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10 Best place to visit in Zlatitsa Bulgaria


Prohodna Cave, Zlatitsa Pass & Great Guest House | Season 11 | Episode 35

Motorcycle Trip around Bulgaria with Yamaha XT660Z.

In this episode, I will show you Prohodna Cave, Zlatitsa Pass & Great Guest House.

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Train trip to Zlatitsa

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Sightseeing Tour Sofia & Petrohan Pass | Season 11 | Episode 32

Motorcycle Trip around Bulgaria with Yamaha XT660Z

In this episode, I will show you Sofia and Petrochan Pass.

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Veso's apartment in Sofia:

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Klisurski Monastery & Belogradchik Rocks | Season 11 | Episode 33

Motorcycle Trip around Bulgaria with Yamaha XT660Z.

In this episode, I will show Klisurski Monastery & Belogradchik Rocks.

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През проход Златица - Етрополе и проход Арабаконак

Мото трип
София, Златица, Етрополе, Правец, Арабаконак, Огняново
Посетени: Етрополски манастир, Етрополски водопад “Варовитец”, Паметник на руските воини, Язовир Огняново

Kawasaki Versys 650
GoPro HERO11 Black Mini

#moto, #trip, #motobulgaria, #mototrips, #motovlog, #bulgaria, #bulgariatour, #bulgariatravel, @Me4k0

Wonderful Bulgaria: Trigrad Gorge

Srednogorie - The Hidden Heart of Bulgaria (HD) EN

Free advertisement of my home region - Srednogorie (Bulgaria)

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Equipment: DJI Mini 2
Software: Windows 10 Video Editor
Music Sample: Amplified - Windows 10 Video Editor


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Оборудване: DJI Mini 2
Софтуер: Windows 10 Video Editor
Музика: Amplified - Windows 10 Video Editor

Travel With Me to Panagyurishte, Bulgaria

Panagyurishte (Bulgarian: Панагюрище, international transliteration Panagjurište) is a town in Pazardzhik Province, Southern Bulgaria, situated in a small valley in the Sredna Gora mountains. It is 91 km east of Sofia, 43 km north of Pazardzhik, and 37 km south of Zlatitsa. The town is the administrative centre of the homonymous Panagyurishte Municipality. As of December 2009, it has a population of 17,959 inhabitants.
The root of the name, panagyur, comes from the Greek πανηγύρι, panēgýri, a festival or fair.

God's Eyes Cave (Prohodna Caves) and Bulgaria VILLAGE LIFE

#GodsEyesCaves #Prohodna #Bulgaria

A visit to God's eyes cave (Prohodna Caves) is a must-to-do activity if you are traveling to Bulgaria. The God's eye cave (also know as Prohodna Caves) is not too far from Sofia city. In this travel vlog, we have explained the whole experience of visiting God's eye cave from Sofia.

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Technical University Sofia - School's out for summer! - filmed with a drone

Technical University (ТУ), Chemistry University (ХТМУ), Forestry University (Лесотехнически Университет), Mining & Geology Universtiy (МГУ) of Sofia, filmed with at drone
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I had a long break from flying around due to technical issues with my remote following the heavy rain that hit us in Vienna, but after a visit to the repair shop all is working fine and we are ready for new adventures. I visited this special for me place to show you where I got my engineering degree more than a decade ago. A place, where I met many people and had some great time roaming the blocks. This is the Technical University of Sofia. It is on the edge of the so called Student’s town, which is a district that has changed incredibly during the years until my graduation, but the TU Sofia itself has virtually not changed at all. This is fine for me as I’m reliving my memories very closely. In this flight we see the whole technical university with its 1, 2, 3, 4, and 12 blocks near us and being most prominent in the movie. But this place is not the home only of the Technical university – we can also see the Chemical technology and Metallurgy University, the University of Forestry and the Mining and Geology University all in this little flight. Quite an academic location. Also the closes to my heart dorms of the TU, the four unpretentious buildings, in which I spend my student years and partied with so many friends.

Sofia, Bulgaria, 11.08.2019

For anyone completely not knowing what to do with their cryptos, I’ll not return your generous contribution :)

Bitcoin: 3CCR9uYFvgAXY59wve41K2esAVWcw3eXr8
Ethereum: 0x1b21dB27A6fD7B3ef9ff27db0E55DfABd7a8fF77
Litecoin: MDq2dDd5QY3viJjviFMxKDcasJMYdXVBG4
Doge: DP1AjGvXHi7NV3M8Xqv3BxcWwaGzRSSFh6

Връх Вежен | Стара планина | град Клисура | Опознай България - еп 9 | част 1

✅ Връх Вежен определено е много интересен връх за покоряване, а Стара планина, както винаги предлага невероятна природа. Разберете подбробности за върха и вижте, как ние се качихме до него във видеото.

Връх Вежен се намира близо до град Клисура , в Златишко-Тетевенска планина, дял от централна Стара Планина, висок е 2198,1 метра. Представлява обширно заравнено плато, а по основното му било се движи границата на резервата Царичина. В района на Вежен се намира единственият по-голям горски масив на бяла Мура. Изкачване на връх Вежен е определено нещо много интересно, а живопистната природа може да ви изуми. Валя ни дъжд, пече ни слънце, брули ни вятър, но всичко си струваше. Най-важния съвет, който мога да дам е да си носите много вода със вас, ние имахме късмета да е облачно, но имайте предвид, че сяка НЯМА места за наливане на вода също, но това е Стара планина все пак, тези неща са нормални.
Ако не сте насладили достатъчно на Стара планина, може да разгледате и другите ни предложения, за интересни дестинации в този район. Опознай България е поредица, с която целим да покажем едни от най-уникалните места в България.

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✅ Този канал е мястото, в което споделям с вас моите впечатления от посещение на уникални места в България. Целта е повече хора да се запознаят с красотите и прелестите на България. Подкрепете канала като ударите по един събскрайб и ритнете камбанката за да получавате нотификации когато качваме нови видеа от нашите преживявания и пътешествия.
Връх Вежен | Стара планина | град Клисура | Опознай България - еп 9 | част 1

#plamentv #българия #старапланина

Село Чавдар - eдно от най-красивите в България / The magical Chavdar Village in Bulgaria

Чавдар е село в Западна България. То е център и единствено населено място в Община Чавдар, Софийска област. До 1899 година селото се казва Коланларе, след което е преименувано на Радославово. От 5 януари 1946 година носи името Чавдар.

Още в праисторията тези места са заселени от хората. Те разполагат къщите си в близост до река Тополница, откъдето черпели необходимата им за битови нужди вода. В селищната могила край р. Тополница е открито многослойното раннонеолитно селище Чавдар изохронно на Караново I и II – 6200 г. пр. Хр. с каменни оръдия на труда и уникална рисуваната керамика[1][2] То и подобното в Кремиковци определят „Ранно неолитната култура Кремиковци–Чавдар“ – най-ранната неолитна култура в Софийското поле и в Подбалканската котловина изиграла съществена роля в изграждане на праисторическата периодизация[3]. По време на разкопки е открит и меч от селото от IV век пр. Хр., Намерени са и множество глинени съдове и монети от по-късни епохи. Находките се съхраняват в Археологическия институт с музей при БАН в София и в историческия музей в гр. Пирдоп.
Chavdar (Bulgarian: Чавдар, pronounced [t͡ʃɐvˈdar]) is a village situated in a mountain region, in the eastern part of Sofia Province, Bulgaria.

It is the administrative center of Chavdar Municipality. The municipality is located in the sub-Balkan Zlatitsa-Pirdop Basin. It consists of only one village, namely the village of Chavdar. The municipality is one of the smallest in Bulgaria, situated at the southern outskirts of the Balkan Mountains, and on the northern foothills of Sredna Gora mountain. It is located about 72 km (45 miles) east of Sofia, the capital city of Bulgaria. Close by are the cities of Zlatitsa and Pirdop.
The village got famous lately for becoming one of the most beautiful and modern Bulgarian villages, thanks to the efforts of its mayor and residents.
Prehistoric time
Ever since prehistoric times the land of present time Chavdar has been populated by people. Archaeological excavations of a settlement mound near the Topolnitsa River show that a Neolithic community has been present as early as 7,000 years ago.

The study of Neolithic culture Chavdar began in May 1968. Professor Georgi Georgiev and Senior Researcher Kancho Kanchev, both with the National Archaeological Museum of Bulgaria were leading the efforts through the years to uncover the hidden artifacts. Team of British archeologists were also involved in the archeological dig. Stratigraphic coring results confirmed the presence of seven cultural layers. By 1980 the site was fully explored.

Neolithic Chavdar Culture, polychromatic and anthropomorphic pottery, 6200-5400 B.C., Bulgaria
Early Neolithic village of Chavdar is isochronous to Karanovo I and II Neolithic sites which are dated about 6200 BC. The artifact findings are also similar to Kremikovtsi Neolithic village findings. Early Neolithic culture Kremikovtsi—Chavdar is the earliest Neolithic culture in the Sofia Plain and the sub-Balkan Basin. This culture artifacts have played important role in periodization of the prehistoric time in Bulgaria and the region.

The Neolithic settlement mound consisted of pile dwellings along the Topolnitsa River. Extremely valuable Neolithic painted pottery and stone tools have been found. A sword dated back to 4th century B.C. is also among the artifacts. Other findings include pottery and coins dated to different time in history. All artifacts were made available to specialists for further studies. Now all the findings are in the exhibitions of the Bulgarian National Archaeological Museum (Capital Sofia), and the local historical museum (City of Pirdop).

Medieval Time
According to Dobreyshovo Gospels (first quarter of the 13th century), a village named Markovo has been situated east of the present day village site in a location called Kyoidere.

The first written evidence of the present day village of Chavdar are found in the Ottoman Nikopol District Tax Register dating back to 1430. The village of Chavdar can be found under the name Kolanlar[e] listing 29 taxpayers.

Present Time

Chavdar Village Hall
The village of Chavdar was known as Kolanlare until 1899 when the village inhabitants named their village Radoslavovo after the name of the Bulgarian Liberal Party (Radoslavists) leader at the time Dr. Vasil Radoslavov, a long-time politician, member of parliament, minister in various capacities, and prime minister of Bulgaria.

Legend has it, while visiting the village, sitting at the banks of Topolnitsa River, Dr. Radoslavov has said: If there is a paradise upon Earth, it is here in Bulgaria. If there is a paradise in Bulgaria, it is here [in Chavdar]. Drone

Plan your next European trip now!

Scenic drive Bulgaria - Svishtov - Sofia (fixed quality) / Свищов - София

#jordansptravel #drivingtour #bulgaria #sofia #svishtov
Join me on this relaxing drive from the city of Svishtov to the Bulgaria capital Sofia. This trip was the start of my 2nd holiday in Greece. For today`s journey, we will drive through some rural villages on local routes II-52 and III-3002. After joining national main road I-3 (Byala – Sofia), we will bypass the historical city of Pleven and will continue to the Balkan mountain range, driving through more rural villages. The most beautiful part of the trip is on Highway A2 (Hemus highway) where we pass the mountain, until we reach Sofia. The video was recorded on 09.07.2023. Enjoy the beautiful Bulgarian scenery!


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00:00 map
00:25 preview
01:35 Svishtov railway station, road II-52
10:44 Oresh
12:12 Road III-3002, Pleven region
17:16 Bozhurluk
21:48 Stezherovo
31:43 Balgarene
33:37 National road I-3
38:02 Obnova
57:20 Pleven bypass
01:14:06 Dolni Dabnik
01:39:58 Radomirtsi
01:41:48 Lovech region
01:43:59 Lukovit
01:53:23 Petrevene
01:57:29 Rumyantsevo
02:01:33 Zlatna Panega
02:12:11 A2 Hemus highway
03:01:07 Sofia

#relaxingdrive #scenicdrive #DriversView #TravelVideo #Travel #RoadTrip

Velingrad - the Spa heaven of the Rhodopes, filmed with a drone

The city of Velingrad in the Rhodope mountain, filmed with a drone
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Locations: and

This here is the beautiful mountain town called Velingrad, it is one of the most famous places to go on a Spa hotel, as it combines both hot mineral spring and beautiful mountains. Velingrad is situated in a valley high in the Rhodope mountain. Through the city passes the only functioning, commercial narrow-gauge railway line in the country. The narrow rails pass the whole Rhodope mountains starting from the Septemvri town, passing through Velingrad and continuing its road all the way surpassing Rila’s slopes, passing through the Ski resort towns of Bansko and Razlog and ending up in Dobrinishte in the outskirts of Pirin mountain. Velingrad has formed as a union of the three villages Kamenitsa, Ladzhene and Chepino and has over 90 hot mineral springs, which is why the city has become a tourist resort with over 100 hotels. In the second part of the video we visit the scenic lake Kleptuza, which has formed from a natural phenomenon – the biggest karts spring in the country. The lake is popular leisure location, with its greenery and restaurants and the famous paddle boats, which are adored by visitors and traverse the small lake under the willows. Right near the derelict former restaurant building is a small but pretty waterfall.

Velingrad, Bulgaria, 21.09.2019

For anyone completely not knowing what to do with their cryptos, I’ll not return your generous contribution :)

Bitcoin: 3CCR9uYFvgAXY59wve41K2esAVWcw3eXr8
Ethereum: 0x1b21dB27A6fD7B3ef9ff27db0E55DfABd7a8fF77
Litecoin: MDq2dDd5QY3viJjviFMxKDcasJMYdXVBG4
Doge: DP1AjGvXHi7NV3M8Xqv3BxcWwaGzRSSFh6

Pirdop Пирдоп Slatiza Златица Chelopech Челопеч 6 E871 Bulgaria 12.4.2016

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Hotel Marinela, and the rest of upper west-side Lozenets, filmed with a drone

Lozenetz, Marinela Sofia Hotel, Zlaten Vek skyscraper and church Exaltation of Holy Cross filmed with a drone
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Weather hasn’t been quite conducive to flying around – it’s either too cold, either too wet, either too foggy. This day things brightened up a bit and I had to seize the opportunity, despite the air quality was questionable and somewhat tarnished the scenery. This video is in the series of high prominent Sofia buildings, having a look at a famous hotel and the adjacent future giant, currently under construction. The hotel is called “Marinela Sofia”, but through the years it has been renamed numerous times. Built in 1979 by Japanese architects and it 98m high. It was named Vitosha New Otani. This is why until now it is often referred to as the Japanese hotel. After that it was sold and renamed Kempinski Hotel – Zografski. Its latest transformation is into its current name – Marinela Sofia, named after the wife of the owner (romantic, eh?). The construction going on within just meters from the hotel is the infamous “Zlaten Vek” (Golden age) skyscraper, which was an article of many controversies in the last year, related with alleged corruption. The scandals are still undergoing, but the construction seems to be active and it promises to produce a 120 meters high luxurious apartment block. Between both giants there is a cozy little garden, which I used for my launching pad. The garden is home of the little church named “Exaltation of the Holy Cross”. Speaking of crosses, nearby is the Red Cross building, which seems to be sandwiched between two office buildings the “Hill tower” and the “Hill” hotel. The place seems to be promising for high rise buildings as another one on the other side of the boulevard is being built – the “Energoremont” building is actually an old one, but seems to be going a major reconstruction. In the distance we can also spot the USA embassy, which itself would be an interesting flight, but i'll not dare do any flying around it as I don't want to get alleged with any shady activities by the Americans. All around us is the Lozenetz district, which promises to become even more upscale.

Sofia, Bulgaria, 25.01.2020

Bitcoin: 3CCR9uYFvgAXY59wve41K2esAVWcw3eXr8
Ethereum: 0x1b21dB27A6fD7B3ef9ff27db0E55DfABd7a8fF77
Litecoin: MDq2dDd5QY3viJjviFMxKDcasJMYdXVBG4
Doge: DP1AjGvXHi7NV3M8Xqv3BxcWwaGzRSSFh6


The train from Sofia to Pernik. Running through a gypsy's neighborhood.

🥾 hut Paskal to hut Planinski izvori ⛰️ Central Balkan multi-day trek PART 2️⃣ FULL WALKTHROUGH POV

🥾 hut Paskal to hut Planinski izvori ⛰️ Central Balkan multi-day trek PART 2️⃣ FULL WALKTHROUGH POV

One of the most beautiful and picturesque parts of the mountain Stara planina - the national park Central Balkan. This is my second multi-day trek here - on June 19th 2023 I started a 4 day adventure. In this second part of the adventure I start at hut Paskal and I climb up to the main ridge of the mountain - peak Kositsa (2000m). From there I take the red mark E3 route to the east to reach the non-functioning hut Planinski izvori. I stop for lunch break and I continue in the next vlog.

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🎵 The music behind all my videos is from my original album Inspirations (2016). All the songs are composed during my adventures in the different mountain ranges of the world - Alps, Andes, Caucasus, Himalaya, Tian Shan. You can support me by buying my album here:


📹 Camera: SONY FDR-X3000

00:00 Intro at hut Paskal
00:51 Start
02:05 I went offtrack and I have to go back to the path
03:30 No more fake detours :D
05:05 Plenty of flies around me
05:20 Some nice views of the towns of Zlatitsa and Pirdop behind me
09:30 The biggest copper mine in Bulgaria - Elatsite
11:27 I though you either get the strong wind or plenty of flies :D
14:51 These flies are super annoying
23:40 Approaching the main ridge - peak Kositsa (2000m) and the stats up to here
26:53 First views of peak Paskal 2029m ahead of me
29:43 Traversing below peak Paskal 2029m
32:56 Important info about the trail marks in Bulgaria
35:10 You can still see the mining factory in Pirdop-Zlatitsa
35:53 About the international E3 path along the whole Stara planina mountain
38:18 Peak Kartala ahead of me - a popular name for mountain peaks in Bulgaria
38:34 The weather at peak Vezhen doesn't look great :(
44:00 Going around a herd of horses and approaching hut Planinski izvori
47:50 At hut Planinski izvori 1940m (non functioning)
48:48 A well deserved lunch break for me :P

Monument to the Assen Dynasty - Veliko Tarnovo

0052 Monument to the Assen Dynasty
Assenevtsi Monument
Local name: Паметник на Асеневци
Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
GPS: 43.082572, 25.637741

In the year 1185, three brothers led a bloody rebellion against Bulgaria’s Byzantine overlords.

The three brothers then ruled Bulgaria after its liberation from Byzantium slavery.

Two brothers, Assen and Peter, dedicated their lives to Bulgaria, that it would survive as an independent state. They ruled the newly liberated Bulgaria together and continued to defend the country from Byzantine forces.

The third brother, Kaloyan, went on to become an iconic figure in the history of Bulgaria rulers. According to historical records, he was a brilliant emperor and commander of war.

As a representative of Bulgaria, Tsar Kaloyan was also known to have made remarkable diplomatic achievements throughout Europe in the late 12th and early 13th centuries.

Their heir King Ivan Assen II (Yoan Assen II) like his predecessor Kaloyan was destined to to be an outstanding diplomat, and he strengthened Bulgaria, returning it back to its former greatness.

A system of hereditary rule allowed the family to retain power and the seat of the Tsar was exchanged regularly between family members. The Assen family ruled Bulgaria for a century.

Though Sofia is currently the capital of modern day Bulgaria, in 1186 the Assen Tsars chose to rule Bulgaria from Veliko Tarnovo.

In 1985, 800 years since the Assen Brothers’ revolt against Byzantine’s rule, a monument to the Assen dynasty was erected in the center of Veliko Tarnovo.

Gigantic black statues of the ruling Tsars Asen, Peter, Kaloyan, and Ivan Assen II are represented on horseback.

They circle an even larger black sword pointing straight up to the sky, representing the growing strength of Bulgaria during medieval times.

Please watch: Snow White Premiere at the Carthay Circle Theatre - December 21, 1937


Trains Bulgaria: Passenger trains near Kumaritsa Stop

Trains 2602 and 20214 entering Kumaritsa stop near Sofia. It is not a slo-mo, there is a speed limit 25 km/h in that intercept.



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