2008-(05)-(17) Bucuresti Nord Barlad Bucuresti Nord 155PRIN ZOITA
Every video description is found in it's name, and in the playlist where the video is included, respectively.
Descrierea fiecarui videoclip se gaseste in nume, respectiv in playlist-ul din care face parte.
2019-(09)-(27) Crasna Bucuresti Nord 129DUPA BOBOC PANA LA BUZAU
Every video description is found in it's name, and in the playlist where the video is included, respectively.
Descrierea fiecarui videoclip se gaseste in nume, respectiv in playlist-ul din care face parte.
2009-(04)-(18) Bucuresti Nord Husi 105INAINTE SI DUPA SIHLEA SUNETE PRIN GEAM
Every video description is found in it's name, and in the playlist where the video is included, respectively.
Descrierea fiecarui videoclip se gaseste in nume, respectiv in playlist-ul din care face parte.
2008-(10)-(02) Bucuresti Nord Crasna 176INTRE TECUCI SI BARLAD
Every video description is found in it's name, and in the playlist where the video is included, respectively.
Descrierea fiecarui videoclip se gaseste in nume, respectiv in playlist-ul din care face parte.
The video is for sounds only! Filmul este numai pentru sunete!
2009-(08)-(02) Bucuresti Nord Bacau Bucuresti Nord 126INAINTE SI DUPA LETEA
Every video description is found in it's name, and in the playlist where the video is included, respectively.
Descrierea fiecarui videoclip se gaseste in nume, respectiv in playlist-ul din care face parte.
MCRA 2013 - Antena 3 : Succes la Gala Crapului Românesc
100 de pescari profesionişti veniţi din toate colţurile lumii s-au întrecut la Gala Crapului Românesc de la Tâncăbeşti. O româncă le-a dat lecţii de pescuit celor mai buni pescari din lume.
2009-(08)-(02) Bucuresti Nord Bacau Bucuresti Nord 152INAINTE SI DUPA BOBOC
Every video description is found in it's name, and in the playlist where the video is included, respectively.
Descrierea fiecarui videoclip se gaseste in nume, respectiv in playlist-ul din care face parte.
2010-(08)-(09) Husi Bucuresti Nord 106INAINTE SI PUTIN DUPA PODGORIILE HUSULUI
Every video description is found in it's name, and in the playlist where the video is included, respectively.
Descrierea fiecarui videoclip se gaseste in nume, respectiv in playlist-ul din care face parte.
2009-(09)-(23) Bucuresti Nord Vaslui 144INTRAREA IN PUTNA SEACA
Every video description is found in it's name, and in the playlist where the video is included, respectively.
Descrierea fiecarui videoclip se gaseste in nume, respectiv in playlist-ul din care face parte.
2010-(08)-(06) Bucuresti Nord Husi 118INTRAREA IN BARLAD
Every video description is found in it's name, and in the playlist where the video is included, respectively.
Descrierea fiecarui videoclip se gaseste in nume, respectiv in playlist-ul din care face parte.
2009-(08)-(02) Bucuresti Nord Bacau Bucuresti Nord 145INAINTE SI DUPA GUGESTI
Every video description is found in it's name, and in the playlist where the video is included, respectively.
Descrierea fiecarui videoclip se gaseste in nume, respectiv in playlist-ul din care face parte.
2009-(08)-(02) Bucuresti Nord Bacau Bucuresti Nord 113INAINTE SI DUPA VOETIN PRIN GEAM
Every video description is found in it's name, and in the playlist where the video is included, respectively.
Descrierea fiecarui videoclip se gaseste in nume, respectiv in playlist-ul din care face parte.
2009-(08)-(02) Bucuresti Nord Bacau Bucuresti Nord 127DINAINTE DE VALEA SEACA PANA SPRE SIRETU BACAU
Every video description is found in it's name, and in the playlist where the video is included, respectively.
Descrierea fiecarui videoclip se gaseste in nume, respectiv in playlist-ul din care face parte.
2009-(09)-(29) Husi Bucuresti Nord 101DUPA CRASNA
Every video description is found in it's name, and in the playlist where the video is included, respectively.
Descrierea fiecarui videoclip se gaseste in nume, respectiv in playlist-ul din care face parte.
2011-(05)-(13) Bucuresti Nord Husi 101DUPA BUCURESTI NORD INTRECERE
Every video description is found in it's name, and in the playlist where the video is included, respectively.
Descrierea fiecarui videoclip se gaseste in nume, respectiv in playlist-ul din care face parte.
2011-(05)-(13) Bucuresti Nord Husi 113INTRAREA IN TECUCI NORD
Every video description is found in it's name, and in the playlist where the video is included, respectively.
Descrierea fiecarui videoclip se gaseste in nume, respectiv in playlist-ul din care face parte.
2010-(08)-(06) Bucuresti Nord Husi 135IN PADUREA DOBRINA
Every video description is found in it's name, and in the playlist where the video is included, respectively.
Descrierea fiecarui videoclip se gaseste in nume, respectiv in playlist-ul din care face parte.
2011-(05)-(13) Bucuresti Nord Husi 135CONTINUARE 134 PANA DUPA PADUREA DOBRINA
Every video description is found in it's name, and in the playlist where the video is included, respectively.
Descrierea fiecarui videoclip se gaseste in nume, respectiv in playlist-ul din care face parte.
2014-(05)-(24-25) Bucuresti Nord Deda Bucuresti Nord 119CONTINUARE 118
Every video description is found in it's name, and in the playlist where the video is included, respectively.
Descrierea fiecarui videoclip se gaseste in nume, respectiv in playlist-ul din care face parte.