja con nosotros alrededor del mundo para conocer lugares y culturas impresionantes que no te debes perder.
En El Viajero Feliz ya hicimos varias entradas sobre las comidas típicas de varios países de América del Sur. Pero hoy le ha llegado el turno a la gastronomía ecuatoriana. Este bello país tiene la influencia de la cocina del Pacífico, con quien limita al oeste y, también, de la cocina andina y amazónica de sus pueblos originarios. En todo caso, la geografía (costa, sierra y región insular) y la historia (pueblos originarios y colonización) se resume en la comida típica de Ecuador. ¡Acompáñanos a comprobar los 10 platos imprescindibles de Ecuador!
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El Viajero Feliz es un canal de YouTube de viajes y guías de viaje en el que te contamos todos los secretos para que descubras mundo viajando. A través de nuestros vídeos podrás viajar a Europa, viajar a Sudamérica, viajar a Asia o a cualquier parte del mundo. Además, te diremos cómo conseguir las mejores ofertas de viajes, los vuelos baratos y los mejores consejos para viajeros. En definitiva: ¡Todo lo que necesitas para convertirte en un Viajero Feliz! ¿Te suscribes?
We tried Ecuadors most popular food as we traveled across the small but mighty country! We had no idea what to expect when we started trying Ecuadorian food, but we discovered it is commonly full of plantain, cheese, and deliciousness! Often times we really weren't sure what we were trying, so we just dug in and tried all the Ecuadorian food we could during our 7 weeks in the country.
We got some great suggestions from local friends who told us where to eat in Banos, what dishes we had to try during our time in Ecuador, and what parts of the country would be best for what foods! We ate as many of the most popular Ecuadorian foods that we possibly could, which meant we had a lot of firsts for us!
In this video we try (for the first time) llapingacho con chorizo, fitada con cuero, platano maduro con queso, tigrillo, bolon, Ecuadorian ceviche, hornado, mote pillo, morocho, tostados, and encebollados! Some dishes were definitely better than others, and in the end our favourites were llapingacho and hornado - who do you think liked which one best?!
This is the final video in our Ecuador series. Click here to check out the playlist:
Thanks for watching our travel vlog! | Filmed May and June, 2022
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== Chapters == 0:00 Starting with empty stomachs! 0:20 Where to eat in Banos (llapingachos) 1:52 Pretty sure this is fritada con cuero 3:13 Ecuadorian street food 4:35 Bolon vs. Tigrillo - who wins? 7:43 Lukewarm Ceviche 9:16 Mercado 10 de Agosto 10:07 Mico's favourite food in Ecuador 11:50 Mote pillo 12:41 Finally trying tostados 13:42 It's warm? 14:55 Hangover cure (and Ecuador's national dish) 16:05 Check out our Patreon and see you in the next one! #travelvlog #southamerica #ecuador #food #foodvlog
Hey there! We are Nicole and Mico, full-time travel vloggers searching for adventures all around the globe. In March 2021 we quit our jobs, sold our belongings, and hopped on our first ever one-way flight leaving our home country #Canada. We believe #travel builds understanding that reaches across culture, language, and boundaries, and we want to share our experiences as we create connections all over the world. If you like learning about unique places, new cultures and different foods, then come follow our adventure as we explore all our beautiful planet has to offer.
15 Soup in Ecuador Worth Traveling For! | Ecuadorian Food
Soup in Ecuador is so diverse, depending on the region if you're in the coast, the Andes, the Amazon Galapagos, but also it is one of the most important meals and that is because it is comforting, it is refreshing, it can be fulfilling and it can also cure a hangover.
You can support my work at where I share tips that don't make it to videos and behind the scenes content.
Need an English speaking guide in Ecuador? I hired my friend Andres to tour the country, he's got an SUV and is a licensed national guide. The best way to reach him is on Whatapp: +593 98 711 9550 and second best by email at andrivet77 AT
His family owns accommodations in Cuenca and it's where I stay! You can book directly with him to avoid booking fees.
// MORE ABOUT ME!// Hi I'm Ayngelina and my full time job is my site it's all about the best food around the world and how to make it at home.
In 2010 I left a job in advertising, 5 year relationship and sold all my possessions to travel the world. In the last ten years I've had some crazy experiences and even owned a restaurant in Toronto at one time. And prior to 2020 I had been based in Cuba.
When the world shut down I returned to Canada and decided to teach myself video. I wanted to share more than just words and photos but to show people the adventures I have learning about food around the world.
I'm not married. I have no kids. But I do have a lot of local friends who help me discover the best local tips.
Follow my other social channels here: Instagram: Facebook: Blog:
00:00 Soup in Ecuador 00:45 Encebollado 02:06 Colada de Cuy 03:41 Locro 04:25 Sopa de Fideos 06:00 Sudado 06:38 Repe Lojano 08:06 Parihuela 09:28 Caldo de Bola 10:57 Quinoa Soup 12:15 Caldo de Salchicha 13:31 Ensumacado 15:03 Sancocho 16:05 Viche 17:41 Caldo de Cabeza de Mocho 19:08 Sopa Casera
#Ecuador #comidaecuatoriana SUBSCRIBERS: 10,828
15 CAN'T MISS Ecuadorian Food on the COAST (Encebollado, Ceviche, Moro, Corviche) | ECUADOR
Ecuador is small but diverse and Ecuadorian food on the coast is different than the Andes and Amazon. Here are 15 must eat foods in Ecuador.
I'm going to tell you what it is and where to eat it.
This is a compilation video from traveling the coast of Ecuador. If you want to know more you can find the full videos on my channel.
//Ecuadorian Restaurants Visited //
ENCEBOLLADO, El Pez Volador José Mascote Centro, Guayaquil 090311
CEVICHE, Ceviches Gust Conchas Mercado de sauces 9, Av. 4 S/N, Guayaquil 090505
MORO, Mami - T Plaza Guayarte, Av. Carlos Julio Arosemena, Guayaquil 090615
BOLLO DE PESCADO, El Pez Volador José Mascote Centro, Guayaquil 090311
CALDO DE SALCHICHA, El Palacio del Seco Plaza Gastronomica de Progreso, HJWJ+QCJ, Guayas
BOLON DE VERDE, Cevicheria Mary Luz y Don Enrique Playas Feria de las Ostras Av.PAQUISHA Y, Guayaquil
PESCADO FRITO, Puerto Anconcito
EMPANADA DE VERDE, La Esquina del Cafe Ruta del Spondylus 86, Ayampe 131950
CORVICHE, La Cabaña del Corviche 85HR+4J Ayampe
ENCOCADO, El Delfin Mágico Salango, Edf. Delfín Mágico frente al parque.
SUDADO, Cabaña Vanessa J7R6+XR7, Puerto Cayo
TONGA, Cabañas Las Palmas Next to Pacoche Lodge
GUATITA, Restaurant San Jose 5GQ3+M9C, El Pueblito
CEVICHE JIPIJAPA, Cevicheria El Refugio JCXC+J7W, Jipijapa
You can find all of my best tips at
Need an English speaking guide in Ecuador? I hired my friend Andres to tour the country, he's got an SUV and is a licensed national guide. The best way to reach him is on Whatapp: +593 98 711 9550 and second best by email at andrivet77 AT
His family also owns a series of small hotels in Cuenca called La Casa Cuencana and you can book directly with him.
SUBSCRIBE to my Ecuador Travel Tips Newsletter:
// MORE ABOUT ME!// Hi I'm Ayngelina and my full time job is my site it's all about the best food around the world and how to make it at home.
I'm not married. I have no kids. But I do have a lot of local friends who help me discover the best local tips.
Need an English speaking guide in Ecuador? I hired my friend Andres to tour the country, he's got an SUV and is a licensed national guide. The best way to reach him is on Whatapp: +593 98 711 9550 and second best by email at andrivet77 AT
// MORE ABOUT ME!// Hi I'm Ayngelina and my full time job is my site it's all about the best food around the world and how to make it at home.
In 2010 I left a job in advertising, 5 year relationship and sold all my possessions to travel the world. In the last ten years I've had some crazy experiences and even owned a restaurant in Toronto at one time. And prior to 2020 I had been based in Cuba.
When the world shut down I returned to Canada and decided to teach myself video. I wanted to share more than just words and photos but to show people the adventures I have learning about food around the world.
I'm not married. I have no kids. But I do have a lot of local friends who help me discover the best local tips.
Follow my other social channels here: Instagram: Facebook: Blog:
00:00 Cuenca Ecuador 00:44 Animal de Chaulafan y Perro Almuerzo 07:00 El Tunel 10:55 Moliendo Cafe 15:16 Tropical Restaurante 19:01 Chifa in Ecuador
SUBSCRIBERS: #Cuenca #Ecuador #comidaecuatoriana
Recorremos una de las ciudades MÁS LINDAS de AMÉRICA, Conocemos la hermosa #cuenca Cuenca
➜ Episodio 3 - Temporada 5 📅 Este video fue filmado en Diciembre 2023 #ecuador #caminandoelmundo ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ❣️ SUMATE al NEWSLETTER - Vas a recibir CONTENIDO EXCLUSIVO del VIAJE y aparecerás en los CRÉDITOS de NUESTROS VIDEOS.
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Walking to the Iguana Park (Ecuador, Manta)
We are located in the city of Manta. In the central park, where groups of dragons live: they climb freely, where they want, and walk alone, not paying attention to the bipedal servants. #iguana #manta #park #ecuador
Máncora marisquería Coca Ecuador
Marisqueria Mancora con la mejor sazón peruana ubicada en la cabecera cantonal de Puerto Francisco de Orellana, también conocida como El Coca