Top 10 Things To Do In Mali | Travel Video | SKY Travel
Top 10 Things To Do In Mali | Travel Video | SKY Travel
01.Great Mosque Of Djenne 1
02.Bandiagara Escarpment 1
06.Niger River
08.Sankore Madrasah
09.Dogon Village
10.Mount Hombori
Country in West Africa
Mali, officially the Republic of Mali, is a landlocked country in West Africa. Mali is the eighth-largest country in Africa, with an area of just over 1,240,000 square kilometres. The population of Mali is 19.1 million. 67% of its population was estimated to be under the age of 25 in 2017. Wikipedia
Capital of Mali
Bamako is the capital and largest city of Mali, with a 2009 population of 1,810,366 and an estimated 2020 population of 2.71 million. It is located on the Niger River, near the rapids that divide the upper and middle Niger valleys in the southwestern part of the country. Bamako is the nation's administrative centre. Wikipedia
Koutiala | Mali | administrative region of Sikasso, Minianka country, Bambara kingdom
Koutiala is a city in Mali in the administrative region of Sikasso, and is located 140 km north of the city of Sikasso. Koutiala serves as the capital of its administrative Cercle, home to 575,253 people in 2009. As of the 2009 Census, Koutiala has 137,919 residents.
Situated in Minianka country, Koutiala was founded in the 16th century by members of the Coulibaly family from the Bambara kingdom of Segou. It now contains an important hospital for women and children.[1] Koutiala's sister city is Alençon, France.
Koutiala is the heartland of cotton production in Mali and is sometimes called the white gold capital for its cotton.[2] However, the industry has been affected by stagnation since the 1980s.[3] Aside from cotton it is also noted for grain production, primarily pearl millet, sorghum and maize.[4] Koutiala is the second most industrial city in Mali, hosting, among others, the Compagnie malienne pour le développement du textile (CMDT) and the Huilerie cotonnière du Mali (HUICOMA).
Notable people[edit]
Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta (1945-)
See also[edit]
Koutiala,Mali,administrative region,Sikasso,Coulibaly family,Bambara kingdom,region of Sikasso,Minianka country,pearl millet,sorghum,grain production,Alençon,France.,Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta,cities in Mali,industrial city,city,Burkina Faso
industrial city
List of cities in Mali
Cities of Mali, Geography Game , Bamako, Sikasso, Koutiala, Ségou , Kayes, Kati ,Mopti,
Game :
Mali, cities, Bamako, Sikasso, Koutiala, Ségou , Kayes, Kati ,Mopti, Niono, Gao, San, Tombouctou, Kidal,
Government no longer exercises de facto control). Besides the largest cities and towns (all urban communes are shown), this table also includes other large rural communes with a population in excess of 50,000.
By far the largest agglomeration in Mali is the capital, Bamako, with a population of 1,809,106 (at the 2009 Census). Thus about 12½ percent of Mali's population live in Bamako.
The following table lists all communes with over 50,000 population from the 1 April 2009 census, together with the higher-level administrative unit (région) and second-level unit (cercle) in which each is situated. The population figures refer to the real city (i.e. commune) without any suburbs in neighbouring communes.
Bamako is a separate capital district and is not within any région or cercle; it comprises six urban communes (not individually listed in the table below), which are numbered rather than named.
Urban or
Bamako Bamako Bamako Six Urban
communes 1,016,296 1,809,106 4.8
Sikasso Sikasso Sikasso Urban 134,774 225,753 4.8
Kalabancoro Koulikoro Kati Rural 35,582 166,722 15.1
Koutiala Sikasso Koutiala Urban 76,914 137,919 5.5
Ségou Ségou Ségou Urban 105,305 130,690 2.0
Kayes Kayes Kayes Urban 67,424 127,368 6.0
Kati Koulikoro Kati Urban 52,714 114,983 7.3
Mopti Mopti Mopti Urban 80,472 114,296 3.2
Niono Ségou Niono Rural 54,251 91,554 4.9
Gao Gao Gao Urban 52,201 86,633 4.7
San Ségou San Urban 46,631 68,067 3.5
Koro Mopti Koro Rural 41,440 62,681 3.8
Bla Ségou Bla Rural 27,568 61,338 7.5
Bougouni Sikasso Bougouni Urban 37,360 59,679 4.3
Mandé Koulikoro Kati Rural 30,577 59,352 6.2
Camp Koulikoro Kati Rural 28,371 58,661
Kolondiéba Sikasso Kolondiéba Rural 37,945 57,898 3.9
Kolokani Koulikoro Kolokani Rural 33,558 57,307 5.0
Pelengana Ségou Ségou Rural 19,963 56,259 9.9
Tombouctou Tombouctou Tombouctou Urban 29,732 54,453 5.7
Koury Sikasso Yorosso Rural 33,605 54,435 4.5
Massigui Koulikoro Dioïla Rural 42,665 53,947 2.2
Tonka Tombouctou Goundam Rural 37,821 53,438 3.2
Kadiolo Sikasso Kadiolo Rural 31,292 52,932 4.9
Balle Sikasso Yanfolila Rural 37,498 51,727 3.0
Kaladougou Koulikoro Dioïla Rural 23,823 51,384 7.2
Koumantou Sikasso Bougouni Rural 33,987 51,348 3.8
bougou Koulikoro Kati Rural 36,198 50,056 3.0
The next table lists all the remaining urban communes with under 50,000 population from the 1 April 2009 census, together with the higher-level administrative unit (région) and second-level unit (cercle) in which each is situated. The population figures refer to the real city (i.e. commune) without any suburbs in neighbouring communes.
Kita Kayes Kita 31,861 48,947
Koulikoro Koulikoro Koulikoro 28,670 43,174
Nioro Kayes Nioro 22,266 33,486
Djenné Mopti Djenné 19,558 32,944
Douentza Mopti Douentza 13,138 28,005
Bourem Gao Bourem 21,227 27,486
Kidal Kidal Kidal 11,159 25,617
Bandiagara Mopti Bandiagara 21,058 25,564
Diré Tombouctou Diré 13,431 22,365
Goundam Tombouctou Goundam 9,030 15,253
Toya Kayes Yélimané 8,908 12,922
Troungoumbé Kayes Nioro 9,988 11,412
Ténenkou Mopti Ténenkou 7,675 11,310
Fatao Kayes Diéma 4,774 9,239
Kouniakary Kayes Kayes 7,023 8,135
Karan Koulikoro Kangaba 5,669 6,874
Youri Kayes Nioro 4,061 6,721
Somankidi Kayes Kayes 4,784 6,622
Fégui Kayes Kayes 2,688 5,494
Kourounikoto Kayes Kita 3,247 5,335
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
A Giant Anthill in Sikasso, Mali
Glimpses of Mali: A giant anthill by the highway RN 7 in Sikasso on way to Bamako, 21 December 2020. There were numerous large anthill along the RN 7 between Bamako and Sikasso, particularly in the Sikasso region.
10 Pays Malien peut visiter sans visa
10 Pays à voyager avec un passeport malien en 2019
Les obligations de visa pour les citoyens maliens sont des restrictions administratives imposées par les autorités d'autres États aux citoyens maliens. Au 26 mars 2019, les citoyens maliens avaient accès sans visa ou visa à l'arrivée dans 55 pays et territoires, ce qui classait le passeport malien au 84ème rang en termes de liberté de voyager.
Les détenteurs de passeports maliens peuvent se rendre gratuitement dans 33 pays. Les citoyens des pays du Mali ont accès à 22 visas à l'arrivée et 14 pays à visa électronique.
L'aéroport international Modibo Keïta (anciennement aéroport international de Bamako-Sénou jusqu'en décembre 2015, puis renommé1 en hommage à l'ancien président Modibo Keïta) est le principal aéroport du Mali. Il est situé à environ 15 km au sud du centre ville de Bamako, à l'intérieur des limites du District de Bamako. Il a été ouvert au trafic en 1974. Il est géré par Aéroports du Mali (ADM). Cependant, plusieurs investisseurs étrangers bénéficient des profits de l'aéroport.
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Mali's Countryside: Bamako to Bougouni
Glimpses of Mali: Mali's beautiful and green countryside on the way from Bamako, Mali's Capital, to Sido in Bougouni (Sikasso region of Mali) 131 Kms south-east of Bamako, 26 October 2020.
Point G Bamako, Mali
Glimpses of Mali: An Indian family at the Point G Vantage Point in Bamako from where a panoramic view of the city of Bamako can be seen, 10 October 2021.
Undiscovered Bamako (Mali) from Above in 4K | Drone - DJI Mavic Pro 2
Explore Bamako from above. Fly over this undiscovered capital of Mali in this video and enjoy the views from our drone!
Produced by BeemFlights
Sander & Bas Mutsaards
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DJI Mavic pro 2
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Sikasso, Mali #shorts
Sikasso is a city in the south of Mali and the capital of the Sikasso Cercle and the Sikasso Region. It is Mali's second largest city with 300,753 residents. It's about 106 km = 66 mil from Ivory Coast border
Mali II: From Ségou to Djenné
After enjoying Bamako, Travelista Teri heads to the village of Ségou Koro and then to Ségou where she tries millet beer at a family’s home and learns the secrets of making traditional Malian mud cloth.
snapchat @travelistateri
Pont De Kayo, Koulikoro, Mali
Glimpses of Mali: Pont De Kayo (Kayo Bridge over the Niger River), Koulikoro Region of Mali, 25-26 June 2022.
Mali Sikasso Local Market / Mali Sikasso Marché local
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24 August 2011 Trip to Sikasso
Jake wanted to try out his motorcycle on a long trip... but not too long. So we planned to go to Sikasso (about 100 kilometers each way). It was really funny how we reacted when we saw two white people in the market. We were so excited. We wanted to say, Hi, but we were too nervous. Guess we've been in the village too long.
AFRICA in MOTO + Drone - Segou e Fiume Niger MALI
WEST AFRICA Moto Tour 2018/2019 di Pinuccio & Doni – Segou e Fiume Niger MALI – Racconto di viaggio con foto li trovi qui:
Prenota ovunque nel mondo da questo link di e ricevi 15 euro di premio:
Bamako Mali - Before & After Coup March 12, 2012 1 of 10
WANT Tour of Mali
Budapest-Bamako 2020 Official Route
The world's largest amateur rally and adventure continues in 2020. The route will take participants from Budapest to Freetown in Sierra Leone.