Roadrunner Bonaire - World's first Twizy tour in the Caribbean


Roadrunner Bonaire - World's first Twizy tour in the Caribbean

On the beautiful island of Bonaire in the Caribbean, you can at Roadrunner Bonaire a tour with the electro Renault Twizy make and get to know the island, more on Facebook: Roadrunner Bonaire or

Auf der schönen Insel Bonaire in der Karibik, kann man bei Roadrunner Bonaire eine Tour mit dem elektro Renault Twizy machen und die Insel kennen lernen, mehr auf Facebook: Roadrunner Bonaire oder unter

Roadrunner Bonaire - Weltweit erste Twizy Tour´s in der Karibik

Auf der schönen Insel Bonaire in der Karibik, kann man bei Roadrunner Bonaire eine Tour mit dem elektro Renault Twizy machen und die Insel kennen lernen, mehr auf Facebook: Roadrunner Bonaire oder unter

On the beautiful island of Bonaire in the Caribbean, you can at Roadrunner Bonaire a tour with the electro Renault Twizy make and get to know the island, more on Facebook: Roadrunner Bonaire or

Roadrunner Bonaire - Deutsch - Renault Twizy Tour´s and Beach - Netherlands Caribbean

You want to explore the beautiful island of Bonaire and that art at a very special and wise?
Then they make the best with an electro Twizy.
For more information, visit or on Facebook
Roadrunner Bonaire

Sie möchten die wunderschöne Insel Bonaire entdecken und dass auf eine ganz besondere art und weise?
Dann machen sie das am besten mit einem elektro Twizy.
Für weitere Informationen unter oder auf Facebook Roadrunner Bonaire

Usted desea explorar la bella isla de Bonaire y que el arte a un precio muy especial y sabio?
Luego hacen lo mejor con un electro Twizy.
Para obtener más información, visite o en Facebook Roadrunner Bonaire

U wilt het mooie eiland Bonaire en dat kunst verkennen op een zeer bijzondere en wijs?
Dan maken ze het beste met een electro Twizy.
Voor meer informatie, bezoek of op Facebook Roadrunner Bonaire

Roadrunner Bonaire - Flyboard -

Jetzt auch auf dem Wasser unterwegs.
Now also on the water on the go.

Flyboard on Bonaire - Eden Beach and Roadrunner Bonaire

Now also on the water on the go. Jetzt auch auf dem Wasser unterwegs.

BigFoot Tours Bonaire

With our specially prepared Yellow Mercedes Unimogs we provide on and off road tours to all the special places on Bonaire, many of which are inaccessible to other vehicles. All our drivers are official tour guides and great fun to be around. During the cruise season we organize special tours that can be booked on board or on shore. Can't miss us !!!!!!! Call: +599 7966868 or +599 7006933 email :

Bonaire Off Road ATV Island Fun

After 6 days of some sweet diving with 16 fun, exciting, and adventurous people, we hit the desert island of Bonaire, 50 miles off the coast of Venezuela in the Netherlands Antilles, in true style. With two awesome guides, we did a three and a half hour tour across the island, including a stop at a cave with a natural sauna. We are still sweating. Beautiful island, great guides, and a fun, muddy experience!

Bonaire Quad Tour 2009

Quad Tour @ Bonaire 2009

thnx to O'neal & Felix for the nice tour

every & ricky's Vacation 2009

Renault Twizy Tour of Tenerife

A Mountain view guided tour with a Renault Twizy!

Welcome to beautiful Bonaire

Come enjoy beautiful Bonaire and reside in our wonderful oceanfront villa

Music: Chan Chan - Buena Vista Social Club

Bonaire Quad (4 wheeler)

Video Filmed by @spiffycool83 / @roel_broere
Video Edited by @roel_broere

Visit out website at for more informations
Instagram: @shekhinahtours

De Twizy Tour is een unieke beleving!

Erik Kroon, directeur van SOS Events in Uddel vertelt over de elektrische Renault Twizy. Een nieuw evenement waarbij u de mooiste plekjes van de Veluwe verkent op een heel bijzondere manier! Kijk op voor meer informatie over de Twizy Tour.

Bonaire Vacation, June 2013

Our first trip to Bonaire. We stayed at Buddy Dive, and had a terrific trip.


This was my first time travelling alone back to my birthplace. Hope you enjoyed.

Dagmar en Kirsten op Bonaire 2014


Irie Tours East Side Tour

One of the many nice tour we had in October 2013.

Blue Rim's Five-Country Tour Slideshow

The Five-Country Tour is our longest running trip, which was first organized by RoadRUNNER Magazine’s founder Christian Neuhauser. He wanted to bring readers back to the places that inspired him and to share the awesome experience of riding in the Alps and Dolomites with them! This area of Europe is truly a rider’s paradise with incredible Alpine roads, rich history, “Old World” charm and hospitality, as well as some of the best dining in the world. The route is curvy, technical, and frequently steep and narrow. It is for these reasons that the Five-Country Tour is rated a 5 out of 5 on Skill Level. If you are an experienced rider who is up for a challenge this will be the trip of a lifetime.

Royal Visit Filmed during Trike Tour Nov 2013

On Nov 20-21 the Dutch Royals visited our beautiful island Aruba. During the morning tour we had a change to film the Royals driven in their bus and police escorts...

Divers surfacing in front of Den Laman at Bari reef

Divers surfacing in front of Den Laman at Bari reef

Scuba Diving in Bonaire Island Video

Bonaire scuba diving and snorkeling is simply fantastic! Book this great trip at or see more fun videos at



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