20 Ciudades más Bellas de Latinoamérica | Video de Viajes
En este video, nos embarcamos en un emocionante recorrido por algunos de los destinos más deslumbrantes de América Latina, 20 ciudades que te cautivarán con su belleza, cultura e historia. Desde el encanto caribeño del Viejo San Juan hasta las playas de ensueño y palpitante carnaval de Río de Janeiro, este viaje virtual nos lleva a través del variado y seductor paisaje latinoamericano.
Descubre la antigua majestuosidad de Cusco, el Corazón del Imperio Inca, y maravíllate con la modernidad de Santiago, la elegante capital de Chile. Sumérgete en la historia colonial de Cartagena de Indias y siente la palpitante energía de Buenos Aires, la París de América.
Caminaremos por empedradas calles de San Miguel de Allende y Antigua Guatemala y nos adentraremos en el ritmo cubano de La Habana. Además, de explorar la hermosura de Quito rodeada de montañas y de perdernos en la bulliciosa Lima, la Ciudad de los Reyes.
Cada ciudad tiene carácter propio, desde la majestuosidad de los Andes en La Paz hasta la inmensidad cosmopolita de São Paulo en Brasil. Juntos, recorreremos estas joyas culturales y disfrutaremos de las experiencias únicas que ofrecen.
Así que acompáñanos y déjate seducir por la magia y la belleza de esta increíble región del mundo.
¡No olvides suscribirte y compartir este video con tus amigos, y juntos exploremos los rincones más bellos de nuestro planeta!
00:00 Intro
00:42 20. Viejo San Juan, Puerto Rico
02:20 19. Guadalajara, México
04:13 18. São Paulo, Brasil
06:02 17. Granada, Nicaragua
07:23 16. Medellín, Colombia
08:54 15. La Paz, Bolivia
10:24 14. Valparaíso, Chile
12:11 13. Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay
13:56 12. Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala
15:38 11. Salvador de Bahía, Brasil
17:23 10. Ciudad de México, México
19:36 9. Lima, Perú
21:43 8. Santiago, Chile
23:31 7. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
25:33 6. San Miguel de Allende, México
27:26 5. Cusco, Perú
29:15 4. Quito, Ecuador
31:13 3. La Habana, Cuba
33:47 2. Buenos Aires, Argentina
35:56 1. Río de Janeiro, Brasil
38:02 Outro
Walking Tour of Matagalpa Nicaragua | Nicaragua Northern Highlands
Nestled in the Nicaragua Northern Highlands, Matagalpa is a city steeped in rich history. It is the birth place of revered Nicaraguan poet Ruben Dario and the FSLN political movement’s founder Carlos Fonseca. Join us on our walking tour of Matagalpa Nicaragua, where we share some of Matagalpa’s history whilst visiting picturesque parks like Parque Morazan and Parque Ruben Dario, and impressive churches like the beautiful Catedral San Pedro. We also explore the vibrant cafe scene and highlight nearby attractions like Mirador Calvary, Selva Negra and Cascada Blanca. Whilst not on most people’s Nicaragua travel itinerary, if you are looking for an authentic Nicaraguan experience, then Matagalpa is the city for you!
This video has captions in multiple languages.
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Best mid-range hotel in Matagalpa:
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0:00 Introduction to Nicaragua Travel Vlog: Matagalpa Walking Tour
0:16 San Pedro Cathedral Matagalpa Nicaragua
0:48 Parque Morazán Matagalpa Nicaragua
1:16 Francisco Morazán: President of the federal republic of Central America
1:42 Statue of the founders of Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN)
1:56 Carlos Fonseca and Tomás Borge Martínez and the history of FSLN
2:55 Elections in Nicaragua 2021
3:36 Where to get the cheapest fruit and vegetables in Nicaragua
3:52 Supermarkets in Nicaragua: La Colonia Matagalpa
4:37 Tropical fruit in Nicaragua: Jocote
5:14 What fruit can you get in Nicaragua?
6:02 Local food in Nicaragua: Asado El Bambu Matagalpa Nicaragua
6:43 Cuajada cheese: Local Nicaraguan cheese
7:12 Must eat Nicaraguan food: Güirila with cuajada and cream
7:35 Clothes shopping in Nicaragua and second hand stores in Nicaragua
8:08 About Matagalpa Nicaragua, Pearl of the North
8:35 Weather in Matagalpa Nicaragua
9:20 Expats in Matagalpa, Esteli & Jinotega Facebook group
9:59 Best place to find an authentic Nicaraguan experience
10:24 Batidos Pitaya Matagalpa Nicaragua
10:50 Parque Rubén Darío
11:56 Rubén Darío: Famous Nicaraguan poet
12:08 Parroquia San José Matagalpa Nicaragua
12:47 Seleccion Nicaraguense Cafe Matagalpa Nicaragua
13:10 Mulukakao Chocolate Cafe Matagalpa Nicaragua
13:32 Cafe Belén Bakery Cafe Matag`alpa Nicaragua
13:51 History of Matagalpa Nicaragua
14:02 What does Matagalpa mean?
15:01 Pre-colonial history of Matagalpa Nicaragua
15:30 Indios Flecheros de Matagalpa and the Battle of San Jacinto
16:07 Best things to do in Matagalpa Nicaragua: Take the tourist bus to Mirador Calvary
17:13 Great things to do in Matagalpa Nicaragua: Hike the Mountain of Peace
17:25 Best things to do near Matagalpa Nicaragua: Cascadas Blancas
18:18 Must visit in Nicaragua: Selva Negra
19:41 Subscribe to Bucket List Travellers YouTube travel channel
19:57 Mercado Municipal de Matagalpa Market in Matagalpa Nicaragua
20:35 Cotran Sur Bus Terminal Matagalpa Nicaragua
20:58 Cotran Norte Bus Terminal Matagalpa Nicaragua
21:28 Travelling by local bus in Nicaragua
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LA PAZ, BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR | La hermosa Ciudad Costera de MÉXICO
La Paz es una ciudad mexicana, capital y ciudad más poblada del estado de Baja California Sur y a su vez cabecera del municipio de La Paz, está ubicada al sur de la bahía de la Paz, en la costa del golfo de California, al sur de la península de Baja California. Es un lugar con unas de las playas mas hermosas que tiene Mexico y el Mundo! Es el primer video de la serie de mi viaje a La Paz, espero lo disfruten! en los proximos videos lo llevo a conocer a la playa Balandra, Isla Espiritu Santo y el Pueblo Magico Todos Santos.
Los invito a ver mis otros vídeos de La Paz:
✅ Balandra
✅ Isla Espíritu Santo
✅ Todos Santos
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RECORRÍ la HACIENDA que perteneció a SANTA ANA y que ahora es un MUSEO 🚴🕍
En esta ocasión realicé un poco de cicloturismo hacia la localidad de El Lencero, ubicado en el municipio de Emiliano Zapata (a unos 15 km de Xalapa) tomamos la carretera federal que conduce a Veracruz e ingresamos a este lugar histórico de Veracruz México.
La HACIENDA EL LENCERO, cuenta con cerca de 500 años de historia, fue propiedad de ANTONIO LÓPEZ DE SANTA ANNA (Antonio de Padua María Severino López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón), quien nació en Xalapa, Veracruz un 21 de febrero de 1794, y ahora es el MUSEO EX HACIENDA DE EL LENCERO; su historia data desde HERNAN CORTES, quien por MERCED REAL (concesión de un premio por méritos) se le otorgó a JUAN LENCERO (soldado) quien inicio su construcción en el año de 1525.
A sus inicios funcionó como posada para el trayecto de Veracruz Puerto a Xalapa, pero con los años se tuvo cría de ganado, reparación de carruajes, alfarería, cultivo de algodón y caña, siendo esta última un fuerte desarrollo para la economía de la zona y hoy en día es un museo.
Pasando por diversos dueños en el año de 1842, el propietario JUAN FRANCISCO CARAZA Y ZALVAZA, vende por 45 mil pesos oro, la hacienda a Don ANTONIO LÓPEZ DE SANTA ANNA, pero esta siguió funcionando como posada, pero cobrando derechos de tránsito y en el año de 1856 siendo Presidente de la Republica IGNACIO COMONFORT decreta el embargo de la hacienda, la cual fue vendida en 1875 y ya para este año la hacienda se convirtió en una de las más importantes productoras azucareras de la región; perdió terrenos por problemáticas agrarias y diversos propietarios, hasta que en el año de 1981 fue adquirida por el GOBIERNO DEL ESTADO DE VERACRUZ por AGUSTÍN ACOSTA LAGUNÉS gobernador en esa época, pero ya siendo solo de 8 hectáreas en donde se restaura la casa principal.
Muchas cosas se cuentan de este bello lugar, SANTA ANNA lo convirtió en su principal centro de operaciones y se dice que observaba la vida política de México mientras descansaba en su hamaca; ahí murió su primera esposa, pero por segunda ocasión se casa SANTA ANNA con DOLORES TOSTA, mandando a construir en la capilla vieja, columnas y campanario para celebrar dicho evento.
También fueron huéspedes distinguidos entre a GABRIELA MISTRAL (Premio Nobel de Literatura 1945), ROSARIO CASTELLANOS y a EMMA GODOY quienes escribieron parte de su obra en ésta hacienda.
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0:00 Introducción
0:13 Inicio del recorrido en bicicleta, partiendo de la hacienda de la Orduña
0:51 Indicaciones en la Carretera Xalapa- Veracruz
1:22 Laguna del lencero
1:52 Ingreso a la ex hacienda
2:12 Capilla de la hacienda
3:22 Recorrido por la hacienda de el Lencero
4:41 Entrevista con visitante de Canadá
5:58 Despedida desde la carretera
South Panamericana, Pan-American Highway, Peru, South America
The Pan-American Highway is a network of roads measuring about 47,958 kilometres (29,800 mi) in total length. Except for a 159-kilometre (99 mi) rainforest break, called the Darién Gap, the road links the mainland nations of the Americas in a connected highway system. According to Guinness World Records, the Pan-American Highway is the world's longest motorable road. However, because of the Darién Gap, it is not possible to cross between South America and Central America by traditional motor vehicle. The Pan-American Highway system is mostly complete and extends from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, in North America to the lower reaches of South America. Several highway termini are claimed to exist, including the cities of Puerto Montt and Quellón in Chile and Ushuaia in Argentina. No comprehensive route is officially defined in Canada and the United States, though several highways in the U.S. are called Pan-American. The Pan-American Highway passes through many diverse climates and ecological types, from dense jungles, to arid deserts, to cold mountain passes. Since the highway passes through many countries, it is far from uniform. Some stretches of the highway are passable only during the dry season, and in many regions driving is occasionally hazardous. Famous sections of the Pan-American Highway include the Alaska Highway and the Inter-American Highway (the section between the United States and the Panama Canal). Both of these sections were built during World War II as a means of supply of remote areas without danger of attack by U-boats. Jake Silverstein, writing in 2006, described the Pan-American Highway as a system so vast, so incomplete, and so incomprehensible it is not so much a road as it is the idea of Pan-Americanism itself. The southern part of the highway begins in northwestern Colombia, from where it follows Colombia Highway 62 to Medellín. At Medellín, Colombia Highway 54 leads to Bogotá, but Colombia Highway 25 turns south for a more direct route. Colombia Highway 72 is routed southwest from Bogotá to join Highway 25 at Murillo. Highway 25 continues all the way to the border with Ecuador. Ecuador Highway 35 runs the whole length of that country. Peru Highway 1 carries the Pan-American Highway all the way through Peru to the border with Chile. In Chile, the highway follows Chile Highway 5 south to a point north of Santiago (Llaillay), where the highway splits into two parts, one of which goes through Chilean territory to Quellón on Chiloé Island, after which it continues as the Carretera Austral. The other part goes east along Chile Highway 60, which becomes Argentina National Route 7 at the Argentinian border and continues to Buenos Aires, the end of the main highway. The highway network also continues south of Buenos Aires along Argentina National Route 3 towards the city of Ushuaia in Tierra del Fuego. One branch, known as the Simón Bolívar Highway, runs from Bogotá (Colombia) to Guiria (Venezuela). It begins by using Colombia Highway 71 all the way to the border with Venezuela. From there it uses Venezuela Highway 1 to Caracas and Venezuela Highway 9 to its end at Guiria. A continuation of the Pan-American Highway to the Brazilian cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro uses a ferry from Buenos Aires to Colonia in Uruguay and Uruguay Highway 1 to Montevideo. Uruguay Highway 9 and Brazil Highway 471 route to near Pelotas, from where Brazil Highway 116 leads to Brazilian main cities. Another branch, from Buenos Aires to Asunción in Paraguay, heads out of Buenos Aires on Argentina National Route 9. It switches to Argentina National Route 11 at Rosario, which crosses the border with Paraguay right at Asunción. Other branches probably exist across the center of South America. The highway does not have official segments to Belize, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana, nor to any of the island nations in the Americas. However, highways from Venezuela link to Brazilian Trans-Amazonian highway that provide a southwest entrance to Guyana, route to the coast, and follow a coastal route through Suriname to French Guiana.
Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de México | 4K Walking Tour
Recorrido por el Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de México (Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc).
Todo el metraje fue realizado con equipos y accesorios GoPro.
El Centro Histórico de la ciudad de México –el más grande y emblemático de América Latina- es uno de los más importantes centros turísticos del mundo y el principal destino de turismo cultural del país. En él se concentran algunos de los tesoros culturales más apreciados de la nación y verdaderas joyas de la arquitectura. Esta maravilla distinguida como Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad por parte de la Unesco en 1987, cuenta con cerca de 1,500 edificios, entre templos, museos, hoteles, tiendas, galerías, teatros y centros culturales, muchos de ellos catalogados como monumentos históricos o artísticos. En 668 manzanas y una superficie de 9.7 kilómetros cuadrados, es posible admirar la arquitectura que resume la historia de las épocas prehispánica, colonial, independiente y moderna del país.. (CONACULTA,
#mexico #mexicocity #cdmx #walking #walk #4k #60fps #centrohistórico #templomayor
South Panamericana, Pan-American Highway, Peru, South America
The Pan-American Highway is a network of roads measuring about 47,958 kilometres (29,800 mi) in total length. Except for a 159-kilometre (99 mi) rainforest break, called the Darién Gap, the road links the mainland nations of the Americas in a connected highway system. According to Guinness World Records, the Pan-American Highway is the world's longest motorable road. However, because of the Darién Gap, it is not possible to cross between South America and Central America by traditional motor vehicle. The Pan-American Highway system is mostly complete and extends from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, in North America to the lower reaches of South America. Several highway termini are claimed to exist, including the cities of Puerto Montt and Quellón in Chile and Ushuaia in Argentina. No comprehensive route is officially defined in Canada and the United States, though several highways in the U.S. are called Pan-American. The Pan-American Highway passes through many diverse climates and ecological types, from dense jungles, to arid deserts, to cold mountain passes. Since the highway passes through many countries, it is far from uniform. Some stretches of the highway are passable only during the dry season, and in many regions driving is occasionally hazardous. Famous sections of the Pan-American Highway include the Alaska Highway and the Inter-American Highway (the section between the United States and the Panama Canal). Both of these sections were built during World War II as a means of supply of remote areas without danger of attack by U-boats. Jake Silverstein, writing in 2006, described the Pan-American Highway as a system so vast, so incomplete, and so incomprehensible it is not so much a road as it is the idea of Pan-Americanism itself. The southern part of the highway begins in northwestern Colombia, from where it follows Colombia Highway 62 to Medellín. At Medellín, Colombia Highway 54 leads to Bogotá, but Colombia Highway 25 turns south for a more direct route. Colombia Highway 72 is routed southwest from Bogotá to join Highway 25 at Murillo. Highway 25 continues all the way to the border with Ecuador. Ecuador Highway 35 runs the whole length of that country. Peru Highway 1 carries the Pan-American Highway all the way through Peru to the border with Chile. In Chile, the highway follows Chile Highway 5 south to a point north of Santiago (Llaillay), where the highway splits into two parts, one of which goes through Chilean territory to Quellón on Chiloé Island, after which it continues as the Carretera Austral. The other part goes east along Chile Highway 60, which becomes Argentina National Route 7 at the Argentinian border and continues to Buenos Aires, the end of the main highway. The highway network also continues south of Buenos Aires along Argentina National Route 3 towards the city of Ushuaia in Tierra del Fuego. One branch, known as the Simón Bolívar Highway, runs from Bogotá (Colombia) to Guiria (Venezuela). It begins by using Colombia Highway 71 all the way to the border with Venezuela. From there it uses Venezuela Highway 1 to Caracas and Venezuela Highway 9 to its end at Guiria. A continuation of the Pan-American Highway to the Brazilian cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro uses a ferry from Buenos Aires to Colonia in Uruguay and Uruguay Highway 1 to Montevideo. Uruguay Highway 9 and Brazil Highway 471 route to near Pelotas, from where Brazil Highway 116 leads to Brazilian main cities. Another branch, from Buenos Aires to Asunción in Paraguay, heads out of Buenos Aires on Argentina National Route 9. It switches to Argentina National Route 11 at Rosario, which crosses the border with Paraguay right at Asunción. Other branches probably exist across the center of South America. The highway does not have official segments to Belize, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana, nor to any of the island nations in the Americas. However, highways from Venezuela link to Brazilian Trans-Amazonian highway that provide a southwest entrance to Guyana, route to the coast, and follow a coastal route through Suriname to French Guiana.
Abarrotadas como nunca las playas de la Isla de la Piedra en Mazatlán, México.
Paradisiaca isla localizada en las costas del estado de Sinaloa, México, a un costado del muy conocido resort, Mazatlán.
Jhandi to Lava - Experience West Bengal - The Sweetest Part of Incredible India
We have hired a car from the Jhandi Eco Huts. Our destination for today is Kagay. We are going to visit the Lava monastery which is on the way. Its the month of December. The sky is clear. The views are awesome.
2 3 a adi agricultura airport airways alcalá alfonso alimentación alipurduar almora ambiente and andhra antropología araku art arunachal asia's assam atocha av. baba bagdogra bageshwar bageswar baikunthapur balancing bank barajas barcelona barrage barsay barsey basilica basin baspa bastar basti batasia beach bengal berinag bermiok bersay bersey bhalukpong bharali bhuvaneshwar bikhaybhanjyang bindu birthi boating bomdila bomdilla bong bora bose botánico bridge bum bumla busty buxa calle castleton catalina cathedral cave caídos centro chakori chalsa chandra chango charrapunji chaukhamba chaukori cherrapunjee cherrapunji chhange chhattisgarh chilapata chitkul chitrakoot chitrakot chitrakut chitrey christians cibeles ciudad cleanest college concepción corbett corniche corte country course craig dam damdim dankhar daoiz darjeeling de deenapanee deenapani deer del deportivo deulti devi dhangari dhangiri dhangkar dhankar dhikala digha dim dinapanee dinapani dirang district division doha dooars dowhill drangkhar duars dudhia dzongri dzongu dzuluk eagle's east eastern eco edad el elephant espana españa estación estate everest exchange fagu fallen falls forest forests fundación gabur gairibas gajoldoba gali gangolihat gangtok gangtsen gaon garden garh ghangchhen ghati ghoom ghum gnathang goche-la gochela golf gompa gompha gorubathan gorumara grotto group gumpa gumpha guras gurudongmar guwahati hamad hangrang hee help heroes hilley hills himachal holong hombres homestay house huts ilustres india indrani indravati indreni inglés international islamic island jagdalpur jaldapara jalpaiguri jang jardín jaswant jaswantgarh jayanti jerónimo jhalong jhandi jheel jia jim jointi joyonti jung kabru kailasagiri kailash kalamudi kalamuni kalamuri kalapokhri kalimpong kalipokhri kalopokhri kalpa kalpokhri kameng kanchenjungha kanger karcham kathgodam kausani kaza kee key khab khairbari khalia khangchendzogna khangchendzonga khangehenzonga khasi khayerbari khecheopalri khecheperi khechuperi ki kibber kinnaur kmvn kolakham kolkata konda kot kullu kumaon kumayun kunj kupup kurseong kye la lachen lachung ladakh lahaul lake lava lepchajagat lhotse limestone little living loop los lungsel lungthung machan madarihat madhuri madrid maithon makaibarie makalu malbazar malling mandarmani mandarmoni mandir manebhanjan maneybhanjan mangan mary mawlynnong mawsmai medio meghalaya meghma memencho memenchu memorial menmecho middle ministerio mirik monastery monument monumento mt. mulling municipal munsiyari munsyari murillo murti museo museum musuem mzho méndez nacional nainital nako nalla nanda narsing nathang national natural naval neora netaji new nga niagra north nuestra nullah nuranang observatory odisha of okhrey old palacio panchchuli panchachulli pandim panteón parang park pass patal pemayangtse pemyangshi pemyangtse peo pin pithoragarh plantation plaza pogu point pooh pool por pradesh prado promenade puerta pull purísima qatar rabangla rabongla railway rainbow rajabhatkhawa rakcham raksham ramakrinshna ramnagar rangbhang range rangers rangpo ravangla rbk(buxa-jungle-lodge) real recong reserve reshi reshikhola residencia rhododendron rimbi rinchenpong rishikhola rishop rishyap river riwai rk rock rocky rohini rongli roopnarayan root rupnarayan rushikonda samdo samdu samsing san sanctuary sandakfu sandakphu sangetsar sangla santrabari sarahan satluj school sela sevoke señora shankarpur shikiajhora shillong shimla shipki shivling shonga-tser shungatser shungetser sikiajhora sikkim siliguri sillery sillerygaon simvo singalila singshore sinshore sisters sky sohra sombaria soureni south spain spiti station stock subhas sumdo sumendu suntalekhola suntaleykhola sur sutlej suárez tabo tajpur tal talsari tawang tazpur tea teerathgarh teesta tejarm tejpur temple tercera thal thambi thangu the three thyssen-bornemisza tibet tiger tirathgarh to tonglo tonglu top town tree trisul trishul tseir tumbling tumling udaipur udaypur umiam upper uttarakhand uttarey valley varsay varsey versay versey view village visakhapatnam vizag walk war wards waterfalls wbfdc west western y yuksom yuksome yuksum yumthang yumthung zone zuluk álvaro Someshwar Switzerland of India kagay kaagay kagey kaagey Pedong jhandi eco huts