A Magical Day Trip in Brasov: Discovering the Enchanting Kronstadt in Romania
Brasov is a city in Romania, located in the region of Transylvania. It is the capital of Braşov County and is known for its beautiful mountain scenery, with the Carpathian Mountains located nearby. The city is home to a number of well-preserved landmarks, including the Bran Castle, which is a popular tourist attraction and is often associated with the legend of Dracula. Brasov is also home to the Black Church, a large gothic-style church that is one of the largest in Eastern Europe. The city has a rich cultural heritage and is known for its vibrant arts scene, with numerous festivals and events taking place throughout the year. Brasov is a popular tourist destination, with many visitors coming to enjoy the city's beautiful mountain surroundings, rich history, and cultural attractions.
Biserica Evanghelică Fortificată Copsa Mare
🔴 RO Biserica evanghelică fortificată Copșa Mare, comuna Biertan, județul Sibiu, a fost construită în secolul al XIV-lea.
Copșa Mare, mai demult Căpușul Mare (în dialectul săsesc Grisz-Kopesch, Grîskôpeš, Kopeš, în germană Gross-Kopisch, Großkopisch, în maghiară Nagykapus), este un sat în partea de nord a județului Sibiu, în Podișul Târnavelor. Aparține de comuna Biertan.
Comună liberă a vechiului Fundus Regius, Copșa Mare stăpânea cele mai întinse și renumite plantații viticole din Țara Vinului. La începutul secolului al XIV-lea slujbele erau oficiate într-o bazilică gotică cu trei nave, însă un document din 1283 aduce cu sine ipoteza existenței unei bazilici mai vechi. Făcea parte din Terra Medies.
🔴 Music: zero-project - 09 - Neverending dream
released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0/4.0 Unported License from
🔴 EN The fortified evangelical church Copșa Mare, Biertan commune, Sibiu county, was built in the 14th century.
Copșa Mare, formerly Căpușul Mare (in the Saxon dialect Grisz-Kopesch, Grîskôpeš, Kopeš, in German Gross-Kopisch, Großkopisch, in Hungarian Nagykapus), is a village in the northern part of Sibiu County, in the Târnavelor Plateau. It belongs to Biertan commune.
The free commune of the old Fundus Regius, Copșa Mare owned the largest and most famous vineyards in the Wine Country. At the beginning of the 14th century, the services were held in a Gothic basilica with three naves, but a document from 1283 brings with it the hypothesis of the existence of an older basilica. It was part of the Terra Medies.
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🔴 Music: zero-project - 09 - Neverending dream
released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0/4.0 Unported License from
#BisericiFortificateDinTransilvania, #BisericiFortificate, #BisericaFortificataCopsaMare
Casa Dinozaurilor Pitici (Sânpetru, Hațeg, România)
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Muzeul „Casa Dinozaurilor Pitici” inaugurat în anul 2013 într-o fostă crâșmă din satul Sânpetru (comuna Sântămăria-Orlea, jud. Hunedoara) cinstește cercetările care au dus la descoperirea dinozaurilor pitici, cu specii unice în lume în peisajul reptilian de acum 60-70 milioane ani (Cretacic superior, la sfârșitul Mezozoicului) făcute în situl fosilifer de la marginea satului. Primele cercetări au fost intreprinse la începutul secolului XX de către baronul local Franz Nopcsa (1877-1933, sau Francisc Nopcea, baron de Silvașul de Sus, sau Felső-Szilvási báró Nopcsa Ferenc), erudit paleontolog și etnolog (”albanolog”), dar și mare aventurier, care se trage dintr-o foarte veche familie românească din Hațeg. A publicat o mulțime de lucrări științifice, dar materialele (fosilele) adunate, fie au fost vândute Muzeului Național de Istorie Naturală din Londra, fie donate Muzeului de Științe Naturale din Budapesta. Cercetările au fost reluate în 1977 de către Dan Grigorescu, profesor de Paleontologie la Universitatea București, ulterior și de alți cercetători români sau străini, fiind descoperite mai multe specii noi și puncte fosilifere în Țara Hațegului. În Bazinul Hațeg au fost descoperite mai multe specii de dinozauri dintre care amintim dinozauri ierbivori (Magyarosaurus dacus, Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus, Zalmoxes robustus, Struthiosaurus transsylvanicus și Rhabdodon priscus), dinozauri carnivori (Megalosaurus hungaricus, Bradycneme draculae, Heptasteronis andrewsi, Elopteryx nopcsai și Balaur bondoc) și un pterozaur (reptile zburătoare) gigant, Hatzegopteryx tambena (Uriașul cu aripi din Hateg”) cu anvergura aripilor de 12m. În afară de dinozauri au mai fost descoperite resturi de crocodil (Allodaposuchus precedens), broaște țestoase (Kallokibotion bajazidi) și altor vertebrate (pești, amfibieni, mamifere). Suprafața de 5,0 ha a sitului fosilifer Sânpetru este integrată în Geoparcul Dinozaurilor Țara Hațegului.
4K Walk in Corvin park - Hunedoara
Information: Wikipedia
Located in the central part of Hunedoara county, at 220-270 m altitude, in the Cernei valley, 19 km from the municipality of Deva, Hunedoara occupies an area of 97 km². The administrative territory of the municipality includes the town of Răcăștia and the neighboring villages of Boș, Groș, Hășdat and Peștișu Mare. The area has the usual infrastructure for a modern city: electricity, heat, natural gas and water networks, sewage treatment plant, public transport, road and rail access roads, landline and mobile telephony, internet services.
It is crossed by DJ 687: Sântuhalm - Hunedoara, a national road that connects with the European road E68 that crosses the country from Arad - Deva - Orăștie - Sibiu - Brașov - Bucharest and county roads that connect Hunedoara and Călan, respectively Hunedoara and Hațeg .
Relief: hilly-mountainous
Anthropogenic relief: slag dump, stone quarry
Waters: Cerna river
Natural resources: stone deposits, iron ores, wood, talc, potential in animal husbandry.
Seismic degree: 6 Mercalli
Documentarily attested in 1265 under the name Hungnod, according to the papal tithe register, Hunedoara will know an impetuous development and will play an important role in the history of Romania. The antiquity of this settlement, which was born at the foot of the Sânpetru hill at the confluence of the Cerna and Zlasti rivers, is much deeper in the mists of time than the documentary attestation. Archaeologists have discovered both in the hearth of the city and in the surrounding villages where it draws its sap, traces of habitation dating back to the Stone Age. Also on Sânpetru Hill, material traces from the bronze and iron ages remain in full succession. They were found on the terraces around the fortress, in a warehouse, more than a ton of large iron magnifying glasses and a metallurgical workshop with eight furnaces from the time of the Daco-gets. In the current area of residence of the Hunedorians, monetary hoards from the time of the Dacians, known as Hunedoara type, as well as Roman coins of the republican or imperial type covering a long period of time (183 BC-sec. III. AD) which proves strong economic contacts and not only, between two civilizations, one of the eternal city Rome and another plagued by the immortals of Daco-Getic antiquity.
Following the conquest of Dacia by the Roman Empire, the area of Hunedoara attracted the attention of the Roman world with its riches, especially iron. This fact is illustrated by the traces discovered at Teliuc, a rustic villa, on Sânpetru hill, there was a Roman fort where a guard post of the 13th Gemina Legion was installed. Traces were also discovered near the Huniazi Castle and near the train station. Also, vestiges from this era exist in the villages of Cinciș-Cerna, Pestișu Mare where there was a vicus (Roman village), Mănerău, Nandru, Ghelari, etc.
In 1409, on October 18, the king of Hungary, Sigismund of Luxemburg bestows and ennobles prince Voicu, son of Șorb, for his outstanding military deeds. In the same document, he also mentions other family members as owners of the Hunedoara fortress and royal domain. It is about Magos (in Hungarian Înalt[5]) and Rados, the brothers... and Ioan, the son of Voicu. From this moment, Hunedoara citadel knows a new stage of its development. Iancu arranged the fortress for living, built the hall of the knights and the hall of the diet in neo-gothic style embellished by the external loggias of this hall. The ne boisa (don't be afraid) wing and tower were also built, a possible place of refuge in case of danger.
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Summer's End 2020 in Racadau Brasov
#Brasov #Romania #City
3 - Day Medieval Transylvania Private Tour from Brasov
Travel with no schedule. Whether you choose to explore nature, culture and local traditions, saxon villages, it is up to you! We visit Bran Castle aka Dracula's Castle, Rupea Fortress, Viscri Saxon Fortified Church, Sighisoara, Biertan Fortified Church, Sibiu, Corvin Castle and more!
Romania’s Transylvanian region offers a fascinating window into a lost Europe, with medieval castles, towns and churches that seem caught in a time warp. This trip takes you into the heart of the region for a fascinating look so don’t forget your camera!
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Brașov City in Romania | Travel Guide +Transports, places you must visit rom
#Brasov, #Brașov, #Romania, #travel, #Tourism,
21 hoteluri pe plaja la Nisipurile de Aur
21 hoteluri pe plaja la Nisipurile de Aur
M-am plimbat pe faleza de la Nisipurile de Aur si am zis sa fac un clip in care sa va arat hotelurile care sunt cel mai aproape de plaja. In oridinea in care ele apar pe clip avem asa:
1. Hotel Bonita ***
3.6 din 637 recenzii
2. Marina Grand Beach Hotel ****
4.3 din 1391 recenzii
3. Hotel & Spa Astera ****
4.1 din 1482 recenzii
4. Hotel Gladiola Star ***
3.4 din 992 recenzii
5. International Hotel Casino *****
4.6 din 5485 recenzii
6. Hotel Admiral *****
4.3 din 2117 recenzii
7. Hotel Erma **
4.2 din 802 recenzii
8. Hotel Izvora ***
4.6 din 62 recenzii
9. HPM Sirena Apartments ***
4.4 din 51 recenzii
10. Zlatna Kotva Beach ***
4.6 din 22 recenzii
11. Melia Grand Hermitage *****
4.4 din 2753 recenzii
12. Hotel Astoria ****
4.3 din 1278 recenzii
13. Hotel Kaliakra ****
3.5 din 1597 recenzii
14. Grifid Vistamar ****
4.4 din 1849 recenzii
15. Grifid Hotel Metropol ****
4.8 din 50 recenzii
16. Hotel Lilia ****
3.3 din 1065 recenzii
17. Hotel Palm Beach ****
3.9 din 810 recenzii
18. Hotel Sentido Marea ****
4.6 din 1101 recenzii
19. Hotel Moko Beach ****
3.9 din 229 recenzii
20. Grifid Hotel Encanto Beach ****
4.6 din 824 recenzii
21. Hotel Berlin ****
4.0 din 2009 recenzii
Am trecut fara sa imi dau seama de Hotelul Luna *** Scor 3.8 din 1264 recenzii.
Daca ati fost cazati la Nisipurile de Aur, la unul dintre hotelurile care apar in cli,p va rugam sa ne impartasiti si noua experienta dumneavoastra.
#hoteluri #nisipuriledeaur
Pensiunea ATRA 5* Valea Doftanei loc de joaca pentru copii
Pensiunea ATRA 5* Valea Doftanei loc de joaca pentru copii
sejur in perioada 29 - 31 mai 2013 organizat de EVENTUR
tara hategului - 1
Țara Hațegului este un ținut istoric și etnografic din colțul de sud-vest al Transilvaniei, județul Hunedoara, România. Țara Hațegului cuprinde depresiunea cu același nume, dar în „zona de influență a ei se află și așezările situate pe cursul superior al Streiului, până la vărsarea acestuia în Mureș. Țara Hațegului este una dintre microregiunile cele mai bogate din România din punct de vedere istoric: aici se găsesc câteva dintre cele mai importante monumente de arhitectură și arheologie din țară. Tot în Țara Hațegului a fost realizată una dintre cele mai ambițioase amenajări hidroenergetice din țară. Zona este cunoscută și pentru fosilele de dinozauri găsite aici. Perioada dacică-La limita vestică a Țării Hațegului se află Porțile de Fier ale Transilvaniei (anticul Tapae), locul unde s-a desfășurat bătălia decisivă dintre daci și romani în timpul primului război daco-roman. A fost una dintre cele mai sângeroase bătălii din tot șirul de lupte dintre cele două armate. Pe Columna lui Traian romanii apar ca fiind ajutați de Jupiter. Totodată, este singura scenă unde apar soldați romani răniți, iar Traian însuși își rupe hainele pentru a fi folosite ca feșe. După victorie, romanii pătrund în Țara Hațegului și prima campanie a războiului din 101-102 se încheie. De remarcat că doar la Tapae și la Cioclovina-Ponorici au fost descoperite fortificații dacice liniare, de baraj. Prima era lungă de circa 2 km și bara accesul în Țara Hațegului de pe Culoarul Bistrei. A doua măsura peste 2,5 km și închidea principala cale de acces din Țara Hațegului spre zona Sarmizegetusei Regia. După cucerirea Daciei de către romani, aceștia au fondat la limita de vest a Țării Hațegului, pe teritoriul actualei comune Sarmizegetusa, capitala provinciei Dacia, Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa. Teritoriul arondat orașului roman acoperea practic aproape toată depresiunea Hațegului. Metropola romană a avut ca nucleu castrul Legiunii a IV-a Flavia Felix, staționată aici probabil încă de la sfârșitul primului război daco-roman.După retragerea romană în 271, timp de aproape o mie de ani, nu există izvoare scrise privind istoria Țării Hațegului.
4K Walking in Hunedoara #X
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hunedoara (Romanian: [huneˈdo̯ara] (audio speaker iconlisten); German: Eisenmarkt; Hungarian: Vajdahunyad [ˈvɒjdɒhuɲɒd] (audio speaker iconlisten)) is a city in Hunedoara County, Transylvania, Romania. It is located in southwestern Transylvania near the Poiana Ruscă Mountains, and administers five villages: Boș (Bós), Groș (Grós), Hășdat (Hosdát; Hochstätten), Peștișu Mare (Alpestes) and Răcăștia (Rákosd).
The city includes the most important Gothic-style secular building in Transylvania: the Hunyad Castle, which is closely connected with the Hunyadi family. The castle was destroyed by fire five times, but underwent many reconstructions from Austro-Hungarian and later Romanian authorities. Besides the castle, the town developed as a production center for iron and a market for the mountain regions nearby. During the 20th century, Hunedoara's population increased to 86,000 inhabitants. The city contained the largest steel works in Romania (until Galați took the lead), but activity gradually diminished after the fall of the Iron Curtain due to the loss of the market. This was a blow to the overall prosperity of the town, which is now recovering through new investments.
The population consists of a Romanian majority, with Hungarians and Roma as the most important minorities. The city contains numerous parks, with poplars and chestnut trees flanking the streets. There are many tourist attractions, including a large dam, with tourist facilities, located a few kilometers from the city, in the mountains.
The name of the town seems inexorably linked to the name of the Hunyadi family (also known as Corvinus). The most probable explanation for the Romanian name Hunedoara is the transliteration of the Hungarian name Hunyadvár meaning Castle of Hunyad, as many Hungarian towns have this suffix. Historically, the following names were recorded: Hungnod (1265), Huniad (1278), Hwnyadwar (1409), Vayda Hunyadi (1575). The latter Hungarian name Vajdahunyad (voivode Hunyad) is a direct referral to John Hunyadi
Stone Age tools were discovered in the Sânpetru (Saint Peter) hill near the castle and in the surrounding villages. The region was very rich in iron, which had been extracted in the area since the Iron Age by Thracian tribes. The Dacian fortresses of Orăştie mountains, most notably Sarmiszegetusa, which became the most important religious and political center of Dacia, was located close to Hunedoara and was supplied by the iron produced here. The remains of eight Dacian iron furnaces have been found at the Sânpetru hill near the castle. The discovery of important monetary treasures of Dacian coins and Roman imperial coins testifies to the importance of the site.
After Dacia was conquered around 106 AD and turned into a Roman province, the iron-rich region attracted the attention of the Romans, who began to exploit it by building furnaces. A Villa Rustica emerged in Teliuc, a Roman fortification on Sanpetru hill, outpost of the famous legio XIII Gemina whose main castrum was at Apullum in Dacia. Other Roman artifacts were discovered in the city area, and also in Pestis, where the remains of a Roman village were discovered. The new capital city of the Roman province of Dacia, Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa, was also situated in the proximity.
After the Roman military and administrative retreat during the Migration Period the region had no significant historic sites, although it may be possible that the iron activity continued. The ethnic structure of the region changed significantly, most notably with Goths, Huns, Slavs, Pechenegs, Magyars and Cumans.
There is an ongoing scholarly debate over the ethnicity of Transylvania's population before the Hungarian conquest (see Origin of the Romanians). After 1000, as part of Kingdom of Hungary, under Slavic influence small political feuds grew (ruled by knjazes). South of the Carpathians the Pechenegs and Cumans held political power, and Hunedoara acted as a buffer zone for the Hungarian Crown. In time, the Vlach populations in the mountains nearby developed an original highlander culture. Their land is called Tara Padurenilor (Woodlanders Country) and they began to dominate the area demographically.
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Ajungem pe insula balaurului bondoc din Haţeg, la Exclusiv în România, pe TVR1
Sâmbătă, 22 iunie, de la ora 16:30, la TVR1, echipa emisiunii Exclusiv în România ne propune o nouă călătorie în Rezervaţia Haţeg. Înregistrările emisiunii sunt online
Ne intoarcem in tinutul dinozaurilor, la Geoparcul UNESCO Tara Hategului, pentru un unicat absolut chiar si printre dinozaurii pitici: Balaurul Bondoc. Vom afla ce il face sa fie atat de special si vom profita de ocazie, pentru a descoperi traseul de cicloturism de pe Valea Sibiselului, supranumita – cum altfel? – Valea Dinozaurilor.
Dar vom intalni si un alt personaj unic, tot din lumea necuvantatoarelor, de data aceasta cat se poate de viu: catelusa Tara, care a parcurs, alaturi de stapanii ei, peste 100 de varfuri din Carpati, in cinstea Centenarului Marii Uniri. Ne va conduce spre o frumoasa poiana cu narcise de sub Saua Iepei, in Muntii Tarcului.
Si ca sa nu o dezamagim pe Tara, ne vom incumeta sa urcam si pe Retezat, in incercarea de a descoperi frumusetile unui taram aflat, la randul lui, sub protectia UNESCO: Rezervatia Stiintifica Gemenele.
Silvuț - Hațeg, unul dintre puținele locuri unde trăiește zimbrul
Silvuț - Hațeg, unul dintre puținele locuri unde trăiește zimbrul
4K Walking in Hunedoara #X
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hunedoara (Romanian: [huneˈdo̯ara] (audio speaker iconlisten); German: Eisenmarkt; Hungarian: Vajdahunyad [ˈvɒjdɒhuɲɒd] (audio speaker iconlisten)) is a city in Hunedoara County, Transylvania, Romania. It is located in southwestern Transylvania near the Poiana Ruscă Mountains, and administers five villages: Boș (Bós), Groș (Grós), Hășdat (Hosdát; Hochstätten), Peștișu Mare (Alpestes) and Răcăștia (Rákosd).
The city includes the most important Gothic-style secular building in Transylvania: the Hunyad Castle, which is closely connected with the Hunyadi family. The castle was destroyed by fire five times, but underwent many reconstructions from Austro-Hungarian and later Romanian authorities. Besides the castle, the town developed as a production center for iron and a market for the mountain regions nearby. During the 20th century, Hunedoara's population increased to 86,000 inhabitants. The city contained the largest steel works in Romania (until Galați took the lead), but activity gradually diminished after the fall of the Iron Curtain due to the loss of the market. This was a blow to the overall prosperity of the town, which is now recovering through new investments.
The population consists of a Romanian majority, with Hungarians and Roma as the most important minorities. The city contains numerous parks, with poplars and chestnut trees flanking the streets. There are many tourist attractions, including a large dam, with tourist facilities, located a few kilometers from the city, in the mountains.
The name of the town seems inexorably linked to the name of the Hunyadi family (also known as Corvinus). The most probable explanation for the Romanian name Hunedoara is the transliteration of the Hungarian name Hunyadvár meaning Castle of Hunyad, as many Hungarian towns have this suffix. Historically, the following names were recorded: Hungnod (1265), Huniad (1278), Hwnyadwar (1409), Vayda Hunyadi (1575). The latter Hungarian name Vajdahunyad (voivode Hunyad) is a direct referral to John Hunyadi
Stone Age tools were discovered in the Sânpetru (Saint Peter) hill near the castle and in the surrounding villages. The region was very rich in iron, which had been extracted in the area since the Iron Age by Thracian tribes. The Dacian fortresses of Orăştie mountains, most notably Sarmiszegetusa, which became the most important religious and political center of Dacia, was located close to Hunedoara and was supplied by the iron produced here. The remains of eight Dacian iron furnaces have been found at the Sânpetru hill near the castle. The discovery of important monetary treasures of Dacian coins and Roman imperial coins testifies to the importance of the site.
After Dacia was conquered around 106 AD and turned into a Roman province, the iron-rich region attracted the attention of the Romans, who began to exploit it by building furnaces. A Villa Rustica emerged in Teliuc, a Roman fortification on Sanpetru hill, outpost of the famous legio XIII Gemina whose main castrum was at Apullum in Dacia. Other Roman artifacts were discovered in the city area, and also in Pestis, where the remains of a Roman village were discovered. The new capital city of the Roman province of Dacia, Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa, was also situated in the proximity.
After the Roman military and administrative retreat during the Migration Period the region had no significant historic sites, although it may be possible that the iron activity continued. The ethnic structure of the region changed significantly, most notably with Goths, Huns, Slavs, Pechenegs, Magyars and Cumans.
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DJ 682: Sânnicolau Mare - Periam - Arad (May 10, 2017)
A local road in relatively good condition between Sânnicolau Mare (Timiş County) and Arad.
Canionul 7 Scari - Drumetie din Brasov la Timisu de Jos
O drumetie faina din Brasov este la Canionul 7 Scari din Timisu de Jos. Este o drumetie faina, cu putina adrenalina unde poti avea parte de cateva ore de natura, distractie - o vale intreaba plina de tiroliene, si racoare in canionul 7 Scari.
Zile faine
Oradea 2021 nos apaixonamos por ela e recomendamos
Oradea, anteriormente Oradea Mare, (em húngaro Nagyvárad, em alemão Großwardein, em eslovaco Veľký Varadín, em latim Magnovaradinum) é o município de residência do condado de Bihor, Crișana, Romênia. Ele está localizado no oeste da Romênia, no rio Crisul Repede, perto da fronteira com a Hungria.
Ao mesmo tempo, Oradea é também a cidade mais importante da região histórica de Crișana. No censo de 2002, o município tinha 206.614 habitantes. [3] A área metropolitana, que também inclui 11 comunas vizinhas, tinha, em 2002, uma população de 249.746 habitantes, dos quais 68,2% romenos, 28,7% húngaros, etc. [4] No período entre guerras, 20,6% da população da cidade era composta de judeus, e também havia comunidades de alemães, eslovacos, ucranianos, etc. [5] (ver condado de Bihor entre guerras).
Os resorts spa Băile Felix e Băile 1 mai estão a uma distância de 8 km e 4 km da cidade, respectivamente. Para além das águas termais internacionalmente reconhecidas pelos seus efeitos terapêuticos, nesta zona existe uma espectacular formação cárstica, mais precisamente, um desfiladeiro com uma profundidade de 86 metros, denominado na zona Craterul de la Betfia, bem como Pârâul Peța, com uma vegetação tropical única na Europa. [6]
Durante séculos, a cidade de Oradea foi um importante ponto de referência para a área, sendo o mais importante centro cultural e comercial. Na Idade Média, havia um observatório astronômico na Fortaleza de Oradea, e os astrônomos que trabalhavam lá usavam o meridiano de Oradea como um meridiano de 0 °. [7]
O turismo de Oradea está começando a se desenvolver, com Oradea participando, juntamente com Băile Felix, na Feira de Turismo de Viena em janeiro de 2015.
centrul comunei cristian din judetul Brasov
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inainte sa plecati pe munte verificati vremea inainte cu o zi pentru zona in care vreti sa mergeti ,daca vremea pe urmatoarea zi este buna in principiu sa nu ploua trebuie sa aveti minim ghete sau adidasi buni pentru urcari pe munte ,ruksac,bautura energizanta batoane energizante cafea mancare sanviciuri consistente
faceti rucsacul de seara cand dimineata plecati pe munte
this channel is for all those who love the nature of the mountains, the green forests, the walks in the open air, the beaches, the trips and moments of relaxation