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10 Best place to visit in Komárno Slovakia


Top 10 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Komarno | Slovakia - English

#KomarnoPlaces #PlacesInKomarno #Slovakia #Komarno
Komarno is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Slovakia having many best places in Komarno. Komárno, colloquially also called Révkomárom, Öregkomárom, Észak-Komárom in Hungarian, is a town in Slovakia at the confluence of the Danube and the Váh rivers. So to help you figure out the places you need to try, we've gathered up a bucket list of the best Places in Komarno that you won't regret going to.

Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.

There are many beautiful places in Komarno. Slovakia has some of the best places in Komarno. We collected data on the top 10 places to visit in Komarno. There are many famous places in Komarno and some of them are beautiful places in Komarno. People from all over Slovakia love these Komarno beautiful places which are also Komarno famous places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful places to visit in Komarno.

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Top 10 Best Hotels to Visit in Komarno | Slovakia - English

#KomarnoPlaces #PlacesInKomarno #Slovakia #Komarno
Komarno is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Slovakia having many best places in Komarno. Komárno, colloquially also called Révkomárom, Öregkomárom, Észak-Komárom in Hungarian, is a town in Slovakia at the confluence of the Danube and the Váh rivers.So to help you figure out the places you need to try, we've gathered up a bucket list of the best Hotels in Komarno that you won't regret going to.

Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.

There are many beautiful Hotels in Komarno. Slovakia has some of the best Hotels in Komarno. We collected data on the top 10 Hotels to visit in Komarno. There are many famous Hotels in Komarno and some of them are beautiful Hotels in Komarno. People from all over Slovakia love these Komarno beautiful Hotels which are also Komarno famous Hotels. In this video, we will show you the beautiful Hotels to visit in Komarno.

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***All images used in this video are a property of their owners. We have no intention of showing these images as our own property. We used these images just to promote tourism.***

Komarno Slovakia Nitriansky Kray

#KOMÁRNO (population 36,800) lies on the confluence of the Váh and Dunaj. It is one of the oldest towns in Slovakia. The medieval town lived its greatest prosperity in the 15th century when the rulers and court of Kingdom of Hungary frequently stayed in Komárno.

KOMÁRNO (population 36,800) is widely known as a town with rich cultural and social life. Every two years in April International Competition of Singers of F. Lehár, as well as the Lehár Festival staging musicals are held in the town. The water sports area and boathouse is next to the dead arm of the Váh. The visitors to the town are attracted by its thermal swimming pool. It exploits two hot springs with water temperature of 37 degrees of Celsius.


The castle of Komárno became the main supporting point of the defensive system constructed against the Turks, after they occupied Buda and Esztergom in the years 1541-1543. The fort of Komárno is the largest bastion fortification in Central Europe. It originated in the years 1546-1557 by reconstruction of the 13th century castle.

Komárno obtained the privileges of free royal borough from Empress Maria Theresa in 1745.The production of ships has developed in Komárno and the produce of this town is respected now by experts all over the world. Komárno is the seat of the greatest producer of river boats in central Europe and its port is one of the biggest as well.


You can start sightseeing in Komárno at the centre near the former Zichy Palace, which is one of the dominant features of the Námestie gen. J. Klapku square. The palace was restored in 1989 and one part serves as the Museum of Danubeland. Another secular monument situated in the square is the Neo-Renaissance town hall.

The Courtyard of Europe is the name of a unique project of the architects grouped in the studio Europa in Komárno. It is in fact the intention, now implemented, to build historic architecture typical for the individual regions of Europe in a styled form on a new square of Komárno. The common elements of the Courtyard of Europe and the historic core are the historic gates, each of which bears the name of one Hungarian ruler.

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Top 10 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Trencin | Slovakia - English

#TrencinPlaces #PlacesInTrencin #Slovakia #Trencin
Trencin is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Slovakia having many best places in Trencin. Trenčín is a city in western Slovakia of the central Váh River valley near the Czech border, around 105 km from Bratislava. It has a population of more than 55,000, which makes it the eighth largest municipality of the country and is the seat of the Trenčín Region and the Trenčín District. So to help you figure out the places you need to try, we've gathered up a bucket list of the best Places in Trencin that you won't regret going to.

Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.

There are many beautiful places in Trencin. Slovakia has some of the best places in Trencin. We collected data on the top 10 places to visit in Trencin. There are many famous places in Trencin and some of them are beautiful places in Trencin. People from all over Slovakia love these Trencin beautiful places which are also Trencin famous places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful places to visit in Trencin.

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***All images used in this video are a property of their owners. We have no intention of showing these images as our own property. We used these images just to promote tourism.***

Walking across the Hungarian border into Slovakia and visiting the first city: Komarno! 🇸🇰

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Komárno - Slovensko : Komárom - Maďarsko, námestie Európy a Komárňanské vojenské pevnosti

Koniec roka 2022 sme strávili v meste Komárno na Slovenskej strane Dunaja, ale posledný deň v roku sme zavítali navštíviť druhú stranu Dunaja, kde je mesto Komárom už na Maďarskej strane. Most ponad rieku Dunaj je štátna hranica medzi Slovenskom a Maďarskom. V Komárne majú tiež svoju vojnovú pevnosť, avšak tu je veľmi zaujímavé historické centrum mesta a hlavne námestie Európy, kde nájdete postavené domy inšpirované typickou architektúrou pre každý štát v Európe. V Komárom je vojenských pevností viac a aj keď boli zatvorené okolie je veľmi zaujímavé pre ich monumentálnosť a pekné prostredie na prechádzku. Uži si video pre lepšiu predstavu.

### Komárno, Slovensko: Malebné Mesto na Dunaji

Komárno, malebné mesto na juhozápade Slovenska, leží pri sútoku riek Dunaj a Váh, a je známe svojou bohatou históriou, kultúrnou rozmanitosťou a strategickou polohou. S počtom obyvateľov približne 34 000 je Komárno významným centrom maďarskej menšiny na Slovensku, čo sa odráža aj v kultúrnom živote a atmosfére mesta.

#### Historické Pamiatky

Jednou z hlavných atrakcií Komárna je jeho pevnostný systém, ktorý patrí medzi najväčšie a najdôležitejšie v strednej Európe. Pevnosť, pôvodne postavená v 16. storočí na obranu proti Osmanskej ríši, je dnes významným historickým a turistickým miestom. Návštevníci môžu preskúmať rozsiahle podzemné chodby a obdivovať masívne opevnenia, ktoré svedčia o strategickom význame mesta v minulosti.

#### Kultúra a Architektúra

Komárno je tiež známe svojím námestím Európy (Európa-udvar), ktoré je unikátnym architektonickým projektom. Na tomto námestí sa nachádzajú budovy predstavujúce typickú architektúru rôznych európskych krajín, čím symbolizuje jednota a rozmanitosť európskej kultúry. Prechádzka týmto námestím je ako cesta naprieč kontinentom, kde každý kút odhaľuje nový architektonický štýl.

#### Prírodné Krásy a Rekreácia

Okrem historických pamiatok ponúka Komárno aj množstvo príležitostí na rekreáciu a oddych. Vďaka polohe pri riekach Dunaj a Váh je mesto ideálnym miestom pre vodné športy, rybolov a turistiku. Okolie Komárna je posiate cyklotrasami, ktoré vedú cez krásne prírodné scenérie a malebné dedinky.

#### Multikultúrna Atmosféra

Komárno je mesto, kde sa stretávajú rôzne kultúry, čo sa prejavuje aj v každodennom živote a miestnych tradíciách. Mesto má silné väzby na maďarskú kultúru, čo je vidieť nielen na dvojjazyčných nápisoch, ale aj na kultúrnych podujatiach, festivaloch a gastronómii. Miestne reštaurácie ponúkajú širokú škálu jedál, ktoré kombinujú slovenské a maďarské kulinárske tradície.

#### Záver

Komárno je mesto, ktoré si zachováva svoj historický šarm a zároveň ponúka moderné atrakcie a služby. Jeho bohatá história, kultúrna rozmanitosť a krásna príroda robia z Komárna ideálnu destináciu pre turistov hľadajúcich autentický zážitok na Slovensku. Bez ohľadu na to, či ste milovník histórie, kultúry alebo prírody, Komárno má čo ponúknuť každému návštevníkovi.

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#travel #vlog #hungary #slovakia #traveling

Family trip to Komárno - Révkomárom - Slovakia - 2022

Family trip to Komárno, Hungarian Révkomárom, Region: Nitriansky kraj, Slovakia. Családi kirándulás: 2022.06.25. Komárno is Slovakia's principal port on the Danube. It is also the center of the Hungarian community in Slovakia. Europe Place Courtyard of Europe Nádvorie Európy is a square in the center of Komárno with buildings representing the various European countries. Komárno Szlovákia legfontosabb kikötője a Dunán. A szlovákiai magyar közösség központja is egyben. Az Európa Udvar egy tér Révkomárom központjában, ahol az épületek a különböző európai országok építészetét reprezentálják.

Amazing places in Eastern Slovakia🇸🇰| Travel vlog| 4K

Sometimes I cannot get over how beautiful in all around is! We should start talking About Slovakia right now because it has great potencial 🇸🇰

In this video I ve visited some places of Eastern part of the country. It was epic! Dont forget to like and subscribe :)

The vlog about Košice :

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Driving Slovakia: I-64 Nové Zámky - Komárno/Komárom - 4k scenic drive through South Slovakia

We continue our exploring of South Slovakia, discovering a beautiful but touristically mostly unknown region close to the hungarian border. The landscape is very hilly at least during the first half of the trip, driving here offering a great rollercoaster feeling. The mix of forests and wide-open areas, with some villages and small towns from time to time and the low traffic made the drive very relaxing and pictuoresque. Enjoy!

Filmed in March 2022.

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in order to not miss 4K road tourism videos of the nice areas I am driving through.

0:00 Intro
0:15 Nové Zámky
2:18 Nové Zámky - Bajč
5:00 Bajč
6:14 Bajč - Hurbanovo
8:46 Hurbanovo
14:39 Hurbanovo - Komárno/Komárom
25:00 Komárno/Komárom

Komárom - Fort Monostor - Fort Csillag - Fortress Komárno - 4K

Komárom is a city in Hungary on the south bank of the Danube in Komárom-Esztergom county. Bordering with Komárno, Slovakia on the northern bank. The fortress played an important role in the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 and many contemporary English sources refer to it as the Fortress of Comorn.

The town was heavily damaged in the 1763 Komárom earthquake.

The city of Komárom was formerly a separate suburban village called Újszőny. In 1892 Komárom and Újszőny were connected with an iron bridge and in 1896 the two towns were united under the name Komárom.

The center was split by the newly created border of Czechoslovakia in 1918. In 1920 Hungary agreed and signed the Treaty of Trianon in which Hungary recognized the newly established borders including the border with the democratic Czechoslovak Republic. Hungary lost 2⁄3 of its territory here, creating a sizable Hungarian minority in Slovakia. The Czechoslovak (Slovak) part is now Komárno, Slovakia.

Komárom and Komárno are connected by two bridges: The iron bridge and a newer lifting bridge. A third bridge is planned, with the vast majority of funding coming from the EU's Connecting Europe Facility.

The two towns used to be a border crossing between Czechoslovakia (later Slovakia) and Hungary, until both countries became part of the Schengen Area, resulting in all immigration and customs checks being lifted on December 12, 2007.

Slovakia Vacation Travel Video Guide

Travel video about destination Slovakia.
Slovakia has a long and varied history and contains Europe’s youngest capital city and also its highest mountain range, as well as cultural masterpieces and unspoiled nature. Bratislava is located in the heart of Europe and is the capital of Slovakia. Surrounded by the City Hall and several palaces, it is like being taken back in time into a rich and glorious past. On the Danube’s Slovakian side, and to the east, is the town of Komárno. In the old urban market square a Miniature Europe with forty five buildings has, in recent years, come into existence. Towers, domes, arcades, half-timbered buildings and woodcarvings frame the square at whose centre is the Millennium Fountain. It is a unique mixture of architecture that signifies the common culture of European countries. Seven hundred metres above sea level, herds of sheep graze peacefully on the slopes of the Great Fatra, the location of the almost hidden and forgotten Vlkolĺnec, a unique village in the heart of Slovakia’s Liptov region. Today it is tantamount to being an open-air museum. Further north is Terchová, birthplace of Slovakia’s national hero, Juraj Jánošík. The legendary robber chief has an exhibition dedicated to him in which the living conditions and customs of that time are on display. The High Tatra is the smallest high mountain range in Europe. A magnificent mountain landscape with rocky mountains and many lakes. In 1947, the National Park of the same name was founded. Slovakia is a land of fortresses, castles and cities that date from the Middle Ages and, despite its many mountain regions, a southern-influenced way of life.

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Slovakia Komarno City

Slovakia army camp

Komárno town. Slovakia. 4K. Walking tour. Walk around the Komárno. Small town. Snow.

Walking tour. Slovakia. Captur Samsung s21 FE.

Country 26 - 🇸🇰 Slovakia 🇸🇰 - Courtyard of Europe - Komarno! #4k #travelvlog

Embark on another leg of Sam's incredible journey as he, along with his parents, explores the lesser-known wonders of Eastern Europe. Having already ventured through Prague and Brno, our intrepid 10-year-old explorer now sets his sights on the captivating town of Komarno, Slovakia on his way down to Budapest.

In this episode, join Sam as he steps into the heart of Komarno to unravel the secrets of the Courtyard of Europe. This hidden gem is a stunning square that showcases a remarkable blend of architectural styles, providing a visual feast for history enthusiasts and travel aficionados alike. From the intricate details of Gothic spires to the grandeur of Baroque facades, the Courtyard of Europe stands as a testament to the rich historical tapestry of this charming town.

Sam takes you on a visual tour, capturing the essence of this unique square. Learn about the historical significance of each building, as our young explorer shares fascinating insights into the town's past. Marvel at the well-preserved structures that whisper tales of a bygone era, and immerse yourself in the timeless beauty that defines the Courtyard of Europe.

As Sam inches closer to his goal of visiting 100 countries, each destination brings forth new wonders and discoveries. Be part of this extraordinary adventure and witness the allure of Komarno's Courtyard of Europe in this captivating travel vlog!

Don't forget to hit the like button, share this video, and subscribe to Sam's Journey for more episodes as he continues his quest to explore the world's hidden treasures. Stay tuned for the next installment as Sam takes you on yet another awe-inspiring journey to new destinations across the globe. Join the community and be a part of Sam's adventure of a lifetime!

#SamsJourney #TravelVlog #CourtyardOfEurope #HiddenGem #EasternEuropeExploration

Slovakia Bratislava must-see sights walkthrough with practical info

We have compiled a top-10 list that covers the main attractions in the city centre.
After the brief video presentation, follow the lower third text descriptions that will guide you through the various sights.

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Here is the list:
1. Bratislava Castle
2. Kapitulska Street
3. Historic Centre
4. Michael's Gate
5. UFO
6. Danube River
7. Saint Martin's Cathedral
8. Slovak National Theatre
9. City Centre Statues
10. Eurovea Shopping Centre

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#4K #travel #Travelguide #Top10Bratislava #Bratislava #Slovakia

HOTEL EUROPA, Komárno, Slovakia

HOTEL EUROPA, Komárno, Slovakia
About Property:
Set in Komárno, 300 m from Courtyard of Europe, HOTEL EUROPA offers accommodation with a restaurant, free private parking, a bar and a terrace. This 4-star hotel offers an ATM. The accommodation features a 24-hour front desk, room service and organising tours for guests.
All guest rooms in the hotel are fitted with a kettle. At HOTEL EUROPA, all rooms are fitted with air conditioning and a flat-screen TV.
Buffet and à la carte breakfast options are avai...
Booking or More Details:
Property Type: Hotel
Address: 1 Nám. M. R. Štefánika 1, 945 01 Komárno, Slovakia
Searching For
1. HOTEL EUROPA - Komárno - Slovakia
2. HOTEL EUROPA - Komárno - Slovakia Address
3. HOTEL EUROPA - Komárno - Slovakia Rooms
4. HOTEL EUROPA - Komárno - Slovakia Amenities
5. HOTEL EUROPA - Komárno - Slovakia Offers and Deals
Audio Credit:
Track Title: Reasons To Hope
Artist: Reed Mathis
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#360TravelFacts #HOTELEUROPAKomárno #HOTELEUROPAKomárnoSlovakia

Driving truck from Slovakia Komarno to Hungary 4K

Embark on a breathtaking sunrise journey as the Renault T480 High Cab Truck traverses from Komarno, Slovakia, to Hungary, immersing you in a captivating experience bathed in golden light.

Marvel at the picturesque scenery as the truck gracefully navigates the smooth roads and bridges, meandering through a vibrant green landscape. Along the way, encounter a multitude of big trucks and working cars, showcasing the bustling transport industry.

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😵have a look top 15 places to visit in Slovakia travel guide

#Slovakia #top15placestovisitinSlovakia#Slovakiatravel

Hello, traveler! If you're planning a trip to Slovakia, you're in for a treat. Here are the top 15 places to visit in this beautiful country:

1. Bratislava: The capital city with its charming old town, Bratislava Castle, and vibrant cultural scene.
2. Tatras National Park: Home to the High Tatras, perfect for hiking, skiing, and breathtaking mountain views.
3. Spiš Castle: One of the largest castle complexes in Central Europe, offering stunning views and historical exhibits.
4. Banská Štiavnica: A UNESCO World Heritage town with beautiful architecture and mining history.
5. Košice: Slovakia's second-largest city, known for its medieval old town and Gothic St. Elisabeth Cathedral.
6. Vlkolínec: A well-preserved UNESCO-listed village showcasing traditional Slovak wooden architecture.
7. Orava Castle: A dramatic fortress perched on a cliff, offering guided tours and a glimpse into medieval life.
8. Demänovská Cave of Liberty: A stunning cave system with impressive stalactites and stalagmites.
9. Bojnice Castle: A fairy-tale castle with a zoo and thermal spa nearby.
10. Trenčín: A historical town with a majestic castle overlooking the Váh River.
11. Piešťany: A renowned spa town famous for its healing thermal waters and wellness treatments.
12. Slovak Paradise National Park: Ideal for outdoor enthusiasts with its gorges, waterfalls, and scenic trails.
13. Levoča: A picturesque town with a beautiful square and the Church of St. James, home to the world's tallest wooden altar.
14. Čičmany: A village known for its unique wooden houses adorned with traditional white geometric patterns.
15. Komárno: A historic town on the Danube River, famous for its fortifications and the Europe Place, a collection of buildings representing different European architectural styles.

Enjoy your adventure in Slovakia! Where would you like to start your journey?



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