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10 Best place to visit in Morsi India


Maharashtra top 10 tourist places, महाराष्ट्र में घूमने के 10 सबसे बेहतरीन पर्यटक स्थल

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17 things I wish I knew BEFORE visiting THAILAND in 2024

17 things I wish I knew before I travelled to Thailand, these are some must-know tips for Thailand to help you not make any mistakes and to feel comfortable travelling the country.

Hotels in Thailand -

Travel Insurance -
Elephant Sanctuary Tour -
Universal Travel Adapter -

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0:00 - The beautiful country of Thailand
0:27 - Visa & Visa extension
1:00 - Thai food!
1:21 - Renting Scooters
1:51 - Finding accommodation
2:02 - Full Moon Party
2:45 - When to go?
3:27 - Scams
4:02 - SIM card
4:20 - Thailand Itinerary
6:03 - Budget for Thailand
7:10 - How to get around?
7:43 - Thailand’s HIDDEN GEM!
9:18 - Where to see Elephants?
9:53 - Bangkok Belly

Top 10 Street Foods in Mauritius

You cannot visit Mauritius without trying the street foods. These are our top 10 street foods that are available all over the island. What is your favourite?


We are saving up to get a drone, so we can show you more from the places we visit. Help the cause by buying a coffee.

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0:00 Get some snacks
1:54 A little chili is quite nice
4:10 Oh you guys are back
7:07 She stuffs it in the middle
10:28 Basting with butter
13:35 Place ad here

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The Only Place on Earth Where Four Nations' Borders Meet

There's only one place on Earth where you can be in four countries at once; and it's in Africa. Learn more about Bright Trip at

The colonization of Africa has created many seemingly arbitrary (and sometimes problematic) borders. One of these African borders is so complicated that it is the only one of its kind in the world. Driaan takes a closer look at how the world's only quadripoint was drawn onto the map, and how its future affects Africans, travelers, and anyone using a smartphone.

Thanks to Richard Kok for the drone footage of Mosi-Oa-Tunya

Leave a comment with any questions you have and we’ll make sure to include it in a future video.

Make sure to subscribe to the channel to learn how to travel smarter.

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Bright Trip creates video-based travel courses to help you travel smarter. From our location courses that visually demystify places like Tokyo, London, Costa Rica, or Cape Town to our skills courses that cover how to travel solo, with kids, or how to document your travels more effectively and efficiently - each course is created by real travelers, like you, and aims to create a community of curious travelers that are eager to travel smarter.

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48 Hours in India

I made this video, vlog-style about my trip to India for WIMUN India 2018! I hope you enjoy our journey through Delhi and Agra!

Cele mai bune sfaturi pentru o vacanță perfectă în Zanzibar - 10 aspecte cheie de reținut .

Bună ziua tuturor! Bine ați venit la această prezentare video despre 10 lucruri pe care trebuie să le știți înainte de a vizita Zanzibar. Sunt încântat să împărtășesc cu voi câteva informații esențiale despre această insulă africană uimitoare. Deci, să începem!

1. Vremea: În primul rând, trebuie să luați în considerare vremea în Zanzibar înainte de a vă planifica călătoria. Insula are un climat cald și umed, cu două sezoane principale: un sezon uscat și unul umed. Cel mai bun moment pentru a vizita Zanzibar este în sezonul uscat, între luna iulie și octombrie.

2. Viza de intrare: Pentru a vizita Zanzibar, veți avea nevoie de o viză de intrare valabilă. Asigurați-vă că vă organizați în prealabil și să solicitați o viză de turist prin intermediul ambasadei din țara dumneavoastră ori prin sistemul electronic de vize.

3. Limba vorbită: Limba oficială în Zanzibar este swahili, dar engleza este, de asemenea, vorbită pe scară largă în zonele turistice. Este întotdeauna util să cunoașteți câteva expresii de bază în swahili pentru a vă ușura interacțiunea cu localnicii.

4. Moneda: Moneda oficială în Zanzibar este șilingul tanzanian. Este recomandat să aveți bancnote de monedă locală, deoarece multe afaceri mici pot accepta doar plata în numerar. Schimbați-vă bani în avans sau utilizați bancomatele disponibile în principalele orașe.

5. Siguranța: În timp ce Zanzibar este o destinație turistică sigură, este întotdeauna important să fiți vigilenți și să vă păstrați obiectele de valoare în siguranță. Evitați expunerea excesivă a bunurilor personale și fiți atenți la zonele aglomerate sau mai puțin populate în timpul nopții.

6. Vizitele culturale: Zanzibar este cunoscută pentru cultura sa bogată și arhitectura sa distinctă. Nu uitați să includeți în itinerariul dvs. vizite la Stone Town, un oraș cu o istorie fascinantă, și în insulele de condimente, unde puteți descoperi plantațiile de scorțișoară, cuișoare și alte condimente exotice.

7. Proximitatea oceanului: Zanzibar este renumită pentru plajele sale magnifice și apele cristaline ale Oceanului Indian. Asigurați-vă că includeți timp în program pentru a vă relaxa pe plajă și a înota într-un peisaj tropical de basm.

8. Safari în sălbăticie: Dacă sunteți pasionat de fauna africană, puteți extinde vacanța dvs. în Zanzibar prin a include o excursie într-un parc național din apropiere, cum ar fi Parcul Național Serengeti sau Parcul Național Ngorongoro. Nu ratați ocazia de a vedea leii, elefanții și alte animale sălbatice în habitatul lor natural.

9. Obiceiuri de îmbrăcăminte: Zanzibar este o insulă cu o cultură conservatoare și este bine să vă îmbrăcați modest în așezările rurale și în zonele mai puțin turistice. Pe plajă sau în stațiuni, puteți adopta un stil mai relaxat, dar este recomandat să acoperiți-vă umerii și genunchii atunci când vizitați locuri religioase.

10. Mâncarea locală: Nu puteți părăsi Zanzibar fără să gustați din bucătăria sa excepțională. Biryani-ul, pilaf-ul și fructele de mare proaspete sunt câteva dintre mâncărurile locale pe care trebuie să le încercați. Aventurează-te în târgurile locale și încearcă gusturile unice ale Zanzibarului.

Și-ați terminat! Acestea sunt cele zece lucruri esențiale pe care trebuie să le știți înainte de a vizita Zanzibar. Sunt convins că veți avea o experiență minunată în această insulă africană fermecătoare. Mulțumesc pentru atenție și vă urez călătorii fericite! La revedere!
#zanzibar #vlogzanzibar #tanzania #travelvlog #travelZanzibar #prisonisland #Nungwi

The Most Unique Humans on Earth!!! (Omo Valley)

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I have spent the last 3 days in the Omo Valley of South Western Ethiopia and it is wild! This is one of the most remote and undiscovered inhabited places in the world. You will not believe what I just experienced.

The Omo Valley is home to 10 distinct ethnic tribes, all living within the same land. Their traditions and rituals have been passed down for thousands and thousands of years, and it was a very special experience to be able to witness it first hand.

If you've been watching my videos for some time, then you know that I always try to dig deep into local cultures to observe unique lifestyles. Because meeting people and learning about how they survive is my favorite part about traveling. With that being said, I think I have just reached my climax of finding hidden cultures here in the Omo Valley, Ethiopia.

Have you ever heard of the Omo Valley, Ethiopia? Or been here before?

#ethiopia #africa #travel

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drew (at) drewbinsky (dot) com

Top 10 Cheapest/Budget Countries To Travel From India | #india #travel

Top 10 Cheapest/Budget Countries To Travel From India

#india #travel #shorts #nepal #srilanka #thailand #vietnam #indonesia #cambodia #malaysia #laos #philippines #myanmar


Best Place to Visit in Monsoon India:


Unbelievable Places You Can Go Nude - Take a Trip Around the Globe #travel #beach


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Travel Destiny is a YouTube channel dedicated to exploring the world's most beautiful destinations and sharing the adventures with viewers. The channel features travel vlogs, travel guides, and tips and tricks for traveling on a budget. Discover the hidden gems of various countries, showcasing the local culture, food, and activities.

The channel's videos are high-quality and visually stunning, capturing the essence of each destination and immersing viewers in the experience. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a novice, Travel Destiny offers something for everyone, with content ranging from luxury travel to backpacking and budget-friendly trips.

Overall, Travel Destiny is a must-watch for anyone looking to experience the world from the comfort of their own home, or for those seeking inspiration and ideas for their next adventure.


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Sure, here are the top 10 cheapest countries to travel from India, along with a detailed description of each:

1. Nepal: Nepal is a popular travel destination for Indians due to its proximity and affordability. From scenic treks in the Himalayas to cultural experiences in Kathmandu, there is plenty to see and do in this beautiful country. The currency used in Nepal is Nepalese Rupee, and the cost of living is relatively low compared to India.
2. Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka is an island nation located just south of India and is known for its beautiful beaches, wildlife, and cultural sites. The Sri Lankan rupee is the currency used in the country, and the cost of living is relatively cheap, making it an affordable destination for Indian travelers.
3. Thailand: Thailand is a popular travel destination for Indians due to its affordable food, accommodation, and transportation. From beautiful beaches to bustling markets, Thailand has something to offer for everyone. The currency used in Thailand is the Thai Baht.
4. Vietnam: Vietnam is known for its stunning landscapes, rich history, and delicious food. The currency used in Vietnam is the Vietnamese Dong, and the cost of living is relatively cheap compared to India.
5. Indonesia: Indonesia is a vast archipelago consisting of thousands of islands, and it is a popular destination for Indian travelers due to its stunning natural beauty and affordable prices. The currency used in Indonesia is the Indonesian Rupiah.
6. Cambodia: Cambodia is a country in Southeast Asia known for its ancient temples, beautiful beaches, and friendly people. The currency used in Cambodia is the Cambodian Riel, and the cost of living is relatively low compared to India.
7. Malaysia: Malaysia is a popular travel destination for Indians due to its vibrant cities, beautiful beaches, and delicious food. The currency used in Malaysia is the Malaysian Ringgit, and the cost of living is relatively cheap compared to India.
8. Laos: Laos is a small landlocked country in Southeast Asia known for its stunning natural beauty and friendly people. The currency used in Laos is the Lao Kip, and the cost of living is relatively low compared to India.
9. Philippines: The Philippines is an archipelago consisting of over 7,000 islands, and it is a popular destination for Indian travelers due to its beautiful beaches, friendly people, and affordable prices. The currency used in the Philippines is the Philippine Peso.
10. Myanmar: Myanmar is a country in Southeast Asia known for its ancient temples, beautiful landscapes, and friendly people. The currency used in Myanmar is the Myanmar Kyat, and the cost of living is relatively cheap compared to India.

Morshi | Waterfall Near Morshi | | Morshi Dam |

Uppar Wardha Dam Morshi District Amravati


Restaurants in Chandur, Maharashtra - India

Have a really tasty meal again, in a good restaurant or eatery nearby. Enjoy a great dinner with near Chandur. Whether gourmet, fast food or a romantic candlelight dinner, you will find something suitable here.

Here you can find Restaurants in Chandur, Maharashtra - India:
00:00 - Intro
00:22 - 1) durga restaurant
00:32 - 2) Chetneys restaurant & Bar
00:41 - 3) Sri Laxmi Prasanna Hotel
00:59 - 5) Ramdev Hotal
01:08 - 6) అన్నపూర్ణ టిఫిన్ హోటల్
01:17 - 7) Sai Durga shawarma point
01:26 - 8) Srinivas Udupi Hotel
01:44 - 10) Jayalaxmi Fast Food Centre

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Top 10 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Amravati | India - English

#AmravatiPlaces #PlacesInAmravati #AmravatiVisitPlaces #Amravati
Amravati is one of the biggest tourist attractions in India having many best places in Amravati. Few parts of India can claim such a range of heritage beauty as Amravati. From Buddhist stupas and historical landmarks to a cultural metropolis lined by quintessential hill-stations, the city is also a home to some of the best religion-based architecture you will ever come across: We’re talking countless ancient temples, the majestic Ambadevi Mandir, and modern masterpieces like the Osmania Masjid. And while no list of “must-visit” or “top attractions” from among the million possibilities can be definitive, we have brought to you the best places to visit in Amravati.

Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.

There are many beautiful places in Amravati. India has some of the best places in Amravati. We collected data on the top 10 places to visit in Amravati. There are many famous places in Amravati and some of them are beautiful places in Amravati. People from all over India love these Amravati beautiful places which are also Amravati famous places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful places to visit in Amravati.

Please help us in our cause and share this channel as much as possible with your friends and family.

***All images used in this video are a property of their owners. We have no intention of showing these images as our own property. We used these images just to promote tourism.***

Shocking Moment Royal Guard Horse DRAGS WOMAN OFF FEET! | Horse Guards, Royal guard, King’s Guard

See the Royal guard as royal guard horse bites & Drags tourist to the floor at horse guards. Horse guards parade, where the royal guard on horse is has sights like this in london. King’s guard & the king’s guard horse at not to be messed with at horse guard parade 2023. The British royal guard, kings guard & their horse do not take kindly to irresponsible tourists.

#royalguard #horseguards #horseguardsparade #kingsguard #britishroyalguard #london #london23023 #horse #tourist

Exploring Prani with Dr.Bro: Bangalore’s Heartwarming Wildlife Haven| India 🇮🇳

Step into a world of compassion and connection at Prani Pet Sanctuary in Bangalore, where rescued animals find a loving home and visitors experience nature up close! From exotic birds to gentle farm animals, Prani is a sanctuary that nurtures both the animals it cares for and the souls of those who visit.

In this video, we’ll take you on a heartwarming journey through Prani Pet Sanctuary, showcasing the incredible animals, the inspiring work of the sanctuary, and the beautiful interactions between humans and animals. Perfect for animal lovers, families, and anyone who believes in the power of kindness.

📌 What You’ll Discover:
- A tour of Prani’s diverse animal residents, including birds, reptiles, and farm animals.
- The touching stories of rescue and rehabilitation behind the sanctuary’s mission.
- Hands-on experiences where you can feed, pet, and bond with the animals.
- Tips for visiting Prani, including how to support their work.

💡 Why Prani Pet Sanctuary is a Must-Visit:
- A unique opportunity to connect with animals in a safe, caring environment.
- Ideal for families, animal lovers, and those looking for a meaningful, educational experience.
- A peaceful retreat where you can learn about wildlife conservation and the importance of animal welfare.

👉 Subscribe for more explorations of wildlife sanctuaries and nature escapes, and hit the notification bell to stay updated! If you were touched by the mission of Prani Pet Sanctuary, give the video a thumbs up and share it with fellow animal lovers.
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- Prithvi OS

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#travelindia #indiatouristplaces #touristplacesinindia #indiatour #indiatravel #bharat #india #PraniPetSanctuary #BangaloreWildlife #AnimalRescue #PetSanctuary #TravelTakesYouPlaces

Restaurants in Morshi, Maharashtra - India

Have a really tasty meal again, in a good restaurant or eatery nearby. Enjoy a great dinner with near Morshi. Whether gourmet, fast food or a romantic candlelight dinner, you will find something suitable here.

Here you can find Restaurants in Morshi, Maharashtra - India:
00:00 - Intro
00:22 - 1) Gurukrupa The Family Food Court. ..... Pure Vegetarian
00:32 - 2) Adarsh Restaurent
00:41 - 3) Samrat Restaurant and Bar
00:50 - 4) Hotel Annaji
00:59 - 5) Gayatri Restaurant
01:08 - 6) Aadarsh Family Restaurant
01:17 - 7) Hotel Desi Tadka 'Mama'
01:26 - 8) Prasad Restaurant
01:34 - 9) Jay Bhawani Restaurant
01:44 - 10) New Dwarka Restaurant

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Top 10 Gujarati Foods That You Must Try | Veena World

Right from the bites of Undhiyu to the spices of Dabeli, there’s a whole lot to relish. So, if you are visiting Gujarat, here is the list of Gujarati dishes that you must definitely try during your trip.

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#BucketList101 #Top10GujaratiFoods

Exploring the village of death tribe of Ethiopia || Africa travel vlog || Ep.23

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Iran Visa complete guide

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This video is only for Entertainment Purpose not means to spread hate
against anyone or promote terrorism.
Please don't follow any advise or suggestion which given in
this video.
and you will be responsible for traveling these places.

#mursitribe #culturaladventure #ethiopianculture #jungleadventure #travel #travelvlog #ethiopia

बैगा जनजाति मे आज भी पुरानी परम्परा मे होता है शादी | Chhattisgarh India | Dk808

बैगा जनजाति मे आज भी पुरानी परम्परा मे होता है शादी | Chhattisgarh India | Dk808

जय जोहार संगवारी हो मैं हूं दीपक छत्तीसगढ़ के बिलासपुर कवर्धा पंडरिया जिलों में बैगा जनजाति निवास करती है यह आज ही अपनी पुरानी परंपरा के लिए जाना जाता है बैगा जनजाति में शादी आज भी पुरानी परंपरा के अनुसार किया जाता है बड़े ही धूमधाम से कार्यक्रम होता है शादी का कुछ प्रमुख रस्मो का वीडियो हम अपने चैनल के माध्यम से आपके बीच लेकर आ रहे हैं वीडियो कैसा लगा हमें कमेंट करके जरूर बताएं। धन्यवाद

#baiga #tribal #life #chhattisgarh #india #dk808

Watamu Travel Vlog - 10 Best Things to do in Watamu Kenya | Kenya Travel Vlog

Watamu Travel Vlog - 10 Best Things to do in Watamu Kenya | Kenya Travel Vlog

Watamu is a fun spot for a perfect beach holiday in Kenya.
Check out more details below in my blog:

Timestamps ⏩
00:00 Intro Watamu Vlog
00:36 EAVS Watamu Snake Farm - Bio-ken
02:00 Gedi Ruins Malindi... Snake Park
03:29 Watamu Beach
05:12 Sunset Canoeing at Mida Creek
07:15 Marafa / Hell's Kitchen
08:30 Waka Waka Island
10:10 Garoda Beach
10:40 The Sandbank
11:55 Lunch Time

Town in Kenya
Watamu is a small coastal town in Kenya, north of Mombasa. It’s known for Watamu Marine National Park and Reserve, which has 3 bays: Watamu, Blue Lagoon, and Turtle. Sandy beaches and coral gardens are the defining features. Seabirds and green and hawksbill turtles inhabit Mida Creek with its sand flats and mangrove forest. Inland, Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Reserve is home to elephants, monkeys, and rare birdlife.

What is Watamu known for?
The Marine Park is considered one of the best snorkeling and diving areas on the coast of East Africa. It is also rated the third-best beach in Africa for its crystal clear water and silver sand beaches.

Is Watamu safe?
There are many areas of Kenya that are considered dangerous. Still, the country's main attractions, such as Amboseli National Park, the Maasai Mara National Reserve, Mount Kenya, and Watamu, are considered very safe.

Are there dolphins in Watamu?
There are three species of dolphin that you can see in Watamu; the Indo Pacific Bottlenose dolphin, the rare Indo Pacific Humpback dolphin, and the offshore acrobats, the Spinner dolphins. Whoever you see, please enjoy them naturally but do remain in the boat. Our dolphins are wild and have over 100 teeth!

EAVS Watamu Snake Farm. Bio-ken
A large variety of African snakes, tortoises & amphibians in a park with guided educational tours.
Bio-Ken is a research center, which deals with reptiles, especially snakes and snake-bite. Located less than 5 minutes drive from the hotels in Watamu - Kenya, it houses the largest collection of Snakes in East Africa and is open to the public.
There are about 127 different snake species in Kenya. Of these, only 18 have caused human fatalities, and only another 6 could kill you. Another 10 could cause you a lot of pain, and the remaining 93 are non-venomous nor dangerous.

Gedi Ruins Malindi... Snake Park
Historical landmark in Kenya
The ruins of Gedi are a historical and archaeological site near the Indian Ocean coast of eastern Kenya. The site is adjacent to the town of Gedi in the Kilifi District and within the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest.

Mida Creek
Stretching inland from the sea into Arabuko Sokoke Forest, Mida Creek, a Broadwater tidal creek surrounded by extensive mangroves lined with palms. This 32km2 creek has wide, healthy beds of seagrass and coral, home to many fish species and feeding sea turtles, while in the mangrove,s smaller streams and inlets provide a refuge for crabs and birdlife. Mida is a stopover point for many migratory birds and an essential protected area for their survival. This makes it one of the most important and beautiful natural attractions on the Kenyan coast.


#kenya #kenyatravel #watamu

10 Things NOT to Do in Estonia

Get more Tips here!

From its historical museums to the medieval castles in the capital of Tallinn, you will find a lot of reasons why you should plan a visit, but here are 10 things to keep in mind when traveling to this Northern Europe country.

1. Don’t Get Easily Offended
Estonians have a great sense of humor, but they tend to be more dry and sar-castic when it comes to cracking a joke. If you find yourself the target of an off-hand pun, take it as a compliment and learn to laugh at yourself.

2. Don’t Talk About History
In the 1940s, Estonian Jews were massacred by German police units and Es-tonian auxiliaries by the thousands. These events may have occurred decades ago, but the memories of the death and destruction are still fresh in their minds.

3. Don’t Forget to Wear Reflectors
If you plan on renting a bike and going for a ride after dark, small reflectors are required during the winter months. If you’re caught riding around without them, you’ll be subjected to a fine ranging from $50 to $500 USD.

4. Don’t Ignore Drink Prices
When ordering a drink in a bar, play close attention to the drink prices. Many people have noticed that some bartenders mark up the price of liquor for for-eign tourists.

5. Don’t Keep Your Shoes On
If you happen to meet a kind Estonian who invites you to their home, respect is required at all times. They also expect you to take off your shoes when you step inside, so make sure you’re wearing some presentable socks!

6. Don’t Expect Friendliness Right Away
Many people define Estonians as cold and standoffish. You’ll probably feel a bit of tension, but it won’t last long. When they become more comfortable with you, their demeanor and communication will lighten up drastically.

7. Don’t Travel Without Insect Repellent
Tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme-disease is widespread, especially in the parks in Tallinn. Bites from ticks and other insects are more common in forest-ed areas, so be sure to protect yourself before venturing out into nature.

8. Don’t Expect Help When Traveling With Kids
Estonia is definitely a children-friendly destination, but public transportation isn’t equipped to provide assistance for those with strollers, and a lot of the streets in Old Town are cobbled roads, making it difficult to push strollers with ease.

9. Don’t Use Your Cell Phone While Driving
Talking on your cell phone while driving is prohibited, but you can use a hands-free system, of course. Seat belts are always required, and your head-lights must be turned on at all times – whether it’s daytime or nighttime.

10. Don’t Ask Them to Speak Russian
Many people assume Estonians speak Russian since the neighboring country is close by. But they have their own language, Estonian, which they’re really proud of. However, many Estonians prefer to speak English.

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