10 Best place to visit in Alavus Finland


Road trip - Finland, Alavus - Herraskylä (Virrat)

Driving from Alavus to Herraskylä.

- Alavus ( 0:00 )
- Sapsalampi ( 12:05 )
- Herranen ( 18:10 )

Roads: 66, Hwy 23
Speed: 200%
Date: June 2019
Route length: ~ 50 km / 30 miles

Sightseeingdrive in Alavus city, Finland.MOV

Alavus town, Etelä-Pohjanmaa district, Western Finland. August 2010.

Road trip - Finland, Alavus

Driving in Alavus.

Roads: 66, Hwy 18
Speed: 200%
Date: July 2009
Route length: ~ 13 km / 8 miles

All road trips by location:

Best places to visit

Best places to visit - Ylistaro (Finland) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.

Road trip in Finland

Si 2014 el destino fue caluroso, 2015 tenía que ser un lugar más frío. Así que alquilando un coche nos recorrimos parte de Finlandia en 10 días.

Road trip - Finland, Lieto - Ypäjä (Hwy 10)

Driving from Lieto to Ypäjä on highway 10.

Speed: 150%
Date: August 2011
Route length: ~ 60 km / 40 miles

All road trips by location:

Goliat the Lapphund visiting Finland | Roadtrip 2022

Goliat the Finnish Lapphund was travelling to Finland this summer! First time that far from home!

My (Tom) girlfriend Anne is from Finland, so we decided to visit her family. This was the first time we had opportunity to do so (because of the pandemi). We made a roadtrip out of it and this is a summary of a week in the country with all the lakes!

We were mainly in Southern Ostrobothnia, and more specific in Alavus and Kuortane.

Our travelling route was Trondheim - Åre - Östersund - Umeå - Vaasa - Lapua - Kuortane - Alavus.

Road trip - Finland, Hyvinkää - Hikiä - Lammi

Driving from Hyvinkää to Lammi.

- Hyvinkää ( 0:00 )
- Hikiä ( 10:50 )
- Mommila ( 17:26 )
- Hietoinen ( 21:55 )
- Lammi ( 28:05 )

Roads: 1361, 290, 2892, 54, 2951, 3191, 317
Speed: 200%
Date: August 2016
Route length: ~ 70 km / 45 miles

Ravanti Events – Lohja, Finland

Ravanti Events provides Finnish nature experiences. Berry and mushroom picking, fishing, making food by the fire, snow shoe walking, nature walks, etc. Ravanti Events can serve small and big groups.

Road trip - Finland, Kiikoinen - Huittinen - Eura

Driving from Kiikoinen to Eura.

- Kiikoinen ( 0:00 )
- Kiikka ( 10:16 )
- Huittinen ( 17:20 )
- Eura ( 31:40 )

Roads: Hwy 11, Hwy 12, 43
Speed: 200%
Date: June 2019
Route length: ~ 80 km / 50 miles

Best places to visit

Best places to visit - Alavus (Finland) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.


Maybe the last style-jump ever for me? Finnish nationals in Alavus!



Northern Lights in Alavus Finland 2015, October 8th

Aurora Borealis
Northern Lights

Video shot with severe light pollution around the camera.

music: Bird Creek - Wishing Well (from Youtube's free audio library)

Sulkavankyläntie (Alavus)

The Sulkavankyläntie, (Alavus, Finland) on our way back to Turku.

We had to soil the car before giving it back to the car rental company. :D

(Stabilized vidéo)

#6 TIETOVISA HELSINKI 🇫🇮 Katso Video ja Testaa Tietosi - Watch the Movie and Test Your Knowledge

@tripmood365. Moni Helsingin paikka on varmasti tuttu, mutta tiedätkö kyseisen kadun tai paikannimeä? Kuinka hyvin tunnet Helsingin pääkaupungin kadut, rannat ja puistot?
Entä kuinka tuttuja ovat eri kaupunginosat ja lähiöt?

Hauska tietovisa, jossa pääset katsomaan 10 laadukasta 4K/60 fps videoleikettä ympäri Helsingin kaupunkia. Näet upeita ja mielenkiintoisia paikkoja, joissa et ole mahdollisesti käynyt koskaan. Saat lisäksi loistavia matka vinkkejä tuleville mahdollisille päivä retkille.

Tietovisan pituus on 5:31 min.

😃 If you would like to support me by buying me a coffee, I would greatly appreciate it.
☕️ 🙏

👍 Jos pidät videoista niin peukuta, jaa ja kommentoi.
TILAA ILMAINEN KANAVA, niin näet uusia tietovisa ja matkailu videoita 2-4 kpl kuukaudessa.


#6 QUIZ HELSINKI. Watch the 4K Movie and Test Your Knowledge

Many places in Helsinki are certainly familiar, but do you know that street or place name?
How well do you know the streets, beaches, and parks of the city of Helsinki?
And how familiar are the different neighborhoods and suburbs?

A fun quiz where you can watch 10 high-quality 4K / 60 fps video clips around the city of Helsinki. You will see wonderful and interesting places you may never have visited. You’ll also get great travel tips for upcoming potential day trips.

The length of the quiz is 5:31 min.

👍 If you like videos then thumb up, share and comment.
SUBSCRIBE TO THE FREE CHANNEL and you will see new quizzes and travel videos 2-4 per month.


🛒 (T-paidat, hupparit, hatut, laukut, kassit ja lahja tuotteet)
🛒 (Taulut, julisteet, kodin tekstiilit, pyyhkeet, tyynyt, kassit, suihkuverhot)




1. Kysymys: Mikä kirkko on selän takana?
Vastaus: Kallion kirkko
2. Missä Mikä tori on Eduskuntatalon vastapäätä?
Vastaus: Kansalaistori
3. Missä paikassa olemme?
Vastaus: Helsingin rautatieaseman länsi puoli
4. Missä kaupunginosassa olemme?
Vastaus: Itäkeskus
5. Mikä historiallinen rakennus Helsingin keskustassa?
Vastaus: Hakasalmen huvila - Museo
6. Mille kadulle raitiovaunu kääntyy?
Vastaus: Liisankadulle
7. Missä kaupunginosassa ollaan?
Vastaus: Vuosaari
8. Mikä tori on videon oikealla puolella?
Vastaus: Töölöntori
9. Missä kaupunginosassa liikumme?
Vastaus: Kalasatama
10. Mille kadulle laskeudumme?
Vastaus: Hämeentie

👍 TILAA ILMAINEN KANAVA + paina kelloa, niin saat ilmoituksen kanavallesi aina
perjantain TIETOVISASTA. Tykkää, jaa kavereille ja kommentoi :)

ONE DAY IN FINLAND | The Journey To Lapland

A day of traveling in Finland in early November from Oulu to Rovaniemi, the capital of Lapland (part of northern Finland).
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Music during the video (in order):

Three Kinds of Suns by Norma Rockwell

NEED SOME GOOD MUSIC for your Youtube videos? I use and recommend Epidemic Sound. To get a free 30-day trial click here:

Video created by Gabriel Morris, who is the owner of all video or photo content. Filmed with a GoPro Hero 7 Black:

My travel gear:

Main traveling backpack:
Smaller day pack:
Laptop computer:
One-person tent:
Three-person tent:
Leatherman multi-tool:
Universal socket adapter:
Money belt:
Sleeping mask:
Alarm clock:
Beard trimmer:

Need TRAVEL INSURANCE? Here's the company I use, for adventurous travelers:

Gabriel is a world traveler and travel writer who has been adventuring around the world off and on since his first trip to Europe in the summer of 1990 when he was 18 years old. He is author of Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel, Following My Thumb and several other books available on Amazon.com and elsewhere.

Thanks a lot for watching and safe journeys!

ONE DAY IN FINLAND | The Journey To Lapland

Vesa Keskinen tuo Daamille ruusuja

Vantaan lentoasemalla

Veteraanien perinnehuone, Alavus, Taidekeskus Harri

MaNe-SäLi -hanke,
Kuvausjärjestelyt yhteistyössä Museohanke 2:n kanssa.

Keuruu, Tamppikoski

Pikkainen koski elokuussa 2008.



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