MOLDOVA Top 50 Tourist Places | Moldova Tourism
Moldova (Things to do - Places to Visit) - MOLDOVA Top Tourist Places
A country in Europe
Moldova, an Eastern European country and former Soviet republic, has varied terrain including forests, rocky hills, and vineyards. Its wine regions include Nistreana, known for reds, and Codru, home to some of the world’s largest cellars.
Capital Chișinău has Soviet-style architecture and the National Museum of History, exhibiting art and ethnographic collections that reflect cultural links with neighboring Romania.
MOLDOVA Top 50 Tourist Places | Moldova Tourism
Things to do in MOLDOVA - Places to Visit in Moldova
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MOLDOVA Top 50 Tourist Places - Moldova, Europe
Top travel destinations in Moldova
Are you planning on travelling to Moldova? Ensure to include these top destinations on your must visit list to make the best out of your trip. #shorts #travel
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3. This monastery wins the award for the most beautiful in all of Moldova. The complex is made up of five churches, a refectory, several abbeys, and monk cells. Its beauty comes from the Bessarabia architectural style. The centrepiece for the complex is the Mother of God Church, built at the end of the 19th century. After you've explored the grounds and learnt about the unique history of the monastery (it was once a psychiatric hospital during the Soviet era) enjoy a nice stroll through the orchards.
2. Just an hour outside of Chisinau is Orheiul, or Old Orhei, Moldova's most incredible sight. It's an archaeological complex with rich cultural and historical significance. It's also a place of stunning natural beauty. Overlooking the Raut River, this open-air complex features fortifications, baths, caves, ruins, and monasteries – all which date back as late as the Dacian tribes of 2000 years ago. The ancient monuments date from various periods including the Tatar and Mongol invasions, the 10th century BC, and more recently the occupation of the Golden Horde in the 14th century. Because of the unusualness of the area, a museum has been built that offer exhibits and provide information and context for such a unique place.
1. This is modern and friendly place is Moldova's biggest city and serves as its capital. Chisinau has loads of green space, parks, and historical buildings. It feels like a city with space. There's also no shortage of restaurants, art galleries, nightclubs, spas, and casinos! You'll want to visit Pushkin Park and the orange pyramid at the World War II memorial. You'll find marvellous frescoes in the Nativity Cathedral, and if that's not for you, check out the stalls of the local modern artists in the art market.
MOLDOVA TRAVEL GUIDE. Best Places to Visit in MOLDOVA | TOP 20 Part 1
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Moldova (/mɒlˈdoʊvə/ (About this soundlisten), sometimes UK: /ˈmɒldəvə/),[11][12][13] officially the Republic of Moldova (Romanian: Republica Moldova), is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe.[14] It is bordered by Romania to the west and Ukraine to the north, east, and south.[15] The capital city is Chișinău.
Most of the Moldovan territory was a part of the Principality of Moldavia from the 14th century until 1812, when it was ceded to the Russian Empire by the Ottoman Empire (to which Moldavia was a vassal state) and became known as Bessarabia. In 1856, southern Bessarabia was returned to Moldavia, which three years later united with Wallachia to form Romania, but Russian rule was restored over the whole of the region in 1878. During the 1917 Russian Revolution, Bessarabia briefly became an autonomous state within the Russian Republic, known as the Moldavian Democratic Republic. In February 1918, the Moldavian Democratic Republic declared independence and then integrated into Romania later that year following a vote of its assembly. The decision was disputed by Soviet Russia, which in 1924 established, within the Ukrainian SSR, a Moldavian autonomous republic (MASSR) on partially Moldovan-inhabited territories to the east of Bessarabia. In 1940, as a consequence of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, Romania was compelled to cede Bessarabia to the Soviet Union, leading to the creation of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic (Moldavian SSR), which included the greater part of Bessarabia and the westernmost strip of the former MASSR (east of the Dniester River).
On 27 August 1991, as the dissolution of the Soviet Union was underway, the Moldavian SSR declared independence and took the name Moldova.[16] The constitution of Moldova was adopted in 1994. The strip of the Moldovan territory on the east bank of the Dniester has been under the de facto control of the breakaway government of Transnistria since 1990.
Due to a decrease in industrial and agricultural output following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the service sector has grown to dominate Moldova's economy and is over 60% of the nation's GDP. Its economy is the poorest in Europe in per capita terms[15] and has the lowest Human Development Index in the continent.
Moldova is a parliamentary republic with a president as head of state and a prime minister as head of government. It is a member state of the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the GUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic Development, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC).
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#166 Gospodărie țărănească, Cheile Orheiului, Priveliște minunată, Old Village - Republic of Moldova
Gratis virtual tour -
-Orheiul Vechi este una dintre cele mai des vizitate atracții turistice din Moldova. Aici poți admira peisaje frumoase și monumente istorice.
-În timpul excursiei, turiștii au ocazia sa se bucure de panorama spre Cheile Orheiului.
-De asemenea, turiștii pot aflat despre perioada Imperiului Otoman din Moldova și chiar au văzut rămășițe vechilor palate din acele vremuri. palatul Pîrcălab, Mănăstirea creștină și rămășițe băilor tătarilor.
-În Orheiul Vechi se poate vizita casa-muzeu a unei gospodării tradiționale țărănești din secolul al 19-lea.
-Momentul cel mai impresionant al excursiei este o vizită la biserica Nașterii Fecioarei Maria, care se află pe vârful falezei Orhei, unde se deschide o priveliște fascinantă a complexului istoric.
-Se poate admirat și vizita și vechea mănăstire rupestra, a cărei intrarea în secolul 18 a fost blocată, dar la 1820 a fost săpat un tunel la rugămintea credincioșilor. În anul 1915 a fost construită Biserica Nașterii Fecioarei Maria. După aceasta mănăstirea rupestra și-a pierdut semnificația.
-La finalul excursiei, turistii pot vizita restaurantul Epoca de piatră, situat într-o peșteră și construit în stil preistoric, lângă cramele de vinuri Brănești.Subsolurile Brănești sunt situate subterane la o adâncime de 60 m, acoperă pe o suprafață de 75 hectare și au o lungime totală de 58 km.
- Orheiul Vechi nu lasă pe nimeni indiferent. Patrimoniul cultural și istoric al Moldovei.
Train trip and City Cahul
We decided to investigate railways in Gagauzia. Originally we wanted to make return trip from Comrat to city Cahul, which is not far from Gagauzia. But we found out, that the train is running only once a day, each direction, from Comrat at 6:40 a.m. Well it is not even from Comrat, the station is called Comrat, but its in village Bugeac, 5 km north of Comrat.
As we were lazy to get up at 5 oclock, we decided to take a bus to Cahul, and by train go only back. Nevertheless the bus took three hours, the gagauzian roads are very bad.
Guest Houses Trebujeni
Old Orhei (ro. Orheiul Vechi) is one of the main tourist destinations in Moldova. The natural and historical reserve combines Moldova’s rich nature and intercultural history with dramatic landscapes of limestone cliffs and vestiges of ancient civilizations whose descendants still live here today. After a day of exploring these natural, historical and religious sites, you can enjoy Moldovan hospitality to the fullest by staying at a family-run guest house in one of the nearby villages. You’ll be welcomed with home-cooked meals made from ingredients fresh from the farm, comfortable rooms decorated with traditional, hand-made handicrafts, and the tranquil rhythm of country life.
This video is produced by the National Inbound and Domestic Tourism Association of Moldova (ANTRIM) and Moldova Travel, with the support of Moldova Competitiveness Transition Activity, a USAID EDGE Buy-in project. This assistance is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of ANTRIM and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.
Eco Village Văleni Guest House 360 video
The lower part of Moldova is home to one of the region’s most outstanding nature, culture and well-preserved traditional communities, concentrated around the Beleu Lake and the Lower Prut UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. The Eco Village Valeni Guest House was established at the beginning of 2014 & is a local social business, focused on the development of rural, cultural, wine tourism and ecotourism in the area. Saharna Waterfalls
Moldova. See on map .
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Satul Cărbuna, o destinație atractivă în peisajul turistic al Republicii Moldova
La o distanță de aproximativ 40 de kilometri de Chișinău descoperim o adevărată perlă a turismului din Republica Moldova. Este vorba despre localitatea Cărbuna – o destinație perfectă pentru cei pasionați de tradiție.
Satul Cărbuna se află în raionul Ialoveni și face parte dintr-un proiect de turism eco-cultural, „Semiluna de Bronz”;
Facem o călătorie cu gust prin cele mai deosebite locuri ale satului Cărbuna. Așadar, punctul nostru de start este Castelul Sf. Ilie din zona istorico-culturală și ecologică a Cărbunei.
Satul oferă oportunități de odihnă și recreere, servicii de cazare în locuințe rurale.
Cărbuna se poate lăuda și cu oameni gospodari. Pe aceste locuri, tradițiile de altădată, cum ar fi strânsul fânului sau spălatul scoarțelor în apa de izvor, nu sunt date uitării.
Lacul Beleu și Rezervația Naturală Prutul de Jos de lângă satul Slobozia Mare, Republica Moldova
În acest video am parcurs traseul prin Rezervația Naturală Prutul de Jos.
Am văzut:
- satul Văleni din raionul Cahul;
- Colinele de Aur de la Văleni;
- satul Slobozia Mare din raionul Cahul;
- locul de belvedere spre cel mai mare port fluvial și maritim de pe Dunăre și orașul Galați;
- Rezervația Naturală Prutul de Jos;
- Delta Dunării;
- râul Prut;
- lacul Beleu;
- lacul Manta
- lacul Brateș (România) și limanul;
- ferma de cai din satul Slobozia Mare
- nufăr alb(specie inclusă în Cartea Roșie), stârci, pelicani, egrete, cormorani, țigănuși, pescăruși, lebede, corcodei, rațe, gâște, chire de baltă, lișițe, nagâți;
Durata traseului: 3 ore din Chișinău cu mașina și 3 ore cu ATV-ul.
Vezi filmulețul și planifică-ți traseul de weekend!
Pune like și nu ezita să pui întrebări în comentarii!
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Travel cheap Moldova Tips . Călărași area.
Trip to the forest in foreign country. looking for big trees.
Restaurants in Cahul, Moldova
Have a really tasty meal again, in a good restaurant or eatery nearby. Enjoy a great dinner with near Cahul. Whether gourmet, fast food or a romantic candlelight dinner, you will find something suitable here.
Here you can find Restaurants in Cahul, Moldova:
1) Lux Palace Restaurant
Bulevardul Victoriei 1, Cahul 3900, Moldova
+373 799 46 777
2) Restaurant Codreanu
Calea Republicii 15, Cahul 3909, Moldova
+373 793 21 041
3) Laguna Restaurant
Strada Ștefan cel Mare 64, Cahul 3909, Moldova
+373 299 48 523
4) Balkan
Strada Alexei Mateevici 19, Cahul 3909, Moldova
5) Flamingo
Calea Republicii 17A/1, Cahul 3909, Moldova
+373 691 91 339
6) Restaurant Prut
Strada Alexei Șciusev, Cahul 3909, Moldova
7) Mugurel
Strada Costache Negruzzi, Cahul, Moldova
8) Stația BEER SHOP
Strada Costache Negruzzi 121/A, Cahul 3905, Moldova
+373 299 81 482
9) 0.5 Craft Pub
Strada Mihai Viteazul 43, Cahul 3909, Moldova
+373 795 69 811
10) Culinarie 24/7
Cahul, Moldova
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Must Visit Places In Moldova - Travel guide
Hello Everyone today i am telling you must visit places in Moldova. In this video you see 10 best places to visit in Moldova. I am telling you best places to visit in Moldova. In this video you watch beautiful places to visit in Moldova.
0:00 Introduction
0:11 Orhie
0:28 Saint Peter
0:50 Milestry Monastry
1:10 Garden OF Moldova
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#moldova #pathfinderguide #pathfinderpulse
Training Redescopera lunca Prutului - satul Valeni, Cahul - Republica Moldova
Subiecte: Activitatea Ghizilor de turism conform standardelor WFTGA si importanta campaniilor de marketing pentru promovarea operatorilor din turismul intern.
Formatori: Balatel Elana - Ghid de Turism, acreditat de WFTGA.
Petru Costachi - Fondatorul companiei Moment & Travel si promotor al Turismului Intern.
Mulțumiri speciale aducem gazdei acestui eveniment: Primăria satului Valeni, Silvia Știrbet, AO Eco Scut, Gal Lunca Prutului de Jos; cit si organizatorilor Asociatia Nationala pentru Turism Receptor.
Travel in Moldova - Discover Moldova 2019
Paesaggi della Moldavia, registrazioni effettuate nel Settembre 2019.
Place visited:
-Orhei Vechi
-Bendery Fortness
-Milestii Mici
-Castel Mimi
Recorded with:
-YI 4K+
Restaurants in Comrat, Moldova
Have a really tasty meal again, in a good restaurant or eatery nearby. Enjoy a great dinner with near Comrat. Whether gourmet, fast food or a romantic candlelight dinner, you will find something suitable here.
Here you can find Restaurants in Comrat, Moldova:
1) Augusto Patiserie
Strada Pobeda 107 Comrat, 3800, Moldova
+373 792 02 530
2) Duette
Strada Lenin 2, Comrat, Moldova
+373 671 03 020
3) Boroda GastroBar
Strada Galaţana 34, Comrat, Moldova
+373 602 15 888
4) Andy's Pizza
Strada Lenin 172A, Comrat, Moldova
+373 298 26 239
5) Atlantida
Strada Lenin 233, Comrat, Moldova
+373 298 22 717
6) Başcalean
Starada Gavriliuk 1, Comrat, Moldova
7) Mangal-House
Strada Victoriei 111, Comrat, Moldova
+373 790 60 100
8) Raku
Strada Kotovski 31a, Comrat, Moldova
+373 298 27 799
9) Evghenia
Comrat, Moldova
+373 685 66 324
10) Unotoro
Strada Tretiacov 19, Comrat, Moldova
+373 792 02 530
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Кагул. Молдова. Поход по Болгарии и Греции 2019. #33
Всё путешествие:
O comoara la sudul Moldovei. Descopera satul Valeni din Raionul Cahul
Descoperă satul Văleni și împrejurimile, o comoară la sudul Moldovei.
Călătorește frumos și în siguranță acasă.
În contextul vizitei, primarul satului Văleni, dna Silvia Știrbeț, a vorbit despre perspectivele de dezvoltare a turismului în regiune.
Calatorește, descoperă, dezvoltă.