Rumänien Reise | Meer, Natur, Städte, Strände, Landschaften, Resorts | 4k Video | Rumänien Von Oben
Rumänien Reise. Sehenswürdigkeiten, Strände, Landschaften, Resorts, Meer, Natur, Städte, Urlaubsorte und vieles mehr, die wir in Rumänien empfehlen. Dieses Video wurde von einer Drohne in 4k aufgenommen. Diese Video-Rezension stellt Ihnen die besten Urlaubsorte vor. Rumänien ist ein Staat Mitteleuropas. Hier gibt es schöne Orte freundliche Leute, leckeres Essen und dankbare Touristen, die Bewertungen abgeben. Die besten Urlaubsorte, die Sie sehen müssen, wenn Sie dieses wunderschöne Land besuchen.
Rumänien Von Oben:
1. Stadt Bukarest
2. Stadt Constanta
3. Stadt Iasi
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DJI Mini 2 | România, jud. Constanța, Mănăstirea Sf.Maria, Techirghiol
GPS: 44.052233, 28.601794
We fly at Techirghiol
DJI mini 2 footage in Techirghiol area, Romania. Flying above the town, the lake and the surrounding area.
Dobrogea Gorges - Romania
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The Gorges of Dobrudja do not resemble the keys that we used in the Carpathians, whether they are smaller or larger. The valley here is wide, meandered, and the limestone walls are quite a distance from the water. The height of the walls is not high, 30-40 meters, but the keys here have something special, a unique attraction you can not find in the Carpathians. The limestones here are reefs, which preserve the traces of the former atolls in the form of ruinous relief. The atolls formed in the warm warmth that covered the Jurassic and Cretaceous area of Dobrogea (Thetis Sea - 180-100 million years ago) are still visible in the walls of the gorges. The scaffolds of coral colonies, deposited in more or less circular shapes, can be seen very well over the entire length of the keys. Palms, horseshoes, pyramids, towers, recognize them immediately if you have used your eye and you know what to look for. In the central area of the keys, a rectangular tower is well kept. It looks like a cooling tower from a miniaturized thermal power plant ... and it has deposits of sediment covered with grass inside.
Pelerini în București. Biserica Mihai Vodă (29 02 2020)
Există această tradiție în zona ta?🤔#nunta #traditie #obicei #romania #fotograf #videograf #arges
Estate 2009 - Bucarest (Romania) - By becco travels
Prima parte del Viaggio estivo 2009, tra Bucarest (Romania), Chisinau (Moldavia), Tiraspol (Transnistria), Kiev (Ucraina) e Mosca (Russia)! In questa sintesi montata ammirerete le bellezze della capitale RUMENA!!!
Intrunire aerodrom Comana / Filmare aeriana * CloudCamera
Aceasta intalnire a avut loc pe 17-18 Mai 2014, filmarile fiind facute in data de 17.
Multumiri celor ce au reusit sa realizeze aceasta intrunire.
♫ Music - Soft, Peaceful, Inspiring Background Music Instrumental -- relaxdaily N°058
Filmat cu :
GoPro Hero 3+ Black Edition
Dji Phantom
Tarot T-2D
FPV system
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Slujire arhierească la Mănăstirea „Sfânta Maria” Techirghiol
Preasfințitul Părinte Siluan, Episcopul ortodox român din Ungaria, a săvârșit Sfânta Liturghie la Mănăstirea „Sfânta Maria” Techirghiol. Răspunsurile liturgice au fost date de grupul coral al mănăstirii, iar la slujbă au venit numeroși credincioși aflați la tratamente balneoclimaterice în baza de tratament a Centrului, dar și credincioși din oraș sau din împrejurimi.
Duminica a XXXIV-a. A Fiului Risipitor. Sf. Liturghie - Biserica Sfanta Treime
Biserica Ortodoxa Romana Sfanta Treime New Westminster, BC, Canada.