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10 Best place to visit in Tiaret Algeria


🇩🇿Top 14 Best Places To Visit in Algeria | Top Tourist Destinations [Best Tourist Attractions]

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Top 14 Best Places To Visit in Algeria | Top Tourist Destinations [Best Tourist Attractions]

Top 14 Best Places To Visit in Algeria will amaze you. What are the best places to visit in Algeria? If you’re looking to tour the most beautiful landscapes in Algeria, there are a lot of options to choose from – but how do you pick out which places will provide you with an authentic Algerian experience and memories that will last a lifetime? This comprehensive travel guide will take you through Top 14 best places and interesting tourist attractions in Algeria and help you decide which ones are worth your time.

Country: Algeria 🇩🇿
Location: North Africa
Algeria isn't one of the most popular tourist destinations in Africa, but it's definitely worth visiting at least once in your life. On this list of best touring places in Algeria, you'll find some amazing attractions that will make you want to visit this country and stay longer than you initially planned. So, if you're planning your trip to Algeria and want to know which are the best touring places in Algeria that you didn't know existed, read on!

Algeria is a North African country with a Mediterranean coastline and a Saharan desert interior. All empires leave their legacy behind in this place, from the ancient Roman ruins in Tipaza. There are plenty of Ottoman landmarks such as the circa-1612 Ketchaoua Mosque and Notre Dame d'Afrique in the capital, Algiers.


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‏الجزائر 🇩🇿 تيارت بلد الخيول TIARET ♥️Algeria

Visiting my family and my childhood city its always a pleasure...I filmmed few places for the people who are abroad to have the chance to see they childhood city and country to remember their good memories.. many thanks

Shocking First Impression of Algiers City 😱 (ALGERIA 🇩🇿)

For the first time I went to explore the Algiers City and I was Completely Shocked to see the Capital of Algeria.
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Must watch Full Video for Full Information & Amazing Experience.
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Best Places to Visit Algeria - Travel Video - 4K 60fps Video

ALGERIA - Best Places to Visit - Travel Video - 4K 60fps Video

Total Places in This Video
0:00 About Algeria
1:20 Sahara Desert
2:22 Algiers
3:29 Oran
4:11 Constantine
5:03 Tlemcen
5:41 Setif
6:14 Timgad
6:58 Timimoun

Algeria is officially known as the Republic of Algeria.
Algeria is Africa's largest country and, without a doubt, one of the continent's worst. Algeria has so many incredible places to visit that it attracts millions of tourists each year.
Algeria is an amazing country, with stunning coastal cities and incredible architecture, ancient Roman sites, and desert villages.
Algeria is Africa's largest country in terms of land area.
It is vast and diverse, and it provides extraordinary experiences. Despite this, it is not a popular tourist destination in Africa. You must, however, include Algeria on your itinerary. The long Mediterranean coastline, Sahara Desert dunes, mountains, magnificent ancient cities, and Roman ruins are just a few examples.
Let's talk today about the Beautiful Places of Algeria,
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SAIDA Top 4 Tourist Places | Saida Tourism | ALGERIA

Saida (Things to do - Places to Visit) - SAIDA Top Tourist Places
City in Algeria
Saïda is the capital city of Saïda Province, Algeria. Saïda is located in north-western Algeria, on the southern slopes of the Tell Atlas mountain range at the northern fringe of the High Plateaus.

The city lies on the right bank of the Wadi Saïda, protected by wooded mountains on the opposite shore that rise steeply from the valley floor to an elevation of some 4,000 feet (1,200 metres).

SAIDA Top 4 Tourist Places | Saida Tourism

Things to do in SAIDA - Places to Visit in Saida

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SAIDA Top 4 Tourist Places - Saida, Algeria, Africa

Tiaret the horses land ❤

The horses have a rich history in Tiaret region. The Barb horse this famous Maghreb horse, symbol of the pride of the Berber peoples. It is particularly significant in the Algerian history, tradition and culture.

ALGERIA: 8 luoghi imperdibili

Guida Turistica Dell'Algeria 2023:
Algeria (Meridiani):
In qualità di Affiliato Amazon io ricevo un guadagno dagli acquisti idonei
In questo video vi porto alla scoperta dell’Algeria, un paese ricco di storia, cultura e natura. Visiteremo la capitale Algeri; le città antiche e prestigiose di Annaba, Tlemcen e Constantine, la “città dei ponti”; le città-oasi di Ghardaia e Timimoun, capolavori di architettura e urbanistica; e infine Tamanrasset e il Parco Nazionale di Hoggar (o Ahaggar), un luogo di straordinaria diversità geologica e biologica, sacro per i Tuareg. Non perdete questo viaggio emozionante e affascinante in uno dei paesi più belli del Nord Africa.
0:00 Introduzione
0:37 Algeri
2:42 Orano
3:43 Costantina
4:09 Tamanrasset
5:21 Timimoun
5:47 Tlemcen
6:15 Annaba
6:38 Ghardaia
Per quanto riguarda copyright e licenze, laddove non segnalato, le immagini e i video provengono dai seguenti siti: Canva, Pixabay, Pexels
Iscriviti al canale per non perdere le nostre guide di viaggio e le nostre curiosità sulle destinazioni più affascinanti del mondo!

تيارت Algeria Selfie journey..tagdamt .tiaret.2018

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إكتشف جمال الجزائر 🔴Beautiful Algeria


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Jardin d'essais
حديقة الحامة
الجزائر شمال افريقيا
Média news/ميديا نيوز

Les 10 endroits à absolument visiter en Algérie

Les 10 endroits à absolument visiter en Algérie.

-Alger, surnommée el Bahdja (la joyeuse) ou encore la blanche est la capitale de l'Algérie, sur la mer méditerranée. Pour en avoir une vue d'ensemble, il suffit de monter au balcon Saint Raphaël à El Biar, qui comporte un belvédère donnant sur la ville et la baie. Alger compte plusieurs quartiers, le plus ancien étant celui de la Casbah, classée au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco.

-Tipaza. Elle porte le même nom depuis l’antiquité. Cette ville côtière possède des richesses archéologiques. Tipaza est classée au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco. Destination privilégiée des touristes, elle séduit par ses plages, ses criques, son port, ses piétonnes ombragées et ses sites archéologiques.

-Oran, située entre le massif rocheux du Murdjadjo et une mer bleu azur, c'est la deuxième plus grande agglomération d'Algérie après Alger, est une des plus belles villes d'Afrique du Nord. Son superbe front de mer et sa corniche préservée qui rappelle celle de l'Estérel sur la Côte d'Azur, son fort Santa Cruz et sa basilique qui lui donnent des airs de Corcovado, ses multiples monuments et musées aux influences arabe, ottomane, espagnole, française, sont autant de sites magiques à découvrir dans cette cité méditerranéenne et authentiquement algérienne de l'Ouest du pays.

-Tlemcen Adossée aux collines boisées de Lalla Setti, Tlemcen domine la plaine d’Hennaya. Incontournable : le Parc National de Tlemcen. Classé en 1993, il abrite d’importants vestiges archéologiques et des sites féériques à visiter absolument : La mosquée de Sidi Boumediene, les cascades et les falaises d’El- Ourit, les grottes de Beni-Add, le Méchoir, le Plateau de Lalla Setti… Tlemcen recèle un riche patrimoine historique et architectural qu’il faut découvrir à tout prix.

-Mostaganem la perle d'Algérie, on est séduit par cette ville fascinante et millénaire. Connue pour la splendeur de ses plages sur un littoral de 124 km, Mostaganem est l’une des destinations préférées des Algériens en été. Une cité qui baigne jusqu’à longueur d’année dans l’azur du ciel et de la mer. Alliée à une envoûtante luminosité, d’un soleil immaculé qui met en valeur toute la magnificence , qui se dresse à l'horizon sur l’un des plus beau golfe du monde.

-Constantine Divers endroits incontournables sont à visiter, à commencer par les 7 ponts qui relient les deux rives de la ville séparées par les gorges du Rhummel d'une hauteur époustouflante de 120 m en moyenne, le plus haut étant à 175 mètres. La médina appelée Souika et ses échoppes et pour terminer ne pas oublier le musée du Cirta et Tiddis le village romain à une dizaine de km de la ville. On n'oubliera pas de voir La grande mosquée de l’Émir Abdelkader, c'est une merveille qui mêle l'art islamique avec l'art moderne.

-Ghardaïa, capitale de la vallée du M’zab, est une belle destination touristique. Située à 600 km au sud d’Alger, Ghardaïa l’enchanteresse est constituée de cinq villes (ksours) : Beni-Isguen, El Atteuf, Bounoura, Melika et Ghardaïa. Palmeraies, mosquées, marchés, maisons ocres, oasis… 

-Djanet, mers de sable infinies, alternances de dunes de sables et de formations de grès, montagnes granitiques et volcaniques majestueuses, oasis aux charmes innombrables, le Sud de l'Algerie est sans conteste l'un des plus beaux déserts au monde.

-Tamanrasset, le plateau de l'Assekrem est souvent considéré comme le site incontournable. C'est là que le père de Foucauld y a installé son ermitage. De l'avis général, on y assiste aux plus beaux et féériques levers et couchers de soleil.

- Le Djurdjura, est un massif montagneux du nord de l'Algérie, sur la bordure méditerranéenne, constituant la plus longue chaîne montagneuse de la Kabylie. La Kabylie est une région historique située dans le Nord de l'Algérie, à l'est d'Alger. Terre de montagnes densément peuplées, elle est entourée de plaines littorales à l'ouest et à l'est, au nord par la Méditerranée et au sud par les Hauts Plateaux.

بحر الجزائر العجيب🔴Mediteranean Algeria l'Algérie

LA méditerrané
Algérie plage
LA mer
بحر الأبيض المتوسط


Enjoy the trip.

ALGERIA: The Largest African Country | 10 INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT IT

Algeria is the largest country in Africa, in the Arab world, but also in the entire Mediterranean basin, with an area of more than two million square kilometers. Traces also reveal that this territory would have been populated for millions of years. And since then, kingdoms and regimes have followed one another before giving rise to Algeria as we know it today. So, are you ready to learn some fascinating things? Because today we're going to take a little tour of Algeria in 10 interesting facts.

Algeria is a country with many places classified as world heritage by UNESCO. The limestone valley of M'Zab is one of them, and it is definitely a fascinating place in Algeria. Their atypical architecture makes the charm of this valley, which draws a trade route through the Sahara. The Mzab valley was originally composed of fortified villages inhabited primarily by refugees from Tahert. The latter were fleeing persecution and ended up settling there with a way of life that has endured with age. The houses are arranged around the mosque in the form of a circle, and were all built to the same dimensions and configuration. This shows an architectural genius for the time!

If you have the opportunity to attend an Algerian wedding, don't miss it under any circumstances! This is one aspect of the culture that you should discover. First, the bride must leave the family home under the wing of her father, as is the tradition. She is then welcomed by a brass band, with the you-yous of the women, and joins her future husband. By the way, you may not know it, but in Algeria, the bride changes her dress during the celebration! She dresses in a Kabyle dress, then ends up wearing a white wedding dress at the end of the ceremony. And speaking of celebration, we must admit that Algerians are really into parties: it is impossible to see someone who does not dance during a wedding party. The will is also evident in the food, they feast as it should be with a banquet prepared at length, and almost at will as the food is abundant! Of course, Algeria being a Muslim country, alcohol was not at the rendezvous. Nevertheless, it proves that there is no need for alcohol or artifices to enjoy the party and show his joy.

If there is a national animal to represent the Algerian nation, it is the dromedary. In the Algerian culture, the dromedary is the noble animal par excellence. This is explained by its color, its appearance, its morphology ... The camel is used as a saddle animal, perfectly suited to the race and raids in the Sahara desert that constitutes the territory. These animals can measure up to 3 meters long and 2.40 meters high. This typical emblem of the Middle East and Africa, the dromedary has managed to adapt to its particularly hostile environment: it is a very enduring animal despite the overwhelming heat of the region. As a result, this animal has served as the only means of transport for a very long time, for both people and goods! But today, this animal is especially famous for its breeding in the country. It is estimated that the Algerian livestock includes about 150 000 heads. This breeding is undergoing a significant expansion, especially with the strengthening of certain measures in
the country, such as the drilling of wells along the routes. In addition, the financial aid granted to camel breeders has increased, and this has motivated some to launch their production. Thus, camels are raised for their meat, but also for their milk.

It is impossible not to talk about Islam, which is the most practiced religion in Algeria, as 99% of the inhabitants are Muslims. More than a belief, Islam acts on the whole way of life of the Algerians and holds a very particular influence on the functioning of the country. But where does the importance of Islam in the country come from? It is simple, this religion has been an integral part of the culture for more than 1 000 years. It was first introduced to Algeria in 670, in the context of the Muslim conquest of North Africa. This conquest was carried out under the orders of the Umayyads, who were a very important Muslim dynasty at the time. Its name derives from the great-uncle of the prophet Mohammed, and their dominance over the territory lasted several hundred years. Thus, the first mosque ever founded in Algeria is the Sidi Ghanem mosque, located in the city of Mila in 678. Many Berbers converted to Islam and eventually formed their own Muslim dynasties, such as the Zirids or the Hammadids.

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(4k)🇩🇿 Algeria Travel and Tours -

Algeria is a North African country with a Mediterranean coastline and a Saharan desert interior. Many empires have left legacies here, such as the ancient Roman ruins in seaside Tipaza. In the capital, Algiers, Ottoman landmarks like circa-1612 Ketchaoua Mosque line the hillside Casbah quarter, with its narrow alleys and stairways. The city’s Neo-Byzantine basilica Notre Dame d’Afrique dates to French colonial rule.

مدينة تيارت و شلالات سيدي واضح ---La ville de Tiaret -cascades Sidi Ouadheh

مدينة تيارت و شلالات سيدي واضح ---La ville de Tiaret -cascades Sidi Ouadheh


🇩🇿 Welcome to Kénadsa Algeria 🇩🇿 🇩🇿 🇩🇿 الجزائر القنادسة 🇩🇿

Welcome back to another video of my captivating journey through the heart of Algeria 🇩🇿 🇩🇿 🇩🇿
Join me as I explore the rich history of Kénadsa, a town that holds centuries of stories. From the ancient times that shaped its foundations to the modern era marked by the discovery of coalfields in 1907.

Witness the remnants of the old ksar, a testament to Kénadsa's role in Saharan trade routes, now standing as a guardian of the past. Yet, time has taken its toll, leaving much of this historic site in ruins.

Local tales speak of jin, ghosts that supposedly inhabit the ksar, instilling fear and caution among the community, causing neglect of the site's preservation.

Amidst these enigmatic stories, a tiny guardian emerged – a kitten that seemed to embody the protective spirits of this ancient place. Its energy against the unknown became a symbol of resilience and connection with the past.
Join me on this unforgettable expedition into the heart of Kénadsa, where history and mystery intertwine, leaving an indelible mark on my memories.
#algeria #bechar #desert

Algeria, Cederberg waterfall

The waterfall in Algeria

Bejaïa best places and views #4k #nature #travel #relaxing #summer #highlights #algerie

Autumn flowers winter flowers spring flowers#relaxing summer flowers all flowers shining charming 4k relaxation HD relaxation #4k
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Beauty of Algeria 4K

Algeria is a North African country with a Mediterranean coastline and a Saharan desert interior.Enjoy Algeria's most incredible locations in 4K.

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Music: Distant Lands by Hanu Dixit


ALGERIA will be one of the countries that I will visit. It is not the first time, but this time will be for a longer time.
Admire this #travelvlog about this country to understand as a preview how will be my experience there.
Somewhere within 2021 I will start my journey for at least 10 months.
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#10monthstravelplanfor2021 #Algeria #Country10



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