Radioactive areas outside of Chornobyl zone
Zone of Alienation: abandoned or still inhabited areas contaminated by Chornobyl disaster which are not included in the official Chornobyl zone and are in some cases open for a visit without any restrictions.
YouTube videos that were used to complete the video:
0:00 Introduction what is video about
1:02 Borders of the Chornobyl zone since 1986
1:48 Is it possible to legally visit the Chornobyl zone without special permit?
2:34 Poliske settlement - included in the zone only in 1993
3:52 Narodychi: officially mandatory resettlement zone, but still inhabited
4:58 Radynka: half-abandoned near the border of the zone
5:28 Decontamination waste disposal sites outside of the zone
7:09 Orane village
7:47 Zelenyi Mys - a temporarily built liquidators town near Straholissia
8:37 Belarussian exclusion zone and contaminated areas around it
10:03 Hoiniki - a central point for all tourists in the Belarussian zone
11:15 Bragin - heavily contaminated but still inhabited
12:45 Gden / Gdzen - inhabited belarussian village 23 km from the ruined reactor
14:24 Drevliansk national reserve - contaminated and mostly abandoned area
17:37 A church near Bazar village
19:06 Bazar village: officially mandatory resettlement zone, but still inhabited
20:19 Next video about Chnpp and Slavutych
PRIPYAT CITY: ☢️ radioactive sites and mysteries of the ghost town / Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
A virtual tour of the most radioactive places in the abandoned city of Pripyat. What are the secrets and mysteries of the ghost town? Journey through the most dangerous places of the radioactive city. Chernobyl Exclusion Zone / Virtual Travel Films.
The abandoned city of Pripyat is one of the most mysterious places on our Planet. The town is located in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone on the Pripyat River, two kilometres from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Pripyat City has become a tourist calling card of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. It attracts tourists from many countries around the world.
▶ ︎ For thirty-five years, after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the radiation situation in the city of Pripyat has improved significantly. The level of radiation exposure has decreased several times. And yet, there are radioactive contaminated sites in the city where radiation levels remain very high.
❤️ Travel with us!
Today, the town of Pripyat has become an open-air museum of the former Soviet era. The city is gradually being swallowed up by nature, and time and radiation are destroying the architecture.
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8 Trenes Abandonados Más Increíbles del Mundo | TOPDARK.COM
50 Sitios Arqueológicos del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO, Link:
Los trenes mejor diseñados tienen una vida útil, y eventualmente, cada tren y vagón llegará al final de la línea. Muchos de ellos son desechados y reciclados, pero otros quedan atrás y olvidados convirtiéndose en monumentos abandonados.
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ЧЗО с МШ. Внезапное одиночество Chernobyl Zone with Msh. Sudden solitude
Сказ о том, как мне не повезло с компанией и погодой.
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Древний город Овруч. Житомирская область, Украина. #shorts
Древний город Овруч. Житомирская область, Украина.
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#РитмЖизни #shorts
Выпуск №34
Овруч очень привлекательный городок на севере Житомирской области. Однозначно он является Жемчужиной Полесья. Город с большой историей, интересными достопримечательностями и добрыми, открытыми людьми. Это моё первое знакомство с Житомирщиной. До этой поездки я видел её только через окно поезда или автобуса. Овруч не подвёл и оставил приятные и тёплые воспоминания. Так как канал Нежданчики Украины создан на любви к животным, Овруч за заботу о животных получает от меня огромный Лайк.
Всем приятного просмотра =)
В этом выпуске:
00:00 - ЖД Вокзал в Овруче
01:10 - Первая достопримечательность
01:50 - Забота о животных
02:58 - Общие сведения
03:56 - Рынок в Овруче
04:46 - Главная особенность Овруча
05:45 - Две достопримечательности
06:43 - Васильевский собор
07:52 - Капсула наследникам
08:33 - Преображенский собор
09:32 - Будинок Цалка
09:54 - Городской Парк
10:37 - Первое захоронение Князя Олега
11:58 - Чернобыльский парк
12:27 - Стадион Юность
Плейлист Нежданчики Украины
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Помогая нам, вы помогаете Украине =)
По вопросам рекламы:
Привет, меня зовут Михаил, для друзей Майк. Я автор данного проекта, в котором мы находим Нежданчики Украины и Нежданчики Харькова. А если конкретно, необычные места, достопримечательности, самобытность различных уголков Украины и Харькова. По совместительству являюсь капитаном аматорской футбольной команды ФК Нежданчик, откуда и пошло название данного канала.
В своих выпусках мы попытаемся открыть и раскрыть потенциал малоизвестных уголков нашей любимой Украины. А в перерывах между поездками по стране, мы будем показывать и знакомить вас с городом Харьков.
#нежданчикиукраины #украина #овруч
The rules of staying in Ukraine from the VisitUkraine.Today portal
🎉 We are glad to present you the first video about the rules of staying in Ukraine from the VisitUkraine.Today portal.
This is a video with a convenient algorithm for crossing the Ukrainian border control for citizens of green and red zone.
We wish you safe and pleasant travels to Ukraine!
More information on the portal
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Subscribe to my channel and click on the bell in order always to be the first to know useful information about the city!
With the participation of Anton Taranenko
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Deadly Thirst in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Zone of Alienation Belarus
This video is about my survival in the alienation Zone which is located just 24 kilometers from Chernobyl. On this day, I planned to visit the resettled villages in the usual way, but unexpectedly on the road I found a functioning Zone checkpoint, it was the Pirki checkpoint. Four hours were wasted. However, I decided not to return home without an interesting content. I drove to the railway track connecting two points of Ukraine: Chernigov and Ovruch. The Chernigov-Ovruch railway is a partially electrified and partially operational single track railway line that stretches between the town of Ovruch and the city of Chernigov, in northern Ukraine, passing through southern Belarus and the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.
This is the walk along the Chernigov-Ovruch railway track which lays near Kolyban village in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone in the Bragin District in the Gomel Region of Belarus. Kolyban is an evacuated village in contaminated lands. Kolyban is located at the following coordinates: 51°28'45.251N 30°22'55.985E. It was my big mistake that I did not take enough water with me. Fortunately, everything ended happily. While watching this video you will see two abandoned train stops, first Peresadochnaya train stop (near Golubovka village), then Kolyban train stop. My walk was the following: Peresadochnaya - Kolyban - Peresadochnaya. I visited Kolyban village also.
Peresadochnaya train stop: 0:01:25
Kolyban train stop: 0:47:25
Kolyban village: 0:52:38
Чекановський Андрій Яка вулиця в Києві найдавніша?
Яка вулиця в Києві найдавніша?
Відповідь на це питання не є очевидною, як може здатися на перший погляд. Звідки ми дізнаємося про давню топографію міста? Які дані містяться в писемних джерелах? Які підказки дає археологія?
Ці таємниці розкриє доповідь старшого наукового співробітника науково-дослідного відділу історико-археологічних досліджень
Музею історії Десятинної церкви Андрія Чекановського.
Розповідь буде стосуватися різних локацій: Старокиївської гори, території міста часів Ярослава Мудрого, навіть околиць сучасного Києва. Буде розглянуто плани та карти міста XVII-XIX століть. Відео створено для каналу Музею історії Десятинної церкви (Київ). Лекція відбулася у Київській бібліотеці ім. В. Винниченка, вул. Кудрявська, 2, 11.03.2023.
USSR diesel-electric locomotives in the Chernobyl Zone Belarus
These locomotives are located at 51°28'23.4N 30°19'30.6E. TE3 is a Soviet diesel-electric locomotive, built in Russia and Ukraine. They were built from 1953 to 1973. ChME2 is also a Soviet diesel-electric locomotive, but it was used as a switcher. A switcher, shunter, yard pilot, switch engine, yard goat, or shifter is a small railroad locomotive used for manoeuvring railroad cars inside a rail yard in a process known as switching or shunting. This video is about my walk in the alienation Zone which is located just 24 kilometers from Chernobyl. I found 2 Soviet diesel-electric locomotives in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Zone of Alienation, Belarus. I entered to the Zone through a functioning Zone checkpoint, the one that is located in Pirki resettled village. This is also the walk along the Chernigov-Ovruch railway track which lays near Posudovo village in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone in the Bragin District in the Gomel Region of Belarus.
Снег. Зима. Овруч 28.11.2017. (INSTAGRAM)
INSTAGRAM ⏩ ilina_natalia_
Велопохід 2018. Овруч - день 3
Радча - Поліське - Красятичі - Термахівка - Обуховичі - Іванків - Рудня-Шпилівська - Феневичі - Катюжанка - Димер - Козаровичі - Лютіж - Старі Петрівці - Нові Петрівці - Київ