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10 Best place to visit in Vose’ Tajikistan


Хавзи Кайнар, Восеъ. Havzi Qainar, Vose, Tajikistan.

Хавзи Кайнар мавзеи таърихию сайёхи дар нохияи Восеъ чойгир буда, дар он ривоятхои зиёде гуфтаанд. Аспи оби, асои тиллои ва гайра. Дар инчо мо як лавхае пешниход кардаем аз Хавзи Кайнар ва дар оянда филми хуччатиеро хам дохил менамоем, ки аз хамин гуфтахост.

Citadel Hulbuk - Tajikistan 4K Travel Channel

The citadel of Hulbuk lies 30 km southwest of Kulob. Already in the Bronze Age, people settled in the area in sight of the salt mountain Chodscha Mumin, which rises 1334 m above the valley. A first palace, which burned down at 950 AD was built to around 800 AD. In 970, one built a second palace on the ruins of the first. The palace complexes were in the southern area. An integral part was a mosque. This area lies approximately 5 m higher than the northern one.
The huge entrance gate is 13m high and 8.5m wide. It is said to resemble the Rabati Malik portal. Rabati Malik a caravanserai from the 11th century lies between Bukhara and Samarkand in Uzbekistan. We will visit it later.
The living quarters including a harem were in the northern area. The houses and the palace had underfloor heating and water pipes. A swimming pool was also available. Some fireplaces were surrounded by seats. These point to the practices of Zoroastrianism ( the religion of Zarathustra), which was still prevalent here before Islam.
The wall of the Hulbuk Citadel has been completely rebuilt since 2005. It is not an exact reconstruction but serves to illustrate the original size. Only the lower 1.5 m consist of original masonry.
During our visit, Safar, an archeologist, explains the architectural structure of the building. He was part of the excavation team that found five bodies, one man and four women from the Bronze Age, in 2003. He demonstrates where the ruler sat and where the remaining audience was allowed to take a seat.
The Banijuriden ruled here in the 9th and 10th centuries. After a revolt, the Samanids burnt down the palace. Later the Ghaznawiden took the power over the Samaniden. Hulbuk was one of the largest cities in Central Asia at that time. Then came the Seljuks, which destroyed the city and the citadel.
please read more:

Die Zitadelle von Hulbuk liegt 30 kmsüdwestlich von Kulob. In Sichtweite des Salzberges Chodscha Mumin, der mit 1334 m Höhe das Tal überragt, wurde bereits in der Bronzezeit gesiedelt.
Um ca. 800 n. Chr. wurde ein erster Palast errichtet, der um 950 abbrannte. 970 wurde ein zweiter Palast auf den Trümmern des Ersten erbaut. Die Palastanlagen wurden im südlichen Bereich angesiedelt. Integraler Teil war eine Moschee. Dieser Bereich liegt ungefähr 5m höher als der Nördliche.
Das gewaltige Eingangstor ist 13m hoch und 8,5 m breit. Es soll dem Portal des Rabati Malik ähneln. Dies ist eine Karawanserei aus dem 11. Jahrhundert zwischen Buchara und Sarmarkand in Usbekistan, die wir später noch besuchen werden.
Der Nördliche Bereich bestand aus Wohnbereichen inklusive eines Harems. Die Häuser und der Palast waren mit Fußbodenheizung und Wasserleitungen ausgestattet. Auch ein Swimmingpool war vorhanden. Manche Feuerstellen waren kreisförmig mit Sitzen umgeben. Diese deuten auf Praktiken des Zoroastrismus (Religion von Zarathustra) hin, die hier noch vor dem Islam verbreitet war.
Die Mauer der Zitadelle von Hulbuk wurde seit 2005 vollständig neu errichtet. Sie ist keine exakte Rekonstruktion und soll vor allem die originale Größe zeigen. Nur etwa die unteren 1,5 m bestehen aus Original Mauerwerk.
Bei unserer Führung durch die Zitadelle erläutert Safar, ein Archäologe, die architektonische Struktur des Bauwerks. Er erzählt uns, dass er 2003 beteiligt war, als 5 Leichen, ein Mann und 4 Frauen aus der Bronzezeit gefunden und ausgegraben wurden. Anschaulich zeigt er uns, wo der Herrscher saß und wo das restliche Publikum Platz nehmen durfte.
Im 9. und 10. Jahrhundert herrschten hier die Banijuriden. Nach einem Aufstand brannten die Samaniden den Palast nieder. Nach den Samaniden übernahmen die Ghaznawiden die Macht. Zu dieser Zeit war Hulbuk eine der größten Städte Zentralasiens. Danach kamen die Seldschuken, die die Stadt und die Zitadelle zerstörten.
weitere Infos im Reisevideoblog:

Агротуризм - Турсунзода Agrotourism - Tursunzoda. Tajikistan.

Шахри Турсунзода макони сайёхии аграри мебошад, ки дар масофаи 54км дуртар аз шахри Душанбе чойгир мебошад. Дар ин барнома богхои ангур, кишоварзи аз кабили шоликори, гармхонахо ва мохидори нишон дода шудааст....

Hulbuk, IX Century Tajikistan - Part 1

Hulbuk, IX Century Tajikistan

From Dushanbe to Hulbuk - Tajikistan 4K Travel Channel

Early in the morning, the convoy with three drivers arrived at our hotel in Dushanbe. They will take us from Dushanbe through the Pamir to Osh in Kyrgyzstan. Shane Dallas, also known as the Travel Camel, has brought together the participants of this tour. He is waiting for the drivers and the guide in the lobby of the Hotel Lotus.
The executing organization is Pamir Guides, based in Murghab. In fact, most of the drivers and guides of the company live in Osh but originate from Murgab or the surrounding area.
After a first get-together, we stow our luggage and set off. Destination of the first day is Kalaikhum, about 370 km away.
Shortly after Dushanbe, we are stopped on the first long straight road section. A policeman waved with a radar gun around in the air. It did not look like he could carry out a sensible measurement this way. Even so, the drivers had to pay for the supposedly too fast driving.
The Pamir Highway usually leads directly from Dushanbe to Kalaikhum. This route is also known as the northern route. The southern route leads via Hulbuk and Kulob to the valley of the Panj River. Many members of the Tajik government of Duschanbe originate from this region. This route is longer than the northern one, but the road surface is much better. At that time we do not yet appreciate this.
From Dushanbe, we drive eastwards but turn to the south after approx. 20 km. Then the road climbs continuously. After a short time, we pass the 4.5-kilometer-long Khatlon Tunnel (formerly called Chormaghzak Tunnel) before the road descends again into the Vakhsh Valley. A bridge crosses the river west of Nurek City.
Immediately afterward, the road climbs again and leads through the approximately 2.2 km long Shar-Shar Tunnel, renamed Ozodi (Freedom) Tunnel. Leaving the tunnel, the view opens towards the Nurek Dam, currently the highest dam in the world. A 300 m high dam holds back the lake to more than 70 km in length. It was built with Soviet help in 1961. An even higher dam with a height of 335 m is upstream under construction. It is to generate electricity for two further aluminum plants and for the export.
The making of the two tunnels started with Chinese help in 2007. China invested a total of $ 720 million in Tajikistan.
please read more:

Früh am Morgen erreicht der Konvoi mit drei Fahrern unser Hotel in Duschnabe. Sie sollen uns von Duschanbe durch das Pamir nach Osh in Kirgistan bringen. Shane Dallas, alias das Travel Camel, hat die Teilnehmer dieser Tour zusammengebracht. Sprungbereit erwartet er die Fahrer und den Guide in der Lobby des Hotel Lotus.
Durchführende Organisation ist Pamir Guides mit Sitz in Murgab (Murghob). Tatsächlich leben die meisten Fahrer und Guides der Firma in Osh, stammen aber gebürtig aus Murgab oder der Umgebung.
Nach dem ersten Kennenlernen wird das Gepäck verstaut und wir machen uns auf den Weg. Erstes Tagesziel ist Kalaikhum, ca. 370 km entfernt.
Schon kurz nach Duschanbe werden wir auf dem ersten langen geraden Straßenabschnitt unfreiwillig gestoppt. Ein Polizist fuchtelte mit einer Radarpistole in der Luft herum. Es sah nicht danach aus, dass er auf diese Art und Weise eine vernünftige Messung durchführen konnte. Nichtsdestotrotz wurden die Fahrer wegen angeblichem zu schnell Fahren zur Kasse gebeten.
Der Pamir Highway führt normalerweise direkt von Duschanbe nach Kalaikhum. Dieser Weg wird auch als die nördliche Strecke bezeichnet. Die südliche Strecke führt über Hulbuk und Kulob in das Tal des Pandsch. Aus dieser Gegend stammen viele Mitglieder der tadschikischen Regierung in Duschanbe. Diese Strecke ist länger als die nördliche, aber der Straßenbelag ist viel besser. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt wissen wir dies aber noch nicht zu schätzen.
Von Duschanbe aus fahren wir nach Osten, biegen aber nach ca. 20 km nach Süden ab. Danach beginnt die Straße stetig anzusteigen. Schon nach kurzer Zeit passieren wir zuerst den knapp 4,5 km langen Chormaghzak (Khatlon) Tunnel bevor die Straße wieder abwärts, in das Tal des Vakhsh (Wachsch) führt. Westlich der Stadt Nurek (Norak) überquert eine Brücke den Fluss.
Sofort danach steigt die Straße wieder an und wird durch den ca. 2,2 km langen Shar-Shar (Ozadi) Tunnel geleitet. Nach dem Verlassen des Tunnels wird der Blick freigegeben auf den Nurek Staudamm, den zurzeit höchsten Staudamm der Welt. Eine 300 m hohe Staumauer staut den See auf über 70 km Länge auf. Sie wurde 1961 mit sowjetischer Hilfe gebaut. Ein noch höherer Damm mit 335 m Höhe ist flussaufwärts in Bau. Er soll Strom für zwei weitere Aluminiumwerke und den Export liefern.
Der Bau der beiden Tunnel wurde 2007 mit chinesischer Hilfe gestartet. China investierte insgesamt $720 Millionen in Tadschikistan.
weitere Infos im Reisevideoblog:

Hulbuk, IX Century Tajikistan Part 2



БАРОИ ШЕРБАЧАҲОИ ҒАРИБ / Ба хотири он ки дар карантин зик нашаван / 11 05 2020 Welcome of tajikistan


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БАРОИ ШЕРБАЧАҲОИ ҒАРИБ / Ба хотири он ки дар карантин зик нашаван 11 05 2020


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Ахбори Тоҷикистон ва ҷаҳон (08.02.2020)اخبار تاجیکستان .(HD)
навиди бомдодии 08-уми феврали соли 2020
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Ахбори озоди аз 08-феврали соли 2020
Ахбори озоди аз 07-феврали соли 2020
Озодӣ Онлайн

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Ep 108 - Tajikistan Video Trailer | FLY BROTHER


Fly with us to the crown of the world, Tajikistan, as we experience the natural beauty of the country and the natural warmth of the people. We start with a hike into the beautiful Fann Mountains before donning custom Tajik styles by designer Khurshed Sattorov, then hitting the streets of Dushanbe with tour guide Mohammed Istam. We visit the ancient and mystical Hulbuk Palace and Castle Karon, and talk to rock climber/media maven Nigina Kudratova about what makes Tajikistan so special. Let's fly! 🔥✈️✨

FLY BROTHER with Ernest White II is ON, this and every Monday at
10:30am ET / 7:30pm PT
5:30pm ET / 2:30pm PT and
10:30pm ET / 7:30pm PT
on Create! 📺✨

And you can still catch us on Public Television Stations around the USA! Visit for more info, sign up for our flight list, and away we’ll go! 🙌🏾✈️✨

FLY BROTHER with Ernest White II is a new television travel docu-series about friendship and connection around the world. Available on Public Television Stations and Create TV nationwide, the first season of FLY BROTHER with Ernest White II takes us to Brazil, Canada, Georgia, Namibia, Sweden, Ethiopia, India, Tajikistan, South Africa, Colombia, and Morocco in 10 episodes! In each location, Ernest meets with his real-life friends to explore their favorite local hotels, restaurants, and social haunts. Throughout the episode, we see festivities, food, and fun, but also the friendship that proves the whole world is our tribe.

Central Asia (Tajikistan Highlights-2018) Part 34

Welcome to my travelchannel. ☛☛☞☛
On my channel you can find more than 1000 films of almost 80 countries. See the playlist on my youtube channel.Enjoy!
Tajikistan is a mountainous, landlocked country in Central Asia with an area of 143,100 km2 (55,300 sq mi) and an estimated population of 8.7 million people as of 2016. It is bordered by Afghanistan to the south, Uzbekistan to the west, Kyrgyzstan to the north, and China to the east. The traditional homelands of the Tajik people include present-day Tajikistan as well as parts of Afghanistan and Uzbekistan.
Tajikistan is landlocked, and is the smallest nation in Central Asia by area. It lies mostly between latitudes 36° and 41° N, and longitudes 67° and 75° E. It is covered by mountains of the Pamir range, and more than fifty percent of the country is over 3,000 metres (9,800 ft) above sea level. The only major areas of lower land are in the north (part of the Fergana Valley), and in the southern Kofarnihon and Vakhsh river valleys, which form the Amu Darya. Dushanbe is located on the southern slopes above the Kofarnihon valley. The Amu Darya and Panj rivers mark the border with Afghanistan, and the glaciers in Tajikistan's mountains are the major source of runoff for the Aral Sea. There are over 900 rivers in Tajikistan longer than 10 kilometres. Demographics
Tajikistan has a population of 8,734,951 (2016 est.) of which 70% are under the age of 30 and 35% are between the ages of 14 and 30. Tajiks who speak Tajik (a dialect of Persian) are the main ethnic group, although there are sizeable minorities of Uzbeks and Russians, whose numbers are declining due to emigration.The Pamiris of Badakhshan, a small population of Yaghnobi people, and a sizeable minority of Ismailis are all considered to belong to the larger group of Tajiks. All citizens of Tajikistan are called Tajikistanis.
In 1989, ethnic Russians in Tajikistan made up 7.6% of the population, but they are now less than 0.5%, after the civil war spurred Russian emigration. The ethnic German population of Tajikistan has also declined due to emigration: having topped at 38,853 in 1979, it has almost vanished since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Рах ба рах. Душанбе - Хисор The way to way. Dushanbe - Hisor. Tajikistan

Аз шахри Душанбе то калъаи Хисор чандин объектхои сайёхие мебошанд, аз чумла мачмааи Хабуза, Шаршара ва гайра дар ин барнома пешниходи тамошобин гардонида шудааст...

Тоҷикистон: Бинои нави Осорхонаи ноҳияи Муъминобод / Tajikistan Muminobod

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#Tajikistan #Dushanbe #AkhboriTojikiston

Гирдоб - дехае лаби Бахри Кабуд/Norak, Tajikistan.

Гирдоб дехае мебошад, ки факат ба воситаи наклиёти оби ба ончо рафтан имкон дорад. Мардуми ин деха барои харидори намудани сару либос, ё инки дигар махсулоти рузгор аз шахр ба каик (катер) нишаста Бахри Кабудро убур мекунанд....

The Armed Forces of Tajikistan: Chapter Findings - (Live Webinar)

Across the webinar, we outline the findings from the first chapter of our comprehensive report on the armed forces of Central Asia. In this first chapter of our much larger report, we turn our focus to Tajikistan, examining the factors that have shaped its military landscape. Join us as we dive into the history, organizational structure, and sources of support and funding that have defined Tajikistan’s defence capabilities today. This session offers a detailed exploration of how Tajikistan’s military evolved and the strategic foundations it rests upon in a complex regional environment.

Panel hosted by:
- Edward Lemon (President of the Oxus Society for the Central Asian Affairs)

On the panel this week:
- Michael Hilliard (Director of Defence & Security Analysis for the Oxus Society for Central Asian Affairs)
- Bakhtiyor Safarov (Central Asia Consultant)

Check out the report here:
Check out the map here:

Ривоят ё хакикат - Хавзи Кайнар. Legend or truth - The lake of Qainar, Tajikistan.

Барномаи Ривоят ё хакикат аз ду кисмат иборат буда хакикати ривоятхои мардуми мавриди барраси карор дода мешаванд. Хам кисмати ривоят ва хам кисмати хакикатхои илми дар барнома пешниход гардидааст. Казоват аз бинанда...

Ривоят ё Хакикат. Искадаркул. Myth or Truth. Iskandarkul.

Дар ин барнома хама ривояту хакикати Искандаркул гуфта шудааст, ки ин мавзеъ барои чи номи Искандаркулро гирифтааст ва чи хел пайдо шудааст...

Mission PAMIR (M41) FAILED!! [S1-Ep.42] Austria 🇦🇹 to Afghanistan & Pakistan 🇵🇰

So finally we are hitting the Pamir highway today in Tajikistan, which is also know as M41. But what happened next was not expected.

Journey from Austria to Afghanistan and Pakistan continues.
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Follow my Journey on motorcycle from Europe to Pakistan through Russia, Mongolia, Central Asia ( The STANS), Afghanistan, Pakistan and beyond.

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