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10 Best place to visit in Yuzhne Ukraine


How to travel Ukraine: Odesa. Discover Destination UA: Episode 10

Oh, we adore the sea! Therefore, we couldn’t resist travelling to the main marine city of Ukraine!
It is almost as popular among tourists as Lviv or Kyiv. This city has its own charm. It’s like a completely different coveted world. Meet all-night parties, colorful streets and expressive inhabitants of Odesa. And enjoy delicious food (which we love so much) and the seaaaaaa! Watch our travel vlog from Odesa!

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Nesse video saímos de KIEV e Chegamos à ODESSA, ainda na Ukrania, uma cidade costeira situada às margens do Mar Negro localizada à noroeste da Península da Crimeia.

É a quarta maior cidade do país, contando com pouco mais de um milhão de habitantes. É o centro administrativo do Oblast de Odessa.

A cidade tem dois grandes portos, um na cidade propriamente dita e outro nos subúrbios - o Yuzhny (terminal petrolífero importante em termos internacionais).
Nos tempos da União Soviética, Odessa era o porto comercial mais importante do país e igualmente base naval. Seu porto, porém, tem pouco valor militar, pois a Turquia (membro da NATO/ OTAN) controla o tráfego entre o Mar Negro e o Mar Mediterrâneo.

Espero que Gostem do Vídeo, desde ja agradeço pela Atenção de sempre.

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Visit of Odessa / Одеса / Одесса (Ukraine)

(EN) Odessa or Odesa (Ukrainian: Одеса; Russian: Одесса; Romanian: Odesa; Greek: Οδησσός; Yiddish: אדעס ) is the administrative center of the Odessa Oblast (province) located in southern Ukraine. The city is a major seaport located on the shore of the Black Sea and the fourth largest city in Ukraine with a population of 1,029,000 (as of the 2001 census).[1]
Odessa was founded by Hacı I Giray, the Khan of Crimea, in 1240 and originally named Khadjibey after him. After a period of Lithuanian control, it passed into the domain of the Ottoman Sultan in 1529 and remained in Ottoman hands until the Ottoman Empire's defeat in the Russo-Turkish War of 1792. The Russians renamed the city Odessa in 1794. From 18191858 Odessa was a free port. During the Soviet period it was the most important port of trade in the Soviet Union and a Soviet naval base. On January 1, 2000 the Quarantine Pier of Odessa trade sea port was declared a free port and free economic zone for a term of 25 years.
In the 19th century it was the fourth largest city of Imperial Russia, after Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and Warsaw.[2] Its historical architecture has a style more Mediterranean than Russian, having been heavily influenced by French and Italian styles. Some buildings are built in a mixture of different styles, including Art Nouveau, Renaissance and Classicist.[3]
Odessa is a warm water port, but militarily it is of limited value. Turkey's control of the Dardanelles and Bosphorus has enabled NATO to control water traffic between Odessa and the Mediterranean Sea. The city of Odessa hosts two important ports: Odessa itself and Yuzhny (also an internationally important oil terminal), situated in the city's suburbs. Another important port, Illichivs'k (or Ilyichyovsk), is located in the same oblast, to the south-west of Odessa. Together they represent a major transport hub integrating with railways. Odessa's oil and chemical processing facilities are connected to Russia's and EU's respective networks by strategic pipelines.

(F) Odessa est une ville portuaire d'Ukraine, sur la mer Noire, et la capitale administrative de l'oblast d'Odessa. Elle est située à 440 km au sud de Kiev. Sa population était estimée à 1 007 131 habitants en 2005.
De 1819 à 1858, Odessa fut un port franc. Durant la période soviétique, c'était une base navale et depuis le 1er janvier 2000, le port d'Odessa est déclaré port franc et zone franche pour 25 ans.
Odessa possède un important centre portuaire commercial qui fournit en marchandises et matières premières une bonne partie du pays. La Turquie contrôle les Dardanelles et le Bosphore, autorisant l'OTAN à contrôler le trafic maritime entre Odessa et la Méditerranée. En fait, Odessa comprend deux ports : Odessa et Youjne, un important terminal pétrolier) dans la banlieue. Illitchivsk, un autre port important, se trouve dans le même oblast au sud-ouest d'Odessa. Ensemble, ils forment un important nœud de communication ferroviaire. Les industries pétrolières et chimiques d'Odessa sont connectées avec des oléoducs stratégiques à la Russie et à l'Union européenne.
La ville est un des pôles économiques les plus importants d'Ukraine, dotée d'industries agroalimentaire, textile et manufacturière. De plus, Odessa abrite un nombre considérable de marchés en plein air qui fournissent tout le pays en biens de consommation. Ses taux de croissance annuels dépassent souvent les 10 %.
Odessa est, avec près de 1,1 million d'habitants, la 5e plus grande ville d'Ukraine, et l'une des plus riches du pays. Au xixe siècle, c'était la 4e ville de Russie après Moscou, Saint-Pétersbourg et Kiev. Traditionnellement, son architecture est plus méditerranéenne que russe, très influencée par les styles français et italien. Odessa a toujours possédé un esprit de liberté et d'ironie, en vertu de sa situation géographique d'ouverture aux étrangers. Elle est souvent dénommée la Marseille d'Ukraine.
La ville est une destination touristique de premier ordre, avec de nombreux cafés et discothèques (Arcadia), des kilomètres de plages de sable fin et une certaine atmosphère


ОДЕСА | Німецькі колоністи Причорномор'я, найдовші катакомби Світу, величні руїни минулого

Під час цієї війни Владімір (лише не Володимир) Путін неодноразово говорив про те, що Одеса і північне Причорномор’я — це “русскіє зємлі”. І тут ми згадали, що три з половиною роки тому наш проєкт здійснив експедицію з дослідження німецьких колоній на Житомирщині. Тоді ми також згадували про масове заселення німців на берегах Чорного моря і обіцяли зняти про це фільм. І ось нарешті настав цей час — час, у якому німецькі колоністи стали каталізатором і основою історії, історії, в котрій хочеться роз’яснити московитському диктатору та нагадати нам, українцям, про те, хто жив на північних берегах Чорного моря, хто заснував перші поселення та рубав тут камінь на будівництво перейменованого Хаджибею, хто зводив тут перші православні церкви та будував величні католицькі храми, а хто все це руйнував та “строіл новий мір” і організовува квазідержавні утворення, та до чого тут наше улюблене Поділля і загадковий Ігнацій-Сцибор Мархоцький.

Дебютна робота нашого проєкту з Одеського регіону, де все в кращих традиціях “Хащів” — без косметики та прикрас.

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Мерч проєкту можна придбати тут

00:00 Про що відео?
02:17 Грибівка, Руфіполіс, Мархоцький
05:36 Перша німецька колонія -Грослібенталь, Акаржа, Великодолинське
08:22 Доброолександрівка
11:48 Як змінювали назви сіл
13:21 Мар'янівка Овідопольська громада, переселенці, скарби
16:36 Прилиманське, Татарка. Українці в Причорномор'ї
19:49 Шкодова гора, найбільше козацьке кладовище
21:50 Одесу заснували чи перейменували?
26:30 Найдовші катакомби Світу
33:59 Печерні люди ХХ століття
36:26 Акаржанське повстання
38:11 Етнічний склад Одеської округи
38:45 Новоградівка, покинута кірха.
41:05 Декомунізація та дерагулізація
43:21 Біляївська громада, село Мирне
46:31 Лиманське - найбільший католицький храм півдня України
51:14 Квазідержава ПМР та РПЦ
53:42 Депортації німецьких колоністів
55:37 Порт Аненталь або Южне
56:42 Миколаївська область село Краснопілля
59:37 Люди живуть на кладовищі
01:00:28 Криниці повні вина
01:02:47 Тилігульський лиман, скіфські тюльпани
01:06:41 Висновки
01:07:42 Село Близнюків - Серце

Отдых в Болгарии 2024: от А до Я | ТОП 17 Лучших курортов Болгарии 🇧🇬

🏖️ Болгария 2024. Летний Отдых. Большой выпуск. Полезные советы, тенденции, рекомендации

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💙 Теперь видео с моими прогулками выкладываю на этом канале: Really Walking - прогулки снятые в качестве 4K 10bit с аутентичным звуком 💙💙💙

А на этом канале выкладываю полные версии роликов снятых с дрона локаций из наших видео: Sky Beauty - видео отснятые с высоты птичьего полета дроном под приятную музыку.

Присоединяйтесь к нам в увлекательном путешествии по курортам Болгарии, где солнце, море и разнообразие развлечений ждут вас! В этом видео мы поделимся полезными советами и рекомендациями для организации незабываемого отдыха в этой замечательной стране.

После просмотра видео Вы сможете понять, что вас ждет в Болгарии и сможете лучше подготовиться к поездке в Болгарию. Также мы узнаем какой курорт самый лучший в Болгарии, какой самый дорогой в Болгарии и какой курорт самый доступный в Болгарии 2024. Болгария, Болгария 2024.

Лучшие курорты Болгарии (ТОП 17 по популярности 2024 год):
✅ 1. Варна,
✅ 2. Бургас,
✅ 3. Солнечный берег,
✅ 4. Несебр,
✅ 5. Золотые пески,
✅ 6. Созополь,
✅ 7. Албена,
✅ 8. Поморие,
✅ 9. Святой Влас,
✅ 10. Приморско,
✅ 11. Обзор,
✅ 12. Кранево,
✅ 13. Бяла,
✅ 14. Китен,
✅ 15. Ахтопол
✅ 16. Св. Константин и Елена,
✅ 17. Дюни

Локации из видео:
1. Обзор -
2. Созополь -
3. Курорт Св. Константин и Елена -
4. Курорт Дюни -
5. Курорт Золотые пески -
6. Бяла -
7. Несебр -
8. Курорт Солнечный берег -
9. Кранево -
10. Свети Влас -
11. Курорт Албена -
12. Поморие -

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🕒 В этом выпуске:
00:00 Вступление
01:21 Аргументы ЗА отдых в Болгарии
02:45 Народный рейтинг
03:03 Дюни
04:11 Св Константин и Елена
06:15 Ахтопол
07:00 Китен
07:28 Бяла
08:41 Кранево
10:35 Обзор
12:10 Приморско
13:40 Свети Влас
15:31 Поморие
18:34 Албена
20:52 Созополь
22:36 Золотые пески
24:58 Несебр
27:40 Солнечный берег
30:40 Бургас
31:40 Варна
34:38 Самый дорогой и самый доступный курорты Болгарии
34:50 Советы туристу: Финансы
35:22 Советы туристу: Такси и транспорт
35:45 Советы туристу: Мобильная связь и интернет
36:15 Советы авто туристу
37:00 Какой курорт выбрали Вы?

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#болгария #отдых

Visit of Odessa: Yuzhny city Ukraine 2016

Южное 2016 Одесса
South (Ukr Yuzhne, Южне) - A city of regional significance in the Odessa region of Ukraine. Located on the northwest coast of the Black Sea, 35 km from Odessa and Mykolayiv region near the border. Distances by road to Odessa - 47 km. 10 km east of the town is a resort and vineyards Koblevo.


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It is hard to put labels on the whole country and state with complete certainty that people there are all funny, grumpy or friendly. After all, we are all different. But I’ve decided to visit 5 most popular Ukrainian tourist destinations to answer the question: are most of the Ukrainians friendly?

Kyiv City
Friendliness level: High
Kyiv is the main city of Ukraine and can serve as both transit town and the final destination of any journey. Statistically, Kyiv attracts majority of tourists from Germany, US and UK. I love Kyiv for its beauty, unceasing social and cultural everyday life. As a capital, it is full of young and active people, always open for communication. Crazy pace of life, constant festivals and social events create amazing atmosphere.
No problems: In shopping malls, cafes and in the central streets people are welcoming and easy to talk to.

Uzhgorod City
Friendliness level: High
Western Ukraine is well-known for its hospitality, and Uzhgorod isn’t an exception. Even though it is a small town, its population includes ethnic groups of Hungarians, Polish and Austrians. Uzhgorod gives a very European impression even though the people there often struggle with job finding and prefer to work abroad. Main tourist attractions are beautiful historical buildings and annual Sakura Festival.
No problems: The city mostly lives off the tourists and that’s why you’ll meet the nicest attitude.
Possible problems: I’ve noticed that drivers in Uzhgorod rarely stop at crosswalks and don’t drive safely in general, so you need to be a double careful while crossing the streets.

Odessa City
Friendliness level: Medium
If people told you, that Odessa is a unique city with unique people, they were right. It seems, that people of Odessa have built their own sense of humor and view of life. And oh do they proud of it. I’d say, that you might need some time to get used to the ethnic humor of people in Odessa and their way of interacting. Because commonly, it may sound a bit rude. But overall, Odessa is a city where you want to come back again and again.
No problems: I’ve met absolutely no problems in restaurants in the center of the city. Attentive stuff and the best service. I also find the fact that people go to the local parks almost every evening to listen free concerts and relax together absolutely adorable.
Possible problems: Scams and pickpocketing in crowded places. And for God’s sake, if you doubt your bargain abilities, don’t even try buying something at the local markets like Privoz.

Lviv City
Friendliness level: Extreme
Honestly, I don’t know any other city where people welcome you with open arms like they do it in Lviv. People seem happier there, with wide smiles on their faces and extreme hospitality. What’ve impressed me the most, is the caring attitude of the apartment owners. Very polite, they often offer homemade sweets, treats and can be flexible with the time schedule.

Personally I’ve never experienced any rude treatment while visiting Lviv. People on the streets were very polite and ready to talk.
Possible problems: Even though Lviv is a big regional city, it basically turns out at night. Of course, you can find night clubs and bars, but the streets become extremely dark and deserted.

10 things that prove Ukrainian friendliness.
1. Underground safety. The Ukrainian underground is equipped with heavy swinging doors, which can hit pretty hard, if you won’t catch it in time. Ukrainians always hold the door open for the person behind.
2. Hospitality. Ukrainians show their hospitality on so many levels: from the friendly greetings at the airports to the gatherings at home. If you are invited to somebody's home, get yourself ready for the lots of treats, drinks and fun.
3. English speaking. The majority of people under 35 can understand and speak English. This fact really helps in the communication process.
4. Ready to help. 8 out of 10 will stop and give you an advice or show direction, if you ask.
5. Great sense of humor. Ukrainians prefer to deal with stress and minor troubles with humor. They can be pretty sarcastic, but never mean.
6. Trust. Despite political and economical hardships, people trust each other even in small things. For example, you can often witness how people pass the passenger fare in small local buses without being concerned whether someone can take it.
7. Politeness. You will see people offering seats in public transport to seniors, pregnant women or people with kids all the time. I personally believe, that this is a definitive sign of an overall positive personal development and kindness.


Summer Journey to the Southern UKRAINE | 2021

Summer road trip video to the Southern Ukraine in 2021.
For 10 days we've visited many beautiful places. Spent few nights in Buky Canyon. Did not have rafting on Southern Bug river. Had dinner on sunset on Kuialnyk Estuary. Tried oysters at the Scythian oyster farm and spent the night on the banks of the Tiligul estuary. We was walking along steep slopes with incredible views of Black Sea. And ended our trip with the last night in a tent on the shore to the sound of the Black Sea, a dozen meters from the water.

0:00 - Intro
0:01 - Buky Canyon
0:16 - Southern Bug river
0:33 - Radon lake
0:49 - Wind farm with huge wind turbines near Yuzhne city
1:05 - Kuialnyk Estuary
1:42 - Beaches of Yuzhne city
2:10 - Tiligul estuary
2:42 - Steep slopes with views of Black Sea
3:15 - Bonfire at the beach.

All aerial shots made with with DJI Mavic Mini.

Відео з нашої літньої авто мандрівки на південь України в 2021 році. За 10 днів ми побували в багатьох дуже гарних місьцях. Ночували в палатці в Буцькому каньйоні. Не сплавлялись на байдарці по Мигійских порогах, але поплавали в Радоновому озері (затопленому кар'єрі біля с. Мигія). Вечеряли і споглядали захід сонця на Куяльницькому лимані недалеко від Одеси. Пробували устриці на устричній фермі Устриці Скіфії та ночували на березі Тілігульского лиману. Гуляли по обривистих кручах за чудовими видами на Чорне море. І закінчили наш тріп ночівлею на в палатці на березі моря під шум хвиль в десяти метрах від води.

0:00 - Начало
0:01 - Буцький каньон, Черкаська обл.
0:16 - Мигійські пороги, р. Південний Буг, Миколаївська обл.
0:33 - Радоново озеро, с. Мигія, Миколаївська обл.
0:49 - Вітроєлектростанція біля г. Южне, Одеська обл.
1:05 - Куяльницький лиман, Одеська обл.
1:42 - пляж біля м. Южне, Одеська обл.
2:10 - Тілігульский лиман, Чілова коса, Одеська - Миколаївська обл.
2:42 - Обривсті кручі і пляж біля с. Морське, Миколаївська обл.
3:15 - Кемпінг на пляжі. Кінець

Знято на Мавік Міні в 2021 р. Mavic Mini .
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ODESSA BY DRONE, UKRAINE (4K City Tour) Stunning Aerial, Drone, Night, and Walking Tour 4K Footage

ODESSA, UKRAINE BY DRONE (4K City Tour) features spectacular aerial, walking, and drone video footage shot in the night and day, great for travel, visit, vacation, and tourism planning set to original music. Odessa is the third most populous city of Ukraine and a major tourism center, seaport and transport hub located in the south-west of the country, on the northwestern shore of the Black Sea. The city is also the administrative center of the Odessa Raion and Odessa Oblast, as well a multiethnic cultural center. Odessa is sometimes called the pearl of the Black Sea, the South Capital (under the Russian Empire and Soviet Union), The Humor Capital and Southern Palmyra.

Before the Tsarist establishment of Odessa, an ancient Greek settlement existed at its location. A more recent Tatar settlement was also founded at the location by Hacı I Giray, the Khan of Crimea in 1440 that was named after him as Hacibey (or Khadjibey). After a period of Lithuanian Grand Duchy control, Hacibey and surroundings became part of the domain of the Ottomans in 1529 and remained there until the empire's defeat in the Russo-Turkish War of 1792.

In 1794, the city of Odessa was founded by a decree of the Russian empress Catherine the Great. From 1819 to 1858, Odessa was a free port—a porto-Franco. During the Soviet period, it was the most important port of trade in the Soviet Union and a Soviet naval base. On 1 January 2000, the Quarantine Pier at Odessa Commercial Sea Port was declared a free port and free economic zone for a period of 25 years.

During the 19th century, Odessa was the fourth largest city of Imperial Russia, after Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Warsaw. Its historical architecture has a style more Mediterranean than Russian, having been heavily influenced by French and Italian styles. Some buildings are built in a mixture of different styles, including Art Nouveau, Renaissance and Classicist.

Odessa is a warm-water port. The city of Odessa hosts both the Port of Odessa and Port Yuzhne, a significant oil terminal situated in the city's suburbs. Another notable port, Chornomorsk, is located in the same oblast, to the south-west of Odessa. Together they represent a major transport hub integrating with railways. Odessa's oil and chemical processing facilities are connected to Russian and European networks by strategic pipelines. The population in 2021 was 1,015,826.

This video features original music by Drum Knight:


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🇺🇦 ODESSA - Sightseeing Bus Tour, Ukraine

🇺🇦 ODESSA - Sightseeing Bus Tour, Ukraine

Odessa or Odesa (Ukrainian: Оде́са, Russian: Оде́сса) is the third most populous city of Ukraine and a major tourism center, seaport and transport hub located on the northwestern shore of the Black Sea. It is also the administrative center of the Odessa Oblast and a multiethnic cultural center. Odessa is sometimes called the pearl of the Black Sea, the South Capital (under the Russian Empire and Soviet Union), and Southern Palmyra.

Before the Tsarist establishment of Odessa, an ancient Greek settlement existed at its location. A more recent Tatar settlement was also founded at the location by Hacı I Giray, the Khan of Crimea in 1440 that was named after him as Hacıbey. After a period of Lithuanian Grand Duchy control, Hacibey and surroundings became part of the domain of the Ottomans in 1529 and remained there until the empire's defeat in the Russo-Turkish War of 1792.

In 1794, the city of Odessa was founded by a decree of the Russian empress Catherine the Great. From 1819 to 1858, Odessa was a free port—a porto-franco. During the Soviet period, it was the most important port of trade in the Soviet Union and a Soviet naval base. On 1 January 2000, the Quarantine Pier at Odessa Commercial Sea Port was declared a free port and free economic zone for a period of 25 years.

During the 19th century, Odessa was the fourth largest city of Imperial Russia, after Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Warsaw. Its historical architecture has a style more Mediterranean than Russian, having been heavily influenced by French and Italian styles. Some buildings are built in a mixture of different styles, including Art Nouveau, Renaissance and Classicist.

Odessa is a warm-water port. The city of Odessa hosts both the Port of Odessa and Port Yuzhne, a significant oil terminal situated in the city's suburbs. Another notable port, Chornomorsk, is located in the same oblast, to the south-west of Odessa. Together they represent a major transport hub integrating with railways.



Odessa Ukraine | Urlaub, Tourismus, Strände, Reise, Rezension, Meer | Video 4k Drohne | Stadt Odessa

Odessa, Ukraine. In diesem Video sehen Sie, was der beste Ort ist, den man in der Ukraine besuchen kann. Sie werden wunderschöne Landschaften und die atemberaubendsten Aussichten entdecken, die jeder Reisende während seiner Reise sehen sollte. Das Filmen erfolgt mit einer Drohne aus der Luft im 4k-Format, das qualitativ hochwertige Videos für die Anzeige auf jedem Gerät bietet.

Was zu sehen
Die Stadt Odessa ist reich an bezaubernden Aussichten. Dazu gehören Naturparks und Gärten, historische Denkmäler und beeindruckende Kunstwerke. Die Ukraine ist ein Ort, an dem es gelungen ist, das Erbe der Natur und der Geschichte mit modernen Gebäuden zu kombinieren. Somit findet jeder Urlauber eine Tour zum Reisen nach seinem Geschmack.

Ein Überblick über das Territorium der Stadt Odessa aus der Vogelperspektive ist das denkwürdigste Video. Unsere Drohne hat ein Panorama vom Himmel zu den besten Urlaubszielen gemacht.

Was zu besuchen
Die Stadt Odessa bietet eine Vielzahl von Unterhaltungs- und Ausflugs- und Erholungsmöglichkeiten für jeden Geschmack und Geldbeutel. Dazu gehören: Sehenswürdigkeiten, Museen, Galerien, Ausstellungen, Strände, Meer, Restaurants, Cafés, Parks, Kinos, Diskotheken für Abendspaziergänge. Der Tourismus und die Tourismusindustrie entwickeln sich in dieser Stadt aktiv.

Wo leben
Bei der Auswahl einer Unterkunft im Urlaub haben Reisende die Wahl zwischen mehreren Optionen. Dies ist ein komfortables Hotel in der Stadt, ein Zimmer in einer Pension oder ein gemütliches Landhaus.

Zusammenfassend stellen Sie sicher, dass die Stadt Odessa ein Ort ist, den Sie in Ihrem Leben besuchen müssen, um eine andere Realität zu entdecken und Menschen zu treffen, die andere Traditionen, Bräuche und Überzeugungen haben. Dies ist einer der Orte auf der Weltkarte, an denen ein Tourist Freiheit und Zufriedenheit empfinden kann, wenn er einfach irgendwo abseits von belebten Orten spazieren geht oder sich entspannt. Dieses Video hilft Ihnen bei der Planung Ihrer Reise nach Odessa und zeigt Ihnen die TOP der besten Orte, die Sie bei einem Besuch dieser Stadt sehen können.

#Odessa #Ukraine

ODESSA, UKRAINE (4K City Tour) Stunning Aerial, Drone, Night, and Walking Tour 4K Footage

ODESSA, UKRAINE (4K City Tour) Stunning Aerial, Drone, Night, and Walking Tour 4K Footage features spectacular aerial, walking, and drone video footage shot in the night and day, great for travel, visit, vacation, and tourism planning set to original music. Odessa is the third most populous city of Ukraine and a major tourism center, seaport and transport hub located in the south-west of the country, on the northwestern shore of the Black Sea. The city is also the administrative center of the Odessa Raion and Odessa Oblast, as well a multiethnic cultural center. Odessa is sometimes called the pearl of the Black Sea, the South Capital (under the Russian Empire and Soviet Union), The Humor Capital and Southern Palmyra.

Before the Tsarist establishment of Odessa, an ancient Greek settlement existed at its location. A more recent Tatar settlement was also founded at the location by Hacı I Giray, the Khan of Crimea in 1440 that was named after him as Hacibey (or Khadjibey). After a period of Lithuanian Grand Duchy control, Hacibey and surroundings became part of the domain of the Ottomans in 1529 and remained there until the empire's defeat in the Russo-Turkish War of 1792.

In 1794, the city of Odessa was founded by a decree of the Russian empress Catherine the Great. From 1819 to 1858, Odessa was a free port—a porto-Franco. During the Soviet period, it was the most important port of trade in the Soviet Union and a Soviet naval base. On 1 January 2000, the Quarantine Pier at Odessa Commercial Sea Port was declared a free port and free economic zone for a period of 25 years.

During the 19th century, Odessa was the fourth largest city of Imperial Russia, after Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Warsaw. Its historical architecture has a style more Mediterranean than Russian, having been heavily influenced by French and Italian styles. Some buildings are built in a mixture of different styles, including Art Nouveau, Renaissance and Classicist.

Odessa is a warm-water port. The city of Odessa hosts both the Port of Odessa and Port Yuzhne, a significant oil terminal situated in the city's suburbs. Another notable port, Chornomorsk, is located in the same oblast, to the south-west of Odessa. Together they represent a major transport hub integrating with railways. Odessa's oil and chemical processing facilities are connected to Russian and European networks by strategic pipelines. The population in 2021 was 1,015,826.

This video features original music by Drum Knight:


Beautiful Odessa Vlog in Ukraine

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#naaanveshana #ukraine #Blacksea #Odessa

The Real Odessa: What They Won't Tell You About the Ukrainian War

Can we end this war already? Here is a tour and some thoughts about what is really happening in Ukraine.

Also please check out my Etsy channel here: I have great and high quality postcards and picture books for sale of abandoned places from around the world. Titles include East St. Louis, Gary. IN, Detroit and Pyramiden, Svalbard plus many others. Check them out!

TOURISTS In UKRAINE One Week Before The War Began 🇺🇦 Not What You Would Think

Greetings from Ukraine! TOURISTS In UKRAINE One Week Before The War Began 🇺🇦 Not What You Would Think

Disclaimer: This video was filmed on the 17th of February 2022. Our intention is NOT to encourage anyone to travel to Ukraine right now but merely to share our experience of being there. The only reason we traveled to Ukraine was because our tickets to fly home were booked from Kyiv.

We are heartbroken to see the current situation in Ukraine playing out on the news 💔

Knowing what we know now, it feels even more shocking to think about how NORMAL everything felt during our time in Ukraine. I’m sure you can see that from the way we were acting throughout the video. There was no sense of alarm or stress anywhere we went. However, there was a very real danger looming and we are very grateful to have made it home to South Africa safely ❤

Health insurance we purchased to enter Ukraine

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00:00 INTRO
01:17 WHY are we going?
02:29 Moldova to Ukraine border crossing
03:08 First thoughts
04:33 Odessa is 😍
09:00 OUTRO
09:56 Odessa BUDGET

Odessa seaport area,Odessa,Ukraine.

#odessaseaport #odessa #ukraine
Odessa seaport area,Odessa,Ukraine.
The Port of Odessa or Odessa Sea Port (Ukrainian: Одеський морський порт, Odes'kyi morskyi port)—located near Odessa—is the largest Ukrainian seaport and one of the largest ports in the Black Sea basin, with a total annual traffic capacity of 40 million tonnes (15 million tonnes dry bulk and 25 million tonnes liquid bulk). The port has an immediate access to railways allowing quick transfer of cargo from sea routes to ground transportation. Along with its younger satellite ports of Chornomorsk (1958) and Yuzhne (1973), port of Odessa is a major freight and passenger transportation hub of Ukraine.
Container terminalEdit

HPC Ukraina, a subsidiary of Hamburg-based HHLA, has been operating the Container Terminal Odessa (CTO) since 2001. The Container Terminal Odessa (CTO) in the port is the largest container terminal in Ukraine. Odessa is networked with the ports of Hamburg, Muuga and Trieste via the logistics group HHLA.[5][6][7]

Transit - freight (logistic) terminalEdit

The terminal was opened on May 13, 2005 and has a storage area of 51,500 m2.[8] The terminal has two warehouses with a total area of 2,363.8 m2 (25,444 sq ft) including 60.3 m2 (649 sq ft) for valuable cargo. Warehouses work around the clock and equipped with rack systems designed for storage of goods. A warehouse ramp allows the simultaneous staging of nine vehicles. The area has an alarm system, surveillance system, fire-fighting system as well as ventilation system. There is an office complex that provides a space leasing capabilities for up to 30 offices. An administration building Unified Office has customs, border protection squad and number of ecological agencies. Extra security for the whole port is provided by the Maritime Security Agency of Ukraine that accounted for 15 port sites of the OMTP.[9]

Oil and gas terminalEdit

The oil and gas terminal of the OMTP is the biggest one in Ukraine and sometimes is referred to as the OMTP Oil District. It has six berths with a total storage capacity of 671,000 m3.[10] It serves number of fuel depots such as Eksimnaftoprodukt (former Soviet oil export-import company),[11] Odesnaftoprodukt (state regional company),[12] Synthes Oil (associate of Eksimnaftoprodukt) and a complex of Ukrloadsystem for uploading of liquefied gas. The oil district allows to receive tankers with load capabilities from 1,000 to 100,000 tons.

Fuel products are transferred through pipelines to reservoirs of the fuel depots. The depots have access to railways and pump capabilities of transferring fuel products to cistern railcars.

The terminal has two specialised berths for natural gas (propane-butane, piers 4 and 7) and a reservoir park located two miles away from a harbor that holds 6,000 m3 (210,000 cu ft). The terminal has a handling capacity of 700,000 tonnes of liquefied natural gas per year.

The oil and gas terminal has an annual traffic capacity of 25,500,000 tonnes per year:

15,300,000 tonnes of oil

6,200,000 tonnes of fuel oil

2,500,000 tonnes of diesel oil

800,000 tonnes of oil products (gasoline and vacuum gas oil)

700,000 tonnes of condensed gas.

The Oil District has a system of automatic protection (water curtain and foam supply). At the ports aquatory (territorial waters) are constantly on duty a fireboat and an oil-spill collector. The port has a ballast water treatment station.

Passenger terminalEdit

Passenger terminal of Odessa Port

The Port of Odessa has one of the largest passenger terminals in the Black Sea basin; it handled around 4 million passengers in 2007.[13] The terminal can simultaneously receive five motor ships at piers, totals length of which reaches 1,370 m (4,490 ft). The depth near the piers varies from 9.5 to 11.5 m (31 to 38 ft). The port facilities allow the docking of ships up to a length of 300 m (980 ft).[citation needed]

The terminal has a car parking with 24-hour security. The complex has number of bars, a concert-exhibition hall, a marine gallery, an anchor museum, the Museum of sea fleet of Ukraine exposition, a yacht marina complex, a diving center of the local Poseidon diving club, the Saint Nicholas Church, the four star hotel Odesa, Grand Europe restaurant, and others.[citation needed]

The port of Odessa has its own learning center.[clarification needed]

Odessa Hotel closed as of 2011.

song credit :
Song: Electro-Light - Where It All Began (feat. Danyka Nadeau) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Free Download/Stream:

☀️ЮЖНЫЙ 2021 | YUZHNY (Одесская область) | Вlacksea | Первое утро на пляже | 01.01.2021 | Новый год

#yuzhny #январь2021 #Новыйгод #TravelFoto
#warmstories_christmas #warmstories_blacksea
Первое утро Нового 2021 года выдалось удивительным, по-весеннему теплым. Солнце пригрело до +15, а вода в море +8, и потому совсем не удивляли купающиеся. Пусть весь наступивший 2021 год будет таким вот радостно-теплым во всех отношениях)) С новым годом, друзья!

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☀️ЮЖНЫЙ 2020 | YUZHNY (Одесская область) | ЛЕТО 2020 | ФонтанПарад планет
🔴Римские каникулы [до коронавируса!] 12 февраля 2020 г. День первый: Колизей.Тиберина.Трастевере.
🔴Рим CIAMPINO/Как добраться из аэропорта в Рим/Купить билет на поезд в Италии(пошаговая инструкция).
🔴 Братислава.16.02.2020. Отель 7Days B&B. Как добраться из аэропорта (пошаговая инструкция).Карта.
🔴 Прогулка по Берлину. Февраль 2020. Мой Берлин. Пешком за день.
🔴 TRIP REPORT Одесса-Киев. МАУ. Boeing 737 800. Взлет. Тень и радуга на облаках. Посадка.
🔴 TRIP REPORT Одесса-Берлин.RYANAIR. Boeing 737-8AS.Ч.1 Взлет. Летим в разнообразных облаках на закате
🔴 TRIP REPORT Одесса-Берлин.RYANAIR. Boeing 737-8AS.Ч.2 Невероятной красоты заход на посадку в Берлине
🔴 TRIP REPORT Киев-Вильнюс. МАУ. EMBRAER ERJ 145 - автобус с крыльями. Летим над Старым Вильнюсом.
🔴TRIP REPORT | Belavia | Embraer 195 | #tankolet | Minsk - St. Petersburg |Полет на Танколёте.
🔴Old Car Land.Выставка ретро-авто.Юрмала 2010 [Retro auto parade Jurmala 2010]Уникальные автомобили.

☀️ЮЖНЫЙ 2020 | YUZHNY (Одесская область) | ЛЕТО 2020 | ФонтанПарад планет

#yuzhny #лето2020 #фонтан_парадпланет #Олимп #красивыеместа#южный #курорт #TravelFoto

Кто хотя бы раз видел южненские фонтаны - впечатлен навсегда, показывает и рассказывает близким и знакомым и мечтает вновь приехать любоваться ими)
Прогулки на площади с фонтанами - любимое занятие и самих жителей, и приезжих, источник бесконечных положительных эмоций. Сюда стекается народ и жарким днём, отдохнуть после морских радостей. Но особенно волшебно тут вечером. Когда всё вокруг светится-переливается, все фонтаны и вся подсветка на всей площади включены. Это завораживает и создаёт невероятные ощущения чего-то необыкновенно-сказочного!
А Спортивный комплекс Олимп просто поражает воображение!
Потому что это неординарный проект, созданный специально для города Южного. Молоденький городок - а нам всего 40 лет)) - ещё во времена Советского Союза планировался и развивался как уникальный город будущего. Отсюда и Спортивный комплекс в виде огромной светящейся космической станции, с мерцающими звездами внутри. И главный фонтан в виде солнечной системы с планетами, с соответствующим музыкальным и игровым сопровождением. И все другие фонтаны на площади необычной формы и дизайна. И новый строящийся фонтанный комплекс в пешеходной зоне проспекта Мира И всё это великолепие - в малюсеньком городском пространстве объемом всего в 3 квартала (и 4й строится). Ну не чудо ли???
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🔴Римские каникулы [до коронавируса!] 12 февраля 2020 г. День первый: Колизей.Тиберина.Трастевере.
🔴Рим CIAMPINO/Как добраться из аэропорта в Рим/Купить билет на поезд в Италии(пошаговая инструкция).
🔴 Братислава.16.02.2020. Отель 7Days B&B. Как добраться из аэропорта (пошаговая инструкция).Карта.
🔴 Прогулка по Берлину. Февраль 2020. Мой Берлин. Пешком за день.
🔴 TRIP REPORT Одесса-Киев. МАУ. Boeing 737 800. Взлет. Тень и радуга на облаках. Посадка.
🔴 TRIP REPORT Одесса-Берлин.RYANAIR. Boeing 737-8AS.Ч.1 Взлет. Летим в разнообразных облаках на закате
🔴 TRIP REPORT Одесса-Берлин.RYANAIR. Boeing 737-8AS.Ч.2 Невероятной красоты заход на посадку в Берлине
🔴 TRIP REPORT Киев-Вильнюс. МАУ. EMBRAER ERJ 145 - автобус с крыльями. Летим над Старым Вильнюсом.
🔴TRIP REPORT | Belavia | Embraer 195 | #tankolet | Minsk - St. Petersburg |Полет на Танколёте.
🔴Old Car Land.Выставка ретро-авто.Юрмала 2010 [Retro auto parade Jurmala 2010]Уникальные автомобили.

☀️🇺🇦 ЮЖНЫЙ 2021 | YUZHNY (Одесская область) | Вlacksea | Строится Приморский квартал | Июль 2021

#yuzhny #июль2021 #городназакате #TravelFoto
#warmstories_nature #blacksea

В июльских закатах прогулялись по кварталу приморских новостроек. В нашем южном городке ВСЕГО четыре микрорайона. Этот - четвертый по счету. С одной стороны берег моря, а вокруг - степные просторы)

Это удивительно, как на наших глазах (а мы тут уже 9 лет😃) создается и развивается причерноморский городок. Преображаясь постепенно из необычного портового городка в цветущий город-сад, город-курорт.

Любимый город Южный)
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☀️ЮЖНЫЙ 2020 | YUZHNY (Одесская область) | ЛЕТО 2020 | ФонтанПарад планет
🔴Римские каникулы [до коронавируса!] 12 февраля 2020 г. День первый: Колизей.Тиберина.Трастевере.
🔴Рим CIAMPINO/Как добраться из аэропорта в Рим/Купить билет на поезд в Италии(пошаговая инструкция).
🔴 Братислава.16.02.2020. Отель 7Days B&B. Как добраться из аэропорта (пошаговая инструкция).Карта.
🔴 Прогулка по Берлину. Февраль 2020. Мой Берлин. Пешком за день.
🔴 TRIP REPORT Одесса-Киев. МАУ. Boeing 737 800. Взлет. Тень и радуга на облаках. Посадка.
🔴 TRIP REPORT Одесса-Берлин.RYANAIR. Boeing 737-8AS.Ч.1 Взлет. Летим в разнообразных облаках на закате
🔴 TRIP REPORT Одесса-Берлин.RYANAIR. Boeing 737-8AS.Ч.2 Невероятной красоты заход на посадку в Берлине
🔴 TRIP REPORT Киев-Вильнюс. МАУ. EMBRAER ERJ 145 - автобус с крыльями. Летим над Старым Вильнюсом.
🔴TRIP REPORT | Belavia | Embraer 195 | #tankolet | Minsk - St. Petersburg |Полет на Танколёте.
🔴Old Car Land.Выставка ретро-авто.Юрмала 2010 [Retro auto parade Jurmala 2010]Уникальные автомобили.

Самые красивые Фонтаны в Украине - туда захочется возвращаться снова и снова!

В данном видео мы пройдемся по площади Независимости в г. #Киев. Приглашаем прогуляться теплым летним деньком по красивым локациям и общественным местам в Киеве.
Почувствуй город вместе с нами!
Фонтаны г. Киев Майдан Независимости / Independence Square / Maydan Nezalezhnosti Kyiv



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